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September 24, 1940 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-09-24

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Tutorial Experiment Continues:
Honors Program Enters Second
Year; 50 Students To Participate

The Michigan Union Pendleton Library Lane Hall Welcomes Freshmen:
-1 Student Religious Association
Offers Well -Rounded Program

Michigan's attempt to burst de-
partmental confines in education
will go into, the second year of its
five-year period this semester when
approximately 25 juniors begin, and
25 seniors resume, work in the Degree
Program for Liberal Arts in the lit-
erary college..
The program, modeled on the tu-
torial systems at Harvard, Oxford
and Swarthmore, was instituted last
year with a trial nucleus of 25 jun-
ior and five tutors. This year an-
other group of 25 juniors and three
more tutors will enter the program,
increasing the number of seminars
to eight.
Each student is assigned to a tu-
torial seminar (of his own choice if
possible) in which he is permitted to'
follow his special interest. With his
tutor he works out his program for
the junior and senior years. The
'Board of Tutors has complete juris-
diction over the program of any stu-
dent, a program which ordinarily
consists of course work, the group
meetings, and individual conferences
with the tutor. Five hours credit is
given for the honors work.
Must Write Essay
During his senior year each stu-
dent is expected to write an essay
upon a subject selected by him in
consultation with his tutor. This
essay will be judged by members of
the Board of Tutors and by a mem-
ber or members of the faculty whom
the Board may invite. The student
will be required, also, to write final
comprehensive examinations (to be
devised by the Board) in his field of
concentrated study and collateral
fields. Students who have demon-
strated superior ability in these var-
ious tests of competence will be
recommended for honors at grad-
Juniors working in the program

this year will be given a choice of
four seminars. Dr. Otto Graf of the
German department will conduct the
junior group in literature which will
I read "examples of the epic, tragedy,
comedy novel, historical work, and
lyric poetry in order to discover
grounds for criticism." The Junior
seminar in the "Development of So-
cial and Political Institutions" will
be conducted by Prof. Howard B.
Calderwood of the political science
department. The students will make
5 "a study of the ideas characteristic
of society at different periods of its
social, economic and political de-
velopment, such as the Age of Feu-
dalism and the Period of Mercan-
tilism. The study will be pursued
principally through reading of clas-
sic works in social science."
Other Junior Seminars
Junior students studying the "De-
velopment of the Scientific Atti-
tude" under Prof. Burton D. Thuma
of the psychology department will
read "the classical works of scien-
tific literature to discover how man
has attempted to answer certai
broad questions in particular fields
of science from ancient times to th
Prof. Mischa Titiev of the anthro-
pology department will lead a Junior
seminar in a consideration of "Re-
cent Trends in the Social Sciences."
The students will trace the develop-
ment of the social sciences from the
time of Herbert Spencer in the latter
half of the nineteenth century to
the present day. The group will un-
dertake a comparative study of the
'concepts, methods and objectives
which differentiate sociology in gen-
eral from social psychology and so-
cial anthropology.
Four Senior Seminars
There will be four seminars for
seniors also. The seminar in "Lit-
erature in an Age of Intellectual
Crisis," conducted by Dr. John Ar-
thos of the English department, will
continue the study of tragedy begun
last year. The first semester's work
will include reading of Racine, Lillo,
Voltaire and Lessing, as well as such
readings in history, philosophy, sci-
ence, religion, economics as may help
to define tragedy in terms of the
period from 1680 to 1730.
"The Emergence of Modern Con-
cepts of the Nature of Matter," con-
ducted by Prof. Byron A. Soule of
the chemistry department, will re-
view 'fscientific activity of the 17th
and 18th centuries with an examina-
tion of subsequent development up
to the present day. Dalton, Mendel-
jieff and Becquerel will be considered
among others.
Prof. E. C. Simmons of the eco-
nomics department will conduct the
Senior seminar on "The Place of the
State in Economic Life." Students
will examine "the main' currents of
economic thought in the 18th and
19th centuries which preceded in-
troduction of "laissez-faire," and the
circumstances which gave rise to
this theory, as well as the alteration
of these circumstances which has
resulted in increase of state inter-
A seminar on "Labor," conducted
by Prof. Richard C. Fuller of the
sociology department, will undertake
a detailed study of the origin and
development of the labor movement.

