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December 20, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-20

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Edited and managed by students of the University of'
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not, otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mails $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Hirvie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
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Business Manager
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Women's Advertising

a trorta


* . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
.Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor
usiness Staff
Irving Guttman
anager . . Robert Gilmour
anager . . Helen Bohnsack
Manager . . Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
With Mexio?
W AR CRISES often toss strange com-
rades into the same boat; and the
resulting cooperation is interesting to watch.
The growth of the United States has pro-
duced two diverse relationships on the northern
and southern borders. Relations of Canada to
the states are comparative to the status of the
states among themselves; while Mexico has al-
ways remained a foreign nation.
Now, when Pan-American unity is vital, the
United States is making strained efforts to
treat Mexico with the same respect accorded
Canada. First, President Roosevelt ignored thi:
dubious character of Cardenas' administration
and approved his presidential candidate by
sending Secretary Wallace to the inauguration.
Now plans are being made for an elaborate de-
fense "understanding".
REPORTS INDICATE that the United States
intends giving Mexico funds for the improve-
ment of existing naval bases which could be
used as stations for United States ships; that
Mexican air bases might be enlarged and made
available for United States planes defending
the Canal Zone and the Gulf of Mexico.
Included in the proposed plan are a border
agreement patterned after that between the
United States and Canada, possible transfer
of four United States destroyers to Mexico,
mechanization of the Mexican army with United
States financial aid, and exchange of naval,
air, adid army officers for a better understanding
of defense problems.
MEXICO, HOWEVER, declares that no-United
States administration or leasing of Mex-
ican bases is contemplated and observes that
many of its citizens still harbor a deep distrust
of the United States.
The difference between Mexicans lending and
leasing bases is significant, and why the United
States should transfer four destroyers to Mexico
instead of using them itself to patrol Mexican
waters is not clear. It is obvious who will profit,
by the exchange of officers. Also significant
is the deliberate effort to create border agree-
ments that came about easily and naturally
with Canada; and the United States should
think several times before mechanizing the
army of a country whose immediate history
is saturated with blood violently shed.
In fact, great care should be taken in plan--
ning the whole general cooperation with Mex-
ico. Understanding and good will are of course
desirable and necessary for American defense,
but the methods of cooperation should be deli-
cately handled. Mexico has had a particularly
turbulent history down through the revolu-
tionary administration of Cardenas, and one
can only speculate on the future course of
Rightist Camacho who was promoted by Leftist
THE UNITED STATES should hesitate to give
Mexico ships, mechanized equipment, finan-
cial aid, and military advice until the character
of the present government is definitely estab-
lished. Not that Mexico is likely to turn total-
itarian or be especially dangerous if she did;
but the United States does not have surplus
funds and war materials to give nations of
fluctuating political positions.
-Emile Gele
The German Language

THIS IS OUR LAST COLUMN of 1940 and for
today's column there could be very little
other choice of subject than comment upon the
Church, Christmas and the year of 1940 itself.
First, we reprint Albert Einstein's recent
statement on the Church and Germany: "Being
a lover of freedom, when the revolution came
in Germany, I looked to the universities to
defend it, knowing that they had always boasted
of their devotion to the cause oftruth; but, no,
the universities immediately were silenced. Then
I looked to the great editors of the newspapers
Mussolini's Losses
In The Near East . . .
THE TIDE OF WAR may well have
been changed by the breakdown of
Mussolini's legions in their ,Near Eastern cam-
paign. Of the possible methods that may have
been utilized by the Axis in its attempt to over-
come Britain, one of the main ways of accom-
plishing this end was cutting the overseas life-
line which links England and the Empire. The
ill-starred Italian drive was apparently an at-
tempt to accomplish part of this task by strik-
ing at the strategic Suez Canal from Libya,
and seizing the British oil fields of Iraq by way
of Greece and possibly Turkey.
This phase of the Axis offensive broke down
completely as the valiant Greek patriots drove
the Italians from their homeland, and are at
the present time threatening to drive the troops
of Rome into the Adriatic. In Africa the British
staged a counte-attack which has wrecked any
chance of striking at Suez for quite a while -
indeed, it is possible that the Tomrnies will con-
tinue their attack in an attempt to conquer
HOW do these new developments affect the
course of the war? First of all, any plans
that the Axis had of crushing Britain by stop-
ping up her supply routes are now hopelessly
awr-y. The Italian government has been made
to look ridiculous in the eyes of the world, her
Axis partners, and the Italian people, who have
showed little enthusiasm for the war. Italy was
badly short-rationed and economically malad-
justed before the war broke out. Mussolini has
failed to deliver any material spoils. Germany
has monopolized the glory, spoils and suppl
-particularly oil. The sum total is that Italy
has become a liability rather than an ally of
potential strength to Hitler.
At a time when the Japanese are in a ticklish
spot in the Far East, their Axis partnership is
losing prestige - enough so that it may serious-
ly hamper Japan in her policies of unfriendliness
and opposition to Britain and the United States.
Plans have hit a snag and the Japanese are in
a tight spot since their partnership doesn't seem
to be all that it was supposed to be.
ONE of the paramount questions is what the
effect is going to be on General Weygand
and the half-million French colonial troops he
controls in Africa. It is not inconceivable that
he may decide to join forces with the British.
The Turks, the Yugoslavs and the Bulgarians"
may also take heart at these Axis setbacks.
As the situation stands the British are not
yet in too good a position. Britain is still being
bombed mercilessly night and day by Hitler's
skymen. Nazi U-boats have been taking a
terrific toll of English supply vessels. The in-
vasion peril becomes more real than ever as
it becomes one of Hitler' few remaining trumps.
But at least the picture this Christmas is a lot
brighter since Mussolini marched into the world
to play at being a modern Caesar.
- Edmund Grossberg
The Press

