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October 24, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-24

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__- T- 7-IL w

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
04.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193940
Editorial Staff

nervie Haufler .
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler .
Milton Orshefsky . .
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter . . .
Esther Osser .
Helen Corman .
Business S
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

. Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
S. A City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
* Associate Editor
* Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
. Exchange Editor


Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views' of the writer
Municipal Police
And The Students ."..
on this campus are bound by many
traditions. Some of these traditions lend
color and atmosphere to collegiate life here;
some are merely vestigial without particular
merit, and some are so unworthy that they de-
serve to be quickly discarded.
The ill-feeling of some students towards
the Ann Arbor police belongs in the third cate-
gory. Most of the time the attitude of these
students is not based on any actual experience
with the local constabulary, but is rather the re-
sult of hearsay and legends handed down from
those others who were here before them. How
much of this attitude was justified it is now
difficult to say. There have been occasions in
the past when the police have been forced to
take actionhagainst students individually or in
groups like the now famous pep meeting riot
of '37. When they did take action it was some-
times none too gentle. Many times when stu-
dents were taken into custody the charge was
heard that they were treated with unusual
harshness because they were students. Whether
Qr not this charge was justified is beside the
point. Eventually there arose a student antag-
onism towards the police. Students frequently
displayed their ill-will by insulting officers pub-
licly on the streets. Needless to mention the
police in turn voiced a hearty contempt for
the students when they were among themselves.
The complaint was heard too that the coopera-
tion between the department and University
officials was not entirely satisfactory.
At the present time the whole situation has
undergone a great change.
BOUT A YEAR AGO, Chief Norman A. Cook
assumed command of the force, and with
him came a number of progressive actions. a
two-way radio communication system with pat-
rol cars, a shooting range where the police have
improved their markmanship at no expense to
the taxpayers in addition to a more courteous
attitude shown towards the public are a few
There was also a new policy in regard to stu-
dents. Believing that the old methods accomp-
lished little except to arouse a mutual dislike
between police and students, he has put into
effect orders which have improved the student-
police relationship. His men have been in-
structed never to display any ill-will against
students. Whenever a student is involved in any
manner with the department he is not discrim-
inated against because he is a student. Tact,
diplomacy and intelligence is the essense of the
new policy. Facts and figures could be furnished
to substantiate these points, but to do so might
give some very misleading notion that the police
have become too lenient with students.
Joseph A. Bursley for example, have the
fullest praise for Chief Cook and the splendid
cooperation he has shown them in the last year.
Because Chief Cook has tried to do his part
to improve the student-police relationship, we
feel assured that once the student body is ac-
quainted with the present situation they will
reciprocate to an equal extent.
-Alvin Dann

