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December 20, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-20

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Will Take Part
Jn Conventions
Theatre, Language Meets
Will Attract Members
Of English Department
Six members of the English depart-
ment will attend the holiday meet-
ings of various professional societies
throughout the nation.
Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe will be pres-
ent at' the convention of the Ameri-
can Educational Theatre Association
to be held in Washington, D.C., and
Prof. Mentor L. Williams will go to
the sessions of the American Histori-
cal Association in New York City.
Attending the meeting of the Mo-
dern Language Association in Boston
will b* Professors Hereward T. Price,
Warner G. Rice, Charles C. Fries
and Lduis T. Bredvold.
Professor Price will act as chair-
man of the Shakespeare section, and
Professor Fries will give a paper on
"The Teaching of Language." A
speech on recent critical writings on
Dryden will be presented by Profes-
sor Bredvold.
Professor Rice will also attend the
National Council of Teachers of Eng-
lish meeting in Boston, as will Profes-
sor Bredvold. Professor Fries will
also go to the meetings of the Ameri-
can Linguistic Society in Providence,
Halecki To Lecture Here
Prof. Oscar Halecki, formerly of
the University of Cracow, Poland,
will deliver a University Lecture on
Tuesday, January 14, the Depart-
ment of history has announced.

FOR THE FINAL campus broadcast
of 1940, a special edition of Dick-
ens' "Christmas Carol" will be issued
to WCAR listeners at 1:30 p.m. to-j


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d Timers RecallStudeut,Faculty
titude Before First World War

the campus once again resounds
the forthright declamations of

Produced by Whitfield Connor,
the half-hour script was adapted
for radio by Alexander Miller. Spe-
cial guest-star imported for the oc-
casion is Frederic o. Crandall, in
the role of Scrooge. A quartet from
Ann Arbor High School will supply
the musical setting.
Dick Slade will narrate the "Christ-
mas Carol," while Ada MacFarland,
Dick Strain, Adeline Gittlin, Don
Diamond, John Sinclair, Bryna Lewis
and Neil Smith enact it. Alex Miller
will furnish sound effects.
Eight rag dolls arrived at Morris
Hall last week from some sender
moved by mention of the Galens
Drive on a program of "Youth in
the News." They are now in the
process of redressing, to contrib-
ute toward eight happier Christ-
Much of moment is in the offing'
for radio students next year. Recog-
nition will be given to those specially
displaying talent, ability and achieve-
ment. More of this with materializa-
tion. Right now, happy holidays!
New Build.ing
Is Constructed
For University
Detroit Extension Services
Will Have Centralization
In Rackham Memorial
To centralize and increase the serv-
ice of University activties in Detroit,
the University, in collaboration with
the Engineering Society of Detroit
and the grants from the Rackham
Fund, is constructing the Horace
H. Rackham Educational Memorial
Building in the art center section of
Now a two-story steel and concrete
framework, the structure when com-
pleted in the fall of 1941 will con-
tain a central section to consist of
an auditorium, library and banquet
hall, an east wing to contain offices
of the Engineering Society, and a
west wing to house the University
Financed by grants from the Hor-
ace H. Rackham and Mary A. Rack-
ham Fund and from Mrs. Rackham,
the University section of the build-
ing will contain a branch of the Ex-
tension Service under Dr. Charles
A. Fisher, and a branch of the Insti-
tute of Public and Social Adminis-
tration headed by Prof. Robert W.
The University's funds for the com-
bined project were accumulated
through a series of grants from Mrs.
Rackham- and the trustees of the
Rackham Fund during 1939 and 1940.
The building is to be designed in
white limestone and marble; and will
be decorated with marble carvings
of themes asso'ciated with engineer-
ing and education by Marshal Fred-
ericks of Cranbrook School.

