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October 24, 1940 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-24

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Ruth Draper
Has Performed
In Many Cities
Monologist Played Tours
In British 'Provinces,'
Paris, Warsaw, Madrid
Building up a store of experience
and adventure from which material
for new sketches may be drawn, Miss
Ruth Draper, who will appear in the
first of the Oratorical Association
Lectures on Oct. 29 has not been lax
in this respect, since she has played
in innumerable cities in the United
States and in many of the leading
cities of the world.
Miss Draper has performed in the-
atres, clubs, high schools and private
homes from the Atlantic to the Pa-
cific, in the North and in the South.
Four times she went from New York
City to California and back, playing
everywhere en route.
In addition to these American
tours are her long engagements in
London and tours of the British
"provinces;" also long engagements
in Paris, where French synopses of
hier sketches were put on stereopticon
slides to help the French audiences
Miss Draper has played a tour of
the most important cities of Germany
and Austria. One summer when she
happened to be on a holiday in Salz-
burg. Max Reinhardt captured her
for a performance in his "Festival"
attended by many Continental visi-
In Rome and Madrid, she has
drawn good houses, and one year
when passing through Poland, on her
way for a holiday in Russia, a Polish
manager spied her and insisted on
presenting her to his countrymen.
To Miss Draper's surprise, an audi-
ence actually came when the Polish
posters were put up in the front of a
theatre in Warsaw..

Youth Will Be Served, Even During Air Raids

Tax Convention Gargoyle Photo,

Flying Society

To Meet Here
Institute Will Be Sponsored'
By Extension Service
Tax experts and officials from all
parts of the state will convene here
for the first Institute on Problems
of Taxation, sponsored by the Uni-
versity Extension Service in coopera-
tion with 11 local and state organ-
izations. to be held Saturday, Oct.
26. at the Rackham Building.
DIvided into five sections, the In-
stitute will deal with the types of
taxes and the uses of revenue. A
general session will precede group
meetings and will include talks by
Prof. Robert S. Ford, Director of the
Bureau of Government, and Mr. F.
Jack Neller, state representative from
Battle Creek.
The section on Michigan taxes oth-
er than the property tax will discuss
intangibles, the sales tax and a state
income tax. A special section will be
devoted to the property tax.
Apportioning of state funds to
schocls will be treated under three
headings: as the small schools see it,
as the large schools see it, and as
labor sees it. Each topic will be dis-
cussed by a specialist.
Outdoor Club To Skate

Vignettes Contest To Meet Today
To End Oct. 28 Lient. Wicks Will Discuss
Naval Training Work
Deadline for entries in the Gar-
goyle Varsity Vignettes and photogra- Members of Michigan's Flying
phy contests is Monday, Oct. 28, Club, the national intercollegiate
Dave Donaldson, '41, editor-in-chief flying champions, will meet at 8:30
I tonight in Room 316 of the Union to
of the campus magazine, announced gear Lieut. Wicks of the U.S. Naval
yesterday. Reserve present an illustrated talk,
Prizes of five and three dollars will "Naval Training at Pensacola."
be given to the first and second best Dates for the practice meet ; to
photographs, respectively, Donaldson be held at Ann Arbor airport will be
added, and pictures on any subject chosen. These three-event pract ice
a a pmeets consist of two landing accurjcy
are acceptable. tests and a "bomb dropping event.
Rules for the vignettes contest are All students interested in flying are
the same as last month, Donaltison urged to attend this open meeting,
declared. He stipulated that they the first of the year, according to
should be short stories or sketches Allen Bott, '42, president.
Irom n itonun woas:-.n,..engt,-



from 250 to 300 words in length.i
Awards of one dollar each will be
made to the three best.
Also continuing this month, hei
added, is the short story contest. A,
prize will be given for the best short
story of about 1,500 words.
Entries may be submitted to the
Gargoyle office on the first floor
of the Student Publications Build-
ing. Contributions to other depart-
ments of Gargoyle, including each
organization's calendar of events,
should also be turned in by next

What, personality haircuts?
Yes. indeed, a otng Iha is cut, blend-
ed and shaped ,o conform whityu
facial features an pr.vnl ppar
ance . it is custom-made for you
alone - to bring out your indixi,
particular tas tes for distinctive lla
scholarly appearance. Personality plus
gives you that extra oomph on impori-
ant occasions.
"Keep A-Head of Your Hair"
Between State and Mich. Theatre

An air raid warden brings a drink of water to a child who is one of the thousands spending the night in
a London subway to avoid German bombs. Hammocks for the children have been slung across what was for-
merly a right-of-way for underground trains.

Varsity enslee
Club Holds Smoker
The Varsity Men's Glee Club will
hold asmoker with the Freshmen
group at 8:30 p.m. today in the club
rooms at the Union, following a reg-
ular rehearsal at 7:30 p.m.
Charles A. Sink, of the School of
Music, Stanley Waltz, general man-
ager of the Union, Herbert Watkins,
assistant secretary of the University,
Deans Joseph A. Bursley and Walter
B. Rea, Hawling Tapping.


