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December 20, 1940 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-20

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rish Have Little

Trouble Beating Wolverine Cagers, 37-27

Scoring Plentiful In Wolverine
Hockey Team's Ice Contests

The Irish.

- 0

Michigan hockey fans, although a
little disappointed at the showing of
the Wolverine puck squad in the won-
lost column, have to concede that
they get their money's worth of
high-scoring action when they go
down to the Coliseum to see the boys
do their stuff.
One of the most prevalent peeves
among half-hearted hockey fans
since the game began has been that
the ice sport doesn't provide enough
scoring. They will admit that hockey
is as rough, as fast and as thrilling as
any sport they can mention and a
good deal rougher, faster and more
thrilling than most of them. But
they decry the great number of 1-0
and 2-1 contests, not to mention
those which end in scoreless ties.
Well, Ann Arbor people can't use
this argument against the game as
displayed at the Michigan Coliseum
this season.
In four games played by Eddie
Lowrey's Michigan club, no less than
33 goals have been scored. Unfortu-
hately, 20 of them have been scored
by Michigan's opponents and only
13 by the Wolverines.
But the fact remains that 33
goals in four contests is an average
of more than eight goals per game
and this should be enough to satis-
fy even the most l4ard-to-please fan.
The first game the Wolverines
played was the most exicting from
the scoring standpoint. n this contest,
again the London Athletic Club, the
scoring was all tied up at 5-all at
the end of the regulation playing
time but London tallied twice in the
overtime period to take the victory.
Leading scorers of the, Michigan
. team are Paul Goldsmith and Max
Bahrych. Goldsmith, junior center,
has tallied two goals and two assists
for a four-point total while Bahrych
also has four points on a goal and
three assists. Charley Ross and Gil

Samuelson have each scored three
The Wolverines have a long rest in
front of them now. Their next is
with Michigan Tech at the Coliseum
Thursday, Jan. 9. They meet the Hus-
kies again on Saturday of the same
Zivic, Jenkins
Battle Tonight
Is A Toss,-Up'
NEW YORK, Dec. 20.-(P)-By any1
way you add it up, including al-
gebra and the finger-counting sy-
stem, Fritzie Zivic figures to take
good care of Lew Jenkins in Mad-
ison Square Garden's ring tonight
-except that one of Lew's punches
might connect.
Fritzie is welterweight champion
of the world, and, as such, will have
a ten-pound weight pull over the
lightweight boss from Texas when
they go to work at 10 p.m. (E.S.T.)
in their ten-round non-title tussle.
Fritzie recently dethroned Henry
Armstrong as head man among the
147-pounders, not long after "the
Hammer" had stopped Texas Lew.
Zivic Experienced
And Fritzie has so much more ex-
perience than the "Sweetwater
Swatter", he probably already has
forgotten more tricks about bashing
beaks than Jenkins has learned up
to now.'
Yet, the fact the Texan has a kick
in either hand like the army mules
he used to shoe down in the Pan-
handle has the betting men and the
fistic faithful all in a stew about it.
The gambling fraternity, although
forced to install Zivic as the choice,
are taking no chances and have him
at a 5 to 8 price only.
Jenkins Favoredj
Despite all signs pointing toward
the Pittsburgher, this corner likes
Jenkins. Even some of Fritzie's best
friends tell you the youngest of the
five flying Zivics has made some poor
showings during his career, and just
about every time he has "looked
bad" it has been against a puncher.
Such being the case, this corner
strings along with the skinny socker
to flatten Fritzie in about four
rounds, because no one along "Bash
Boulevard" denies he ca'n put a fel-
low to sleep about as fast as ether,
and just as convincingly.

Captain Riska
Paces Winners
With 12 Points
Mandler Is Top Michigan
Scorer As Basketeers
Lose First Of Season!
(Continued from Page 1)

Were Unbeatable


oints to Notre Dame's total without
the Wolves getting a single point.
Cartmill's two free throws were
offset by Carne's long shot before
the intermission, leaving the score
In the second period Smith's push
shot was offset by Fitzgerald's free
throws and Cartmill's field goal. Ry-
an's long shot and free throw, plus
Riska's free toss, gave Notre Dame
27 and Michigan only 17 midway in
the session, Herrman's free throws
and Mandler's push shot having in-
creased the Wolves'total.
Riska's rapid free field goals and
Singer's hook shot sparked a drive
which put the Irish ahead, 36-21,
in the liveliest flurry of the evening.
Then Notre Dame, with Larry Ryan
doing most of the dribbling, began
to freeze the ball, but the Wolverines
got field goals by Brogan and Sofiak
and Mandler before the gun.

