Annual Lecture T
Series Plannied F-
By Universit >
Distinguished Public Men
Scientists And Scholars
Included In Program;
Distinguished scientists, scholars
and public men are included on theI
program of the University Lectures,
an annual series of approximately
30 lectures sponsed by the Univer-
Concerning the lectures this year, Y
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
the president, pointed out that while
there may not be as many lecturers.
from other nations as has been cus-
tomary in the past, the quality or
variety of subjects will not be af-
Ferenezi Is Scheduled
At least one foreign lecturer has
already been definitely scheduled to
appear. Dr. Imre Ferenczi, former-
ly of the University of Budapest, who Work
has served recently as technical ad-
viser to the International Labor Of- On F
fice at Geneva, will speak here Dec.
5. Other lecturers whose appear-
ances have been arranged in advance Year in
are Dr. Hornell Hart, of Duke Uni- Building
versi-ty, and Prof. C.N.H. Long, pro- host toa
fessoi of physiological chemistry at minded yc
Yale University.
All lectures are open free to stu- gives then
dents; faculty members and inter- f
ested townspeople. Each lecture is .These sf
related to the instructional program ity ofbr
of one of the departments of the different
University. gan Daily
These:talks, formerly presented in Perspectiv
the Natural Science Auditruoim but ,the
the Natural Science Auditorium, are quarters
now usually given in the Lecture ing.
Hall or in thedAmphitheatre of the Press Ase
Rackham Building. during th
Lectures Are Illustrated gan Daily
Many of the lectures are illus- al trainin
trated by motion pictures, slides or news writ
recordings. ness bran
Indicative of the range of subjects is publish
offered during -the course of a school Monday a
year, the list of last year's lectures ing the re
includes: "Poets of the Machine mer Sessi
Age," by Louis Untermeyer, noted . Perspeci
poet and anthologist;."Discovery and azine, is
Proof in the Hi'story of Logic," by a free st
Dr. Richard P. McKeon of the Uni- Work on
versity Qf Chicago; "The British fiction, e
CommonTealth of Nations," by H. and publi
Duncan Hall, - - student w
his *uodern Buihliug Houss Jr( Student Publications
LaRue Plans
Bolivian Tour
Rubber Research Is Aim
Of University Botanist
Commissioned by the Department
of Agriculture. Dr. Carl D. LaRue
of the botany department will con-
duct a six-month expedition in the
wilds of Bolivia to discover methods
of cultivation of a new type of
"black rubber" important in United
States defensse plans.
The "black rubber" plant, which
has never been cultivated, yields in
wild growth a considerably larger
supply per tree and is of better quali-
ty than the variety now cultivated.
Prof. LaRue, the only American sci-
entist who has made an extensive
study of black rubber, will survey
the possibilities of planting the
trees in the rubber region of Bolivia.
Leave of absence from his teach-
ing duties for the first semester was
granted to Prof. LaRue by the Board
of Regents last week. The expedi-
tion will be composed of Prof. LaRue,
another American botanist yet to be
selected, and a group of South A-
merican natives.
LaRue declared the aims of the
project to be: "making a survey of
the possibilities of rubber cultiva-
tion in Bolivia; inspecting lands suit-
able for rubber culture; determin-
ing the site for an experimental sta-
tion in cooperation with the Boliv-
ian governmentment; and collecting
and sending out seeds, bud wood and
stumps for planting in experiment
stations sin Central America and
South America.
Textbook Lending Library Opens
The Textbook Lending Library r sistant Dean E. A. Walter, 1220
the Angell Hall Study Hall began op- Angell Hall). Students in the School
erations yesterday. The library may of Education should see R. W. Web-
be used by any needy student of the ster (4200C University High School);
University. provided he is recoin- Pse A Th
mended by one of the Deans, or by an
academic counselor of his College.
The books are made available by do-
nations of books from students who
no longer need them, as well as
through financial aid from alumni.
Freshmen and sophmores in the
College of Litterature, Science, and
the Arts should be recommended by
an academic counselor (108 Mason
Hall) ; juniors and seniors by as-
neering Bldg).
Books are charged to students for
one semester, with the privilege of
renewing the loan for another se-
mester, provided the books have not
been carelessly handled. Informa-
tion about the library may be ob-
tained in the following hours during
the week of Sept. 23-28: Mon.-Sat.
10-12 a. m.; Mon.-Wed. 2-4 p. m.;
Thurs. and Fri. 3-5 p. i.
-ing' Journalists'
For Positions
ive Publications
, year out the Publications
on Maynard street plays1
a legion of journalistically
oung men and women and
n experience in their chosen
tudents have the opportun-
eaking into print in five
publications-The Michi-
, Michiganensian, Gargoyle,
ves and the Technic. All
Technic have their head-
in the Publications Build-
by the National Scholastic
sociation as a Pacemaker
e last five years, The Michi-
offers students profession-
g in the editorial writing,
ting, advertising and busi-
ches of.newspaper work. It
hed every morning except
nd University holidays dur-
gular school year and Sum-
tives, campus literary mag-
distributed periodically as
supplement to The Daily.
its staff is divided into
ssay, poetry, book-review
ications department. Any
vriter may submit material
at the Publications Building or may
leave it in the Perspectives box in
the English and Engineering English
department offices.
The Michiganensian, the official
yearbook of the University, is pub-
lished annually in the spring of the
year. The book is composed and set
up entirely by staff members, and
is one of the few college annuals
which uses its own art work. In-
cluded in the annual are individual
pictures of graduating seniors grouped
according to colleges; group pictures
of fraternities; individual pictures
of sororities; sections reviewing the
year's athletics and containing team
and action pictures; and candid
shots of all interesting campus events
Almost more notorious than fa-
mous, Gargoyle is the campus
humor magazine. Appearing each
month, Garg tries to tickle the col-
legiate funny bone by printing car-
tooons, jokes, gossip, anything with
a little spice.
Engineering students have their
say in the Michigan Technic, oldest
as well as the highest-ranking en-
gineering college publication in the
country. Technic offices are located
in the - East Engineering Building..
Participation in publications work
is open to all Sophomores and upper
classmen. Second-semester fresh-
men with creditable academic stand-
ings may receive special permission
to participate -in extra-curricular ac-
Student Playwrights
Offered Opportunity
By Berkeley Group
Student playwrights are again of-
fered the opportunity to cash in on
their dramas under provisions of the
George Pierce Baker Award offered
by the Berkeley Playmakers of Berke-
ley, Cal.
The Award for 1940 consists of $100
and production by the Berkeley Play-
makers. Also offered is a second
prize of $50, a third prize of $25, a
fourth prize of $20, a fifth prize of
$10, and 11 additional cash and other
awards, plus production of the best
plays submitted.
A bonus of $25 will be presented to
the writer of the best comedy,
Anyone is eligible to compete, re-
gardless of experience or training,
but the rules should be obtained prior
to submitting material. For full in-
formation concerning competition re-
quirements, write Plays Committee,
the Berkeley Playmakers, 1814 Blake
Street, Berkeley, Cal.
SHOP AT--302 S. State St.
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