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September 24, 1940 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-09-24

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LY 4







don wirtchafter's




BERKELEY, Calif., Sept. 23.-Dust
-the kind that only flying wheels
could stir up-was finding its way
across the sun-baked arena.
It came to rest as dust has a habit
of doing. It found its way into the
stands and dropped upon the thou-
sands of spectators who had jammed
the huge amphitheater. It fell on
their clothes, lighted on their hair
and lodged in the corners of their
reddened eyes. Most of the throng
blinked and rubbed the particles
out. They brushed off their once-
clean clothing, swore, yawned and
promised never to come back again.
A few were interested though and
kept their heads whirling like rou-
lette wheels as they followed the'
flying chariots around the arena.'
The dust didn't bother that few,1
but they were a minority.
It was a glorious and enchanting
holiday in Pasadena ... New Year's;
Day, on which ever since 1890 they}
had celebrated the annual and color-k
ful Tournament of Roses. Parades1
and luxurious floral displays hadi
marked the morning .program. Ban-
quets, speeches and the like, werei
crowded into the noon hour. And,

then in the afternoon came the storming
grand finale . . . the annual chariot cials sat
races. -__
They had copied that from the
Romans. The tale of Ben Hur had
thrilled thousands throughout our
history. Certainly, the officials!
thought, it would be a grand andI
fitting climax to their glorious tour-
But that is precisely where they t
were wrong. While the dust-driving
spectacles had sent chills up and
down the Romans' backs, it sent'
nothing but dust up and down the
backs of the thrill-hungry Americans
who jammed that famous arena.
Nothing was done about the mat-
ter, however, until 1902. They had
waited until something better came
along, and that year it did. Some-
thing far better, they thought. A
mighty cyclone from the East . . . a
gargantua . . . a fable of power and
sheer strength . . . something they
had read about and heard about,
but had never seen in Pasadena ...
Fielding Yost and his famed Mich-
igan football squad. F1
When the Wolverine coach made .
it known that he was taking his -
point-a-minute-men on a barn- the folks f

tour, the Rose Bowl
up and took notice.

offi- actually see the supermen from
Now Michigan.
--- So they looked around for an op-
ponent and brought forth the best
the West had to offer, the supposedly
powerful Indians from Leland Stan-
ford University. And when they fin-
ished with the parade and the ban-
quets on Jan. 1, 1902, for the first
time in history, the spectators there
left their dust-goggles behind and
crowded into the mighty bowl to see
a football game.
But this time it was the customers
who made the mistake. For while
the chariots had disappeared from
the R(ose Bowl scene, there was still
dust . . . and plenty of it. Only this
time it was dust that rises from the
powerful legs of a great football
team. The Wolverines rolled up and
down the field like chariots in a
g stirring exhibition of point-a-min-
uteism. In only one respect did they
fail to live up to their advance no-
tices. They scored but 49 points in
the 60-minute workout. That fell
y 11 points short of success.

goal-line was never even threatened. nut, and chariot racing was brought "How does this Michigan affair
And so in 1903, football at Pasa- back until the chestnut cooled look to you, Joe?" the shorter of
again in 1916. the two asked the fellow who was
ibusilyengaged in chopping off my
THOSE recollections of the past locks.
came back to me today as I ar- Joe left his mighty task for a
rived here to see the Wolverines in moment, whirled in a bank shot off
their second invasion of the Far the left side of his spittoon, thought
West. This is a new era, however, for a second and then cast his re-
for old King Football. The squad ply . . . "Well, it's too close for bet-
that rises into the clouds above De- ting, I'd say."
troit airport tomorrow morning will "Ah, yer nuts, Joe," yelped the
hardly find this the place to roll up longer of the two intruders. "All
49 points. No, they've changed they got is this kid Hellman . . . er
things for the better around here Hamon . . . er Hitler. Oh, what
since 1902. I found that out shortly the devil is his name. It begins
t after entering the campus hair-cut- with an H. He's all they got."
ting emporium this morning. "Well, it still looks too close for
They were talking about the Rose betting, I'd say."
Bowl there too, only this time they But the visitors didn't stop at that.
were discussing California's chances This time the shorter gent spoke
of getting the 1941 nod. again.
Things were quiet at the shop un- "I'll tell you, Joe, you're putting
til two young gents dropped in to your dough in the bank when you
see the barber. It appeared obvious pack it right on the Golden Bears
that they had just arrived from the and I'll tell you why. This kid Jur-
poolroom downstairs. They had the kovich is a wonder. Why, Allison
straight stuff, the real poolroom in- himself says that even the British
H. O. CRISLER formation on the California athletic anti-aircraft won't stop him. He and
...Grid Mentor situation. Nowhere else can you get Hatcher will tear those Michigan lads
the dope they had. Not even the to shreds. Now look at it this way.
dena was dropped like a hot chest- coaches divulge such secrets. (Continued on Page 8)

s: iaoat r°ii

IELDING H. YOST It was a sad day indeed for the
. Athletic Director Golden West. On their grand day of
triumph and celebration, they fell
from the Golden West could and were humbled. The Michigan