Wood, Army's
Coach, To Quit
Football Duties
Mentor Ordered By War
Department To Report'
For Duty At Fort Bliss
WEST POINT, N.Y., Dec. 19-(P)-
Capt. William H. Wood, head foot-
ball coach at the Army for the last
three years, today was ordered by the
War Department to duty at Ft. Bliss,
Lieut. Col. Louis E. Hibbs, Grad-'
uate Manager of Athletics who made
the announcement, 'said the poor
showing of the Army team last fall
had no bearing on the transfer. The
Cadets beat only Williams and tied
Harvard while losing to Cornell, La-
Fayette, Notre Dame, Brown, Penn,
Princeton and Navy for their poorest
season in 51 years of football.
Last year tie Cadets won three,,
lost four and tied two while in 1938,
the first year under Capt. Wood's
direction, they won eight and lost
only two.
The War Department ordered Capt.
Wood to sail on a transport for San
Francisco Feb. 6 and then motor to
the Texas station.

Aggies Drilling
To Stop Rams'
Irish Offense
Team's Record Is Goad
Against Notre Dame
-(W--Seven sturdy Texans, known
hither and yon as the stringiest line
in college football, worked in the rain
and chill today on a problem that is
theirs to solve, come New Year's Day.
For two years now the Texas Ag-
gies have rated as the nation's top
defensive team. The big test comes
Jan. 1, against Fordham University
in the Dallas Cotton Bowl game.
Once more the Aggies will encoun-
ter a solid Notre Dame offense-
somewhat of a rarity in an Aggie
lineman's life.
Brilliant Against Irish
Coach Homer Norton reviewed past
experiences against Irish offensives
in a talk with his boys today. Nor-
ton didn't stress the point with his
players, but a little research and
prodding from the mentor revealed
that the Aggies' success against No-
tre Dame stuff has touched on bril-
Last season the Cadets walloped
Villanova 33-7, and took in Santa
Clara 7-0. This season they encount-
ered the dancing Irish shifts twice
and came oht 41-6 victors over Tulsa
and 26-0 winners over stout little
Texas A. and I.
Line Works In Rain
The great senior line that last
season established a new all-time rec-
ord for college football by holding
ten opponents to a net gain of 67
yards per game by rushing and pass-
ing, and again ranked as the top de-
fensive team against rusing this sea-
son with a stunning "hold 'em Yale"
average of 44.3 yards, went out in
the rain to work against Fordham
--or Notre Dame-plays worked by

... tried to stop them

... scored four points

We wish you the
and a


8 AU-44

1I 'I

1 laf

Big Ten. To Aid
U.S. Defense
Program Planned To Aid
PhysicalPreparedness 1
CHICAGO, Dec. 19-(AP)-The]
Western Conference may launch,
within the next few weeks, a history-
making drive to emphasize athletics
as an aid to the national defense
Shortly after the first of the year,
the presidents and athletic directors+
of the Big Ten will meet to determine
how the athletic programs of their
schools can be stepped up in behalfi
of national physical preparedness.
And this problem will be a major
one for delegates to the National
Collegiate Athletic Association con-
vention at New York Dec. 30-31, ac-
cording to Maj. John L. Griffith,
Big Ten athletic commissioner and
N.C.A.A. secretary.
"Much of the stress on physical
preparedness," said Maj. Griffith,
"has been given impetus by the reve-
lations of our 1917 draft statistics,
which showed almost one-half of
the men examined were defectives
and almost a third were rejected for
unlimited service."
The N.C.A.A. recently completed
a survey which showed thatmscores
of schools plan to broaden their
physical educatior and athletic com-
petitive programs. Now the Big Ten
is ready to tackle the problem and
reports say that several influential
officials would support a program of
"more emphasis on athletics---not
too much on academics." One edu-
cator may propose that students close
daily classroom work in midafternoon
and spend an hour in the gymnasium.
The situation boils down to the
fact that the emergency has centered
attention on the need for increased
athletic activities in the nation's
schools-a need which some educa-
tors feel might eventually produce a
readjustment in the whole educa-
tionali curricula to meet the challenge
of the times.
Aiiwie's Tie Wings
In Du ll Game, 1-1
DETROIT, Dec. 19.--(A)-The De-
troit Red Wings and the New York
Americans scored a goal apiece in
the first six and one-half minutes
of their National Hockey League
battle here tonight and then played
an uninspired, ragged game for the
remainder of the distance to wind
up in a 1-1 overtime deadlock. It was
the fourth consecutive overtime con-
test for the Wings.
Detroit took the lead after less
than four minutes of play when Carl
Liscombe, up from Indianapolis of
the American Hockey League, netted
a goal on a side shot from ,15 feet
out. Syd Howe and Jack Stewart
got assists.

Notre Dame (37) G F PF TP
Riska, f .........3 6 3 12
Sobek, f .........1 0 2 2
Carnes, f ........ 2 0 1 4
Yzerski, f ........ 0 1 0 1
Butler, c .......0 1 2 1
Quinn,c.......1 1 4 3
Singer,c.........1 0 0 2
Delzopho, g .......1 0 2 2
Smith, g.........2 1 2 5
Ryan, g ..........2 1 3 5
Totals .......13 11 19 37
Score at half: Notre Dame 21,
Michigan 11. Free throws missed:
Riska, Smith, Ryan, Singer, Sofiak
2, Fitzgerald 2, Ruehle, Brogan, Cart-
miller 2. Referee, Lane (Cincin-
nati); Umpire, Enright (Chicago),
Coach Of Year

Michigan (27)
Sofiak, f ........
Fitzgerald, f ...
Cartmill, f......
Mandler, c ......
Hermann, c ......
Ruehle, g ........
Brogan, g .......
Grissen, g ......
Totals ......

