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January 10, 1940 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-10

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, 1941










Gillis, Kemp, Bahrych Set Pace
As Sextet Overwhelms Huskies


Dearborn A.C.
Offers Threat

Michigan Cagers Leave Today
To Face Boiler makers, Illinois

Hank Loud Has Vacation'
In The Nets; Meyers
Heads Losers' Defense
(Continued from Page 1)
Capt. Bob Petaja pushed a beautiful
backhand shot into the net.
The game was almost half over
before the Wolverines were able to
tie the score. Paul Goldsmith turned
the trick at 9:18 of the second period
with Kemp and Charley Ross, receiv-
ing credit for assists on the play.
A few seconds later, center Dave
Wilson of Tech was sent to the pen-
alty box for interference and the
Wolverines swarmed down the ice to
take advantage of the break.
Goalie Meyers turned in some sen-
sational saves but Gillis finally put
the Wolverines in the lead at 12:35
on passes from Bahrych and Stod-
Bert Stodden tallied the third Wol-
verine goal early in the thirdtperiod
on a sold dash the length of the ice.
It was a great bit of offensive play
since the little defense man had to
skate through the entire Tech team
to make the score.'
Fred Baird, burly Port Huron de-
fense man, scored for the visitors a
minute later with a 50-foot shot
which slipped between Hank Loud's
ankles to make the score 3-2.
It was all over but the shouting
then,. as far as the boys from the
Upper Peninsula were concerned.
Michigan added another goal two
Kansas City Deal Rumored
The Detroit Free Press reports that
Walter. 0. Briggs, owner/ of the De-
troit Tigers, has offered $500,000 for
the purchase of the Kansas City
baseball club of the American Asso-
ciation in order to obtain the Blues'
star infielders, Gerald Priddy and
Phil Rizzuto.
Office and Portable Models, New
and Used of all leading makes,
Bought, Sold, Rent-
ed, Exchanged,. Re-
paired and Cleaned.
0. D. Morrill
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Since 1908 Phone 6615

minutes later with John Corson do-
ing the honors after taking a pass
from Fred Heddle.
It was five minutes before Eddie
Lowrey's boys got their fifth goal
and it came with each team having

Another stiff encounter appears in
Four Lettermen To Lead arstore for Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's
Varsity cagers tomorrow night when
Varsity Wrestling Team the Wolverines engage Purdue's de-
Iii Initial Meet Here fending Big Ten Champions at La-
D D t et erefayette, Ind.
A squad of 10 men has been named,
If comparative data means any- by Oosterbaan to leave Ann Arbor at!
thing, the Wolverine wrestlers should noon today for a= three-day trip that
have a little more trouble tomorrow will include a game with Illinois,
night in defeating the Dearborn Monday, in addition to the Boiler-
AghetinCldbsqat teyarbimaker tilt.
Athletic Club squad than they did The list includes: Captain HerbI
last year. Brogan, Mike Sofiak, George
There are three Michigan wrestlers Mik SfiakiGerg-
Rc wh sa acinaantte uehie, Jim M1 andler, Bill Herr-
back who saw actionaainJoh mann, Bill Cartmill, Leo Doyle,
Darbwor dtea lasy . Jponny n Joe Glasser, Jim Grissen and Mel
Paup. who defeated his opponent in, Commn.
the 145-pound class last year, will be$TheRiveters unsuccessful in their
iut to duplicate that feat. Also see- Conference debut against Illinois last
ing action will be Fred Klemach, a Monday night, are nevertheless re-
senior in the 121-pound class. rdda n ftesrnettas
One of, the best matches of the garded as one of the strongest teams
Oeshouthebesintmthes175-outin the loop. The Lafayette cagers
meet should be in the 175-pound have wnfv ftesvngms
class where Jim Galles, who wrestled hv won five of the seven games
clas whre Jm Glles wh wretle played to date and have rolled up an;
in the 165-pound class last year and im tote a ve.ontsan
one of the four returning lettermen; impressive total of 382 points, an av-
will meet George Williams, a veteran erage of 55 per game.
on the Dearborn squad who met de- Purdue's setbacks came at the
feat at the hands of mighty Don f hands of De Paul by a 37-35 score,
Nichols in last year's meet. and of the Illini, 49-34, while the
In the heavyweight division the Boilermakers' victories came over St.
Dearborn A.C. squad will have an- Joseph's. 42-35; Western Illinois
other veteran, Jack Smuck, who also State Teachers, 65-41; Wayne, 50-
wrestled against the Wolverines last1 19; Wabash, 67-28; Loyola of Chi-'
yearsbut found the going too tough cago, 50-35; and Indiana State, 41-
when he ran up against last year's 28.b
captain, "Butch" Jordan. Coach Ward Lambert's charges
Two other powerful Michigan let- have a veteran team paced by six
termen expecting to see action to- lettermen from the quintet that cop-
nightare Tom Weidigsin the 128- ped the Western Conference cham-
pound class and Capt. Bill Combs in pionship last year. Not only do the
the 155-pound division. Combs was Riveters have experience but also
runner-up in this division in the Big quantity of manpower and height.
Ten Conference meet last year. In the seven games played this sea-
Althouigh the Wolverines are not son, Purdue has used 19 men, 15 of
expected to be defeated in what whom stand six feet or better.
....,. I -~~ _ _4 _ . . __ T b...i