whose flaming editorials in days gone by had
proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like
the universities, were silenced in a few short
weeks -- --
"Only the Church stood squarely across the
path of Hitler's campaign for suppressing truth.
I never had any special interest in the Chrch
before, but now I feel a great affection and
admiration because the Church alone has had'
the courage and persistence to stand for in-
tellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced
thus to confess that what I once despised I now
praise unreservedly."
only to Germany. Their analogy to Amer-
ica today is striking with the sole exception that
here the Universities are not being silenced -
rather they are silencing themselves - that the
press is not being silenced-rather it too is
silencing itself. Free expression by the Church,
however, is still existent, ever encouraging. For
while universities everywhere under varied
guises have clamped down on the self-expres-
sion of its students and faculties, while the
press (as evidenced in the recent national elec-
tion and in comment upon the war) has become
more -intellectually dishonest, the Church and
its vigorous members have, almost alone,
preached the cause of moderation in the midst
of hysteria, have championed the right of indi-
viduals and groups to express themselves-
freely. There are, of course, exceptions, numer-
ous exceptions; but on the whole the general-
ization can be made, and should be made at
this time of Christmas, that it has largely bee
the Church that has been one of the few voices
of freedom in America during the past year. So
we join with Einstein in praise of the Church.
* * *
This 1940 has certainly been one hell of a
year. In January, 1940, the world was in a
horrible condition, but "the things to come"
have come and we're even in a worse position
Last January, despite our terrific domestic
problems ,the U.S. was still somewhat secure,
war involvement was not so probable, hysteria
not so high-pitched. Since that time we have
lost much of our freedom, a great deal of our
LAST JANUARY there was still a Paris, a free
France, an intact London, -no ruins of
Coventry. Today the Maginot Line is a mem-
ory, French freedom a farce and Britain totter-
ing on its foundations --while millions every-
where --including the U.S. - are starving,
freezing, wretched. And to us of the U.S. in
1941 there renfains the horrible choice of to
what length we will aid England, how we can
arm for defense while removing the "bottle-
necks of production"; maintaining our liberties
and at the same time increasing our standard
of living.
Yet the Christmas-time should always incul-
cate one glimtse of optimism and we can only
add this for all the consolation that it may be:
all these things that have passed could have
been avoided; and that all of us, by sticking
together, by realizing that our common interests
are so great can together work out our solution,
achieve our happiness.
But that our last paragraph sound so vague,
so almost wishy-washy that we will leave our
concrete suggestions to a future column. 'Til
then, Merry Xmas, Happy New Year, have one
---- of a riotous vacation, and be sure and
achieve at least one good, solid, substantial
An Opinion
On Freedom
Of Speech ...
Down at the University ultra-radical groups
are finding that they are embarked on a real
trail of trouble if they continue to defy or argue
with constituted authority. No one seeks to
deny students the right to "think for them-
selves," but when that thinking brings them to
those radical conclusions entirely out of line
with good sense and good taste in public ex-
pression, it certainly is time that these idi-

