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August 18, 1941 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-18

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ARY 18, 1941


THE11y!iiM1V'11HT2AN rL"TTV . £ /,y,* y £LV

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Will Hold Meeting At

5 P.M.



" -- -

Hospital Scene
To Be Theme,
For Caduceus
Main Decorations For Annual
Ball To Be In Form Of Murals
And Caricatures of Professors
Murals and cartoons will decorate
the Union Ballroom Friday for the
annual Caduceus ball sponsored by
Galens Honorary Medical Society at
which Gus Arnheim and his orches-
tra will play.
Two big murals depicting hospital
scenes will be at each end of the
ballroom, Howard Lawrence, '41M,
decorations chairman, explained.
Faces in the murals, as well as in
the other smaller cartoons on the
walls, will be recognizable as carica-
tures of professors. Jokes in the car-
toons will be understandable to ev-
eryone, but especially to doctors and
medical students.
As has been the custom in the past,
the orchestra will wear surgical caps
and gowns. Gus Arnheim and his
famous orchestra will have singing
with them eighteen year old Kath-
erine Joyce. The maestro is well
known on the American continent
and has played a command perfor-
mance before the Duke of Windsor,
then Prince of Wales. He has also

Torso Jacket Is



Helpful Hints
To Be Given
By Committee
Petitioning And Interviewing
Systems Will Be Explained;
To Discuss Freshman Project
All freshman women are called to
a mass meeting at 5 p.m. today in
the ballroom of the League, where an
explanation of the petitioning and
interviewing system of the League,
and a start on Frosh Project, will
be made.
Betty Stout, '41, head of orienta-
tion, will be in charge of the meet-
ing, and Lee Hardy, '41, president
of the League, and Doris Merker, '41,
president of Judiciary Council, will
also speak. A general outline for go-
ing out for extracurricular activities
will be given and the coming Frosh
Project will be discussed.
All the chairmanships for the
League project for freshman women
will be discussed, and immediately
following the meeting, petitioning for
it will start in the Undergraduate
Offices and will continue through
Saturday night. All women who are
interested are urged to include speci-
fic ideas and suggestions in their
pcitions and are assured that each
will be considered seriously.
Whether interested in Freshman
Project or not, all freshman women
are urged to attend this meeting to
find out about all types of activities
open toathem. The invitation to at-
tend is extended to those who are
not eligible this semester but who
would like to find out about extra-
curricular activities for the future.
Freshman Project is the annual pro-
ject undertaken by women in the
freshman class.


Dear Mother Goose: As representative of the University of Michigan
detective service, I have finally tracked down your missing knave and queen
of hearts. You remember, "The queen of hearts she made some tarts, all
on a summer's day-the knave of hearts he stole those hearts, and quickly
ran away." Well, it's winter now, and they have both been enchanted and
made into Valentines.
I found my first clue at J-Hop last Friday. Pushing my way through
a group of dancers, I elbowed past Elise Clark and John Stoner,
Yvonne Westrate and Chuck Wade, tripped over Mary Jane Vance
and Reed Cramer, and found myself staring straight into the
astonishedface of your knave. He was decorating one end of the
Intramural Building dance floor, and I distinctly saw him wink
at Jean Ryerson, when Paul Rogers wasn't looking.
The Queen Was ]Found
Something impelled me to turn and look at the opposite wall, and there
was your missing queen, looking charming enough, in spite of the way she
was glaring at the knave: she forgot him, however, to flirt with Ed Pearl-
berg, who was dancing with Jean Weidig, and to watch the amusing steps
that Barbara Carriett and John Rust were dancing.
It was gradually dawning on me that the queen and knave had become,
not dual personalities, but multiple personalities. This conclusion was based
on minute observation of Sue Flanigan and Bud Hamilton, Clara Louise
Fulde and Chuck Knapp, Mary Sellon and Al Owens, and Virginia Paton
Chi booth,
Your queens and knaves were far from a disgrace to you, Mother Goose;
in fact, to watch Carol Pitcher with Jack Emmetts, and Fran-
ces Gracey with Don Julius, dancing happily to the music of
the minstrels Krupa and Scott, you'd be sure that it was in-
deed royalty Breakfast after the dance proved that knaves
have huge appetites, and queens aren't so bad either. Proofs
were Carolyn Denfield and Art Marion, at the D U house, with
Betty Whitely and Port Brown; close rivals were Mary Dixon
and Newton Webb, as well as Jean Manwaring and Bob 7
O'Hara at the Sig Ep house party.
The Return Was Made
Saturday afternoon found the royalty behaving like very
human beings, skating, walking, bowling, and at the movies. But Saturday
night they were almost all back in the IM Building to hear Benny Good-
man. The old queen of hearts was bowing happily frome the wall at Kay Sich
and Jack Corey as they danced by Betty Jane Barnett and Buel Morley,
rnd Aggie Crow, who was with Bob Collins.
The solution to the whole affair, Mother G., lies here: The queens of
hearts all lost their hearts (oh well, almost all)
One happy Valentine's day
But gained a flock of fraternity pins
And vanished all away.
Your favorite sleuth,
St. Valentine

