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August 18, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-18

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Washington Merry-Go-Round

- I/


sIt ' { f M OV N .A.N.,
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
eights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate

Press, 1940-41



Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence" Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. . . . Managing Editor
, . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . .Sports Editor
. . .Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager . .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager


Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
After The War -
What Is Our Course. ..
1NOW ANOTHER WAR worse than
before. Then another depression
worse than before-and what's the world com-
ing to?
Purely aside from any supposition that we
.may be drawn directly into the European con-
flict, the very magnitude of our defense pro-
gram is so great that it leaves many flounder-
ing in confusion as to how we are ever going to
pull through, whether we shall be able to re-
sume anything like a normal economic life.
This view assumes that our defense program
is creating and will create so many severe dis-
locations in our industrial system that, accord-
ing to most economic theorists, later readjust-
ments cannot be made except at tremendous
delay and cost.
T ET'S take a few phases of this problem and
try to determine where we are.
In the first place, there is no good reason to
assume that the gigantic defense program will
be suddenly halted even with an abrupt end of
the war comparable to that of Nov. 11, 1918. A
considerable portion of what we are now under-
taking as defense will be long continued. Peace-
time uses have been announced for new arms
plants being constructed, and for bomber as-
sembly plants.
The same principle underlies other parts of
defense, notably naval and ship construction.
The building of a two-ocean navy requires five
or six years. Irrespective of the war's duration,
this plan will be put through because of the
unsettled state of the world which will not be
ended suddenly.
In addition, we have a shipbuilding program
of vast proportions. Plans already made, for
constructing 200 ships, call for an estimated
increase of more than 500,000 jobs by Novem-
ber, 1942.
THISSUGGESTS the constantly enlarging
role of the Un'ited States-not necessarily
a voluntary role-in world affairs. It requires
long-continued and constantly broadened ef-,
forts to match that role in our commercial life,
to say nothing of the necessary naval and other
defense roles.
But what of this peacetime crisis, the years
after the war? Take an example here. The Na-
tional Resources Planning Board finds a pres-
ent need of two and one-half million new homes.
Despite a growth in homebuilding in the past
two years, we have the shortage from the ten
years previous. With a fair expansion, to make
up this shortage after peace comes should re-
quire ten years.
In a study of "Fundamental Economic Issues
In National Defense," Dr. Harold Moulton, pres-
ident of the Brookings Institute, takes note of
the fact that "after the World War the existing
backlog of productive requirements in such lines
as railroads, public utilities, and housing served
to shorten the period of depression and propel
us into a period of rehabilitation and expan-
THE EXPANSION, however, proved unsound.
In this emergency we have an even greater
backlog, as well as the experience gained after
th lacemw. hma mv h usd. Dr. Moulton

