The Editor
Edited and managed by students of the-University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
fights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff
Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman
Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
S . .City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. . . . .Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor
Business Stafff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause
The' editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only. '
Winter Parley
Deserves Attention ..
TOO OFTEN it is the failing of the
average student on this campus, to
believe that his education ceases when he steps
but of the classroom or completes the required
number of pages for his daily assignment. The
ignorance of most students on the important
problems that exist in the world or even on this
campus is not to be explained on the grounds
of inadequate powers of thought, but it is rather
sheer lack of interest.
It is for this reason, that campus institutions
like the parley which opens today deserve the
attention of every student in this University.
Y PRESENTING vital, provocative ' topics,
talks by recognized professional authorities
and the opportunity to voice individual view-
points the parley has become an intellectual
attraction which arouses the student's interest
and stimulates him into further study of the
topics brought to his attention. It is doubtful
that any problems will be solved at the parley,
but certainly it should do much to help the
formation of intelligent opinion.
The Student Senate, sponsors of the parley,
have chosen excellent subjects and able speak-
ers for this year's parley.
voted to conscription. Until recently mili-
tary life played a small role in the every day
activities of this country. Now it is assuming
an ever increasing influence. Discussion by
those professionally acquainted \vith the sub-
ject would (be worthwhile, especially for those
students who may live in army camp within
the next few years.
Tonight's session will deal with the interna-
tional situation. American foreign policy is
being debated in the halls of Congress, in the
press all over the country and in private con-
versations everywhere. It is the foremost prob-
lem facing this younger generation. The parley
sponsors have chosen speakers representing all
shades of opinion from pacifists to interven-
TWO OTHER PANELS meeting at the same
time will take up the crucial problem of the
probable outcome of the war and post-war in-
ternational relationships.
For many the highlight of the parley will be
the Saturday afternoon session. At that time
the highly provocative topic "License-Freedom-
Suppression" will be considered. One of the
most difficult questions in democracy is when
does freedom degenerate into license and when
should that liense be suppressed. On all sides
we hear qualifications and interpretations of
the term freedom in regard to specific issues.
The parley leaders are to be congratulated on
getting competent students of the social sciences
like Prof. Fuller, Prof. Carr, Prof. Slosson and
Prof. Dawson to discuss the subject.
THE PROBLEM of student government and
extracurricular activities will be given con-
sideration at another panel at the same time.
Student government has been a controversial
topic on this campus for many years. The pres-
ence of the University authorities who exercise
jurisdiction over this issue should provide an
opportunity for an enlightening discussion.
-Alvin Dann
To the Editor:
The mass of misinformation and distortion
which Messrs. Huston and Muehl have put to-
gether constitutes the best piece of Nazi propa-
ganda I have seen in many a day. Since I am
limited to 450 words in which to answer this
2,000-word smear, let me say flatly that the
British people have devoted a tremndous
amount of thought during the last two years
to the problem of creating a permanent peace,
that they know the mistakes of the past twenty-
five years as well or better than Messrs. Huston
and Muehl, and that the only hope of peace in
our time is a British victory. Let Messrs. Huston
and Muehl, after a good night's sleep unbroken
by any bomb explosions -
"Being than they so much more white,
So much more pure and good and true,"
sit down to the Spectator, the New Statesman
and Nation, and Harold Nicolson's last chap-
ters in his Why Britain Is At War, to mention
only a few handy sources of evidence on current
British thought and character.
Why is it that some liberals today are such
easy game for Hitler's propaganda? The allega-
tions in this guest editorial have the specious
plausibility characteristic of appeasement prop-
aganda. Many allegations are partly true but
largely false. There is the common smearing
Fire & Water
by mascott
YOU KNOW this F.D.R. boy can possibly go
just a bit too far. The nation didn't object
too strenuously when he created a lot of alpha-
betical agencies, ran for and was elected to a
third term, and changed the date of Thanks-
giving, but when he creates a "three-ocean"
navy when every schoolboy has learned for
years that the United States is bordered by only
two oceans (known before the New Deal as the
Atlantic and Pacific-no relation to a tea Co.)-
We are now reaching a situation where the
New Deal has not only outmoded every econom-
ics and sociology book but is making a mess out
of geography as well.
