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January 24, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-24

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British Patrols
Pass Tobruk;
Seek Capture
Of KeyBase
14,000 Italians Captured;
Materials Also Siezed
As English Consolidate
Gains In North Africa
Forces Advance
Into Derna Region
(By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, Egypt, Jan. 23-Britain's
armies sent patrols farther into Lib-
ya today, tearing propects for a con-
tinuation of the spectacular desert
offensive, and laid claim to more
than 14,000 prisoners taken in the
capture of the vital Italian base of
The fall of Tobruk was described
by the British as a major Fascist
disaster. The town, with the only
good natural harbor in Libya, now be-
comes a base to supply their ad-
vancing troops. Italian military losses
there were put as exceeding those
of the British by at least 32 times.
Aside from the Italian prisoners
taken-and in listing these as above
14,000 the British command used the
qualifying term "so far"-2,000 Ital-
ian wounded were being evacuated, a
general headquarters communique
Against these relatively enormous
Italian losses-which did not include
an undetermined number killed in ac-
tion-the British put their own total
casualties as "under 500."-
Too, among the Italians taken pris-
oner ,were listed four generals-in-
cluding a corps commander and a di-
vision commander-and an admiral,
and "a number" of senior army and
navy staff officprs. Some 200 Italian
guns were reported seized, along with
vast quantities of other materials.
While the main British forces were
completing the consolidation of To-
bruk, motorised units darted beyond,
making the same sort of reconnais-
sance that had preceded the. general
attack on Tobruk itself. They were
reported to have reached positions
in the region of Derna, the next im-
portant Fascist base to the west and
lying 95 miles from Tobruk.
Mimes offers
Script Award
Opera To Give $100 Prise
To Winning Contributor
'he 1942 Union Opera committee
announced yesterday that $100 will
be offered to the author of the prize-
winning script for next year's show,
and set April 28th as the deadline for
James Gormsen, '42, chairman, also
announced yesterday that books for-
the musical comedy must run a full
two hours in performance, and pre-
ferably should be based on a subject
that is not too "localized" in charac-
ter, since the last two operas have
both had their settings in Ann Arbor.
The script should provide for as large
a cast as possible; with both male and
female parts.
Students interested in submitting

scripts are urged to get in touch with
Gormsen at 2-4451 for further infor-
mation. Music for the show will not
be called for until after the book has
been chosen.
TWO Perish
In Air Crash
At St. Loui
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 23.-()P)-Exam-
ination of the twisted and torn
wreckage of a 12-ton Transcontinen-
tal & Western Air sky-sleeper made
it apparent that only a "miracle" pre-
vented more than two deaths among
the 14 occupants of the plane in a
crash today.
Capt. P. T. W. Scott, 36, of Little
Neck, N.Y,, veteran pilot who had
flown more than 1,500,000 miles, and
J. F. Mott of Kansas City, a TWA


lonored By AppointmentI

Supreme Court
Appoints Waite
John B. Waite, professor of crim-
inal law at the University Law School,
has been appointed to serve as a
member of the United States Su-
preme Court Advisory Committee on
Criminal Law Procedure, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Dean E. Blythe
Stason of the Law Schnol.
The Committee created by the Su-
preme Court on January 18, 1941.
will study and recommend new rules
of procedure for criminal cases in
the Federal courts.
Third Member
Professor Waite is the third mem-
ber of the Law School faculty ap-
pointed to Federal Committees en-
gaged in analyzing and recommend-
ing procedural change. In 1935 Prof.
Edson ' R. Sunderland, professgr of
Law and Legal Research at the Law
School, was asked to serve as a mem-
ber of the Supreme Court Advisory
Commission on Civil Law Procedure
created that year. By executive order
the Attorney General's Advisory Com-
mittee on Administrative Procedure
was created in 1938 with Dean E.
Blythe Stason of the Law School as;
a member. Professor Waite's duties
on the Criminal Law Committee will
parallel those of his two colleagues
in the fields of civil and administra-
tive law.
Professor Waite has been a member
of the Law School faculty for 28
years as a teacher of criminal law and
is the author of several works, among
them "Criminal Law In Action" and
a text, "Waite's Cases On Criminal
Law." He is a nephew of the famous
Chief Justice of the United States
Supreme Court, Morrison R. Waite.
Reform Is Recent
The movement for revision of pro-
cedural rules in the courts is com-
paratively recent history, Dean Sta-
son remarked, pointing out that only
within the last 15 years have the
courts commonly formulated and
promulgated their own, rules of pro-
cedure, rules which had been the
work of legislatures prior to that
Not until 1935, Dean Stason said,
did the Supreme Court begin the
move for procedural reform in fed-
eral courts with 'the creation of the
Civil Law Advisory Committee, of
which Prof. Sunderland is a mem-
ber. In 1938 an advisory committee
on administrative law was created
by executive order, and now, he stat-
ed, with the creation of an advisory
committee on criminal law, the move-
ment for procedural reform is ex-
tended to all fields of law.