WASHING'TON-While the Senate is prepar-
ing to enact the lend-lease bill committing this
country to vast outlays for Great Britain, certain
American firms are paying out hundreds of
thousands of dollars monthly to Germany and
Italy, which funds are being used to fight both
the United States and Britain.
This secret Axis aid is being delivered in the
form of royalty payments on industrial formulas,
trademarks, copyrights and patents. The money
is paid in dollars and is deposited to German
and Italian accounts in New York banks.
The Justice Department, which has conducted
a secret investigation, has uncovered these in-
teresting facts:
1. That the royalty payments are now running
around $500,000 a month, of which Germany
gets at least 80 per cent.
2. That a considerable portion of the money
was used by Germany last year to buy U. S.
goods for delivery to Latin American buyers, to
make good on contracts that Germany confi-
dently had signed after the fall of France but
was unable to fill, because of the unshaken Brit-
ish blockade.
3. That Nazi and Fascist agents have drawn on
the funds to finance racial and anti-defense
propaganda in South America.
3. That while U.S. firms fork over their tri-
bute in dollars, such royalties as Germany and
Italy pay are in the form of blocked marks and'
The Communists
And Ford Agree.. .
quired a new and very strange bed-
fellow in its efforts to influence American for-
eign policy. He is none other than their favor-
ite "bogey of capitalistic reaction"-Henry Ford.
In an interview with the Associated Press in
Georgia last Saturday, Ford declared that he
wants neither England or the Axis to win, be-
cause "they are both motivated by the same
evil impulse-greed."
He went on to explain that "it is not the
little people who are doing the fighting and the
suffering who are the greedy ones. They are
innocent of that. Their only guilt is idleness.
Idleness hasmade them stupid, and stupidity
has made it easy for the big ones, the greedy
ones, to lead them into any war."
latest Communist propaganda. "This is not
a people's war, but a war of imperialism," they
say, and Henry Ford seems to agree.
The Communists' solution for the plight of
the masses oppressed by the greedy tyrants on
both sides is revolution. Ford is in accord with
the party even on this point. He said Saturday
that if both sides fight long enough the "little
people will open their eyes. Then they can see
that they have been dupes of this international
clique of greed-and we have its members in
this country too-who have tricked them into
"MAYBE then they will revolt and free them-
selves and save themselves from being led
into destruction again as soon as they have
rested and recovered for a generation or so."
(Holy Joe in Moscow should have a warm spot in
his heart for Henry.)
THE AUTO MAGNATE even disposed of the
Nazi-invasion-peril argument in the accept-
ed party manner. "Any suggestion that the
United States will be attacked if Germany wins
the present war is pure nonsense, if not a hoax,
with the sole purpose of getting us into war,"
he asserted.
It will be interesting to watch how the Com-
munists treat their inadvertant bedfellow. There
are several illogical ways in which the Daily
Worker can handle the situation.
First, they can claim that this interview is
merely a snare to distract the masses' antagon-
ism towards him. They can warn their followers
that Ford spreading C.P. propaganda is only a
wolf stalking in sheep's clothing.
THE SECOND APPROACH would be to ac-
cept Ford as sincere. The Daily Worker can
point out that Wall Street consorting with the
Warmonger Roosevelt was too much even for
Ford. "He couldn't stand it any longer and had

to speak out to the American people" they can
A third technique would be to warn the party
followers that this interview shows how danger-
ous Ford really is. They can write that because
this enemy of the masses is capable of speaking
the truth intelligently on occasion, the workers
must be on their guard against him.
On the other side of the fence what illogical
things W.J. Cameron can say to justify his boss'
new relationship to Earl Browder is beyond the
power of our poor imagination.
- Alvin Dann
itself, aided by the great demand accrued dur-
ing the past years and by the carry-over from
defense programs, will be able to expand. But
what of the period in between?
Here the job is government's. There will be
a demand for spending on public works and
providing of relief jobs. The expense will be
great, true, added to the vast debt we already
have. But there is no alternative. A greater
expense for a few years-then a more sound
recovery and more lasting period of prosperity.
We have no other choice.
The outlook at times appears quite black. But