don wirtchafter's
Eddie Lowrey Smiles Again....
THROUGHOUT the opening battles in this 1941 hockey campaign, Ed-
die Lowrey used to sit on the Wolverine bench and watch his team
take beatings without getting discouraged.
"They're young and green. Yep, young and green," he used to say.
"Watch 'em. Give them some time. Why some of these kids are playing for
first time. Wait and see."
Well, the fireworks came last night on the Coliseum ice in the form
of a 6-2 shellacking of the Miner sextet from Michigan Tech.
The Wolverines had that certain something tnat Eddie has been prom-
ising us ever since the campaign got under way. Tech scored first, but
once Michigan settled down, the game took on a different light.
Skating faster, and charging harder, the Wolverines completely baf-
fled their foes from the Northland. They were alert and on the move. They
displayed a brand of checking that was crisper and more skillful than
any that the Maize and Blue outfit we've seen on the Coliseum ice since
the days when Michigan used to hold Minnesota on even terms, Mariucci
and all.
In fact, they made it so easy for goalie Hank Loud, that the box-
office threatened to charge him an admision price when the game was

. .. Purdue Captain



a man in the penalty box. Kemp
scored on assists by Bahrych and
Exactly one minute later the
locals ended their scoring for the
evening-and once again, it was John-
ny Gillis 'who fired the puck past
Meyers, Bahrych making his third
assist of the game.
First .leriod Scoring
Petaija, Mich. Tech, 11:23.
Second Period
Goldsmith, Michigan (Ross, Kemp)
Gillis, Michigan (Bahrych, Stod-
den), 12:35.
Third Period
Stodden, Michigan, 5:18.
Baird, Mich. Tech, 6:27.
Corson, Michigan (Heddle), 8:40.
Kemp, Michigan (Bahrych, Gillis)
Gillis, Michigan (Bahrych) 14:41.

should be a warm-up meet in prepar- Leading the team is captain boo
ation for the stiff Conference com- Igney, slight but sharpshooting guard
petition to come, Coach Cliff Keen is who is tke playmaker of the team.
nevertheless worried about the as yet Igney teams up with Don Blemker,
untried memlers of his team. another veteran, in the backcourt.
Wolverines Compile Impressive
All-Sports Record During 1940


Concrete evidence that the old
catchline "Champions of the West"
is much more than just a hollow
boast was impressively supplied by
Michigan athletes in 1940.
During a year which saw more and
more of the cream of the world's
youth being cast under the crimson
shadow of Mars, Wolverine athletes
compiled a handsome all-sports won
and lost average of .630, sweeping
75 dual engagements while losing
but 44 and tying two.
In Western Conference competition
the Maize and Blue demonstrated
its sports power in dynamic fashion,
romping off with three champion-
ships, finishing second in four title
chases, and ending fourth, fifth and
sixth only once each.,.
- In addition Matt Mann's swimming
juggernaut rounded out an unbeat-
I-M Sports:
Phi Delts Top List
Of House Standings
Phi Delta Theta is now leading the
field in. intejfraternity competition
with a 498 point total, according to
house standings issued this week by
the Intramural Department.
But there is a good chance that the
Phi Delts' lead will be a short-lived
one, with three sports - swimming,
water polo and handball - still un-
decided. Psi Upsilon looms as a
threat for the top position, since
they meet Phi Gamma Delta for the
swimming title and Delta Kappa Ep-
silon for the water polo champion-
ship. Moreover, in the final ratings
the Phi Delts may be headed by the
four houses immediately below them
in the present standings, which list
as the top ten:
Phi Delta Theta ............. 498
Chi Psi...................470
Phi Kappa*Psi ..............441
Chi Phi .................... 427
Theta Xi..................425
Sigma Phi Epsilon........390
Sigma Chi.................. 383
Beta Theta Pi.............. 374
Kappa Nu .................. 370
Zeta Beta Tau .............. 354
you want to keep
up with the latest
books get our
3e a day