viduals picked some other sounding board than
that of the state university.
We haven't a doubt but what President Ruth-
ven's dismissal last summer of thirteen students
for engaging in activities contrary to the best
interests of the University, was entirely justi-
fied by the investigation which he and other
University officials made before they took this
act n. President Ruthven impresses us as a
mran of real fairness and excellent judgment.
The fact that the so-called "American Com-
mittee for Democratic and OIntellectual Free-
dom"-made up of assorted professed liberals,
largely from the eastern states-is inclined to
make an issue out of the affair, isn't a matter
of any particular moment to most of the people
of Michigan. Most citizens, who have given
the little tempest any thought at all are en-
tirely in accord with President Ruthven's action.
The American Student Union has the reputa-
tion of being closely allied with the Communist
endeavor. In the championing of the cause of
the dismissed students and in a sort of blatant
challenge to University authority, 'the local ASU
chapter has been the latest to feel the hand of
University discipline. The chapter for its viola-
tion of University regulations has been placed
on probation.
We believe =that following through on Pres-
ident Ruthven's action of the summer, is just

To the Editor:
Re: Roger Lawn's criticism of Jay
McCormick's review of "For Whom
the Bell Tolls".
First I definitely must take issue
with the first issue you take with
Jay McCormick's interpretation of
1he basic idea of this book - sub-
jugation of self for the ideal. You
say tat " even in the end any sub-
jugation was grudging". Therefore,
it seems to follow, such subjugation
cannot be heroic, and heroic sub-
jugation cannot be the basic idea
of the book, or if it is, it mis-carried.
But is not this self contradictory?
What is heroism if it is not forcing
oneself to do what one feels to be
right, following the ideal, in spite
of everything? The fact that one
recognizes everything and can there-
fore follow the ideal only grudging-
ly does not make the following less
heroic but more. I do not know what
your conception of heroic behavior
is, but, judging by your first issue,
it seems to i'e the sort of unflinch-
ing-; inhuman quality existing in the
heart of, say, Dorothy Lamour's
leading man when he rescues her
from sure death in the face of a
typhoon, hurricane, earthquake, or
what have you. You seem to assume
that since Hemingway chose to make
Robert Jordan a human being, who
naturally would accept death grudg-
ingly, that he is therefore incapable
of heroic subjugation of self for the
ideal. Remember, Jordan's ideal
and the ideal of all those who helped
him was identified with death. And
what intelligent, normal person
wouldn't accept death grudgingly?
It seems to me that the very essence
of their heroism is in the grudg-
ing. If they had romped dauntlessly
to their deaths, Hemingway's book
would not have been great. It would
have been a farce.
You call attention to the point
that "in the whole work there is no
political discussion". But why should
there be? It is a story about war
and people and emotions under pres-
sure. Do you remember Robert Jor-
dan's experience with the British (I
think) economist who was "cover-
ing" the war in Spain? Do you re-
mnember what he said to him when
the economist offered him a cigar-
ette for a little information during
the heat of a battle? If you do, that
is fine, because I could not repeat
it here. Anyway, the point is that
here Hemingway showed, it seems
o me, that he was interested in the
action of the physical war, not in
intellectual harangues. But, if I
follow your reasoning, you are say-
ing that there should have been
more political discussion in the book
as a means of sufficiently motivating
the characters. Their loyalty appears
to you illogical in the absence of a
"rudimentary understanding" of
Spain's politics. Well, perhaps it is.
But is there not often much that is
illogical in patriotic, religious, or
loyal feelings? You say, "Certainly
there could be no real loyalty or de-
votion to a cause without at least
a rudimentary understanding". I
doubt the first half of this sentence,
but, accepting it, who could say after
reading "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
that Jordan did not have far more
than a rudimentary understanding?
You continue: "My contention is
that the Spanish masses . . . did
have a beautiful and profound con-
ception of the struggle". In answer
to that contention, I feel like ask-
ing, "Vas you dere, Roger?".
Just one more thing now, please.
You say "Hemingway seems to have
(Maria) in the book only for super
sexy passion". Is not this statement

