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October 24, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-24

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Architecture I
Student Body
To Hold Mixer
All Members Of School Invited
To Meet Informally In Union
For Annual Gathering TodayI
William Harrison, '41A, will intro-
duce the faculty to the student body
as they meet informally at the an-
nual college of architecture mixer'
from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. today in
the Union Terrace Room.
Jean Rananhan, '43A, social chair-
man of the Architectural Council,
heads the affair 'which is sponsored
to provide the oportunity for stu-
dents and faculty. to mingle in the
informal atmosphere of a social gath-
ering. The Council, which each year
sponsors the mixer, is the governing
body of the college.
Radio and record music; plus re-
freshments, will be included in the
evening's entertainment, while th
program will consist mostly of in-
formal discussion among those- at-
The annual mixer is known to be
one of the few social events in which
students may meet and talk with
their professors without that usual
classroom formality.
In keeping with the informal key-
note of the affair will be the casual
clothes worn by those attending.
Admission will be free; all members
of the college will be welcomed.
Diseuse Avoids
All Interviews
Ruth Draper Receives Publicity
By Actions Rather Than Words
"No interviews whatsoever" is the
unbroken rule by which Ruth Draper,
diseuse, keeps her privacy intact;
only facts related to her work may
appear in heW""OH-ups.
Few artists are able to live up to a
rule as strict as this one. Many may
start out with a similar idea in mind,
but human nature is usually strong-
er, aid interviews find their way
into print.
The strength of character exhibit-
ed in this rule has become apparent
in other situations. For example,
she always- 'writes the character
sketches which she presents in the
form of miniature dramas. Once
this practice obliged her to reject,
unhappily enough, a piece written
especially for her by Henry James.
For years she has been urged to
appear in talking pictures, which
most artists d at some time or an-
other, if halfway presentable-looking.
But the strong-minded Miss Draper
refused, for she feels that the mech-
anism destroys any subtle voice ef-
Radio has suffered 'the same fate.
Her sketches make frequent use of
pauses, which would leave blank
spaces on the program, and to change
them would not suit Miss Draper.
Another reason is, of course, that
the characterizations must be seen
to be fully appreciated. Television
has its fingers crossed.
The personality of Miss Draper
would seem as unique as her particu-
lar type of writing-acting is. She
will appear here as a scheduled lec-
turer Oct. 29 in Hill Auditorium.
Committee To Meet
A meeting of the decorations com-
mittee for Sophomore Cabaret will
be held at 4:30 p.m. today in the
Suite Kitchenette of they League,
Peggy Ihling, '43, chairman of the
decorations committee, announced.

