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September 24, 1940 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-09-24

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in Arbor's Guest Book Reads
Like Pages From 'Who's Who'

Editor Reveals
New Features
For Gargoyle

si gna

an autograph collector had the
ture of every celebrity who has

visited Ann Arbor his album would
be a veritable directory of the great
names in a dozen fields of endeavor.
Every year's influx of artists,
speakers, musicians adds a few more
names to an already lustrous roster.
Last year's range included great
names from Mrs. Roosevelt to actress
Diana Barrymore, from Jeff Davis,
"King of the Hoboes," to Archduke
Otto, pretender to the Austrian
Milburne Visits
Shy, quiet George Milburne drops
in now and then. Lloyd Douglas,
Carl Van Doren, Thomas Mann,
Christopher Morley, Alexander Wooll-
cott, Bertrand Russell and W. H.
Auden have lectured here. Play-
writ Sidney Kingsley, with "Dead
End" and "Men in White" to his

credit, was here last spring.
In other years Paderewski, Hefitz,
Flagstad, Galli Curci, Tibbett, Itturbi,
Menuhi have appeared.
Musicians: Which will you have,
classic or swing? The Choral Union
Series and May Festival bring the
classicists. Last year's register in-
cluded Serge Rachmaninoff, Fritz
Kreisler, Jussi Bjoring, Alexander
Kipnis, Robert Virovai, Bartlett and
Robertson, Giovanni Martinelli and
Lily Pons.
The Swing Side
On the swing side of the ledger has
appeared practically any "name"
band-slow and sweet or hot and
fast-that you care to dance to.
Tommy Dorsey and Ted Fio Rito
played for , the 1940 J-Hop. Kay
Kyser and Jimmy Dorsey played .at
the '38 Hop, Count Basie and Henry
"Hot Lips" Busse in '39. Fletcher
Henderson, Jimmy Lunceford, Jan
Savitt, Buddy Rogers, Frankie Mas-
ters-all have played for Ann Arbor
From the Stage? Not only the
leading dramatic artists, but the
cream of designers and technicians
have annually visited Ann Arbor dur-
ing the Spring Dramatic Seasons.
Last spring's plays were "Lighted
by Feder,"-a by-line that has ap-
peared on many Broadway programs
as well as that of the 1940 New York
Writers: Most popular of Ann
Arbor's literary visitors is poet and
anthologist Louis Untermeyer, who
comes each spring to lecture on
poetry, to gab with half the campus
and to catch a few beers on the other
side of Division Street.
Statesmen and Politicians? Four
leading figures on the national scene
have attended the University. They
are Thomas E. Dewey, Frank Murphy,
Arthur H. Vandenberg and Burton
K. Wheeler. Czechoslovakia's Eduard
Benes spoke here. Paul Van Zeeland,
former premier of Belgium and noted
economist, gave an Oratorical Union
lecture. Fiorello La Guardia, rotund
mayor of New York City, visited here.
World's Fair.

Look . .. Here Is The
C(estIgned i, LE90
/7J1N ideal Sweater that
will make you look bet-
ter. Styled for wear without
care almost anywhere - in
class, on the campus, at play,
at rest. Always looks spick and
chic ... Featured in Vogue,
Harper's Bazaar, Mademoi-
selle-and in smart "college"
shops. Priced about $298
... Please write for name of
nearest shop and for free
Style Booklet "C."
.k WG.M. Star -Now Appearing in
a . *

Gargoyle Chief
The Gargoyle, campus humor
magazine, will be "bigger and better
this year," offering all the features
of past years as well as several new
developments, Managing Editor Da-
vid Donaldson, '41, announced yes-
The first of eight 52-page issues
will be on sale Tuesaay, October 15,
priced at 15 cents. su'scriptions may
be purchased in the Gargoyle busi-
ness office or at various points on
the campus at u cost of $1.
Continuing the short story contest
begun last year, the Gargoyle's edi-
tors will pay $6 for the best story
submitted for competition each
month. Entries will be judged on
literary merit and not humor, Don-
aldson warned.
Feature of the magazine will be
the eight-page picture section each
month, offering candid and posed
shots taken by student photogra-
phers on the campus. In addition
there will be an amateur photogra-
phy contest for each issue, with
prizes of $3, $2 and $1 going to the
Jokes and cartoons in the Gar-
goyle this year will be of higher cal-
ibre than ever before, Donaldson is
certain. Staff cartoonists are at
work already and should have their
work for the first issue complete
within a few days, he added.
Read The Daily Classifieds!
SHOP AT-302 S. State St.