-- -1

interventionists and non-interven-
tionists, old timers are recalling stu-
dent and faculty attitudes toward the
First World War.
Sober and constrained were the
opinions of the editors of The Wol-
verine, official publication of the
Summer Session in 1915. One of their
early editorials on America's relation-,
ship to the war stated:
"As a nation, we are at present
standing on the edge of a whirlpool.
In the light of recent developments,
it seems that we are close to plung-
ing into the vortex of fighting hu-
manity. Circumstances seem to in-
vite us with mock cordiality into
"In such a time, steady hands and
calm and reasoning minds must
steady the nation, lest it topple head-
long into the seething foment. Such
steadiness must come from the think-
ing part of the people of this country
of which we, as university men and
women, form a potent factor. Our op-
inions should necessarily be weighed
carefully. Emotions should play no
part in our conclusions."
Douglas Exhorts Heroism
Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas, later author
of "The Magnificent Obsession" and
at that time pastor of the First Con-
gregational Church, was exhorting
against the type of heroism that "re-
Aults in the cries of barefoot children
sobbing in ruined streets."
In the opinion of Prof. Dewitt "1.
Parker of the philosophy department,
who was a member of the faculty in
the pre-war days, "more students
were eager to get into the First World
War than there are who are enthusi-
astic about participating in the Sec-
ond World War."
Professor Parker pointed out that
the war discussion then concentrated
on the issue of compulsory military
training and that other aspects of
the war situation were secondary in
Active Interest In Defense
Active in arousing interest in im-
proving the defense of the United
States was Prof. Milliam Herbert
Hobbs of the geology department, who
founded the Ann Arbor branch of the
National Security League. The pri-
mary purpose of the League, accord-
ing to Professor Hobbs, was "to stir
up concern for the defensive problems
of the nation." It was also designed
to strike against the public apathy
due to President Woodrow Wilson's
refusal to support a national pre-
paredness campaign.
The membership of the local unit
of the National Security League in-
cluded Dean Joseph A. Bursley, at
that time a member of the College of
Teachers Plan
Meeting Here


LOST--Brown leather billfold. Re-
ward. Forest Hainline, Lawyers
Club, Phone 4145. 174
TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., phone 5689. 9c
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 14c
VIOLA STEIN- Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox , darned.
Careful work at low price. 3c
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St. Phone 3916. 10c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, Phone
7112. 5c
TUTORING can bring returns b
using classified advertising. Rea-
sonable rates. Call at The Mich-
igan Daily. 125

Engineering faculty: Dean Henry M.
Bates of the Law School; Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus, then a professor in the
department of minerology; Charles
A. Sink of the School of Music: and
Professor Hobbs.
The League encounteredrdifficulty
in obtaining permission for the use
of Hill Auditorium, due to the opposi-
tion of several University officials,
who did not favor stressing defense
measures. But the group was finally
granted permission to use the Audi-
torium, and it brought a number of
outstanding speakers here. Most
spectacular of these meeting was the
double bill which presented Admiral
Robert Edwin Peary, Arctic explorer,
and Gen. Leonard Wood, a military
leader in the Spanish-American War.
A large crowd jammed Hill Auditor-
ium to hear Peary and Wood urge
public support of an extended defen-
sive. program for the United States.
Introduce Voluntary Training
Leaders of the League introduced
voluntary military training to the
campus, and were active in campaign-
ing for the innovation of compulsory
military training in 1917. A student
poll conducted by The Daily indicat-
ed that a sizable majority favored
the introduction of compulsory mili-
tary training. After a prolonged and
bitter controversy marked by an epis-
tulary barrage in the columns of The
Daily, compulsory military training
was officially sponsored by the Uni-
Pacifist sentiment on the campus
was slight in the pre-war years. The
Student Forum and the Intercollegi-
ate Socialist Society held a few po-
test meetings. Max Eastman, the
author, delivered an anti-war speech
here. But no effective formal or-
ganization to oppose America's entry
into the war was functioning.
Unique Freight
Railroad I s dun
0 0
Besides controlling an education-
al institution and Tom Harmon, the
University of Michigan is owner and
operator of a bona fide electric rail-
road. Built in 1930, its three quarter
mile roadbed connects the University
powerhouse with the Michigan Cen-
tral mainline, and conveys the forty
to fifty thousand tons of coal year-
ly consumed in generating the Uni-
versity's electricty.
When first opened, the line was
powered by steam, but neighborhood
objections to soot and smoke soon
resulted in complete electrification.
The present electric locomotive is the
sole rolling stock, making the railroad
a better than average collision risk.
There is no speed limit on the line,
but Casey Jones can rest easy for the
diminutive engine has never been
known to exceed twenty miles per
hour. Even at this pace, its safety
record is not uncheckered. The en-
tire operating staff was taking a
string of empties down the steep
grade to the mainline one winter
when icy rails caused the train to
go out of control. It finally skidded
to rest on the wrong side of a trestle,
irreparably damaging the dignity of
the motorman and brakeman. The
line's only other mishap occurred
during a windstorm to the huge over-
head crane used in unloading the
coal cars. During the height of the
big blow, it wandered off its tracks
and was wrecked in the adjoining
The employees' lot is unusual in the
railroading profession. The unhappy
train crew can neverc be really on
the level, for when they are not drag-
ging coal and freight uphill, they are
taking empties down. They have only
retirement and a lifetime pass on the

railroad to look forward to when they
decide to go straight.
Although lacking in rolling stock,
government aid, and an extra fare
limited, the University railroad need
not feel any inferiority.