§eaIer .Jn Je (ap-

Union Forma


Due By Oct. 29
Tickets May Still Be Purchased;
Tables Will Be In Ballroom

Dance Tickets
Now On" Sale


15 New Members

Crop And Saddle Riding Club

Details of the outfit are all-im-
portant, and it is by them that a
really well dressed person can be
noted. Designers earn their living
by creating pretty dresses, but wear-
ers of these dresses then have to
add just the right touch of distinc-
tion with a hat, gloves or jewelry.
If a college girl should take down
her hair, and confess, she would
admit that often she overlooks the
little things. On goes a date dress,
Sbut who stops to think that a com-
pleting note could be struck by a
little hat, or Miss Co-ed slips into
skirt, sweater and reversible with
no thought of how neat a pair of
pigskin gloves could make the out-
fit look.
It's not that most Michigan co-eds
don't have pretty details, so out they
should come. If you plan to wear
a yellow sweater tomorrow, think of
how nicely a lace-trimmed or em-
broidered white collar would look.
If you have a gold chain bracelet.
it'll be at its best when worn with
yellow, so add it. Your costume will
be above average.
Since most people get their ank-
lets to match sweaters, why not
get them to match with skirts, or
even hairbows. Think of a dark
blue sweater and light blue skirt,
with light blue anklets. Isn't it
more striking than if worn with
dark anklets? With a good looking
beige wool school dress, wear pink
hairbow and pink anklets.
Hats, in recent years, have become
a bone of contention on the Mich-
igan campus. In a way it's too bad,
yet in a way, one should be glad, be-
cause since many are dubious about
them, those who do wear hats are
doing something distinctive. An or-
dinary brown skirt and tan sweater
outfit can become quite glowing when
a brown snap brim completes it. In
the same way, the familiar black
velvet frock is a new thing if a hat
goes with it.
One thing is sure., Hats are not
out of place! For the classic roller,
this is almost completely accepted.
But for date hats, the acceptance
is not very whole-hearted, and so
those who use their heads for both
brain and beauty are even more
advanced.. They choose little hats
that really aren't at all conspicuous
in themselves, but serve as a uni-
fying center for a date outfit that
To return to a certain black velvet
dress. it has been seen a lot in Ann
Arbor but noticed especially on one.
That one wore with it a velvet hat,
also black, with a heart-shaped bon-
net brim. Another suggestion for a
velvet bonnet includes a rolled pleat.
ed brim and is cut out high in back.
To leave velvet, the pillbox, by
changing position on the head, has
taken on new hat importance. Now
it nestles on the back of the head,
and, from the front, is partially
hidden by a pompadour. The side
view is clever, cocky and very com-
Another fashion detail that has
fallen into disuse is the scarf. It
came startlingly back last week in a
streak of cold weather, when the
owner of a grey coat filled out the
neckline withra royal blue knitted
scarf. The coat was just a coat, but
the outfit as a whole was favorably
Another example of this is with
the new short boxy polo coats.
Worn with one of these was a yel-
low angora wool scarf. Many wom-
en students have scarves tucked

Interfraternity ball ticket sale is
For Fraternities, Independents already under way, Reed Cranmer,
142. publicity chairman, announced
The deadline for table reservations as he stressed that those who wish
for the sixth annual Union formal, to purchase them must do so imme-
traditional social season opener, has diately,
been set for Tuesday, Oct. 29, Bob Tickets for the dance to be held
Samuels, '42, floor chairman for the Nov. 8 in the Union ballroom are be-
ing sold in the various houses by the
affair, announced yesterday. The 'junior staff of Interfraternity Coun-
ticket sale is still open for the dance cil, and the supply is limited, Cran-
which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 mer said. General ticket sale will be-
a.m. Friday, Nov. 1, in the Rainbow gin later at the Union desk.
Room of the Union. Heading the event are Blaz Lucas,
.h41, president, Interfraternity Council,
The system being used in seating and J. DeVine, '41, secretary-trea-
the dance guests, Samuels said, will surer. The annual formal affair is
enable couples to sit with a large held for members of fraternities here
fraternity or independent group or at the University. The decorations
with one or two other couples as (for it this year are being handled by
preferre. Stb, attahed oeah Robert Porter, '42, and Paul Cosper,
preferred. Stubs, attached to each '42.

Fifteen girls yesterday donned
boots and breeches and rode their
way into active membership of Crop
and Saddle, University women's rid-
ing club.
Though tryouts held yesterday and
the proceeding Wednesday drew 31
enthusiastic participants, the club
was compelled to reject all but 15 in
accordance with the limited facilities
afforded the club.
Those selected were: Phyllis Hau-
sheur. '42; Barbara Redding, '43; Kay
Crawford, '44M; Betty Johnson, '42;
Ann Czekalsky, '41; Nancy Wood.
'43; Helen Lahey. '43; Charlotte Kin-
ney, '41Ed; Marjorie Hutchinson,
'44; Julie Test, '42; Anita Alexander,
'44; Dorothy Lindquist, '42; Peggy
Gabriel, '42; Ruth Mitchell, '44 and
Patricia Doyle, '44.
The club, headed by Mary Hayden,
'42, outlined the year's plans at a

meeting held the early part of the
semester. As in previous years, the
group will ride every Wednesday at
5 p.m. ending with supper. How-;
ever, for the first time in the history
of the organization members will be
able to continue their activities
throughout the winter because of an
inside ring which will be at their dis-
posal during the snowy months. In
this corral, they will train for the
annual spring horse show drill as well
as strive for perfection in the fun-
damentals of horsemanship.
Another event in which the Crop
and Saddlers will indulge is jump-
ing, a feature never before included
on the yearly calendar. The rest of
the time will be devoted to a study
of the various types of horses, their
respective equipment, the proper care
and training and treatment of dis-