a little hasty? "Super sexy passion"
is not, it seems to me, a phrase
which one should apply to the re-
lations between two of Hemingway's
best characters-- at least after one
leaves high school. Henry Siedel
Canby puts it this way: "This is
one of the most touching and per-
fect love stories in modern litera-
ture . . . is a psychological romance
. . . but here is a group of fully real-
ized human beings, real beyond ques-
tion." Furthermore, have you for-
gotten Maria's experience with the
Fascists? Her story of the raid in
which she was taken captive helps
to complete the picture of war in
Spain,as does Pilar's account of a
massacre by the Reds.
It is interesting to note the way
in which critic Edmund Wilson's
remark in the Oct. 28th New Re-
public that the love story in "Foi
Whom the Bell Tolls" is headed
straight for Hollywood developed,
via Roger Lawn, into the generally
accepted opinion that Hemingwa3
is "gunning for Hollywood." Well,
if true, he is certainly going greal
guns. More power to him.
- Philip Wright

VOL. LI. No. 70
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
The Detroit Armenian Women's
Club Scholarship: Young men or wo-
men undergraduate students who are
enrolled this year, who are of Armen-
ian parentage, and whose residence
is in Detroit may apply for the schol-
arship of $100 which the Detroit
Armenian Women's Club intends to
provide for the year 1941-42. Candi-
dates must be recommended by the
institutions in which they are en-
rolled. Selection, which is made by
the donors, is on the basis of high
scholastic ability in the field of con-
centration, together with character.
Recommendations must be made be-
fore May 1, 1941. Students who be-
lieve themselves qualified and seek
recommendation by this University
shoud apply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
Assistant to the President, 1021 An-
gel] Hall.
General Library: During the vaca-
tion period the General Library will
be open daily from 8:00 a.m. till 6:00
p.m. from December 20 until New
Year's Day, except on December 25
and January 1, when it will be closed
all day, and on December 24 and
December 31, when it will close at
noon. From January 2 through
January 4 the hours will be 8:00 a.m.
till 10:00 p.m.
The Graduate Reading Rooms will
close at 6:00 p.m. Friday, December
20, and observe the usual holiday
schedule thereafter: 9:00-12:00 a.m.
and 1:00-5:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday, and 9:00-12:00 a.m. on Sat-
urdays and onthe days preceding
the two legal holidays.
The Departmental Libraries will be
open from 10:00-12:00 a.m. on Sat-
urday, December 21, and regularly
each day from 10:00-12:00 a.m. and
2:00-4:00 p.m. Monday through Fri-
day, beginning with the week of De-
cember 23. They will be closed on
the afternoons of December 24 and
December 31.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian
The Dictaphone Station will re-
main open during the University
Christmas Vacation. It will be ap-
preciated if those desiring work to
be completed during the first week of
the new year will leave their copy
with instructions before December 21.
Your co-operation in this matter
last year was of much help.
Freshmen and Sophomores, Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: Elections for the second sem-
ester are now being approved by the
Academic Counselors. You will be
notified by postcard to see your Coun-
selor and it will be to your decided
advantage to reply to this summons
promptly. By so doing, you will be
able to discuss your program care-
fully with your Counselor and avoid
the rush and confusion at the end
of the semester. Remember that
there will be no opportunity for you
to see your Counselor during the fin-
al examination period.
Arthur Van Duren
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Househeads, Dormitories, Sorori-
ties and League Houses: Any student
desiring to remain over night to-
night, can be accommodated in the
houses but the closing hour will be
8:00 p.m. Closing hour Thursday
will be 10:30 p.m. as usual.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Detroit Civil Service Examinations
The application must be *filed on or
before one week prior to the date of
the examination which is given be-

Guard, salary $1,740, Jan. 4, 1941
Electrical Inspector, salary $2,640
Jan 7,s19414
Lineman, salary, "prevailing rate,'
Jan. 8, 1941.


