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English Faculty
Is Represented
At Convention
Six Members Take Part
In Boston, New York,
Providence Meetings
Six professors in the English de-
partment attended conventions in
Boston, New York and Providence
during the Christmas holidays.
Among those who were away were:
Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe, who at-
tended the convention of the Ameri-
can Educational Theatre Association,
Dec. 30-Jan. 2 in Washington, D.C.
Prof. Charles C. Fries attended the
Linguistic Society Meeting in Prov-
idence, RI. Dec. 26-30 and also the
Convention of the Modern Language"
Association in Boston, Mass.
Prof. Mentor L. Williams attended
the convention of the American His-
torical Association in New York City
Dec. 26-30, and led the discussion on,
the paper "The Impact of the Doc-
trine of Evolution on America." Prof.
Williams spoke on the paper from
the point of view of "Belles Lettres."
Prof. Hereward T. Price attended
the convention of the Modern Lang-
uage Association in Boston Dec. 26-
30 and was chairman of the Shake-
speare section. Prof. Louis I. Bred-
vold also attended this convention as.
well as the meeting of the National
Council of Teachers of English in
Boston Dec. 26-30.
Prof. Warner G. Rice also attended
the convention of the National Coun-
cil of Teachers of English and is
chairman of the College Section.
Professor Rice was also in the Shake-
speare section.
Council Will Meet Today
There will be a meeting of Con-
gress' Rooming House Council at
4:30 p.m. today in Room 306 of the
Union, Arthur Kollin, Rooming House
Counce president announced. All
house presidents and representatives
are requested to attend.
Prof. Waite Denounces Banning
Of Ex-Convicts From Service;
Declares War Department
Ruling 'Anachronistic';
Calls For Modification
Terming the War Department!
order banning ex-convicts from Army
enlistment or conscription as "one
of the most anachronistic expressions
of social philosophy that has been
foisted upon this country in a long
time," John Barker Waite, professor
of criminal law at the University Law
School, yesterday expressed his hope
that the Department will modify its
Army Has Power
Professor Waite maintained that
it is within the discretion of the War
Department to take such action, be-
cause, in his opinion, the Selective
Service Act has repealed that section
of the statute of 1877 which specifi-
cally prohibited the muster into the
military service of any person who
has been convicted of a felony.
"Even if the present interpretation
of the War Department does not in
any way stand as an inducement to
crime-which many persons conver-
sant with the psyichology of youth
believe it does-it is .nevertheless an
absolute rejection of the philosophy
which has so long been universally
accepted, that persons who have been
punished and who have, in the*words
of the newspaper, 'paid their debt
to society,' must therefore be accep-
ted as members of society," Waite
Fit Associates-
"It needs no elaboration in point-
ing," he continued, "that if a man
who has been convicted and pun-
ished is not a fit associate for the
men who are called to service under
the draft, he is equally not a fit
associate for the men who are work-
ing in the Ford plant, or in any
other factory. If he is not a fit as-
sociate for; ordinary workmen, he is
made an outlaw," Waite said, point-
ing out that thereafter he has no
chance of earning a living and must
necessarily revert to crime.
Every criminologist, every psychol-
ogist, every person appreciative of
the phases of crime prevention is
critical of such a philosophy, Waite
maintained. "In my twenty-odd years
of teaching criminal law, I have nev-
er felt obliged until this year, to
point out any advantages of crini-
nality to my students," he said.
Thoughtfulness For Students
"What thoughtfulness by the War
Department for my innocent stu-
dents. Cooties, rats, battle mutilation,
suffering and death as a sacrifice
to his country; but contact with ex-
criminals-thank God and the kind-I
ly War Department, not that."
"A bit of thievery or fraud may be
financially profitable, if one is not
caught, and therefore, absolute im-
munity from military hardships and
danger," Waite declared.
The professor's indignation was
aroused by letters from Clarence
Dykstra, Selective Service Chief, and
Henry Stimson, secretary of war, cit-
ing the 1877 law as the reason for not
accepting ex-convicts in the Army.
1877 Law Not Valid
Waite claimed that the statute of
1877 no longer is the law. "Section
16 of the Selective Service Act," he
said, " provides except as provided in
this act, all laws and parts of laws
in conflict with the provisions of this
act are hereby suspended to the ex-
tent of such conflict for the period
in which this act be enforced.
'The only 'otherwise provided'
that I can find in the Act," Waite
observed, "is Section Five (D), ex-
empting ministers of religion and stu-
dents in divinity schools."
Ann ArborI
Proposed Budget Calls For Record Expenditures
A .. ..... ............... ........ ... ...........
.':::::.:::~:::EACH SYMBOL ONE BILLION DOLLARS*:.,..:.... .
COSTS 4 LW4494
F 22m22222,1 942 $ $
19412 i ', ,
In his annual budget message to Congress, President Roosevelt proposed a $17,485,004) budget, a record
for peacetime, and warned that he would ask still further funds to throw America's industrial machine into
the war against the Axis powers. This Associated Press chart illustrates in symbols the state of the budget.