export lira; that is, money that can be spent
only in Germany or Italy.
Secret Information
Actually, the money levy is a secondary consid-
eration. What really worries the authorities is
how much vital military production information
their royalty agreements betray to the Axis.
Since most royalties on patents are paid ac-
cording to the number of units sold, it should
be a simple matter for the Axis to obtain de-
tailed figures on types and rate of flow of im-
portant materials to the U. S. Army and Navy
and to Britain. Last year the Justice Department
cracked down on Bausch and Lomb when it
discovered that under a secret royalty agree-
ment the firm supplied the German licensor
with a detailed accounting of certain instru-
ments delivered to the Navy.
Authorities fear that this may not have been
an exceptional case; that the royalty deals may
be providing the Axis with a more accurate pic-
ture of our defense program than any obtain-
able by a whole army of spies.
'No Red-Tape' Knudsen
Despite the importance of his position in the
Office of Production Management, William Sig-
nius Knudsen remains as unassuming as the
Bill Knudsen who arrived as an immigrant lad
from Denmark 40 years ago. So one thing in
Washington gets under his skin-the bureaucrats
who barricade themselves behind a maze of of-
ficious secretaries, red-tape and push buttons.
Knudsen himself is the opposite. He likes peo-
ple. Also, he likes the "eel" of the place he works
in. It is not unusual to see him strolling through
the corridors of the new Social Security building,
where OPM offices are now located, somewhat
as he once strolled through the General Motors
plant in Detroit hailing veteran employees.
Instead of summoning a defense associate to
his office, Knudsen frequently drops around to
the other man's office. One of these errands re-
cently took him past the office of OPM press
chief Robert Horton, a red tape past master,
where he encountered a yKvng reporter.
"Good morning," greeted Knudsen. "Can I
help you?"
"Why - yes, sir," replied the newsman. "I was
sent over here to get a story about the layout of
your new office. But I have to get permission
from Mr. Horton, and he is too busy to see me."
"We'll fix that," said Knudsen; and he spent
the next five minutes showing the newsman his
office and explaining the various gadgets on
his desk. .
Secret GOP Meet
The day before that GOP pow-wow in Omaha,
where Midwestern chiefs debated Wendell Will-
kie and his declaration for the lend-lease bill,
another meeting took place that was not report-
ed in the press.
This secret confab of the inner group was at-
tended by state chairmen from Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colo-
rado, Utah, the two Dakotas, and Florida. They
discussed two matters:
(1) Wendell Willkie; (2) Plans whereby the
state chairmen would assume a greater control
over the party's affairs.
Sentiment was practically unanimous that
Willkie, by going "all out" for Roosevelt's aid-
Britain measure, had forfeited his right to lead
the Republican Party. The basis for this, as ex-
pressed by speaker after speaker, was as follows:
It was entirely within Willkie's rights as an
individual to take any position he wanted. But
the GOP is a sharply divided party on this issue;
therefore, as the titular leader, Willkie should
have suppressed his personal feelings and pur-
sued a course that would not have widened the
party schism.
Some of the leaders waxed pretty hot under
the collar. Willkie was never too popular with
most veteran regulars; so in private they talked
freely and caustically.
After letting off steam, however, they reverted
to practical politics and agreed it would not help
the party to spank Willkie publicly. So it was de-
cided that the sound course to pursue at the
conference next day would be to do no resoluting
on Willkie and to middle-of-the-road on the
lend-lease bill. And that was what they did.
i. ,t

OKING AROUND in one of those' frankness commonly found. only tomed to the methods of many
introspective moods during the among the very young. Whether or politicians other than those of his
layoff, and I got thinking about what not we are actually in the war as own faculty, he lacks a certain tough-
was wrong with me, namely pride. a result of past and intended aid to
Then I added a footnote to that, Britain is not, I wish to remind these ness in his dealings, and is in fact
teinI mdefdthatfwhentIw ausygentlemen, the equivalent of a dec- a rather pathetic figure, just as all
telling myself that when I was busy lation of war and the sending of of us are at times.
I wasn't too proud because I was armed forces outside of this country. People are not good or bad. I do
too busy which is kind of simple. The 1 As things stand at the present, not think that these men would like
times I am proud are between en- though we are certainly in this thing to see any of us get shot, nor let
gagements, or when things start to deep enough, both as to our interests, me assure them, would I like to see
lag. That's when I start telling my sympathies, and acts, we are not at Britain defeated. But though they
girl what a hell of a great guy I war, and whatever interested parties proceed in all sincerity, and though
am. She is very nice about it. She may claim, it is not yet our war. The their idealism is certainly a thing of
says, "Yes, you are." But in those war is one to determine European beauty in the abstract, even my ten-
few honest times, when I am neither balance or unbalance of power, the der years cannot see the war which
working nor bragging, I see that same war which has been fought has aroused them as a thing so sim-
all such talk is a result of either not since nationalism and commercialism ple. Theirs is a point of view which
getting into what I should do, or came to be in Europe. The war is, does not admit past mistakes, nor
not doing a good enough job of it. I am perfectly sure, not a war to provide for what is to come. I am
When work stops talking for itself preserve democracy, not at least to sure that we potential infantrymen
it is time for the guy who should do the leaders, for if those leaders had and all would march off behind the
the work to start talking to himself, wished to preserve democracy they colors to right the world's wrongs,
like a dutch uncle. could and would have done so during if we were sure the world's wrongs
I think it is this lack of enough the past twenty-odd years. were going to be righted. But, gen-
to do, or of enough silent satisfac- tlemen, you and your contemporaries
tion, which makes men (and women BUT TO PEOPLE LIKE ME, and have given us very little assurance
too, oh you bet you) leave off what anyone else who doesn't see much that the wrongs will be righted. It
they should be doing and enter other right around here to do, the issue seems to me, allowing you the God-
fields in which they are far less loses its clarity, it becomes a personal given American privilege of meddling
capable, and far far more vulnerable, thing, a matter to be fervent about, in matters which you have neither
than on the home grounds. It is the a new interest in life. A man is able the power nor the information to act
need for self-bolstering which is re- in such a situation to think of him- upon, that you are guilty of essen-
sponsible for most of our more ridic- self as a more sensitive person, as tially the same mistaken sense of
ulous and badge wearing organiza- one who sees more clearly th'e hor- personal outrage at the impersonal
tions. It is also responsible for men rors of what Britain is going through, working of international politics
trained and adapted to the academic as one who sees all too clearly what which caused Adolf Hitler to brood,
way of life, with its factors of se- will come if Britain loses the war. and set out building a military ma-
curity, careful scrutiny of closely re- He enters into the spirit of the thing chine to smash the injustice of Ver-
lated facts, research, and generally with a passion he has not felt since sailles. Your solution to war is war.
in state universities, political emascu- he took his PhD. But as a result of And after this war? What about it,
lation, entering 'into the apparently this commendable passion, a man al- gentlemen? British imperialism?
remote matter of one small town's so loses his calm, and in losing his France? The rest of the continent?
part in the national defense program. calm he becomes a tool for those per- Russia? Where will we stand in world
I think there are a great many of sons who are able to remain disin- trade? How much will we have to
us who favor aid to Britain. I do terested in the moral aspects of the say about peace? No, please, gentle-
not think there are so many of us situation. He becomes, -well shall I men, let's not run into this war just
who favor going to war, for as aca- say somewhat ridiculous? He may yet. Not until you have figured out a
demic gentlemen know, and as most become dangerous, if he is smart few more of the answers. War is a
students of history know, the diplo- enough, . but ordinarily, because he time of emotionalism. You, gentle-
matic relations of nations are not has led the sheltered life of the aca- men, are intellectuals. So long until
based on idealism or that utter demic, because he is not accus- soon.