Dance Classes
To Start Today
League Committee To Teach
Fox Trot, Waltz To Beginners
Offering unusual opportunities to
become acquainted and at the same
time learn to dance, the first dance
class of the semester will be held at
7:15 l.m. today at the League.
The beginning class, under the di-
rection of Miss Ethel McCormick,
will be the fox trot and variations
and the basic waltz steps and varia-
tions. The intermediate class will be
held at 8:30 p.m. and will include
instruction in the rhumba and tango.
Margaret Whittemore, '41, chair-
man of the dance class committee,
announced that it was imperative
that the men bring the $3.00 which
will cover the series of lessons and
buy their tickets at the League. Wo-
men will be admitted free and addi-
tional teaching assistants are needed.
Later in the semester an advanced
class will be held on Wednesdays and
the season will be closed with a party,
Betty Johnson, '42, and Phoebe Pow-
ers, who are in charge of the classes,
announced. Max Crossman, Grad,
will play the piano for the classes.
The classes were held last semester
and proved to be very popular.
Prof. Hayward Keniston
Will Address Spanish
Society Thursday
"Some Latin American Poets" will
be the subject of a lecture to be given
by Prof. Hayward Keniston, chair-
man of the Department of Romance
Languages, before a meeting of La
Sociedad Hispanica at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 20, in Room 103 of
the Romance Language Building.
In the third of the society's lec-
ture series Professor Keniston will
discuss the work of Ruben Deario
and otherhcontemporary Latin Ameri-
can poets. He will analyze their
poetry in an attempt to discover what
they are trying to do.

composed many favorites including,
"I Cried For You" and "I Surrender
Assisting Lawrence with decora-
tions are Donald Effler, '41M, and
Logan Hovis, '42M. Heading the tra-
ditional ball are Robert Christensen,
'41M, and John McNicholas, '41M.
Others on the committee are Her-
bert Pedersen, '41M, publcity, assist-
ed by George Schaiberger, '42M; Ma-
son Maynard, '41M, tickets, together
with Charles Tolle, '42M; Robert
Medler, '41M, programs, with Wil-
liam Wright, '42M; and Wayne Stew-
art, '41M, patrons, with William
Purfield, '41M.
Tues., 7:15 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
Dance Classes.
Wed., 4:30 p.m. Candy Booth
Committee mass meeting. 7 p.m.
to 8 p.m. Ethel McCormick Schol-
arship interviewing.
Thurs., 4:30 p.m. Social Com-
mittee mass meeting. 5 p.m. Merit
System Committee meeting.

In Personnel
Work Offered
Two fellowships of $600 each are

being offered by Radcliffe College i Chairmanships open are those of
for the year 1941-42 to women de- general chairman, assistant chair-
. .man, publicity chairman, decora-
siring to prepare themselves for pos- tions chairman and patron chairman.
tions in personnel administration. t
Training for careers in private in- W*
dustry, government agencies or edu-i nto s o e
af curriculum which is adapted to e
the objective of each individual stu-
dent. Instruction includes academic T
courses in the Radcliffe Graduate daTh eigf o ya rdz. O. D.t ru
School and in the Harvard University ,agti fD.adMs .D rh
Summer School, special seminars in zit of Grosse Pointe, and William B.
personnel problems, and supervised Elmer, '41, son of Mrs. William J. El-
field work. mer and the late Mr. Elmer of Dear-
Enrollment is open to a limited born, took'place Feb. 12 at the Grosse
numbor of college graduates. The Pointe Memorial Church. The couple
2ourse extends for 11 months from is now residing i Ann Arbor. Mrs.
July 7, 1941 to June 17, 1942. Tuition Elmer, who is affiliated with Alpha
is $450. For further information call P, is a member of Scroll, sorority
the Women's Desk of The Daily. women's honor society. Mr. Elmer,