a poignant thought was lodged - not only have
we lost the opportunity to view superior examples
of the celluloid art-form, but also for the next
few years, or decades, we have lost the advan-
tages, the pleasures, the stimulation of European
There is no room for the creation of a Wag-
nerian opera or a Hanz Hals canvas where
scientists are hard put for ersatz, composers for
marching songs, and painters, if they are not
already in uniform, for murals depicting Aryan
purity and the Munich putsch. There is no
room in Germany. There is no room in Europe.
And in England there is only furious activity
in that direction-moving the works of the
masters from one bomb proof shelter to the
AS IT IS DIFFICULT in time of war to in-
terest the majorities in even a discussion of
of the subjects of culture that do not include
territorial boundarles and supremacy of race,
so is it difficult for the thinkers, the writers,
the artists to disengage themselves from primary
political interests in the world crumbling about
them. The patrons, too, answering the call of
patriotism, are pouring their financial assistance
into howitzers and parachutes.
It has been apparent in historical records that
art which could not disengage itself from its
creator's particular epochal strife died within
its own epoch and was no lasting credit to cul-
ture. . .or will they be interested in 1970 times
of stress in the 1940 artist's conception of an old
fashioned war.
THUS THE TORCH of culture, as well as the
continuation of the concepts of individual
liberties, seems to have been tossed into the lap
of the Americas. While our peace and culture is
ruptured, as yet our cultural movement has not
been entirely stemmed by the destructive times.
Perhaps Europe's unfortunate demise in the
realm of art is our gain. In the past the country
at peace became the standard bearer for cul-
tural progress, and eventually the leader; that
is, if there were a country at peace. And if there
should not be one this decade then man will
have to wait for the results of some future
-Shirley Wallace
St. Lawrence Project
And U.S. Defense
A S LONG AS national attention is in-
evitably centered on the problem of
national defense, the possibilities of the St. Law-
rence Waterway project deserve careful study
and consideration.
In the opinion of experts, including Professor
Hoover of the University economics department,
immediate development of the Waterway would
contribute materially to the success of the
national defense program.
Specifically, such a development would in-
volve the. construction of a number of hydro-
electric plants, which could be effectively used
in many defense industries, especially the man-
ufacture of metals valuable for military purposes.
THE WATERWAY would also open up the in-
dustrial area around the Great Lakes, so that
important military supplies could be moving at
cheap ocean freight rates to the eastern sea-
Great Lakes shipbuilding facilities, far-re-
moved from the vulnerable seacoasts, would be
prepared to make sizable contributions to the
national defense program.
Nor are material factors the sole advantages.
The construction of the St. Lawrence Water-
way would also provide another basis for closer
understanding with Canada and would consoli-
date previous gains made in the name of hemis-
pheric unity. Such intangible possibilities can-
not be neglected.
IT IS frequently argued that the Waterway
could not be developed in less than six or
seven years, therefore it cannot be seriously
considered as a part of the present national
defense program. But what about the battle-
ship construction schedule? Does it not too have
a long-term phase? And it would not be prudent
national policy to plan with as much foresight
and as far in advance as possible?
With these considerations in mind, it is sug-
gested that the recently created American-Ca-
nadian commission on joint defense consider

carefully the advisibility of initiating the Water-
way project. If their conclusions are favorable,
the legislative bodies of the United States and
Canada should act without delay.
-Chester Bradley
To The Editor: -
Mr. Haufler says that we must not plan for
a durable peace because the British wouldn't like
it. "An American Inhabitant" says that we must
not because "the masses of the people will de-
cide". Since the lives of millions and the welfare
of billions are involved in the prevention of an-
other world war-or series of world wars-I, for
one, refuse to be bound by either inhibition. If
the British won't invite us, let us declare our-
selves in on the peace, since our own interests
are at stake. As a matter of fact, however, the
only two citations which Mr. Haufler gives to
back his opinion are objections (shared by me)
to our making a peace, as in 1919, and then run-
ning away from it. What does Mr. Herbert say?
"She (America) will pop off home." What does
Mr. Wells say? "Party politics" would destroy
the settlement. Isn't that just what happened
when we preferred Senator Lodge's way to Presi-
dent Wilson's? Suppose, for a change, that we