en season by copping both the Na-
tional Intercollegiate and the Na-
tional A.A.U. indoor crowns as well
as the Western Conference title.
Contributing Michigan's other two
conference championships, Coach
Ken Doherty's track powerhouse
swept both the indoor and outdoor
meets. A lone dual meet loss to Pitts-
burgh, 67-64, marred the cindermen's
otherwise fine record.
Ranking second in the conference
standings and among the top teams
in the nation, Fritz Crisler's gridiron
powerhouse won seven battles, while
sustaining the one loss to Milnesota.
Unbeaten in dual competition dur-
ing 1940 the Wolverine golfmen won
11 of their 12 meets, a tie coming in.
the final meet. The linksmen trailed
Illinois in the conference meet.
Cliff Keen's wrestlers followed up
a fine dual meet record of six wins
and two losses with a second place
in the conference championships and
a third in the National Intercol-
On the tennis courts the Wolver-
ines dropped the curtain on their
season with a fourth place in the
Big Ten meet, after having taken
11 of their 16 dual matches.
On the darker side of the ledger
are the showings of the basketball,
baseball and hockey teams. The puck-
men closed with a second place in
the three-way conference race, but
won only four of 20 contests. The
cagemen finished sixth in the toltgh
conference chase, while Ray Fisher's
diamond charges ended fifth.

Don Bjanken, the team's leadingC
scorer last year, and Forrest Sprowl,
high scorer so far this season, arej
the starting forwards, while the cen-
ter position is taken care of by gi-
gantic, six-foot, five-inch Foresti
Weber, six-foot, three-inch Ben Kor-
schot, or Bill Neutzel, six-two in
Charlie Caress and John Tierney,
both lettermen, and sophomore Bob
Riley are the mainstays in the Boil-
ermakers' reserve corps.'
Under the colorful "Piggy" Lam- ,
bert, Purdue teams have compiled an;
enviable record over the past 24 years.
They have held undisputed posses-
sion of the Conference crown six
times and have tied for the title on
five other occasions in chalking up
a total of 313 victories against 101!
Tank Opponenti
Cancels Meet
F. And M. Surprise Move
Changes Team's Plans
Matt Mann got another dose of
the "Runout Powder" yesterday when
he received word from Lancaster,
Penn., that a scheduled swimming
meet between Franklin and Marshall
and the University of Michigan on
Jan. 17 had been called off.
Dick Price, one of the F&M stars
wrote that his "Athletic Committee
already has plans for the dates sug-£
gested" and so the second successive
team in two weeks had backed out
on the Wolverines. Only last week the
Pennsylvania A.C. of Philadelphia
cancelled their encounter with Mich-
Franklin and Marshall's surprise
action left the Maize and Blue team
with only a meet against the New
York A.C. at New York, Jan. 18. They
were to have two chances to show
their wares, but successive cancella-
tions blotted that out.
Instead of leaving next Thursday
for their swing through the East the
squad will depart from Ann Arbor
early Friday morning, returning late
Sunday night.
Though the change in plans was
a disappointment, the team didn't
ease up on the terrific training pace
it set for itself after the Florida trip.
Jack Wolin, veteran diver who is
out of school this semester, has been
hard at work for the past few days
with T-Bone Martin and Lou Haugh-
ey, on the high board while the
swimmers have been churning the
pool relentlessly.


Those green performers in the earlier battles, Kemp, Bahrfch and Gil-
lis, did exactly what Lowrey promised. While their hockey still has many
obvious flaws, there was improvement, but definitely.
Especially this Gillis. He'll be a big help to the Wolverine squad before
this year is finished. His switch from Matt Mann's swimming corps seems
more sensible every time he appears on the ice. Gillis has the ability, and
what's even more important, the necessary amount of guts. With a little
more polish and speed, big John will be right at the top of college hockey.
ONE THING LOWREY HAS TO WATCH this year is the temperament
of his squad. Tuesday night, for example, war broke out within
Wolverine ranks which was fortunately quieted before last night's tilt.
It all happened during one of the regular practice sessions. Gil
Samuelson was skating back and forth in front of Hank Loud at the net.
The Michigan goalie, who has the right to push an opponent out of the
crease, shoved Gil with his stick, but the blow went too high and cracked
Samuelson across the head.
Without hesitating, Gil dropped his stick, turned around and slugged
Hank. Lowrey raced over and chased Samuelson off the ice.
Disgusted with it all, Gil strutted off and set for home. By the time
he got there, however, Lowrey had called to say that all was forgiven.
Last night, Samuelson started for the Wolverines which proved
the coach's desire for lasting peace.
If Lowrey succeeds in keeping his squad working together smoothly
through the rest of the year, we ought to see some pretty fair hockey around
Ann Arbor this year.

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