iormer president Uo si Upsilon fra-
ternity, is. editorial director of Gar-
gMarian Ferguson, Grad., daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Erik Ferguson of
Portsmouth, 0., was married to John
Hindmarsh of Toronto, Canada, in a
ceremony performed Feb. 8 at the
Michigan League Chapel. Mrs. Hind-
marsh, who graduated last year from
here, is a member of Alpha Phi sor-
ority and of Scroll.
The wedding of Barbara Grill, '41,
and Lt. Ransom S. Hawley, Jr., took
place Dec. 25, 1940, at St. James
Chapel of Howe Military School,
Howe, Ind., where Lt. Hawley taught
for two years. Mrs. Hawley is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Stanley
Grill of Owosso and Lt. Hawley is
the son of Prof. and Mrs. Ransom S.
Hawley of Ann Arbor. Mrs. Hawley
Dame Fashion
To Introduce
Short Sweater
"Sweaters are getting shorter.
Sloppy joes' and 'bulkies' are on the
way out," is the surprising news that
now greets sweater shoppers. Not
that long sweaters and the thick,
chunky ones are being removed from
the counters. No such thing. Fashion
is subtler than that, especially when
dispensing with such popular fav-
orites as these.
Instead the shorter sweater cam-
paign will be launched in the spring,
as shown by the length of the few
spring sweaters that hav,, already
arrived in town. Along with shorter
lengths come pastel colors: baby
blue, " pink, maize, white, soft green,
and a new red shade deceptively
named "may apple." Some spring
sweaters have white collars already
attached to them so that dickies are
unnecessary. Simple, classic styles
are still the best sellers, and form
the bulk of the new arrivals.

.ive Limelight;
rments Revealed
is an Alpha Phi. Lt. Hawley is now
stationed at Fort Custer and the
couple will be at home in Battle
Creek after March 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levin of Ann
Arbor announce the engagement of
their daughter, Naomi, '39, to Dr.
Pedro Foa, son of Prof. and Mrs.
Carlos Foa of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The
announcement was made Sunday at
the home of Miss Levin's aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Mintz,
and the wedding will take place in
April. Dr. Foa is a member of the
University Hospital staff.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Jennings
Hayes of Rochester, N. Y., announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Alice Allegra to Glenn R. Winters,
of Ann Arbor. Mr. Winters is the
son of Mrs. Bessie Winters of Green-
ville, Ill. He graduated from the
University law school in '36, was a
former editor of The Daily, and is
assistant to the secretary of the
American Judicature Society. Miss
Hayes graduated from Greenville
College, Greenville, Ill., and from
the Rochester Business Institute.

Alumnae NursesI
Social Committee
To Meet Thursday of Hillel Will Meet
The University Hospital School of The Hillel social committee will
Nursing Alumnae Association will hold a meeting at 4 p.m. today at
hold its February meeting at 8 p.m. the foundation. It is requested by


Thursday in the Alumnae Room at
Couzens Hall.
Mrs. Ruth Khouri, nursing arts in-
structor at Harper's Hospital in De-
troit, will be the speaker for the eve-
ping. Mrs. Khouri, who spent four
years teaching nursing arts in Syria,
will speak on "Nursing in Syria."

Laura Katzenel, 4lEd that all mem-
b2rs be present for the meeting,
which will be one of the most im-
portant of the year.
Plans for the dances which shall
be held every Thursday afternoon
will be discussed and plans for the
membership mixer which will be held
Feb. 28 will be enlarged upon.


State Street


Jkaherlon Cotor-d?/end


of Imported Wools

BRITAIN delivers the goods . . .and Good-
year's gives you her lovely unmatchable
wools in a color co-ordinated series of ex-
clusive casual clothes. Monotone tweeds
... plaided tweeds . ,. doeskin-like cricket'

cloth ... Scotch
tifully tailored.

shetland sweaters. Beau-
Wonderful colors.

/1V 'Topcoats . . . 35.00 and 45.00 (in
f : pure; camels hair . . . 59.50) ; Suits
....N. . . 29.95 and 35.00; Jackets
29.95; Skirts . . . 8.95 and 10.95;
Pullovers and Cardigans . . 10.95
each; Botany Bay Pullovers... 6.50.

James Hamilton, Tenor





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