WASHINGTON - To say that inner Demo-
cratic chiefs are alarmed over the campaign
trend in the crucial Middle West is putting it
mildly. They are scared stiff.
The Gallup poll only confirmed the bad news,
which had been pouring in for days in agitat-
ed messages from local campaign leaders. All
screeched the same demand: "Get the Presi-
dent to climb off his lofty pedestal, come out
west in person and start talking like a candi-
date for office. If he doesn't it will just too
bad." 0
Some of the more candid politicians also
said the Midwestern campaign organizations
were honeycombed with incompetents and stuff-
ed shirts who weren't worth the powder to sink
them. Mayor Ed Kelly stormed into the Nation-
al Committee offices in Chicago and ordered a
complete housecleaning of the dawdling Speak-
ers' Bureau.
"Get some campaigners," he directed, "who
will talk about Roosevelt and principles and not
about themselves and how important they are."
Plain-talking Governor John Townsend of
Indiana sent word to Washington that Roose-
velt alone could provide the spark needed to set
the campaign going; that in a two-week speak-
ing tour in a half dozen states, he has found the
people feeling that if their votes were wanted
they were worth being wooed.
Above all came the warning that the great
mass of voters were profoundly fearful of war.
This was rated the overshadowing issue of the
campaign, apd the reason for the large propor-
tion of undecided voters in evey state poll,
ranging from 8 to as high as 22 per cent.
Privately, the Democratic leaders view these
large doubtful blocs as an undertow that may
prove to be a tidal wave of disaster on election
day. Four years ago, when Roosevelt landslid-
ed the Midwest, the polls revealed no such pro-
portion of doubtful voters.
Aloof FDR
Not in years was the inner Democratic com-
mand so unanimous on any point as on the ur-
gent need for Roosevelt to take off his coat and
get busy. In person, in long distance calls,
letters and floods of telegras they needed,
argued and demanded that hecome west.
But he stuck doggedly to his determination
not to travel farther than twelve hours away
from Washington. He agreed to make as many
political speeches on the air as time could be
bought for, but he wouldn't budge from his
12-hour limit.
The pleas for a trip to Chicago and Indian-
apolis .were almost tearful. Mayor Kelly prom-
ised a turnout of a half-million people in
Chicago, and Governor Townsend pledged 100,-
000 in Indianapolis any hour of the day or
night. The heat is still on for this trip, and
Roosevelt may yet decide to make it.
Note - Credit Senator Jimmy Byrnes, smart
little South Carolinian, withpersuading Senator
Sheridan Downey, No. 1 congressional Town-
sendite, to take the air immediately after Senator
Hiram Johnson's pro-Willkie declaration and
endorse the third term. It took several weeks
of the hardest kind of pleadirig to bring Downey
round to crossing swords with his fellow-Califor-
nian, with whom he agrees on isolationism.
Win With Wilkie
Almost-but not quite-did President Roose-
velt's chauffeur wear a Willkie button when he
called at the White House to drive the Presi-
dent to the train.
The President was about to leave for Hyde
Park, and chauffeur Montey Snyder was warm-
ing up the motor of the big touring car in the
White House garage. Then he put on his
overcoat, ready to go.
A flash of color caught his eye. He looked

down at the lapel of his coat. "Win With Will-
kie"! He snatched the button off and looked
around for the culprit.
He spotted among the onlookers the grinning
face of George Klenk, chauffeur to Sumner
Welles. No doubt about it. Klenk was the
The City Editor's
Study that list of names in today's Daily.
It gives your number in the draft, as sent to
Washington by the Ann Arbor officials. Then
when the big lottery begins in the capitol on
Oct. 29 listen to see if this number is picked out
of the goldfish bowl.

Everything On The Ball

A great artist came to Ann Arbor
last night and gave a sterling per-
formance in spite of the handicap of
a cold-Miss Anderson was in the
care of the University doctors from
early afternoon in an attempt to
treat her throat for the evening per-
formance. Her exceptional control
allowed her to rise over the difficul-
"Tutta raccolta" by Handel demon-
strated control, the charming "Der
flote weich gefuhl" in Handel's char-
acteristically florid style proved a
nice balance. "Agnus Dei" by Bizet
was the earliest substitute, and was
the first indication of Miss Ander-
son's temporary infirmity. We have
heard her before, and have not heard
her ride into the longer intervals as
she did then.
Four selections of Schubert lieder
followed. "Die Rose" was one of the
more melodic, richly sung to a softly
accompanying harmony. "Auf dem
Wasser zu singen" was delivered un-
der the melodic strain of the piano,
providing a lovely interlude. "Der
Doppelganger," was entirely forgot-
ten in the song after, the famous
classic number "Erlkonig." It is stir-
ringly dramatickinwords, melody,
and accompaniment. We did not
think Miss Anderson gave it the fire
it deserves, but realize that she could
not have attempted forsaking her
control to fulfill the difficult re-
quirements. We have heard "Erl-
konig" many times before and were
looking forward to the interpretation
Miss Anderson would almost surely
have given us.
She next sang a request number,
another of Handel's works "Dank sei
dir Herr," closing with another sub-
stitution, an aria from the opera
"Le Cid" of Bizet. Both were very
well done despite the misfortune of
a catch in her voice, and a short
space where the piano overrode the
The opening four selections for the
last half of the recital included two
by the South American composer Villa
Lobos, "Recondilha," and "Nhapope."
Then came the "Funeral of King
Nag" by Travares. MissAnderson's
low throbbing voice provided all the
necessary atmosphere.
"Punta Guajiro," a Cuban folk
rhythm written by one Varonas fin-
ished the substitutions for the eve-
ning. It had only a little to recom-
mend it, and that little was in the
artist's voice.
The recital concluded with the ren-
dition of four Negro spirituals. "Sin-
ner please don' let dis harves' pass,"
and "The Gospel Train" both ar-
ranged by Burleigh, appealed to the
audience mightily. Miss Anderson
has no peer in the world when it
comes to this type of song. "Tramp-
ing" arranged by Boatner, bore her
out in that respect, as did the final,
"Dere's no hidin' place down dere."
We spoke to Mr. Franz Rupp back-
- ..,,.,,..r- - .rm .. f + . A.]i