The newly proposed budget is for the period, June 1, 1941, to May 31, 1942, and is compared with budgets of
the two previous years.
oted Russian
Piano Virtuoso
To Give Recital
Horowitz To Play Varied
Selections In Choral
Uio" nmCnert Sri's
Vladimir Horowitz, distinguished
piano virtuoso who has not been
heard in Ann Arbor for eight years,
will appear in recital in the Choral
Union Concert series 8:30 p.m, Wed-
nesday in Hill Auditorium.
Horowitz, Russian-born, returned
from a tour of Europe last winter,
and is now on tour through the
w United States with a comnplete. sell-
Law Review Issue To Feature
Wage And Hour Law Analysis
The third issue of the curent vol- make an independent determination
ume of the Michigan Law Review of both law and facts when the ques-
appears today featuring such topics tion of confiscation is brought into
t*h f i n llP
Is Today's News
In Summary
In line with recommendations
made by the Ann Arbor Social Wel-
fare Committee of the city's welfare
program the Family Welfare has
been merged with the Children's Ser-
vice Bureau and will be known ten-
tatively as the Family and Children's
Service Agency.
Prof. Lewis M. Gram of the En-
gineering School, president of the Ann
Arbor Trust Co., has been chosen
chairman of the board of directors,
while Prof. Laylin K. James of the
law school was elected a new mem-
ber of the board of directors to fill
a vacancy.
On the local political front Fred
L. Arnet, owner and operator of a
cemetery memorial company filed
nominating petitions for the third
ward alderman on the Republican
Herbert Crippen, city assessor, has
filed for re-election and Glenn L.
Alt has filed a petition for the Re-
publican nomination for president of
the council.
Robert Eberhart, the thirteen-
year-old youth who shot and killed
his employer, Ben Perrien, 73, a Stan-
ton farmer, has been transferred
from the Ionia county detention
quarters to the Michigan Child's
Guidance Institute at Ann Arbor for
examination by psychiatrists of the
Institute and of the Neuropsychiatric
Plymouth Alumni
To Honor Ruthven
'President and Mrs. Alexander
Ruthven will be guests of the Plym-
outh Club of the University Alumni
Association at a dinner to be given
in their honor Tuesday, Jan. 14.
Accompanying them will be Mr.
T. Hawley 'Tapping, General Exec-
utive Secretary of the Alumni Asso-
Atinoon on the same day the Ann
Arbor Club will have its first month-
ly luncheon in the Union. Prof.
Lawrence Preuss of the political
science department will address ther
as conflict of laws, the Fair Labor
Standards Act, collection of small
debts and administrative law andI
Among the leading articles is a
work entitled "Substance and Pro-
cedure in the Conflict of Laws," by
Edgar H. Ailes, a member of the De-
troit bar, dealing in large with the
complex problems courts are con-
tinually facing when dealing with
foreign causes of action. George W.
Crockett, Jr., associate attorney of
the U. S. Department of Labor, has
contributed an article on "Jurisdic-
tion of Embloyee Suits Under the
Fair Labor Standards Act," discuss-
ing the conflicting claims to juris-
diction made under the Act by the
federal and state courts.j
Woodbridge Contributes Thesis I
Frederick Woodbridge, assistant
professor of law, of the University of
Cincinnati, formerly visiting profes-
sor of law at the University of Mich-
igan, has contributed a thesis, "In-
stallment Payment of Judgments",
dealing with the problems of collect-
ing judgments from wage earners,
the various modes of collection and
recent statutes, such as the Michigan
statute, providing for installmentI
Fred T. Hanson, judge of Red Wil-
low County Couit in Nebraska and
author of many articles in legal per-
iodicals, furnishes a review of Pro-
fessor Garrard Glenn's recent work,
"Fraudulent Conveyances and Pre-
ferences" which was published last
Problem Of Confiscation
In the section of the Review de-#
voted to student contributions will
appear one comment dealing with the
difficult problem of the scope of ju-
dicial review of administrative agen-
cy orders with special reference to
the problem of whether courts must
Last Center Forum
In Series Planned
The last in the series of more than
20 roundtables on international
problems conducted by foreign stu-
dents representing almost every na-
tionality will be held at 3 p.m. to-
morrow at the International Center.
Reports of the entire series will
presented by Ivor Schialansky, Grad.,
Paul Lemyuin, Max Dresden, Grad.,
and Fahkri Maluf, Grad., at 5:30 p.m.
following the regular Sunday night
supper at the Center.
More than 60 students have parti-
cipated in the series discussing the
concepts of democracy, political
mythism, economic systems compat-
ible with democracy, and the doc-
trine of historic causality.
The group concluded, in general,
that democracy must maintain a
suitable economic system and social
justice and must foster civil respon-
sibility instead of a spirit of fatalism.
A comment on the Apex Hosiery
Case and its effect on the applica-
tion of the Sherman Act to the ac-
tivities of labor unions, another one
on the power of states to condemn
land for low-costing housing and
then transfer it to the United States,
one on the collection of assets of
bankrupt estates with special at-
tention to the pilfering bankrupt, to-
gether with the usual retinue of
notes on recent decision will fill out
the issue.