T HIS "ASIATIC" OCEAN is really a puzzler.
Where does the Pacific leave off and the
Asiatic begin? In the days of pre-New Deal
geography, we had a terrific struggle to main-
tain even a one-ocean navy. In the past few
years we've had a great deal of discussion about
a two-ocean navy. Now we are going to have
a three-ocean navy with the "Asiatic" as the
third ocean.
In the heydey of Barnacle Bill there were
only seven oceans. Now F.D.R. has created
another ocean and in only one day. We wonder
what he could do in six.
All the preceding, of course, is inspired by
yesterday's Free Press' glaring headline "three-
ocean navy planned." After reading that "head"
we joined with the little nine-year-old student
of geography who prayed: "Dear Lord, bless
mama and papa and Auntie Susie and damn the
AVE HAVE DECIDED not to mention either
ASCAP, BMI, or WCTU. We're not that
hard up for ideas.
MICHIGAN DAILY Dept. of Over-statement:
The dead ad that appeared on the back page
of yesterday's Daily saying - "Lost Something?
Want a Job? Need Typing Done? . . . All of your
problems are easily solved through the Daily's
Classified Advertising Directory." Aren't you
just a bit over-confident, Mr. Guttman?
THE ONLY THING this here Jack-pot dance
isn't giving away is free chinaware and
Angell Hall - so they claim.
Parley is one of the few times during the year
during which at least some students and faculty
members shake themselves out of the apathy
that is a distinguishing mark of most of the
citizens of even the University community. The
Parley manages to work up some good discus-
sions, draws out the many different opinions
to be found around here, may even help some of
us to clarify our own attitudes toward the war,
conscription, the international position of the
United States. There will be a panel on free-
iom of opinion, which ought to be interesting
and might bring a very hazy subject out into
the open.
THERE IS ONE BONE, however, that might
be picked with the Student Senate, the or-
ganization which has planned and is spon-
soring the Parley. The discussion of conscrip-
tion seems to have been planned more or less
as an explanatory session only. The four men
who will speak at this panel are all most able
and well-qualified to discuss conscription, but
since three of the four are members of the
United States military or naval services and the
fourth, Professor Goddard, is a member of the
local draft board, the discussion apparently will
take off from the principle as a starting point.
We have it, and how We will best make it work.
SUCH A DISCUSSION will be very important
to all of us, since there are so many here of
draft age, but there is still a feeling among sev-
eral groups in Ann Arbor that the principle is
not a closed book and that discussion of it is
still appropriate and necessary. They feel that
trick of citing all the bad and none of the good.
There is the invariable appeal to absolute stan-
dards of ethical perfection when judging any-
thing British; but by implication the Nazis are
given the benefit to be found in extenuating
circumstances and in relative standards.
The main point for Americans to remember.
however, is ignored in this guest editorial: name-
ly, that once Hitler has access to the raw ma-
terials of the Eastern Hemisphere, he will be
invincible. The British navy is the chief ob-
stacle to his obtaining the oil of Iraq, the rub-
ber, oil and tin of the Dutch East Indies. The
British navy is also the only guarantee that
America will have access to the twelve or four-
teen essential raw materials which we lack and
which come from Southeastern Asia. These
are two cardinal facts underlying the aid-to-
Britain position. The reader may compare this
with the distorted and false allegations of the
guest editorial concerning this policy.
- H. V. S. Ogden
Editor's Note: Newly started on the Michigan
campus is a chapter of the American Student De-
fense League. It is now at work drafting a credo
which will be based on aid to the British in the
attempt to crush Nazism. when a final draft has
been completed, it will be printed in the editorial
columns of The Daily.
Political Refugees
To the Editor:
In a series of excellent articles PM recently
exposed the closed U.S.A. doors to the greater
part of Europe's anti-fascists by our "rich
Cliveden set" in the State Department.
"Men and women whose only crime is that
they have opposed Hitler & Co. are denied en-
try here. To all practical purposes the U.S.A.
has reversed a 150-year-old tradition of grant-
ing asylum to the victims of religious and po-
litical persecution."