: i:"ia;... j .
' ;ir+

83 Summer
Students Earn
AllA' Records
Literary, Forestry, Music
And Education Schools
iclni4ed InSummary
Eighty-three students in the Col-
lege of Literature Sciences and the
Arts, and the Schools of Education,
Forestry and Music received all "A"
ratings during the 1940 Summer Ses-
sion, Robert L. Williams, Assistant
Registrar, announced yesterday.
In the Literary College the honor
was won by 57 graduates and under-
graduates including Odin W. Ander-
ion of Blair, Wis; Gertrude E. Andre-
4en of Duluth, Minn; Olive N. Barton
:f White Cloud; Marie L. Bendell of
torain, Ohio: Laurence E. Bohrer of
Oberlin, Ohio; Constantine. Bozion of
Flint; Russell M. Braga of Rochester:
Edgar T. Britton of Ann Arbor and
George W. Campbell of Loss Angeles.
The list continues with Violet E.
Campbell of Ann Arbor; Liana L.
Carpenter of Scarsdale, N.Y.; Roland
W. Carter of Mishawaka, Ind.; Pra-
tap Chand of New Delhi, Ind.;
Charles N. Clarke of Bloomfield Hills;
Doris Cranmore of Jamaica, N. Y.;
and Mohamad Darwish of Dearborn.
Dunn Is Included
Theodore- A. Dunn of St. Clair;
Richard E. Field of Jackson; Robert
L. Forsythe of Ann Arbor; Helen L.
Foster of Adrian; John Friel of
Springfield, Ohio; Alfred K. Guthe
of Ann Arbor; Gilda Hensen of Ply-'
mouth, Mass.; Lloyd H. Heidgerd of
Nonsey, N.Y.; -Gilbert L. Hole of
Wooster, Ohio, and Raymond W. Ing-
ham of Dayton, Ohio also were recep-
ients of "A" averages.
Others are Richard C. Johnson of
Falconer, N.Y.; Ruth E. Kellog of
Davenport, a.; William E. Kinger of
Cleveland, Ohio; Howard B. Latour-
ette of Hartland; Robert M. Lewert
of Scranton, Penn; Isabella H. Lu-
goski of Detroit; Louis D. McNew of
Flint; Robert E. March of Jefferson,
Ohio, and Gordon T. Moore of Grand
Also included are Mary E. Morey
of Napoleon, Ohio; Douglas N. Mor-
gan of Detroit; John Nerber of Bat-
tle Creek; Richard A. Neuberg of De-
troit; Joan Outhwaite of Bennington,
Vt.; Ralph T. Patton of Kalamazoo;
Robert W. Prasil of Howell; Liese D.
Price of Ann Arbor, and Charlotte L.
Robbins of Detroit.
Rosenberg Named
Jerome L. Rosenberg of Harrisburg,
Penn.; Elman R. Service of Ann Ar-
bor; David H. Stevenson of Ann Ar-
bor; Donald E. Strout of Ann Arbor;
Virginia M. Walcott of Ann Arbor;
IsraiIsrael A. Warheit of Detroit;
Saul Warshaw of Lack Mahopac, N.
Y. and Ira J. Wilson of Detroit com-
polete the list.
Winners of all "A" records in the
School of Education were Meethyl
Crossley of Springfield, Mass.; Helen
H. Eilola of Hancock; Harold C.
Lockard of Canton, Ohio; Nelle Mor-
gan of Kansass, Mo; Gerald J. O'-
keefe of North Collins, N. Y.; Juanita
A. Reed of Clinton. Ia.; Jesssie K.
Savage of Decatur, and Charlotte
Woody of Thorntown, Ind.
The 17 students in the School of
Mussic who received "A's" in all of
their courses include Eugene Kemp
Asbury of Terre Haute, Lnd.; Sister
Mary Ancille Brown of Rochester,
Minn.; James J. DeJonge of Grand
Rapids; Wayne A. Feller of Cold-
water; Russell G. Harris of Gray-
mont, Ill.; Walter D. Kimble of Ti-
tusville, Fla., and George E. Knerr of
Others in the same school were
Keith Mixson of Buna, Tex.; George

F. Roach of Battle Creek; Jean E.
Rockwell of Newport, N. H.; Frank
J. Ryan of Detroit; Eldon A. Scott of
Michigan City, Ind.; George L. Scott
of St. Louis, Mo.; E. Rollin Silfies of
Clark, S. D.; Grey C. Simpson of
Lawrence, Kan.; Sigvald Thomson of
Coeur d'Alene, Id., and Phylliss G.
Warnick of Limon, Colo.
The only student receiving an all
"A" average in the School of For-
estry was Gordon L. Watts of Port-
land, Ore.
Johnson Tours East
Thor Johnson, director of the Uni-
versity's Symphony Orchestra, con-
tinued to add to his achie.vements in
the music world this summer when
he served as guest conductor at
Tanglewood, the Boston Symphony
Orchestra's summer home.
He also conducted the Mozart Fes-
tival at Asheville, N. C., an annual
musical celebration which was once
more termed "an artistic success"
this year.


