Lectures, Institutes Feature Activities Of 1940Summer 6
tess ion
Ruthven Asks
Students Here
Not To Reenter
American Culture Institute
Is Scholastic Highpoint
Of Summer Program
The 1940 Michigan Summer Ses-
sion will long remain a memorable
one in University history just as the
past three months, due to the "third
term" issue, American conscription
and the present European conflict,
will long remain memorable in World
Shortly after the end of the reg-
ular session the campus was startled
by President Ruthven's graduation
address in which he asserted that PRl
there was no place in the University
for students who did not believe in
the American principles of democ- of Prof.
racy. Subsequently a number of und- speech
dergraduates and graduates were Madison,
asked not to return to Michigan. tor.
Noted Historian Dies Prof. A
A few days later came the news English d
that Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the first disc
history department had passed away. stitute's
Professor Cross was one of the conferen
world's greatest authorities in Eng- various t:
lish constitutional history and his and on t
death was a great loss to the Uni- mer Sess
versity. a tour o1
The featured scholastid event of Lin
the summer was an American Cul- On Jun
ture Study Program for graduates tevant o
in which seven departments coop- tute's sui
erated in sponsoring lectures and discussion
discussions on various phases of the perfects
life, history, literature and institu- as theE
tions of the United States. visit to
Camp Davis Opens Howard
Qn Sunday, June 23, the entire departme
staff of the University's Rocky Policy Se
Mountain Field Station at Camp Da- situation.
vis in Jackson, Wyo., had arrived The A
and work on geology, biology and began its
engineering were begun on the fol- ing day
lowing day. Howard
The Michigan Repertory Players' on "Ame
12th annual season began on June strument
26 with the production of Richard July 3
Brinsley Sheridan's farce, "The Cri- of "The
tic." The play, under the directionAnderson
Passes Away
William P. Halstead of the
department, starred June
James Moll and Roy Rec-
lbert H. Marckwardt of the
epartment presided over the
ussion of the Linguistic In-
annual series of luncheon
ces on June 27.speaking on
ypes of Mid-Western speech
he same day the first Sum-
ion Excursion, consisting of
f the campus, was held.
nguistics Series Opens
ne 28 Prof. Edward H. Stur-
pened the Linguistic Insti-
immer lecture series with a
n of "The Greek 'kappa'-
and the laryngeal theory"
excursionists group paid a
Detroit. On July 1 Prof.
B. Ehrmann of the history
ent opened the American
eries with a talk on the war
American Culture Institute
lecture series on the follow-
with an address by Prof.
Jones of Harvard University
crican Literature as an In-
for Cultural Analysis."
was the date of the opening
Star Wagon" by Maxwell
under the direction of
Prof. Valentine B. Windt of the
speech department. That same eve-
niing the 42 winners of degrees as
student pilots were announced. Both
the first band concert and the first
Vesper programs were given the next
The second lecture on "American
Poli - in the World Crisis" was de-
livered by Prof. Lawrence Preuss of
the political science department on
"The Monroe Doctrine and Hemi-
sphere Defense" July 8 as Prof. Wil-
liam W. Sweet of Chicago ;University
opened the summer Conference on
Eugene O'Neill's "Beyond the
Horizon," starring John Schwarz-
walder, Arthur Klein and Mary Jor-
dan, opened on July 10 directed by
David Itkin.
Tour Leaves For Niagara
On July 12 an excursion to Niagara
Falls was begun and Prof. Leonard
Bloomfield of Yale University spoke;
on "The Phoneme" as part of the
'Linguistic Institute's lecture series.
The following day the Fresh Air
Camp boys prepared for Tag Day to
raise funds for their annual cam-
paign to raise money to send under-
privileged children to camp while the
Culture Group entered its third week
of talks with an address by Prof.
George F. Whicher of Amherst Col-t
lege on "Native Impulses in Ameri-
can Literature."1
At a meeting of the Summer Par-
ley committee on the 13th four key-
note speakers were chosen, Prof.-
Emeritus William Hobbs of the geol-
ogy department, Prof. Lawrence
Preuss of the political science de-
partment, Prof. DeWitt Parker of
the philosophy department and Ken-I
neth Morgan, director of the Stu-
dent Religious Association.
Economist Lectures Here t
Dr. Melchior Palyi, noted German
economist, gave the third lecture in
the Policy Series on July 15 as 250]
Michigan and Ohio educators con-
vened here for the annual Education
Conference Week sponsored by the
July 17 was the date for the open-1
ing of Elmer Rice's "Two on an Is-
land," which starred David Itkin,
Virginia Batka and James Moll, the
date for a linguistic lecture by Dr.t
Francis M. Rogers of Harvard andt
the date for addresses by Professor
Addresses Institute
Parker and Dr. Malone in the Amer-
ican Culture Program.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the
School of Education spoke on "A
Community Program for the Guid-
ance of Youth" on the 18th while
Daniel Catton Rich addressed the.
Culture Institute.
