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September 24, 1940 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-09-24

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Rosten Gains Honors
In Literary Ventures
Norman Rosten of New York City,
whose poetic dama "This Proud Pil-
grimage" was produced here two
yaers ago while he was doing gradu-
ate work, has been named this year's
"younger poet" in the Yale Series
by Stephen Vincent Benet, editor of
the Series.
Rosten's winning work was his first
volume of poems entitled "Return
Again, Traveler."

Cincinnati's World Series Hopes
Rest On 'Bomb Proof' Hurling.

Cpntpr tO ns

School Of Dentistry Establishes Michigan Sailing Club
D. , ea Plans Open Meeting
D3 agnostic Serv ic e Permanently

NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-(/P)-With-
out knowing who their foe will be in
,he World Series next week, the Cin-
cinnati Reds will be counting heav-
ily on an advantage in pitching just
as they and other National League
clubs in the past have based their
idr on a "bomb proof" hurling
It's about the only hope any repre-
-cntative of the senior circuit can
carry into baseball's big classic and
it has failed for five consecutive
years, which probably illustrates how


The Town's Most
Cash and Carry 25c
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v Uq, U' ' u pjr / - N U-'L7 '-I *.
they had last fall, plus Jim Turner S cod Yea r By EMILE GELE activity 18 months before teeth arel
and Joe Beggs. Instead of the famil- After ten years of exrerimentalon damaged.
iar Yankee aces they will be facing with the dietary treatrent of tooth ea research groups have con-
Bob Feller, Mel Harder and Al Mil- Celebrating its second anniversary firmed the Michigan saliva test and
ear of the Cleveland Indians or Buck as the focal point of social and cul- decay, the School of Dentistry has methods of caries control since its
decided that results have warrantedlmethodsatof, cariscntmrolinit
Newsom, Schoolboy Rowe and Tom- tural interest for foreign students, thedpermanent continuation of t inauguration, and a number of in-
my Bridges of the Detroit Tigers the International Center is extend- diagnostic service. stitutions now use them routinely in
If Cleveland makes the grade Fell- ing a special welcome to students l Various standard theories concern-;the treatment of severe dental caries.
er will fire first and nobody, not born abroad who are entering the ing the causation of cavities or caries Dr. Jay noted in an interview yes-
ven Paul Derringer, has any ad- University. were challenged by the dentistry terday that placing the diagnostic
school's researchers led by Deansevconaprnntbisee-
vantage over the fighting farmboy As several hundred students have hsl' W. Bunting and Dr. Philip sitates charging a small fee for the
from Van Meter, Ia. Likewise you arrived during the past month the Jay. Experimentation resulted in an testing of saliva specimens in the
have to go into the fine 'points of Center, directed by Prof. Raleigh original theory. future.
pitching to give anyone an edge over Nelson, is providing facilities to ac- Bacteria Found
Newsom, because Bobo has a better quaint them with American univer- Acid-forming bacteria called "lac- Payment of a nominal fee will not
thn n sresstlar aife.he st.A ian formefr- tobacillus acidophilus" were found to only defray expenses of diagnosis
percentage than any series stalwart sity life. The staff and former for- be present and destructively active t will encourage patients to finish
except Rowe. eign students are cooperating in a in the mouth in relation to the their treatment once it is begun, he
Derringer led off against the Yanks special program of Orientation. amount of carbohydrate in a person's pointed out. Consequently, more
last year and lost a heart-stirring 2-1 Throughout Orientation Week diet. By reducing the amount of complete experimental results can be
struggle in the ninth inning. His campus tours will be conducted daily carbohydrates, dentists could lessen traced.
record, 20 games won and 12 lost, from 2 to 4 p.m. Tea will be served the activity of the lactobacillus in Among the theories disproved by
isn't as flashy as last year, but Man- in the Center for foreign students the saliva. the dentistry schools' experimenta-
ager Bill McKechnie says he has and their friends from 4 to 6 p.m. The degree of decay or caries ac- tion was the belief that tooth decay
been pitching better ball. Bucky each day. In charge of these pro- tivity can be determined by estimat- | was a result of malnutrition.
Walters has won 21 and lost nine, grams are Whitney Erickson, Miss ing the number of lactobacilli per cu- The common lay theory that too
but he'll probably be in the No. 2 Thelma Brown, Mrs. Iola Crawford bic centimeter of saliva. Reduction much candy is bad for teeth was
slot again. and Mrs. Charles Ochs. I of carbohydrate intake over a lim- confirmed. The reason is that ex-


reliance can be put on
superiority this year.
Reds have the same


The Michigan Sailing Club will
hold an Anchors Aweigh meeting at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2. in the
Michigan Union at which time pros-
pective members will be welcomed and
colored movies on sailing will be
This year the Club plans to feature
instructioi of novices as well as sup-
plying information for those inter-
ested in Intercollegiate Sailing Com-
'e uden t4!
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ited period of time was found to Oess sugar encourages lactobacillus
lower the lactobacillus count and >rowth, but does not alter the enamel
greatly reduce decay. structure of the teeth as commonly
Saliva specimens from thousands surpposed.
of patients have been mailed to the - - ---
laboratory by dentists and physicians

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Phone 8633

bIhnr~tnv b y rcpntid,~ nd niylli'
in every section of the country.
Can Predict Effect
Susceptibility to dental caries can
be predicted with an accuracy of 80
per cent from saliva specimens. In
some cases diagnosis indicates caries

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