Yet during this same period our "pro-fascist
career men" in the State Department have been
more than generous in cutting official red tape
foi such notorious fascists as the celebrated
Gerhardt Westrick, Dr. Frederick Ried, re-
cently expelled from Brazil for Nazi activity,
and M. Massin, one of France's leading anti-
semites and active co-worker of Frech fascist
leader Jacques Doriot. These and many more
have been given carte blanche passports to dis-
seminate defeatist and pro-fascist propaganda
in America.
Evidently our "career oligarchy" has found
such anti-democratic aristocrats as Prince Rene
de Bourbon, Archduke Otto and Felix, etc., bet-
ter citizenship risks than the political exiles that
have been the backbone and sinew of Europe's
battles against the inroads of national socialist
Even a Presidential authorization in March,
1939, waiving passport and visa requirements
for non-immigrant aliens in cases. of emergen-
cies have been circumvented by these brass hats.
The result has been that only a handful of
Europe's intellectuals have escaped the glories
of Hitler's concentration camps.
It seems to me that here isa practical prob-
LEADERS to tackle. Certainly many of these
political refugees have the specialized skills
which we so badly need in our defense program.
And above all no one can deny that those who
value freedom more than life are made of the
fibre that America can use.
Fred Nikethi
Drew Pe.as
WASHINGTON-As nearly as of-
ficial U.S. observers in Europe
can gauge the situation, there is a
split inside the German High Com-
mand over immediate Nazi strategy.)
The split is similar to that existing
in Berlin last winter over deciding
w I~Lther LU strIikt aLL .Franlc. UI ntoL ---.-_._ -
the Balkans. To the Students and Faculty of
the University: Students registered
Hitler listened carefully to both under the Selective Service Regu-
sides, then made the decision him- lations who wish advice relative to
self. Doubtless that is what he will the military service may consult Pro-
do today. The two schools of thought fessor C. M. Davis, Room 1209, An-
inside the German High Command gell Hall. Members of the faculty
e may consult me in my office, Room
are: 1213 Angell Hall. Both students
1. Those who believe the war of and faculty are welcome to the serv-
attrition against England should ices of Miss Bertha Beck as a notary,
continue with air raids and subma- in Room 1213 Angell Hall,
rine sinkings. They believe the Louis A. Hopkins
United States will not be able to Student Loans: All those wishing
arm adequately until fall. and that to apply for a student loan for the
Britain can be weakened and re- second semester should file their ap-
duced to surrender before then. This plications in Room 2, University Hall,
group does not want to risk loss of at once.
a large number of men in an out- Office of the Dean of Students
right attack across the Channel. N .t
2. The second group urges inva- Note to Men Students: For the
sion . Ther urges inva- information of men students living
ment is thmmediately. Their chief Statesrgu soon - in approved rooming houses, the first
men istha te Uite Stte son smesershall end on Thursday,
ewill be helping Great Britain to an February 13, and the second semester
extent which may become danger- shall begin on the same day.
ous, and they think Germany should Students living in approved room-
act now so asto avoid any risks. inhoswoitedo o o
-ing houses, who intend to moVe to
different quarters for the second sem-
ImmediaZte InvRsionester, must give notice in writing to
APPARENTLY Hitler has not yet the Dean of Students before 4:30 on
made up his mind which school Thursday, January 23, 1941. Forms
of strategy he favors, though he fot this purpose may be secured at
seems to be leaning toward imme- Room 2, University Hall. Students
diate action. should also notify their household-
Signs of this are the large con- en verbally before this date. Per-
centrations of troops along the At- mission to move will be given only
lantic Coast from Norway to north- to students complying with this re-
west France. In Brittany and No- quirement.
mandy, all owners of homes have
been ordered to evacuate a strip of Women Students are reminded that
land about thirty miles back from they must register any change of
the coast. Communications between residence for the second semester in
this 30-mile coastal area and the the Office of the Dean of Women
rest of France have been completely by noon of January 15. They must
suspended. also inform their househead of their
Simultaneous attacks upon the intention by that date.