VOL. LI. No. 95
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Notice in re University Property Re-
moved from the City or off University
Property: Any University representa-
tive having charge of University pro-
perty should give notice in advance to
the Inventory Clerk, Business Office,
University Hall, when such property is
to be taken outside the City of Ann
Arbor or off University property for
use in any University project, as, for
example, the W.P.A. A loss recently
occurred on which the University had
no insurance because of the fact that
no notice had been given to the In-
ventory Clerk that such property had
been taken to the location where it
was in use, and the property was
therefore not covered by the insurance
Shirley W. Smith
To all those using Parking Space
at the Rear of Mason Hall: A light
has been placed at the North Univer-
sity and Thayer Street entrance to
the Campus, which, when burning,
indicates that the parking space at
the rear of Mason Hall is completely
occupied. The University Council's
Committee on Parking requests your
cooperation with the hope that this
signal will be of assistance to all
those who ordinarily use this parking
Herbert G. Watkins
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds to
loan on modern, well-located, Ann
Arbor residential property. Inter-
est at current rates. F.H.A. terms
available. Apply Investment Office,
Room 100, South Wing, University
The Weekly Calendar, now posted
on the bulletin boards, will be pug-
lished throughout the second semes-
ter. It is intended for notices of
events of general public interest
sponsored by the University and its
departments. Ordinarily notices
should be in the hands of the Editor,
Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021 A.H., on or
before the Wednesday of the preced-
ing week in order that the Calendar
may be ready for posting on Friday.
The Editor asks the cooperation of
faculty members and others in the
prompt assembling of notices which
should appear in the Calendar, and
also requests heads of departments
to see that the Calendar is dis-
played in departmental bulletin
Intangibles Tax: On page 4 of The
University Record January 29, 1941
the following statement appears: "The
rr~vrlmm.ennhn- irli..+3 +i shnt