Disccusses Sets
Of New Play
Designing the sets for the Pl
Production offering of "Three Me
on a Horse," according to Robe
Mellencamp, scene designer, is pr
senting no problem. The difficul
comes in providing for the qui



A p
at the
117 S.
"Def er
and. U

ocrats To Hold Rally The success of the first Outdoor
rogram of movies will be the Club roller skating party gives im-
e of community rally tonight petus to the second ball-bearing ven-
local Democratic headquarters, ture which will roll along at 2:30 p.m.
Main St. The movies include Sunday, starting from the Women's
nse for America," "The FarmerI Athletic Building. All men and wo-
ncle Sam' and the "President men are invited; membership in the
;s t Outdoor Club is not a pre-requisite.

jFTry Mllri Dliious eeCrea il -


Figures Show College Students
Immune To Reported War Fever

No Surge Into Occupations
Important In Defense'
Program Is Revealed
War fever that, as a topic of con-
versation, is reportedly sweeping the{
country in an ever, increasing epi-
demic is apparently finding that stu-
dents at the University enjoy relative
immunity to its germs.
University figures relevant to en-
rollment in the various fields of
study related to defense work reveal
no sudden surge to membership in
these "key" studies. Increased mem-
bership in the military RQTC units
seems to be nothing attributable to
the European war, and the Engin-
eering College . actually showed , a
slight decline in enrollment last week.
Increase In Spanish
Students, however, have been quick
to determine which languages are
apt to be most useful to them, ac-
cording to figures regarding enroll-
ments. With France a subjugated
nation, there has been a marked drop
in the number of French students,
with Spanish showing a correspond-
ing increase as national attention
turns to closer intrahemisphere rela-
Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer, chair-
man of the German department,
however, has noted only a "normal"
fluctuation in the number of students
in his department, unlike great de-
crease during World War I. Enroll-
ment figures, still subject to changes
caused by late registrations or drop-
ping, show that there has been a
slight decrease in the entire depart-
ment, but a large increase in the
number of freshman German stu-
Naval ROTC
The advent of naval ROTC train-
ing at the University was hailed as
one of the most important defense
steps undertaken here, and its en-
rollment had to be increased twice
after setting the original quota of
80 students.
Twenty students were added to the
figure on Sept. 15, and ten more
were provided for on Oct. 7. In addi-
tion, ten naval science students are
permitted to do all theoretical work
of the ROTC, and they will fill in any
vacancies in the corps.
Naval ROTC officials, however, do

not attribute this apparent boom in
application to naval matters to war
fever. It is due, more, they believe,
to a natural desire to become ac-
quainted with sea life. This, they
say, combines with wanderlust to be-
come as great a cause of interest as
any possible war fever.
Of course, they grant, the realiza-
tion of a need for a two-ocean Ameri-
can navy has opened the opportunity
for naval training to these students
through establishment of the ROTC
unit at the University.
The military ROTC department is
able to point to an increase in en-
rollment of approximately 17 per
cent over last year, but this is what
department officials term a "normal
annual increase." Application for
work in the advanced division of the
ROTC work took a marked upswing
this fall, due to the large size of
last year's sophomore class.
ROTC instructors, however, do find
that general interest in military in-
structiop is greater this year than in
the past, both among ROTC students
and the general student body. This,
of course, may be war fever, or it
may be natural curiosity aroused by
the great amount of publicity recent-
ly given to affairs military.
Engineers Affected
Engineers are the civilians most
likely to be affected by war, accord-
ing to the general idea of M-Day
plans. Dean Ivan C. Crawford,
pointing out that enrollment in the
Engineering College had remained
practically the same as last year,
showing a very slight decrease, said
that this was probably due to in-
creased employment resulting from
the currently high tempo of business.
Figures show that the enrollment
in the University as a unit has un-
dergone little change and is approxi-
mately the same as in October, 1939.
Any decrease in enrollment appar-
ently may be blamed on tuition in-
creases rather than to enlistments in
armed service or defense projects..

changes necessary for a comedy of
this kind.
The comedy, which will be played
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Oct. 30 through Nov. 2, requires only
three settings, Mellencamp "explained,
the living room of Irwin's house in
Ozone Heights, the basement bar
room of the hotel and the hotel
"The stage of the Lydia Mendels-
sohn is so small," Mellencamp said,
"that we are having trouble arrang-
ing for the use of the jacknife tech-
nique in changing scenes, but any
other method would break the con-
tinuity of the play."
Mellencamp is building the sets on
wagons, rolling on 60 big casters, to
move the scenry. The jacknife tech-
nique he described as involving put-
ting a set each on one wagon and
pivoting them in and out as they are
Mellencamp has been designing
scenes for the Play Production group
for six years and now teaches classes
in the speech department.
"Three Men on a Horse" is a race
track farce, dealing with Irwin, the
amateur race dopester, who has such
amazing success in picking winners
that a group of professional bettors
draft him to select choices for them.
Red Cross Meet
Will Be Held
J. K. McClintock To Speak
At Regional Conference
What the Red Cross is doing in
the present national defense work
will be revealed today when James
K. McClintock of Washington, D.C.,
vice-chairman in charge of finance
of the national organization, will
address the Red Cross roll call re-
gional conference to be held today
in Ann Arbor.
More than 750 representatives from
37 Red Cross chapters are expected
to attend this conference at which
the Washtenaw chapter is acting as


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Fast. ...





Graduate Student
Council Will Hold
Meet, Tea Dance
There will be a meeting of the
Graduate Student Council at 7:30
p. m. today in the Women's Lounge
of the Rackham Building. New mem-
bers are asked to attend this meet-
ing to acquaint themselves with the
work of the Council and to assist
in planning the year's activities.
The regular Graduate Tea Dance
will be held from 4:15 to 6 p. m.
today in the Assembly Hall of the

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