British Isles and the Balkans are Requests to cancel dormitory con-
not out of the question, though de- tracts should be made in writing.
pendent upon the weather. Heavy Such letters should give reason for
weather in the Balkans will make change and be addressed to Miss
any major Nazi advance extremely Jeannette Perry, Office of the Dean
hazardous; foggy weather in the of Women. All requests will be act-
English Channel should make a Nazi ed upohytedConference Commit-
invasion of England easier than at tee of the Residence Halls.
almost any other times.J
Fog sometimes is so thick over the
Channel that it is absolutely impos- Househeads, Dormitory Directors
sible for airplanes to spot ships be- and Sorority Chaperons: Women stu-
low, and this is exactly the covering dents may have late permission on
a Nazi expeditionary force needs to Monday, January 13, to attend "Hell-
edge up to the shores of England. It zapoppin." They must return im-
will be recalled that last Septembermy aerte pe ane
the ability of the R.A.F. to spot en t r
Nazi invasion ships broke up the
attempt at that time. Applications in support of research
Note-Obviously the renewed ef- projects: To give the Research Com-
NoteObvousl ni renwede -mittees and the Executive Board ade-
forts of the United States to arm .
and President Roosevelt's public quate time for study of all proposals,
urging must be a factor in Hitler's it is requested that faculty members
final decision between the two having projects needing support dur-
schools in the German High Com- ing a 1941-42 file their proposals in
mand. the Office of the Graduate School by
today. Later requests will, of course,
Farm Relief be considered toward the close of the
FarPReief Hsecond semester. Those wishing to
REPRESENTATIVE HAMPTON P. renew previous requests whether re
FULMER, new chairman of the eiving support or not should so in-
House Agriculture Committee, is a dicate. Application forms will be
strong advocate of federal farm aid, mailed or can be obtained at Secre-
and seems to believe that relief, like tary's Office, Room 1508 Rackham
charity, should begin at home. Building, Telephone 331.
One of the portly, baldish South
Carolinian's first moves as chair- Pan-American Flight Training
man was to plow under Altovene Scholarships: The CAA has made
Clark, a veteran clerk of the com- available "Pan American College
mittee, and replace her with a rela- Phase" flight scholarships to citizens
tive. Fulmer then follower this up of Latin-American countries who are
by putting still another kinsman on bona fide students enrolled in the
the congressional payroll-making a University of Michigan. Twenty of
total of three, as follows: these scholarships will be for the
Willa E. Fulmer, wife, secretary, Spring Session of the Civilian Pilot
$3,900; Wilma J. Fulmer, niece (who Training Program. For further in-
replaced Miss Clark), $1,500; Osmers
Fulmer, grand-nephew, House page,
$1,200; Total, including Fulmer's
$10.000 - $16,600.RDS
Note-Mrs. Fulmer has been on
the congressional payroll as her hus- WJR WWJ
band's secretary forĀ®ten years, al- 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC R
though she rarely appears in his
VOL. LI. No. 74
Publication in the Daily Ofieal
Buletin Is constructive not le to all
11I I IIt' wr j f it II LeIr iIy%
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
be at home to members of the faculty
and other townspeople on Sunday,
January 12, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
To the Members of the University'
Council: The Janiary meeting of the
University Council will be omitted.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
formation anyone interested should
call at the Department of Aeronauti-
cal Engineering and see Miss Dahl.
E. W. Conlon,
Coordinator of CPTP
The Ditaphone Station will be in
the Council Room, 1009 Angell Hall,
during the week of January 13. In-
sofar as possible the work will be
carried on in the regular manner.
However, there will not be telephone
service and it will be necessary for
All persons to call in person at the
office. Repairs to the office necessi-
tate this temporary change.
Graduate Students and Faculty
Members: The closing hour of the
Rackham Building has been changed
from 10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
German Departmental Library: All
books are due January 20.
Notice to University Hall Candy
Booth Girls: It is absolutely neces-
sary for each of you to report for
work at your appointed hour. Please
be prompt so that your predecessor
may go to her class. If you cannot
work at your hour, call Beth Caster at
Mosher Hall, about three hours ahead,
Continued absence will mean elimina-
tion of League credit.