VOL. LI. No. 22
Publication in the Daily official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Engineering freshmen will
be expected from faculty members
during the sixth and again during the
eleventh weeks of the semester, that
is, about November 1, and December
6. Report blanks will be furnished
by campus mail. Please refer rou-1
tine questions to Jane Rollman, Of-
fice of the Dean,h(Extension 575),
who will handle the reports; other-
wise, call A. D. Moore, Head Mentor
Extension 2136.
Unidentifiable Mail: Many letters,
the addressees of which cannot be
identified, are being held at Room 1,
University Hall. Lists of the addres-
sees are posted on bulletin boards in
Angell Hall, West Engineering Build-
ing, the Michigan Union, and the
Michigan League.
Football Ticket Resale receipt hold-
ers may collect their money or tickets
this week in the Union Student Of-
fices, 3:00-5:00 P.M.
Academic ]Notices
Political Science 1 and 2 make-up
examinations for students absent
from the June, 1940, examination,
will be given Saturday, October 26,
9-12, Room 2014 A.H.
German Make-up Examination:
Saturday, October 26, from 9-12 a.m.
in room 204 U.H. All of those stu-
dents entitled to take this examina-
tion must report to the German de-
partmental office, 204 UH, at least
three days prior to this examination
unless they have already done so.
Written permission from the instruc-
tor is also necessary.

The American Association of Uni-
versity Women presents Professor
Preston Slosson in a Current Event
Lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Events Today
Research Club will meet in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing tonight at 8:00. Two papers will
be read:
1. New Spain in the Middle Six-
teenth Century, Professor Arthur S.
2. Recent Researches on Solar Phe-
nomena at the McMath-Hulbert Ob-
servatory (illustrated with motion
picture). Dr. Robert R. McMath.
Anatomy Research Club will meet
today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 4556 East
Medical Building.
Dr. James T. Bradbury will give
a paper on "Is A.P.L. a Gonadotrop-
ic Substance?-A Clinical Evalua-
tion in the Woman."
Tea will be served in Room 3502
4:00-4:30 p.m. All interested are
cordially invited.
U. of M. Flying Club will meet to-
night at 8:30 in the Union. Plans
for the coming year will be discussed,
so all students who would like to
purchase an airplane under a group
plan should be present. Every pilot
in the University is welcome. Re-
Varsity Glee Club will rehearse to-
night at 7:30. Smoker following at
9:00 with rdfreshments. Also, we
sing at the League at 12:40 p.m. to-
Freshman Glee Club men are in-
vited to attend the smoker to be held
in the Glee Club rooms at 9:00 to-
night. Refreshments.
(Continued on Page 7)



The Daily will print about 250 of these names
a day, so that every registrant will know the
number he has been assigned.
Signs of the times: The Minnesota Daily is
fathering a feud over the question of whether
coeds should smoke. Isn't that settled?
And here's a definition of love, sent us by
a man who calls himself "henpecked husband:"
Says this fellow: "Love begins when she sinks
into your arms ,and ends with your arm in the

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Thursday Evening
6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Himber Orch. Newscast "~ Evening Serenade
6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day in Review
6:45 Musical Lowell Thomas " Lorillard Show
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Meet Mr. Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Vox Pop Caravan Shall Not Pass Green Hornet
7:45 Vox Pop "t
8:00 Ask-it Basket Good News Boss Meets Worker Pot of Gold
8:15 Ask-it Basket Football Forecast"
8:30 Strange as Seems Aldrich Family On Parade Tom Dorsey Orch.
845 tag as Seems"
9:00 Major Bowes Kraft Music Hal Baptist Hour Gabriel Heatter
9:15 Major Bowes "ILife With Father
9:30 Major Bowes " News Ace Miniature Concert

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