Will Aid Drive
Against Polio
Contriuii.. To Be Used
For Medical Research;
Deadline Is Wednesday
Combs, Haufler
To Be Chairmen
Formation of a student group to
extend the nation-wide infantile pa-
ralysis drive to this campus was an-
nounced yesterday with the selection
of William Combs, '41, and Hervie
Haufler, '41,as co-chairmen.
The funds contributed, are used to
extend medical aid and to foster re-
search into the causes and cure of
this disease. One-half of the contri-
butions will be used locally and the
other half will be passed on the Na-
tional Headuarters in Washington.
Of the local fund 50 per cent goes
for helping actual cases in the county.
University Received $30,000
Appropriations for research are
given by the national foundation to
schools andtresearch foundations
throughout the country. Last year
$30,000 was given the University here.
The method that will be pursued
in the campus drive will be to ask
all student groups such as frateri-
ties, sororities, dormitories and 'co-
operatives to contribute. All checks
should be mailed to Hervie Hauf-
ler, Stuent Publications Bldg. The
checks should be made out to the
the National Foundation for Infan-
tile paralysis.
"Any group or individual may con-
tribute. The deadline is next Wed-
nesday," Haufler said.
A quota of $2,000 has been set for
Washteriaw County. Mrs.MFielding
H. Yost, Jr., and Mrs. A. M. Wald-
ron are the chairmen of the local
. Badgley, Peet Advisers
Dr. Max M. Peet and Dr. Carl E.
Badgley of the University hospital
surgery department are among the
technical experts who advise the na-
tional board of trustees of the foun-
In connection with the Infantile
Paralysis Drive, the Broadcasting
Service of the University will offer
two programs tomorrow. At 1:30 p.m.
Dr. Peet will speak from the Morris
Hall Studios and at 5:30 p.m. in the
"You and Your Doctor" series a skit
will be presented by the students of
broadcasting on the treatment and
prevention of infantile paralysis.
Both of these programs will be car-
ried over Station WJR.
Rumanian Rebellion
Is Reported Crushed
BUDAPEST, Hungary, Jan. 23.-
(P)-The Antonescu Government of
Rumania, describing itself as "com-
plete master" of the situation, an-
nounced today a rebellion officially
attributed to "notorious Communists"
and young hotheads of the iron
Guard had been crushed. (The an-
nouncement was preceded in Berlin
by a statement of authorized sources
that the German military was tak-
ing no hand in the conflict and it was
followed in Sofia, Bulgaria, by a re-
port in diplomatic circles that some
disorders still persisted.)

Quartet Opens Two-Day Series here

Famed Flier Predicts Combined Forces
Of U.S., England Could Not Conquer
Europe Without Internal Nazi Collapse
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.--P)-Col. Charles A. Lindbergh emphatically
denounced the British aid bill today as a "major step" toward involvement
in a war which America could not hope to win and asserted that if the United
States minds its own business, and arms itself, it is not in any danger.
Repeatedly, in answer to questions put by members of the House Foreign
Affairs Committee, he said the combined forces of both Great Britain and
the United States could not successfully invade the continent of Europe, un-
less there should be an internal German collapse. Success, he said, would
be dependent upon "a coincidence of miracles."
The flier appearing at the request of opponents of the bill, urged an im-
mediate negotiated peace. Even though it would not be a just one, accord-
ing to American standards, he said, it was preferable to the continuance of
a war which would bring disaster to Europe. He wanted neither side to win,
he said, for a victory for either would be "disastrous" to all.
Hugh S. Johnson, the newspaper columnist, followed him to the witness
stand, and said the bill amounted to "a defensive and offensive alliance with

Lindbergh Scores Aid To Britain
As Leading To War Involvement;
SupportsU.S._Policy Of Isolation

String Quartet To Open;
Co crtProgramToa

Making its first appearance in Ann
Arbor, the Musical Art Quartet will
open a two-day Chamber Musical
Festival at 8:30 p.m. today in the
lecture hall of the Rackham Build-