medical examiners will conduct ex-
aminations of all candidates for com-t
missions in the Naval Reserve ont
Tuesday, February 25, at Navalc
R.O.T.C. Headquarters North Hall..
Phone 396 or 397 for appointment1
to insure consideration and to avoid
L. A. Davidson
The Detroit Armenian Women'sX
Club Scholarship: Young men or wo-
men undergraduate students who are
enrolled this year, who are of Armen-
ian parentage, and whose residence
is in Detroit may apply for the schol-
arship of $100 which the Detroit3
Armenian Women's Club intends to1
provide for the year 1941-42. Candi-
dates must be recommended by the!
institutions in which they are en-
rolled. Selection, which is made by
the donors, is on the basis of high
scholastic ability in the field of con-
centration, together with character.
Recommendations must be made be-
fore May 1, 1941. Students who be-
lieve themselves qualified and seek
recommendation by this University
should apply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
Assistant to the President, 1021 An-
gell Iall.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education: Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz., semes-
ter of summer session) will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by March 17. Stu-
dents wishing an extension of time
beyond this date should file a peti-
tion addressed to the appropriate
official in their school with Room
4 U.H., where it will be transmitted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Certificates of Eligibility: Please
bring first semester report of grades
to the Office of the Dean of Students
when applying for a certificate of
eligibility for the second.
Freshman Eligibility: A freshman,
during his second semester of resi-
dence, may be granted a Certificate
of Eligibility provided he has com-
pleted 15 hours or more of work with
(1) at least one mark of A or B and
with no mark of less than C, or (2)
at least 21/2 times as many honor
points as hours and with no mark
of E.
History and Social Studies: Teach-
er's Certificate candidates of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and particularly prospective
candidates who have still to complete
admission to candidacy for the certi-
ficate, are advised to complete all
pending, business with the Teacher's
Certificate Counsellor, Prof. B. W.
Wheeler, during this first week of the
semester. Mr. Wheeler is on leave

The Scholarship grant covers tui-
tion fees and is available each year
to a graduate of an approved college
or university on the basis of high
scholastic ability, personal fitness for
library work and financial need.
Applications should be received by
April 15.
Further information on file at the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason Hall,
hours 9-12, 2-4.
Summer Employment: The Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information has received from the
City of Pittsburgh Civil Service Com-
mission, notice of examinations for
the following summer jobs:
Summer Recreation Leader (Play-
Head Counsellor
Junior Counsellor
Head Guard (Swimming Pools)
Swimming, Guard (Swimming
Police Guard (Rivers)
Camp Director (Day Camps)
Assistant Camp Director (Day
Open only to residents of Pitts-
burgh. Further information on file
with the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall,
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Summer Employment: All students
who wish to register with the Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information for summer jobs are
notified that registration forms may
be obtained at the Bureau, 201 Mason
Hall, office hours 9-12, 2-4. Several'
calls for camp counsellors haveeal-
ready been received and we will
recommend candidates as soon as
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
U.S. Civil Service Examinations:
Public Health Nurse, $2,000 a year;
Graduate Nurse, General Staff Duty,.
$1,800 a year; for Indian Field Serv-
ice including Alaska; applications re-
ceived until further notice.
Principal Chemical Engineer (Any
specialized Branch) $5,600 a year.
Senior Chemical Engineer (Any
specialized Branch) $4,600 a year.
Chemical Engineer (Any specialized
Branch) $3,800 a year.
Associate Chemical Engineer (Any
specialized Branch) $3,200 a year.
Assistant Chemical Engineer (Any
specialized Branch) $2,660 a yr.
Experience or graduate study re-
quirements in each case; qualified
persons are urged to apply.
Principal Agricultural Program
Analyst, $5,600 a yr.
Senior Agricultural Program An-
alyst, $4,600 a yr.
Agricultural Program Analyst, $3,

1 p

City Editor's

THERE'S ALWAYS' a sleepy crew of students
when the second semester begins. That's
because it comes so soon after the J-Hop week-
end. University officials have a way of being
unreasonable about that sort of thing some-
Perhaps that drowsiness can be blamed on
the reckless way in which many of the folk
drift into some of the tougher courses. Or why
they don't wander out before it's too late.
JUST IN CASE the younger folks have for-
gotten, part of this semester runs
through the spring of the year. Plan ac-
cordingly, most veterans advise.

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