1 2
1 1
1 2
4 2
0 2
1 1
o 0
8 11



Those Men Of Indiana Rapidly
Becoming Big Ten's Big Problem
Hoosiers Reign Supreme In Wrestling, Track Andt
Basketball To Become Conference Terrors

r ' ' "
I; , ,,,
;c- ;
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Bierman, Leahy,
Trail Indians'


The only connotation "red scare" i
has for the coaches around the Big
Ten circuit these days is the ominous
tale of Indiana athletic might eman-
ating from the,' Hoosier's Crimson
lair down in Bloomington.
It's enough to make any 'self-re-
specting Western Conference mentor
tear a page from Huey Long's unfin-
ished book and devise a modified
"share the wealth of athletic talent"
scheme. For Indiana has seemingly
clamped a virtual stranglehold on a
major share of the conference winter
season sports crowns.
Long famed for outstanding bas-
ketball teams the Hoosiers this year
appear to have gained a corner on
the wrestling and track markets as
well. For several seasons the Bloom-
ington lads have been pulling a Jack
and the Beanstalk act, climbing more
or less unobtrusively, yet nonetheless
steadily into the realm of consistent
winners. And now, the Hoosiers
threaten to explode their latent ath-
letic dynamite all over the conference
On the hardwood Indiana has as-
sembled a crew of court veterans that
shapes up as impregnable in its field
as Joe Louis in his. Defending Big
Ten champion and winner of the
National Collegiate crown, the Crim-
son crew comprises most of the crack
Tennis Tournament
Entries Are Due Now
Entries are now being taken at
the Sports Building for the Annual
All-Campus Winter Tennis Singles
Tournament. The first 64 entrants
applying will start eliminations for
the title, won last year by Lawton
Hammet, on Jan. 12.
All undergraduates excepting those
holding varsity tennis letters from
Michigan or another school are eli-
gible. Freshman numeral winners
may compete.
Entries for the tourney will close
Jan. 8. An effort will be made to
schedule most of the matches for
Sunday mornings on the Sports
Building courts.

cagers who led them to the pin-
nacle of success last year..Such bril-
liant performers as Bill Menke, Bob
Dro, Herm Schaefer, Cury Armstrong
and a host of others are expected
to keep Indiana at the top of the
Big Ten title chase.
Although they did not win last
year's conference track crowns, either
indoor or outdoor, the Hoosiers are
given the now by most experts over
Michigan's defending championship
squad in the forthcoming campaigns.
By virtue of a roster of returning vet-
erans that reads like a who's who
of collegiate trackdom, Indiana's cin-
der team will be hard to beat. Roy
Cochran, Campbell Kane, Archie Har-
ris, Ed Hedges-read over the list,
and then start sympathizing with the
rest of the conference track men-
In wrestling, too, Indiana rates as
the pre-season favorite to cop the ti-
tle, despite a surprise threat by Pur-
due's boilermakers and perhaps Ciff
Keen's Wolverines. The return to the
mat wars of veterans BobAntonacci,
national champion, Harry Traster,
Joe Sparks, Homer Faucett, and bril-
liant Benny Wilson presages a pow-
erful squad-one fully qualified tc
take its place alongside the othe In-
diana sports representatives.
There's no doubt about it. The
conference coaches are going to see
an overdose of red this winter-in
more ways than one.


* 0
* is a
* S
Burr, Patterson & Auld
1209 South University 0
Read The Daily Classifieds

We Thank You
for your patronage
during the past year and
wish yOu a .. .

NEW YORK, Dec. 19-(P)-Clark
D. Shaughnessy, who guided Stan-
\ford's football team to an undefeated
season and into the Rose Bowl, was
named the coach of the year to-
night by the New York World-Tele-
Shaugnessy's success in his first
year as coach. of the Indians after
they had finished in the Pacific
Coast Conference cellar ' in 1939
earned him 253 first-place votes out
of the 365 cast by head coaches of
college football teams. In point scor-
ing on a 5-3-1 basis, his total of
1,423 left other coaches far behind.
Bernie Bierman of Minnesota's Big
Ten Champions was second with 33
votes for first place and a total of
366. Frank Leahy of Boston College
was third, polling 18 first-place votes
and a total of 238. Other coaches who
received more thin 100 votes were
Fritz Crisler, Michigan, with 162;
Homer Norton, Texas Aggies, with
130 and Carl Snavely, Cornell, with

Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year'

1 I
t sa
travels far and

a way with it. It
wide in the best fun




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Demand for Goebel increased 29,206,-
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*From figures compiled by the Investment Statistics Company.

DECEMBER 20, 1940

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