Prof. Slosson
Tells AAUW
Of News Events
Says President's Powers
Are 'Most Exceptional';
Italian Loss Discussed
Bill No. 1776 does give the Presi-
dent "most exceptional powers," but
not dictatorial powers, Prof. Preston
Slosson, of the history department,
told members of the American Asso-
ciation of University Women in his
lecture yesterday on 'Current Events.'
The bill does two .things, Prof.
Slosson explained, it enables the
United States to depart from neu-
trality laws and to loan munitions
as well as to permit the United States
to act as mediator in the production
of arms for countries at war.
Continuing with his review of cur-
rent events in the last month Prof.
Slosson stated that when President
Roosevelt appoints a successor to Jus-
tice McReynolds in the Supreme
Court, he will be the "only president
since, Washington to appoint two-
thirds of the court."
Because of Italy's losses in Lib-
ya and in Greece, she is now strongly
dependent upon Germany, Prof. Slos-
son explained, and though Germany
may win the war, "Italy can never
win" because of this state of depen-
There is a possibility that the Nazis
will begin an "all-out" attack on Eng-
land, he said, as soon as they have
some assurance of clear weather. This
might have prompted Senator Wheel-
er to predict U.S. entry into war by
Johnson To Lead
Little Symphony
In Sixth Concert
Thor Johnson of the School of
Music will conduct a concert of the
University Little Symphony Orches-
tra under the auspices of the Inter-
national Center at 7 p.m. Sunday in

ing playing selections by. Mozart,
Tansman and Brahms.
The event will also mark the first I
musical performance in that section
of the Rackham Building which,
President Charles A. Sink of the Uni-
versity Musical Society believes, is
ideal for string quartet concerts:
Playing in the Musical Art Quartet I
are four well known artists of solo!
calibre, Sascha Jacobsen, first violin;
Paul Bernard, second violin; William
Hymanson, viola, and Marie Roe-
maet-Rosanoff, violoncello.
So wide has been the recognition
won by the members of the group
that they have been entrusted with
four of the world's most important
instruments, aggregating in value ap-
proximately a quarter of a million
dollars. The instruments belong to
the Quartet as long as it remains to-
gether as an ensemble after which
they will revert to the original own-
The instruments include the Red
Diamond violin made in 1732, played
by Mr. Jacobsen, and an unnamed
violin dated 1703 which is played by
Mr. Bernard. Mr. Hymanson plays
the St. Senoch made in 1726 and
Mme Rosanoff the Ben Venuto cello
dated 1730.
Tickets for -the three concerts, two
of which will be offered tomorrow,
are available at the offices f the Uni-
versity Musical Society in the Carillon
Tower. The price of a series ticket
is two dollars and individual concert
tickets are on sale for one dollar.
Today's program follows: Quartet
in G major (K. 387), Mozart; Trypti-
que, Tansman; Quartet in C Minor,
Op. 51, No. 1, Brahms.

Scott Nearing
Will Lecture
At Unity Hall]
Scott Nearing, free-lance author
and lecturer, will discuss the outlook
for America in a war-torn world at
a public lecture at 3:30 p.m. tomor-
row in Unity Hall.
The address has been arranged by
Ann Arbor friends of the famous lib-
eral, and a nominal admission fee
will be charged to help defray the ex-
penses of his visit.
Nearing has made many visits to
Ann Arbor. During his last appear-
ance here in February of last year he
spoke on the role of American for-
eign policy.
A graduate of the University of
Pennsylvania; Nearing received his
doctor's degree from that institution
in 1905 and returned in 1914 to serve
as a professor of economics. He was
dismissed from the Pennsylvania fac-
ulty in 1915 for his views and later
left the University of Toledo faculty
for similar reasons in 1917.
YMCA Holds
Carlson Emphsizes Need
For Christianity
If the world is going to have peace,
it will not come through political or
economic treaties, but rather from
good Christian fellowship,. Judge Eskil
C. Carlson, former president of the
national YMCA council, asserted at
the closing session of the annual
YMCA State Convention and Lay-
men's Conference yesterday in the
"It was for this reason that the
YMCA was founded. Our duty is to
carry the Christian fellowship to the
world. Let us therefore work with
new vigor and new life, so that we
may be worthy of ourselves and of
Christ," Carlson urged.