ticket at the time of its purchase.
may be handed in for table reserva-
tions either at the time of the pur-
chase at the travel desk of the Union
or later in bloc lots. If the party
wishing to sit together is small, the
reservation may be made at the
main desk of the Union by indica-
tion on the ticket stub of the num-
bers on the stubs of the other ticket
The Formal, the only supper dance
of the school year, will also feature
a floor show, modernistic decora-
tions, and souvenir programs. The
seating arrangement has been plan-
ned so that diners may witness the
floor show which will follow imme-
diately after supper is served at
11 p.m.
Approximately 275 couples are ex-
pected to attend the dance. General
chairman of the affair is Dick Scher-
ling, '42. Included among his com-
mitteemen are Dick Strain, '42, pro-
grams; Bob Sibley, '42, patrons; Bob
Samuels, '42, floor; Bob Shedd, '42,
and Jim Rossman, '42, finance; Carl
Rohrbach, '42, and Bert Ludy, '42,
decorations; and Bill Slocum, '42,
and Jack Grady, '42, publicity.
Hillel ltoundation
Holds Social Mixer
Residents from Stockwell Hall and
the West Quadrangle will be the spe-
cially invited guests at the weekly
"PM" social gathering to be held
from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in
the Hillel Foundation.
The social mixer, which is to be
a Thursday feature at Hillel, is open
to all members, announced Laura
Katzenel, '41Ed., social chairman.

Style Show Models
To Meet At Daily
Models for All-American Fashion
Fantasy, The Daily style show, will
meet at 4 p.m. today at the Publica-
tions Building, Sue Hollis, '41, head
of the model committee, announced.
Anyone who will not be able to
attend should call Miss Hollis at
2-4561. Twenty-seven women stu-
dents have been chosen to display
the clothes from various Ann Arbor
stores who are to participate in the
Tickets for Assembly Banquet
must be purchased in the lobby of
the League before the day of the
banquet, Nov. 4. The sale will not
continue at the door the night of
the banquet as was announced
yesterday, Marjorie Polumbaum,
'42, ticket chairman, said.

are More Popular Thane ver!

away for apparent eternal disuse..
Bring them out, and see if they
don't spruce up some coat or jack-
et. Start using lots of little things
that will make your clothes "come
to the party."
Bette Corlett, '41, is the one to
score as Best Dressed Co-ed of the
Week. She wore a dark green vel-
veteen dress. The fullness of the
skirt comes from front draping, and
a wide, draped band draws in the
waist. The hat is black felt, and the
shoes are dark green suede.
Meeting Announced
The central committee for Pan-




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It's time to get new
ones! Here's your fav-
orite. exactly right to
tY-e !st detail! White
;ucded rubber sole!

and 2.95


You need our freshly-cut floral
arrangements to brighten every
room . . . and our artistic cor-
sages will give some lucky per-
son a real thrill!
Chelsea FLOWER Shop
203 E. Liberty St..



hellenic Ball will hold its first meet- Each week, however, various student
ing at 4:30 p.m. today in the League, groups will receive individual invita-
Barbara MacLaughlin, '43, general , Lions to attend the open house, Miss
chairman of the affair, announced. Katzenel said.

The Gabardine Pinafores
You fAsked Us for

T 4




& 9
You have seen them nationally advertised in
your f avorite f ashion magazines - Vogue,
Harper's Bazaar and Mademoiselle. Now, to
see these charming Debso Debs at their best, 9
see them on your own feet. ,

The 1RLL-i.ffCRI Flfl
Au revoir, alas, to Paris and her wondrous clothes,
but a fond Hail! to our own American designers
for they have created--and the Ann Arbor
merchants have bought for you- prize winners
in the field of fashion. Of course you'll want to
attend the Fashion Fantasy and get a preview of
1941's newest creations.


Thursday, Nov. 7 at 4:15 P,M.

', ..,
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The Michigan
0..7 11 ail C

)rCt eJ I


"NOTHING so slick. as gabardine," you said. "We want it
in pinafores, too!" So here they are. Well-cut, with
fullish skirts shirred onto a snug waistband. Neat-as-a-
pin in natural, bonfire red, gold, pine green, soldier blue,



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