School Chorus
Will Give Yule
Song Program
The melancholy which habitually
hangs about the students and faculty
members forced to spend the holidays
in Ann Arbor will be driven off tem-
porarily at 4:15 p.m. Sunday when a
300-voice massed high school chorus
will present a Christmas Sing pro-
gram in Hill Auditorium.
Opening the program with a series
of sacred carols, the chorus will pre-
sent the "The Three Kings of the
Orient," after which the audience will
join them in the singing of five
Christmas songs.
Two separate settings are to be
used this year. When the program
opens, the white-robed chorus, with
the purple gowns of the high school
A Capella choir in the center, will
look down upon a manger scene. An
organ interlude will enable the change
to be made to a banquet scene, pre-
paratory to singing several of the old
Christmas folk songs.
The program will be concluded with
the audience and chorus all joining
in three more of the well-known
Christmas hymns.
Decorations will follow those of last
year, with strings of multi-colored
lights forming a halo over the ever-
green Christmas decorations.
A huge three-foot star will shine
from over the stage, and on the left
will be a large candle. Special light-
ing effects will be employed.
Graduates Plan
Holiday Dinner
Council Offers Activities
During Vacation Period
Graduate Student Council will hold
a Christmas dinner for those gradu-
ate students who are unable to return
home for the holidays. The date of
the dinner has not yet been set but
all of those wishing further informa-
tion are requested to call Abraham
Rosenzweig, president of the Council.
An activity program has also been
planned for the two week period, and
will include informal radio dances and
bridge tournaments. Outing Club
rooms will be open and outdoor sports
will be continued.
The broadcast of Don Pasquale's
opera "Donizetti" will be heard by
the graduates at 2 p.m. Saturday, in
the men's lounge of the Rackham
Building, Robert Lewis, chairman of
the classical record program, an-
nounced. All those interested are in-
vited to attend.

Santa Claus will be welcome, as
always, to the hundreds of adults
and childen at the University Hospi-
tal, but he will find many of them
ready to play Santa Claus themselves
with gifts they have made while at;
the hospital.
Despite the handicaps of casts,
frames and pulley arrangements, pa-
tients have been working in the at-
tractively decorated ninth floor work-
shop, making baskets, pottery ash
trays, gay aprons, towels and vari-
out toys.
Gift makers pay for their own
materials, and the special woodwork-
ing shop of young boys is maintained
by Galens.
One patient has been sewing cloth
toys for his little daughter on Christ-
mas, and another young man has
made a hand-tooled leather photo-
graph album, a project which has oc-

cupied him intermittently for six
Christmas greeting cards are print-
ed on the workshop press. Used cards
are given new covers.

Hospital Patielits To Play Santa Claus

/ 2

Breeved'f Q Qi Ey
Blnde-for Uniformky



Educators Expected
Attend Conference

To All Our Friends-A Merry
Christmas and Happy Vacation!

DAILY at 2-4-7-9 P.M.

, iC E

An invitational conference on Gen-
eral Teacher Education will be held
here Jan. 2, 3 and 4 under the aus-
pices of the Michigan Cooperative
Teacher Education Study.
One hundred educators will be in-
vited to attend the meeting at the
Union. The group will include 65 col-
lege teachers outside of departmentsj
of education, 14 superintendents,
supervisors and principals of schools,
10 members of the Michigan Teacher
Education Committee, 5 members of
the State Resource Committee on
Evaluation and 5 consultants.
The conference will consider the
teacher primarily a person, a recipi-
ent and interpreter of culture and a
force in society. The conference will
be divided into small groups to discuss
science, humanities, social studies,
and administrative personnel. The
meeting will consider the basic gen-
eral background of education of
teachers rather than the specialized
and technical professional training.


t \
li . Y... .
A Happy NewYear
f fromr
With This Issue Publication
Ceases Until January 7, 1940



7 I
Pete Smith "Dreams"
Information NOVELTY * NEWS


ini the greatest performance of a great career .. .


While You're Away

I 1

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