Ford Reveals
Govern mental
Governmental expenditures, state,
local and federal, passed the one-
half billion mark in Michigan for the
first time in 1939 with expenditures
amounting to 541 milion dollars,
according to a survey on "Financing
Government in Michigan" by Dr.
Robert S. Ford, director of the Bureau
of Government.
It is significant, Dr. Ford says,
that in financing this new level of
spending in the State, participation
by the three levels of government-
federal, state and local-is about
equal; each meet approximately one-
third of the cost. From a financial
standpoint, he continues, the state
government and that of the city of
Detroit rank among the ten largest
governmental units in the United
Michigan's fiscal system, which
was affected greatly by the depres-
sion, saw three distinct changes dur-
ing the 1930's, the report shows. This
period was marked by a considerable
shift in the distribution of govern-
mental costs from the tax levy on
property to other sources, an in-
crease in state assistance to local
units, and an increased federal par-
ticipation in financing governmental
activities in Michigan.
With the decline in property tax
revenues since 1930, state payments,
or state aid, to local units have prac-
tically tripled; they rose from 33
million dollars in 1930 to 99 million
dollars in 1939. This decline in
property tax revenues, Dr. Ford says,
has been offset in part by increased
federal aid; the adoption of the sales
tax; state liquor taxes, licenses and
gross profits from operation rof state
liquor stores; and the yield of various
state licenses, fees and miscellane-
ous revenues. Federal expenditures
by such agencies as the PWA, WPA,
and CCC in Michigan during 1939
totalled 167 million dollars.
_ Lne picture
out for every performance already re-
Itdep ende ntsported. Tickets for his appearance
here may still be obtained at the
To Construct offices of the University Musical
Society, which sponsors all Choral
' aH n Boot h Union concerts, in the Burton Tower,
A few seats may also be available
after 7 p.m. the night of the recital
A J-Hop booth for all independ- at the Hill Auditorium box office.
ent students-the largest booth at The pianist will play the following
the affair-will be constructed to especially picked program: Beetho-
cover an entire end of the Intramural ven's Sonata in E-flat major, Op. 31,
Building dance floor, under the spon- No. 3; Schumann's Arabesque, Op. 18;
sorship of Congress, Dick Coe, '42, Chopin's Sonata in B-flat minor, Op.
social chairman of Congress, In- 35; six short etudes by Jelobinsky-
dependent Men's Association, re- Nocturne, Valse, Remniscence, Danse,
Recitatif, and Toccata; Liszt's Sonet-
vealed yesterday. to del Petrarca, No. 104; Au bord d'-
Receipts for admission to this une source, Feux follets; and his own
booth will be available at the Union Variations on a Theme from "Car-
for 75 cents next week when J-Hop men."
tickets go on formal sale. The Con-
gress booths of the past. Coe ex- EIducation Meet
I plained, have proved exceedingly
popular and there have often beenTH ere
too many last-minute reservations.
"This year, however," he continued,
"we hope that due to the enlarged
space we will have ample facilities to
take care of all independent men
represented at the dance." Third Annual Conference on In-
structional and Curriculum Problems
sponsored by the School of Educa-
F. L. Schumi anI tion will convene here Jan. 18.
> a
Will Talk Here
Is Outstanding Authority;
To Lecture Jan. 19
Prof. Frederick L. Schuman of
Williams College, one of the nation's
outstanding interpreters of current
world affairs, wil present a lecture
on "Can America Escape War?" at
8 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 19, in the lec-
ture hall of thMe Rackham Building.
The talk is expected to deal with
the effect of the present conflict up-
on the policies and attitudes of the
United States and the best means
which Americans can use to keep
this country out of war.
Woodrow Wilson Professor of Gov-
ernment at Williams College, Dr.
Schumann is well known throughout
America and Europe both as a writer
and a lecturer. He was an eye-wit-
ness of the Nazi revolution and has
in recent years traveled widely in
Central Europe, the Balkans and the
Soviet Union.
Most recent of Professor Schu-
man's books are "Europe on the Eve,"
which predicted many of the hap-
penings in the world today, and "The
Nazi Dictatorship," considered a
leading work on the Third Reich.
At uresent he is working on a study
of the immediate diplomatic origins
of the second World War.
Teachers and school administra-
tors will gather to study curriculum
problems and issues in the fields of
finance, guidance, educational psy-
chology and physical education.
Three series of roundtables will be
held throughout the morning under
the leadership of the faculty of the
School of Education.
Prof. Hayward Keniston of the
romance languages department will
speak on "Some Basic Assumptions
of Current Education Theory" at the
luncheon to be held at the League
at 1 p.m. Dean J. B. Edmonson of
the education school will preside.
Seventeen roundtables will be
based on classes held regularly on
Saturday morning. Students in ed-
ucation will be invited to participate
in the various sessions of the confer-
Reservations for the conference
luncheon may be made at the school
of Education offices by school board
members, officers of parent teachers
associations, teachers and adminis-
trative officials.
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