This is the luxuriously fitted library on the second floor of the
Union where students may pursue their studies in almost absolute quiet.
Reference books bearing on a multitude of subjects are available here.

Delivery Service
Ready To Serve
303 No. 5th Ave.

Features Of Exclusive Club
Offered By Michigan I
Sunday evening suppers served at in the tap room and in
low cost in the dining room highlight ated dining room as w
new services of the social sort of- ate groups in the sn
fered this year by the Michigan rooms. The Pendleton
Union, solving at the same time the fers modern and refer
long standing problem of where to all members. Direct wi
go on a Sunday night date. Menus ice on all major sport
will appear in advance, enabling stu- be found in the billi
dents to decide whither or not they well as ping pong for t
will want any of several special sup- minded. In short, all
per combira ons. balanc-d b t light of an exclusive club,
meals camplim nr(in th; cusomary baths to swimming po
heavy afternoon dinner. . alleys are offered by t
Another new activity plann-d is club which belongs to M
an etiquette program, taking up otl and to which all Mich
the elements and finer points of so- long.
cial intercourse, realization of which _ _ _
will depend upon student response
to the idea. Close cooperation be-
tween the Union and the Youth Hos- rof. oi
tel movement in the state may afford
a new vacation activity for students Bo k Pu'
here. Several hostels in various parts
of the state would provide an oppor-
tunity to make extensive hiking trips Hobbes' Aestheti
through Michigan. Tentative plans
for a regular short hike club, possibly Is Topic Of T
a Sunday morning group sponsored
by the Union, depend again upon "The Aesthetic Theo
student interest, Union staff mem- Hobbes," by Prof. Claren
bers say.
Coffee Hours Continued of the English depart
A series of Tuesday afternoon the latest books to be re
coffee hours inaugurated last year, University Press, publis
offering dancing and refreshments, summer.
and an opportunity for meeting new In considering Hobb
friends of both sexes, will be contin- 17th century philosoph
ued this year. Bill Sawyer s band Thorpe presents not on:
will play at the regular Friday and the man's thought b
Saturday night dances. The Sawyer background of philosop
band returns after a busy summer ary thought of his era
during which it opened the Fitch the fact that Hobbesg
Bandwagon summer program, and as much fame for his
played dance and theatre engage- cism as for his philos
ments. First of the regular dances ments.
will be Friday, September 27. The aesthetic theory
Opening the winter formal season, Hobbes, Professor The
the Union Formal, supper dance with had its bases in the psy
floorshow, will be held late in Octo- vestigations of human
ber. The date has not yet been imagination Hobbes
announced. Several bridge tourna- pirical approach and f
ments will be held under Union aus- passions are natural fu
pices during the year. The fall open human mind, serving
house, varied and crowded eveningihuenmnsrin
which has become an institution and .ulse to a man's acti
tradition on campus will be held Similarly, Hobbesf
again, staff members said. (imagination) and judg
Meeting Roms Offered mal powers, affecting se
Various hobby groups will meet cesses through wnich tbf
again this year in rooms provided use of stored up expert
free of charge by the Union. Other ative art. The fancy,l
ag h romis the carucya
campus groups will also have head- i h osrciea
quarters in the building, as will jun- i h il fmmr
ior and senior honor societiies. Ex- ment serving as direc
tensive plans are being made for the straint.
Union's share in Homecoming Week- Those ideas of Hob
end, which will fall this year on the Thorpe feels, did a great
weekend of the Illinois game. The the course of critical
Union ticket exchange, two-way ser- during later years.
vice through which both those who
have football tickets to sell and those
late comers who wish to buy are SHOP AT-- 342 S
served, will again function at the
main desk in the lobby.
In addition to these, other services
which are regular nion features will
continue. Meals will be served both