Parleys Are Organized
One of the featured events' of the
session, the annual Summer Parley,
opened on July 19 to discuss the vari-
ous problems of "This War We Live
In." Four panel groups were formed
to consider the effect of present
conditions on education, religion, ci-
vil liberties and the national elec-
The second Vespers program was
given on the 21st as was the second
Band Concert of the session under
Erik W. Leidzen. The following day
Dr. William E. Culbertson, former
ambassador to Chile, discussed the
Latin-American scene before the
Policy Series group.
"What a Life," starring William
Kinzer in the Henry" Aldrich role,
opened on July 24 under the direc,
tion of Prof. Claribel Baird of the
Oklahoma College for Women.
The Mid-Western heat wave hit
Ann Arbor at that same time which
saved the life of Andrew Casterline
who had quit work early the day
that the University Power Plant
crane was hurled to destruction by
a windstorm. Had he remained at
work the force of the crane's fall,
which resulted in a foot and a half
dent in the concrete into which it
fell. would surely have caused his
Profs. Leonard Bloomfield andl
Zellig Harris spoke on various phases
of linguistics on July 26 while on the
next day a Band Concert was given
at Ferry Field and Alfred White cap-
tured the annual local Soap Box
Derby crown. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz's
transfer to Brooklyn College to direct
the Hillel Foundation there was an-
nounced on the 28th.
Students Visit (Put-In-Bay
Wednesday, July 31 was the date
of the last Summer Session tour
made to Put-In-Bay Island in Lake
Erie, the opening of John Galswor-
thy's "Escape" and talks by Dr. Ma-
lone and Prof. John Dawson to the
Culture Institute.
Prof. Charles E. Merriam's talk
on "The Function of the American
Political Parties" concluded the
American Institute's program on
Aug. 1. The next day the Reds, who
won the American League Intra-
mural Softball championship, de-
feated the National League winners,
the Trojans, in the campus World
Series. The announcement was also
made on Aug. 2 that the very Rev.
Msgr. Allen J. Babcock had been
named by Archbishop Edward Moo-
ney of Detroit to head a Catholic
students' parish here.
Brig. Gen. Oliver L. Spaulding de-
livered the sixth American Policy
lecture Aug. 5 dealing with "The
Military Situation in the United
States" as Jorge Carulla took the
Intramural title in swimming.
Operetta Closes Series
On Aug. 7 the Michigan Repertory
Players presented their final offer-
ing of the drama season, Gilbert and
Sullivan's noted operetta "Patience."
An announcement was made that
Congress, Independent Men's Asso-
ciation, would sponsor a straw vote
on the National elections during reg-
President Ruthven addressed 400
at the fourth annual graduate stu-
dents' breakfast on Aug. 11 while
Largest of the campus coopera-
tives, the Michigan Wolverine Res-
taurant, will begin serving meals
tomorrow, John Scheibe, '42M,
president of tne organization an-
nounced yesterday.
The Wolverine, which is the big-
gest student-owned and student-run
business in the country, last year
reached a record membership of over
800 women and men students. The
membership fee will this year again
be $5,00 for the school year and a
week's meal ticket will sell for $4.75.
Run according to cooperative prin-
ciples, each member of the organiza-
tion has one vote in electing the nine-
man board to which the conduction
of business is delegated. Directors
for the present year are Prof. Paul
Mueschke of the English department
and Mr. Robert Horner, of the Eco-
nomics department (chosen by the
on the 13th the final Linguistics
Institute lecture was presented by
Dr. J. P. Harrington of the Bureau
of American Ethnology of the Smith-
sonian Institute.
Finals reared their ugly heads dur-
ing the next few days and little hap-
pened in Ann Arbor until the last
day of theSession when it was an-
nounced that eight students had
divided $500 in the summer Hopwood
contest. Winners were John Neber,
Ethel Moorman, William Gram, Hel-
en Pfeiger, Ellen Wood, Charles Mil-
ler, John Milhous and Charles Lea-
vay. Both Neber and Gram won two
And so the 1940 Summer Session
ended-pronounced a success by Dr.
Louis Hopkins, director, ani the
more than 5,000 students and mem-
bers of the faculty who spent their
summer in Ann Arbor.
SHOP AT -302 S. State St.
Wolverine, Campus Cooperative
Restaurant, To Open Tomorrow
faculty members of the cooperative)
Calvin Chamberlain, '41L, Arthur
Kepka, '41L, Galvin Keen, '43L, Ken-
neth Nordstrom, '41L, John Spen-
cer, '42BAd, and Scheibe. The three
administrative positions are those of
Purchasing Agent, Donald Counihan,
treasurer, Joseph Gardner, and Per-
sonnel Manager, Spencer. These
offices are filled by members who
have gained experience and familiar-
ity with the organization by work-
ing in subordinate positions,
Tne Wolverine is active in intra-
mural sports, entering teams in foot-
ball,. basketball, tennis, and hand-
ball. Among other activities in the
cooperative were Sunday evening so-
cial hours which featured a pro-
gram of classical music followed by
two hours of dance music. Thesq
will be continued the current year,
Remodeling plans for the year in-
clude an enlargement of the base-
ment floor space, with enlarged facil-
ities for those wishing to buy meal
tickets. This is in accordance with
a policy of expansion which saw the
restaurant completely redecorated
last year.
Memberships are .an sale now in
tne treasurer's office of the organi-
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