... 'Ensian Head

Students at the University will
find the 1941 edition of the Michi-
ganensian, campus year book, their
"ringside seat to everything," ac-
cording to Managing Editor Charles
B. Samuel, '41.
Color photography will highlight
this year'ss 'Ensian!, chronicle of
Michigan events. The book was a
sell-out last year and in 1939, and
new features promise to aid in even
quicker sales of the 1940 edition,
Samuel said.
"Continued action" camera shosts
of sports events, a feature begun
in last year's edition, will be promi-
nently displayed this year, enab-
ling readers to watch a virtually
complete unfolding of spectacular
plays by Michigan's varsity squads,
he continued.
Many of the group photographs
will be taken against outdoor
tographers' studios, lending addi-
tional interest to the pictures, he
said. The usual amount of space,
Samuel added, will be devoted to fra-
ternities, sororities and other or-
ganizations. Plans are underway to
give adequate representation to the
cooperative movement that has been
gaining momentum here for several
years, he commented.
The 1940 'Ensian will feature the
padded leather cover that has be-
come a tradition with the book, as
well as many candid photographs
and "plenty of beauty shsots," Sam-
uel said.
n-ssin- ?mser
Directors Organize
Sixth Semi-Annual
Student Senate Yote

Color Photos
To Highlight.
1941 'Ensian

Col. Francis M. Brannan To Head
University ROTC During 1940-41
Only two of last year's ROTC offi- is scheduled to replace Capt. Ben-
cers, Lieut.-Col. Robert N. Kunz and jamin J. Weimer recently appointed
Maj. Harrie D. W. Reilly, are sched- to the office of the district engineer
uled to return to Ann Arbor this at Galveston, Tex. He is a graduate
fall as professors in the University's of the Michigan College of Mines
Military Science Department. and Technology and has seen duty
Lieut.-Col. Basil D. Edwards. head Staff Sgt. Karl O. Hogquist, chief
of the 1939 unit who is presently on clerk, Dewey G. Bonnewell. Ewin J.
sick leave, is to be replaced by Lieut.- Gardner, Anton H. Halaska and Sgt.
Col. Francis M. Brannan. The lat- Edmond F. Weglanz will remain here
ter, a graduate of West Point in 1914 to be assisted by Harold B. Lenz,
vho comes here from Fort Snelling, private 1st class.
Minn., has had previous experience
in the ROTC kserving on the military _________________
staffs of both Creighton University
and DePauw University.
Adjutant for the coming year is
Capt. William E. Renner who will D D
take over the position held by Lieut.-
Col. Ira A. Crump, now connected'
with the Office Chief of Ordinance in
Washington. Captain Benner, a
graduate from the University in 1937,
has served with the General Electric
Co. in Schenectady, N.Y., for several
years. In 1939 he was head of the
Administrative Engineering Depart-
ment at Syracuse University.
New Medical Chief
Due to the transfer of Lieut.-Col.
Leon A. Fox to the Surgeon General's
office of the army, Maj. Ernest D.
Liston has been assigned to take
charge of the medical corps. He is
a graduate of Cornell University anld We are w i lting
the Harvard Medical School where to serve You the
he received his degree in 1928. Dur- cookin
ing the last two years he has been finest in
a student at the Command and Gen- Ann Arbor.
eral Staff School.
Capt. Keith R. R. Houston, who re- STEAKS - C HOPS
ceived his degree at the University
in 1938, replaces Lieut.-Col. Peter FISH - CHICKEN
K. Kelley, now of the Coast Artillery we Specialize in Bar-B-
Corps at Ft. Hancock, N.J. Captain
Houston has been in the army reserve Q Sare Ribs an Italian
since 1931 and has been teaching Spaghetti.
mathematics, science and history in FINE WINES and BEER
Grand Rapids for a number of years.
Kolb Transfered Here BUEHLER'S
Taking the place of Maj. Walter B.
Ferris is Second Lieut. Roland L.
Kolb who has just spent a year of TAVERN
extended duty with the Second In-
fantry in Detroit. Major Ferris is
presently with the Second Division 215 South Ashley
at Ft. Houston, Tex.
Second Lieut. Leonard W. Peterson


This. tiny Light Meter measures
light as accurately as your gro-
cer's scale weighs food. Detroit
Edison customers are invited to
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(Continued from Page 9)

'5 and IC


new system was designed to give
the organization greater stability.
Elections are conducted according
to the Hare system of proportional
representation and have drawn more
valid participants than any other
all-campus voting in the history of
student government at the Univer-
sity. This year William Elmer, '41,
and Robert Speckhard, '42, will di-
rect the balloting.
On the floor, the group is divided
into majority and minority groups,
with the leader of the former serving
as president and that of the latter
as vice-president. Robert Reed, '42,
is the incumbent president.
Any scholastically eligible student
may petition for places on the Sen-
ate ballot and in past elections the
field of candidates has run as high
as 67.
Full details concerning petitioning
will be announced shortly.




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Camera Fans
The Gach Camera Shop
is the campus photo cen-
Drop in and say hello;
I want to meet you.
While in Ann Arbor
you will have many
chances to use your
camera. (Campus views,
football, news and action,
student publication work,
and loads of other
I am never too busy to
help you get better results
wi'thyour camera.
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