Gridiron Hopes

; r


I-M Building
Offers Sports
For All Men
Informal Athletics Attract
Nearly 1,000 Students
For Competition Daily
Officials Prepare
.For Fall Program.
This fall, the University of Mich-
igan's Sports Building will once
again open its doors to the thousands
of Michigan students who annually
take advantage of the opportunities
for engaging in informal athletics
bffered by this department.
One of the best programs of its
type in the nation, the Intramural
Department-sponsored activities and
the facilities of the Sports Building
are used at one time or another by
almost every male student. The com-
petitive sports, in leagues supervised
by the department, attract fully 75%
of Michigan men each year. Close
to 1000 a day, for a total of 300,000
each year, make use of the building
in competition or in informal work-
James Is Supervisor
The forbidding task of conducting
this mammoth program is capably
handled by Abram A. "Jimmy"
James, Supervisor of Intramural
Sports, and Assistant Supervisors
Earl N.- Riskey and Randolph W.
Webster. Since the huge structure,
then called the Intramural Sports
Building, was erected in 1928, these
men have built up their list of ac-
tivities, expanding and adding each
year until now every group on cam-
pus, as well as all individuals, canI
find a place. A staff of assistantsI
and student managers aids in keep-
ing the activities functioning' very
smoothly, the former as instructors
in various sports and the latter as'
officials, schedule-makers, etc.
Staff Faced Difficulties
One of the biggest tasks the staff
has been faced with since it launched
its program arose last year, when{
(Continued on Page 8)t
University Course
Is Long, Difficult!
The University of Michigan's 18-
hole golf course, laid out over the
beautiful hills south of Ann Arbor,
leaves very little to be desired by the
golfer who likes his game the inter-l
esting way.
The course, which was designed by
the same architect who remodeled
Scotland's famous St. Andrews, has,

Blasting Fullback Ready For California



Team Favored

To Retain Tank Crowns
Welsh To Return In Excellent Condition;
Michigan Seeks National AAU Meet

Bear Squad Points
For Highly Rated
Wolverine Eleven

The greatest array of swimming
talent ever collected on one team
is whp.t Michigan will offer the nata-
torial world in,1940-41.
Matt Mann's crew became the
only team in the history of the sport
to hold three major titles in one
season as they copped the Big Ten,
National Collegiate and National
AAU crowns last year, and the out-
look for the new season is better
than ever.
Once again it looks as if the cagey
Michigan pilot has gathered an un-
beatable bunch. Veteran observers
and critics are unanimous in their
praise of what Matt calls his "great-
est team yet."
It is almost taken for granted that
the powerful Wolverines will again
sweep the three titles they captured
last year. "We are trying to get
the National AAU meet here this
season," Matt remarked. If the
Michigan pilot succeeds in doing
that, Ann Arbor will probably be'
the scene of the climax of another
great swimming year.
Only three men were lost from
Mann's undefeated '39-'40 squad and
though sorely missed all will be ca-
pably replaced when the new season
rolls around. Capt. Hal Benham,
diver, is supplanted by Strother
"T-Bone" Martin. Both Ed Hutchens
and Johnny Haigh, freestylers, will
find sophomores in their places.
Aside from the three graduation
fatalities, the remainder of the squad
will return intact. The pool at the
Sports Building will be literally1
swarming with champions. Back af-
ter being knocked out of competition
during the Ohio State meet last
year with lobar pneumonia, will be
Jim Welsh, the country's greatest
distance swimmer.
In splendid condition after several1
months recuperation in California

during the spring, Welsh will make
a great team even greater. The pop-
ular distance man did not swim in
the Big Ten, Collegiate or AAU
meets which makes those Michigan
victories even more impressive.
"Watch this sophomore Jack Pat-
ton," Mann predicted, he'll give
Welsh plenty of competition." Long
on ability but short on experience,
(Continued on Page 4)
H1ichigan Gridd ers
Win .All-American
Football Laurels
When halfback Tom Harmon was
named to virtually all of the nation's
All-American grid teams last year,
it marked the twelfth time since
1924 that a Wolverine performer has
gained such an honor.
After Edliff "Butch" Slaughter
was chosen in 1924 as All-American
guard, national recognition for Maize
and Blue stars spurted, and by 1928
six All-American labels had been at-
tached to Wolverines. Stellar end
Bennie Oosterbaan attained this
highest honor accorded to gridders
three times during his Varsity ca-
reer. Tackle Otto Pommerening and
sensational pass tosser Bennie Fried-
man were other Michigan choices by
From 1929 to 1933 center Maynard
Morrison and Chuck Bernard, triple-
threat star Harry Newman, and tac-
kle Whitey Wistert attained All-
American laurels. Then with the
descent of the Wolverines into the
morass of gridiron mediocrity came
a similar decline of Maize and Blue
candidates for top national honors.
Hard-fighting guard Ralph Heik-
kinen broke the ice in 1938, however,
followed by Harmon last year.