Freshmen desiring a rounded pro-
gram of lectures, forums, seminars,
luncheons and art appreciation are
eligible to participate in the activi-
ties of the Student Religious Asso-
ciation at Lane Hall.
Directed by Mr. Kenneth Morgan
and his assistant, Mrs. Alvin Zander,
the SRA is the center for the com-
mon activities of Jewish, Catholic,
Protestant and Oriental sects. Its,
facilities include a library of books
and periodicals, collections of re-
corded religious music, and 'repro-
ductions of many famous religious
Lectures by faculty members and
visiting speakers on the general sub-
ject "The Nature of Man" will be
sponsored this fall. Various aspects
of the topic will be discussed by
Jewish, Protestant and Catholic
Weekly seminars led by faculty
Directors Organize
Sixth Semi-Annual
Student Senate Vote
Within three weeks a poster cam-
paign will announce the beginning
of petitioning for the sixth semi-
annual Student Senate election.
Founded in the spring of 1938,
the Senate was designed to serve as
a mirror of campus opinion, crystal-
lizing all divergent views of student
opinion at the University into qne
vocal organ.
The group has devoted its atten-
tion to such matters of general cam-
pus interest as housing, educational
criticism, cleaning prices, racial and
religious intolerance and vocational
guidance. It aroused considerable
criticism when it went out on the
limb in the last University Regents
election, and nearly "came cropper,"
when it was divided over what should
be the sphere of Senate interest.
This year, the Senate is in the
throes of reorganization, with win-
ning candidates serving longer terms
than the customary one year. The
(Continued on Page 11)

members and graduate students will
be offered by the Association for the
benefit of students who are unable to
take religious courses for credit.
Classes in Bible, Public Affairs, Re-!
ligious Music, Religious Art, Theol-i
ogy and Social Service will be held.
Luncheon discussions will be held
weekly for the discussion of religi-
ous and social problems. The Grad-'
uate Luncheon Group meets on Mon-
days, the Saturday Luncheon Group
consists mainly of undergraduates,
and the Inter-Guild Luncheon is
held on Thursdays.
Increased recently by 20 albums,
the Association's record collection
offers a wide variety of the finest
religious and classic music. A sem-
inar is to be held for the study of
the outstanding numbers the col-
the outstanding numbers in the col-
Service activties sponsored by the
Association include an extra-curric-
ular seminar, field trips, volunteer
work with Ann Arbor agencies, work
holidays, and a craft program. The
Association publishes the Religious
Forum, a monthly of student contri-
butions, the Handbook and the re-
suits of the Bureau of Student Opin-
ion which polls campus opinion on
various topics.

Many Recitals Offered
B Sy'chool Of Music
In addition to providing dall types
of musicalinstruction to its own
students the University School of
Music offers a comnprehensive ser-
ies of musical programs for the gen-
eral campus body during the .ar.
SAmong the featured presentations
are a series of concertsgiven by the
University Band and the University
Symphony Orchestra, several pro-
grams offered by members of the
faculty, organ recitals by Prof. Pal-
mer Christian and carillon recitals
by Prof. Percival Price.


n the redecor-
ell as to priv-
maller dining
n Library of-
ence books to
re ticker serv-
s events is to
ard room, as
the pingpong
the features
,from steam
01 to bowling
he Union, the
Michigan men,
igan men be-


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ic Theory
ry of Thomas
nce D. Thorpe
ent, is one of
eleased by the
hed only this
es, the noted
her, Professor
ly a picture of
ut a general
hic and liter-
, emphasizing
gained nearly
literary criti-
sophic attain-
developed by
orpe believes,
ychological in-
passions and
used the em-
ound that the
nctions of the
as the chief
found, fancy
ment are nor-
5econdary pro-
le mind makes
7ierice in cre-
he continued,
gent, working
y, with judg-
tion and re-
ges, Professor
t deal to shape
d speculation
. State St.


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11 1




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