The Married Couples' Cooperative
House announces board vacancies for
two married couples desirous of join-
ing the organization when openings
occur. Graduate students, single, will
also be considered. If interested,
call 2-3870 evenings.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar on Monday,
January 13, at 8:00 p.m., in Room
1564 East Medical Building. Sub-
ject: "Non-specific Defense Mechan-
isms in Virus Diseases." All inte-
ested are invited.
Aeronautical Engineering Students:
The attention of junior, senior and
graduate students in Aeronautical
Engineering is called to the announce-
ments of the following Civil Service
1. Junior Engineer (Aeronautical.)
2. Junior Professional Assistant
(Junior Engineer).
3. Student Aid.
Copies of these announcements
are posted on the Department Bulletin
It should be noted that the first
position does not require a written
examination, while the second one
does. It is understood that students
who expect to receive their degrees
in 1941 may submit applications for
the first position at this time. Appli-
cations for the second position must
be submitted before January 20, 1941.
The Student Aid positions of item
3 are available to juniors during their
summer vacation periods. Awrtten
examination is required and applica-
tions must be submitted by January
20, 1941.
.Students intending to file applica-
tions for these positions should leave
their names in the Aeronautical En-
gineering Department Office, Room
B-47 East Engineering Building.
Doctoral Examination for Norman
Mackenzie Reid, Speech; Thesis:
"Edward Loomis Davenport: A Study
in Acting Versatility," Saturday, Jan-
uary 11, 2:00 p.m., West Council
Room, Rackham Building._ Chair-
man, L. M. Eich.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who' for sufficient reason might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: The work of Bruce Rog-
ers,-books, including the Lectern
Bible, pamphlets, studies, bookplates,
labels, water color sketches,-is being
shown in the ground floor cases,
(Continued on Page 6)
-- H
City Editor's
More Open Letters ...
SUPPOSE 'you noticed that Akron University
has dropped its international law course,
because "the war-makers have reduced such
study to a farce."
TO F.D.R.:
Maybe you overlooked the suggestion by Com-
mentator Kelsey in the Detroit News that Uncle
Sam buy the British Navy. Yup, he meant just
that. We should buy the big boats, lease them
to England during the war, and thus be sure
of not having the fleet turned over to Adolf in
case of a Nazi triumph. Furthermore, then
Johnny Bull would have a nice credit surplus
with which to buy supplies here.
We read in the papers that the movie studios
promised you there would be no newspaper
releases on those love-in-thy-arms photo shots.
Maybe you'd better check up on any other prom-
ises they make.
There's a lot of nasty stories going around this
campus about you. What's the real dope?
. , x,
When's that announcement of your plans for
the future forthcoming? We understand pro
football is definitely nix.
ed 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Our -Yesterdays
50 Years Ago
Jan. 10, 1891-Dr. Joshua A. Wa-
terman of Petroit has offered to give
$20,000 toward a new gymnasium for
the U. of M. if an equal amount is
raised within three months by the
alumni and friends of the Univer-
sity. Dr. Waterman, a Yale grad-
uate, explained that a gymnasium is
"a most effectual safeguard against
riots and street rows." The new gym
will probably be named "Waterman
racy VCeni
.6:00 Stevenson News Music; Oddities Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music T The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review
6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas ".Short Short Story
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring val Clare-News Todbe Announeed
7:15 Lanny Ross Dinner Music Red Grange Radio Magic
7:30 Al Pearce Heritage Carson Robison The Lone Ranger
7:45 Al Pearce of Freedom Doc Sunshine
8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Lew Friday Night
8:15 Kate Smith Concert Loyal Army Show
8:30 Kate Smith Information, Laugh 'n Swing Death valley
8:45 News at 8:55 Please Days
9:00 Johnny Presents Waltz Sen. Ludington Gang
9:15 Johnny Presents Time Interlude; News Busters
9:30 Campbell Playhse Everyman's I Want John B. Kennedy
9:45 Campbell Playhse Theatre A Divorce Jimmy Dorsey
10:00 to be announced Wings National News Heavyweight
10:15 Alfred E. Smith of Destiny Britain Speaks Prize Fight:
10:O Where I'm From Alec Temnleton BRC Newsree lPt Comisev