Fills Kodros' Shoes

Bullet Bob Westfall, rugged junior fullback, stepped into Michigan's
opening lineup in its initial football contest against Michigan State's
Spartans last fall, blasted to a first down on his first play, and ever since
then has held down the regular fullback berth on Fritz Crisler's grid-
iron machine. As a bone-crushing blocker, an excellent defensive back,
and an exploding line smasher, he will cause California's Golden Bears
many an anxious moment this Saturday.

_ ._._

Baker's Detroit Tigers Prove
Surprise Of Junior Loop Race
By ART HILL and erstwhile infielder of the Whit
He does it with mirrors! That's Sox has led his motley horde to.
whatthyre sa i rors.DelTa contending position in the battle fc
what they're saying about Del Baker, the burlap in the junior loop.
manager of the surprising Detroit The baseball fans who follow th
Tigers, after watching his lads in fortunes of the American Leagu
action throughout the 1940 baseball clubs have had more to chatter abou
season, than the rise from oblivion of th
Picked by all the so-called experts Tigers and White Sox, though.
to finish in the second division, the (Continued on Page 8)
Tigers have been in the thick of the
American League race since its be-
ginning and have an excellent 1 4
chance ofafinishing onntop in the
closest four-team race the junior
loop has seen during its forty years Date Illinois I Indiai
of existence.
But Del doesn't do it with mirrors. 9/28
He does it with a batting attack that
is the envy of every manager in the 1
majors, some fair country pitching, 10/5 Bradley Texa
and more fight than any one club! Home Hom
deserves to have. 10/12 S. Calif. Nebra
The Tigers may win the pennant 0CHome Awa;
and they may finish as low as fourth H
but regardless of how they stand 10/19 Michigan Iowa
when the curtain is rung down on Away Horn
September 29, Baker has done an
amazing job and deserves the palm 10/26 Notre Dame North
as the outstanding manager of the


Wearing new contact lenses to
overcome impaired vision while on
the gridiron, Bob Ingalls, husky
junior, has proven himself to be a
capable replacement for last year's
center, Capt. Archie Kodros, and
will start the Wolverines' first grid
battle at California, Sept. 28.
Station KSSO To Air
California Grid Tilt
The California{-Michigan grid tilt
in Berkeley, Cal., Sept. 28 will be
aired by station KSSO, Columbia
Broadcasting System outlet in San
Francisco and will be heard over
station WJR, Detroit. WWJ will also
carry the broadcast under their own

Coach Allison Pins Hopes
On Backfield Sensation
And Determined Spirit
Jurkovich Is Set
At Halfback Post
(Special To The Daily)
BERKELEY, Calif., Sept. 23.-
Michigan's invading Wolverines will
find a fierce a td victory-hungsry
band of Golden Bears from the Uni-
versity of California to greet them
when they open their 1941 gridiron
schedule here in the Golden West
Stub Allison, the old "Top Sarge"
as campus circles choose to call him,
sent his improved gridders through
their second last contact drill of the
week today, and as they raced off
the field just before sundown, the
veteran coach pronounced his squad
ready and fit for anything the high-
ly respected Wolverines have to offer.
Yes, they respect our Wolverines
out here. They've heard of Harmon,
Westfall and Evashevski, and, fur-
thermore, they know what those
boys can do with an inflated pigskin.
Bears Are Confident
But that isn't worrying the Blue
and Gold followers. California is
looking toward the heavens this sea-
son. They have the confidence out
here that you'd expect to find
around the Texas A & M campus
where they grabbed up a national
championship last year.
Frankly, it might not be merely
a pipe dream. Many times in the
past, the Golden Bears have bounced
back from a poor year to a Pacific
Coast League title.
Allison Has Material
And it isn't only tradition that
makes this beautiful city in the Cal-
ifornia hills an optimistic one. No,
there's more to it than that. Allison
has more material to work with
this year. Even the more conserva-
tive observers out here feel that the
dreadful 26-0 drubbing the Golden
Bears suffered in 1939 at the hands
of Southern California will never
be repeated.
First of all, the "Top Sarge" has
(Continued on Page 3)

0 Western Conference Football Schedule

na Iowa Michigan Minnesota Northwestern Ohio State Purdue Wisconsin
Calif. Washington Pittsburgh Butler
Away Home Home Home
s S. Dakota M.S.C. Nebraska Syracuse Purdue *Ohio St. Marquette
e Home Home Home Away Home Away Home
ska Wisconsin Harvard Ohio State Northw'n M.S.C. Iowa
y Home Away Home Away Away Away
a Indiana Illinois Ohio St. Wisconsin Minnesota Northw'n
e Away Home Away Away Home Home









In Memoriam
The University of Chicago

TThm p T4om~ AwaY Home Away

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