>Great Britain," in which any war
aims the United States might have
would be entirely in the control of
the British Government.
America was safe behind its oceans,
he said, and he didn't see how "any-
one could turn up his nose .at 3,000
miles when Mr. Hitler is having so
much trouble with 25 or 30 miles."
"If we're not careful, we're going to
be in this war in 30 to 90 days--pos-
sibly on the North Coast of Africa
or the West Coast," said Johnson,
retired Brigadier General and former
NRA administrator.
Johnson Questions Lindy
While Lindbergh was on the stand,
Rep. Luther Johnson (Dem-Tex) in-
quired: "Have you ever expressed any
opposition to Mr. Hitler's policies, his
aims or his war objectives?"
"Yes, I have," the flier promptly
replied. "I believe that publicly we
should maintain a position of neu-
trality. Privately, I don't like many
things that are going on in Germany,
but over a period of years I think one
(side) is just about as much at fault
as the other."
As for differences in "ideals" be-
tween Germany and England, he went
on to say, that in the light of his-
tory "you won't find so much dif-
ference" as has been asserted to exist.
Lindbergh Neutral
Rep. Johnson then noted that sev-
eral witnesses had said they were
"praying" for a British victory, but
opposed sending aid to England, and
added that apparently Lindbergh was
not praying for either side and was
opposed to assistance, too.
"I believe in complete neutrality,
sir," was the aviator's response.
A crowd which jammed every avail-
able inch of the big committee'room
heard the testimony.
Local ASCE
To Give Life
Hoad, De Young, Wilhelm
Will Receive Awards;
Society To Meet Today
Prof. William C. Hoad of the civil
engineering department, Isaac De-
Young of Sault Ste. Marie and Je-
rome Wilhelm of Traverse City will
be awarded life memberships in the
American Society of Civil Engineers
at a meeting of the group at 8 p.m.
today in the amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building.
The meeting, which will be attend-
ed by delegates of the Michigan Sec-
tion and the Student Chapter of the
ASCE, will follow a dinner at 6:30
p.m. in the League.
Featured speaker at the session will
be Charles B. Burdick, vice-president
of the National Society, who will de-
liver an address on various aspects
of the internal structure of the group.
He will be introduced by Prof. E. L.
Eriksen, president of the Michigan
Vnlina a2 wUlrnm hv'Prn1fIi1V7~''fpcnrY

Man And Medicine:.
Average Person Is Ignorant
Of Health Methods, Sladen Says

Student Opinion At Forum:
Ryde, Osterweil Debate Mers,
Dang ers Of Lend-Lease' Bill

Most of modern physical deficiency
of man can be blamed directly on
the wide and unnecessary gap be-
tween medical knowledge and the
average person, Dr. Frank J. Slacken,'
Physician-in-Chief of the Henry Ford
Hospital, told the opening 'session of
the second annual Industrial Hygiene
Conference here yesterday.
Dr. Sladen explained that the two
greatest barriers to health are the
general public ignorance of health
measures and the lack of the indi-
vidual's interest in his own health.
"Research in medicine is much in
advance of the general dissemination
of knowledge," he asserted. "This is
due partly to the absence of a 'mid-

garded as a fad and has often been
exploited by half-educded agents;
who appealed to popular prejudices,"
he said;. "In the future., medical men,
must become the source of the right
knowledge and must practice more
in the field of health instead of ill-
Emphasizing the importance of
health to industry, Dr. Sladen point-
ed out that the economic factor of
health among workers is huge be-
cause of tie large proportion of the
population involved. He noted also
that efficiency, which is the aim of
industry, should be profitably applied
to health.
"The familiar middle age physical

Maintaining that American democ-
racy is doomed if the Nazis defeat
Britain, Frank L. Ryder, Grad., told
a Michigan Forum debate audience
last night that the United States
aid to Britain policy must, and can
only be made effective by immediate
passage of President Roosevelt's re-
quest for extraordinary powers em-
bodied in the lend-lease bill.
"The American people must tem-
porarily abrogate some of its demo-
cratic procedures now if American
democracy is to survive," he declared.

serting that it is stupid to believe
the'President would not exercise that
power, if he must,'to give meaning to
his. statement that Fascism must be
defeated'In effect the President can
declare war under the provisions of
the proposed bill," he maintained.
Ryder expressed the belief that
America could not survive the econ-
omic and.military attacks of a vic-
torious Fascism, and argued that
the United States can best defend
herself by immediately expanding the
aid," he contended, "for Congression-
al action would be fatally slow and

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