Complete information on file at the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and
The facilities of the Women's De-
partment of Physical Education hvill
close for the vacation period begin-
ning today. This includes the bowl-
ing alleys at the Women's Athletic
Building and the badminton courts in
Barbour Gymnasium.
Academic Notices
Teaching Candidates interested in
Pittsburgh schools: Teacher exam-
inations for the Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-
vania schools will be held March 14
and 15. All persons seeking teaching
positions in Pittsburgh must take
these examinations. Requirements:
Bachelor's degree, three years teach-
ing experience, qualifications for
Pennsylvania teacher's certificate.
Registration for the examinations
closes February 15. Those interested
in taking the examinatons may write
to S. E. Weber, Associate Superintend-
ent of Schools, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-
vania. Further information may be
obtained at the Uiversity Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, 201 Mason Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Hugh
Daniel Clark, Zoology; Thesis: "The
Anatomy and Embryology of the
Hemipenis of Lampropeltis, Diado-
phis and Thamnophis and Their
Value as Criteria of Relationship in
the Family Coiubridae," today at 1:15
p.m., 3089 N.S. Chairman, P. Okkel-
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
An Exhibit of contemporary paint-
ings from 79 countries, formerly at
the San Francisco World's Fair, will
be shown at the Galleries in the
Rackham Building through today.
The Galleries are open from 1:30 to
5:30 p.m. and from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.
An exhibition of Abstract Photog-
raphy and a Survey of Drawings by
American Artists is open afternoons,
2:00-5:00, in Alumni Memorial Hall,
through today.
University Lecture: Professor Oscar
Halecki, late of the University of
Cracow, Poland, will lecture on the
subject "The Problem of an Inter-
national Order in European History"
under the auspices of the Department
of History, on Tuesday, January 14,
at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Wesley Foundation: A group will
leave the Recreation Room tonight at
7:30 for skating at the Colisum.
Coming Events
Graduate Students: The Graduate
Student Council is planning a gen-
eral program for those students re-
maining in Ann Arbor during the
SXmas vacation. Program will in-
clude classical music, dancing, bridge,
and possibly a Christmas dinner.
All graduate students, faculty, and
members of the staff are welcome to
participate. There will be a meet-
Sing of those interested on Satur-
day, Dec. 21, in the Men's Lounge of
the Rackham Building during the
opera broadcast from 2-5 p.m. For
further information call Abe Rosen-
zweig at 2-1815.

Unitarian Church: 5:00 p.m. Sun-
day Vesper Service, December 22.
(Continued on Page 6)

And Public Opinion

- 0

O NE OF THE prominent features of
the last election is the discrepancy
between the opinion voiced by the press and
public opinion expressed by the actual ballot.
It was estimated that at least 65% of the lead-
ing newspapers in the country supported Mr.
Willkie while only 20% took the side of Mr.
Roosevelt. This is a clear indication that our
press is not representative of the public opinion.
If we bring to mind the role which our press
has played in establishing the principles and
the spirit of our democrary, we find that this
trend of separation between the press and the
people is a serious matter. Assuming the ten-
dency to be carried to the extreme of complete
separation then we shall end by having a people
making political decisions at the impulse of im-
mediate needs without consideration of general
principles and permanent social values; while
on the other side we would have an intellectual
class amusing itself with disputation and hair-
splitting on political and social issues without
exerting any influence in guiding the better
judgment of the electorate.
racy is to voice the will of the nation, and
preserve those principles and values which are
of general and lasting import. The press loses
its raison d'etre by failing in any of these re-
spects; i.e. either failing to represent the will
of the people or to illuminate this will by up-
holding the principles of general concern and
more immediate bearing.
It might be argued that in a democracy, the
press will ultimately have to adjust itself to
the will of the public, since its success is con-
ditioned by the number of readers to whom it
can appeal. But this argument ignores the fact
that the success of a modern newspaper depends
only to a small extent on the financial support

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Friday Evening
.6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music " The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review
6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas " Musical
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred WaringV al Clare-News M. Ayres Orch.
7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Red Grange o
7:30 Al Pearce Heritage of Freedom Carson Robison Lone Ranger
7:45 Al Pearce " Doc Sunshine
8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Hour Bara'ks Xm's Party Singing & Swinging
8:15 Kate Smith """
8:30 Kate Smith Information, Please Laugh 'n Swing Death valley Days
8:45 K. Smith; News
9:00 Johnny "Presents Waltz Time Sen. Ludington Gang Buster
9:15 Johnny Presents " Interlude; News "
9:30 Campbell Playhse Everyman's The'tre I Want A Divorce John B. Kennedy
9:45 Campbell Playhse Football Revue
10:00 Blest Are Meek Wings Of Destiny National News Prize Fight
10:15 Blest Are Meei: " Britain Speaks
10:30 where I'm From Alec Templeton BBC Newsreel

Thee Greek War
Can the battling Greeks, seem-
ingly repulsing the Fascist "invad-
ers" at every point, possibly keep
their standard aloft in the weeks
to come? America's youth, as re-
flected in the collegiate press, is
watching the Greek-Italian conflict

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