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English Teachers To Meet Here
Because teachers of engineering of training for this type of teaching
as well as administrative officials feela
that teaching English in technical tinually confront the teacher in this
schools involves, special problems, field.
English instructors will hold a a- English speech will be the main
tional meeting here June 30 to July topic of the sessions of the third week.
21 for the discussion of these prob- During this time the English depart-
To be held jointly with the Univer- ment of tvlterarytcolleeil se
sity summer session and under the in speech work by outstanding men.
auspices of the Society for the Pro- The first meeting of this general
motion of Engineering Education, the
conference will be divided into three nature was held in 192 at Ohio Stae
confrene wll e diide ino treeUniversity, Professor Thornton noted.
separate parts, Prof. J. E. Thornton ___rs y, e _rn___.
of the English department, engineer-
ing. college, has announced. Palace Bombed Again
During the first week the teachers LONDON, June 7.-(IP)-The Gov-
will discuss literature and the prob- ernment permitted disclosure tonight
lems of teaching it, especially that of that Buckingham Palace grounds were
interesting the student in the course. hit by bombs again with window-
Second week discussion will center shattering force and that older por-
around composition, with special tions of the historic charterhouse were
treatment being given the question burned out in recent German raids.
Openg Tuesday Evening
Philip Tonge and MAtt Brigg',
Tuesday through Saturday at 8:30 P.M.
Matinees Thursday and Saturday at 3:15 P.M.
Prices: $2.00-$1.50-$1.10-85c-55c
Coming: "Golden Boy"
1941 Dramatic Season
Files Disclose
Majority Us
Health Servie
During the course of the year
approximately 95 per cent of the stu-
dents enrolled in the University make
use of Health Service.
In a typical year, 1939-40, somet
9,965 students used the Service with
a total of 120,000 calls being made
during the school year. The daily
average is about 577 visits.
The most numerous of the com-
plaints are from upper respiratory
infections, the common nose cold and
influenza, with a grand total of 6,831
Another ailment that keeps the
Health Service staff busy is ring
worm, commonly called "athletes
foot," with about 1,746 cases.
Student uroblem of major personal
importance is curing pimples which
caused 1200 to appnal to Health Ser-
vice for aid. General injuries such
as bruises and blisters accounted for
880 patients.
Other troubles were appendicitis
with 133 cases, bonze fractures for 167
students, 180 boils, 673 acute local in-
fections, 650 gastrointestinal infec-
tions, 33 brain concussions, and 182
cases of ac ute eye isea.
Only 25 cases of gonorrhea were
reported, and 4 cases of syphilis
were treated,
Although no Health Service pa-
tient died in that year, five students
lost their lives from accidents or other
causes between the opening of school
in September and commencement.
Health Service will remain open
straight through to the end of Sum-
mer Session.
Methodists CJaimi
KALAMAZOO, Mich., June 7---'-_
The Michigan Annual Conference of
the Methodist Church today frowned
on the use of the pulpit for the sale
of defense bonds or government in-
spired wartime prayers and ermons.
The conference held this was con-
tradictory to the function of the
church, which should be "an oasis in
which a fevered, distracted, war-
weary world may find spiritual calm
and, refreshment for th1e soul."
Industrial strife "withits atten-
dant spiritual economic losses" was
deplored in a resolution on social
Ceramics Are
On Exhibition
Studeln, Faculty
Will Be Annual
Under the sponsorship of Mary
Chase Stratton and Dean Wells I.
Bennett-,of the College of Architec-
ture and Design a ceramics exhibit
is now being held on the main floorI
of the Architecture Building. i
The collection is one of both stu-
dent and faculty work for the past
year in the field of ceramics. It is
the first of what is to become an
annual affair. Some of the more out-
standing contributors to the exhibi-
tion are: Ernest Mundt, Walter
Gores, Paul Slusser and Grover Cole,
all of the faculty, and Lois MacDon-
ald, '42A, and Betty Dice, Grad.
Mr. Cole, instructor in the ceramics
department, has designed and made
a group of miniature terra-cotta
glazed horses, now on exhibition,
which will later form a decorative
piece in the garden of President
Ruthven's home. A tea set by Mr.
Mundt which is suitable for mass
production, is also being displayed.
The exhibition opened May 24 with
a reception in the garden of the
architecture building and will close
on June 14. Visitors are cordially
welcomed to the display from 8:30
a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thomas J. Davis,
Alumnus, Chosen
To Head Rotary
Thomas Jefferson Davis, '12L, was
recently chosenz by the nominating
commiittee of Rotary International to
fill the office of president of that
A resident of Butte, Mont~, Davis
has been a member of the Rotary
Club for 26 years, serving a year each
as president of the local group and
as governor of the 20th District.
While at the University, he was a
member of Phi Sigma Kappa, the
Rocky Mountain Club, Griffins and
Barristers and was active in baseball,
basketball and football.
Since graduation Davis has pgac-
ticed law in Montana; he is affiliated
with the Montana and the American
Bar Associations.
Nazis Ixnp)Ose Curfew
On A itens After Theft
ATHENS, Occupied Greece, June 1.
tDelayed) -(P)- German military
authorities imposed a 10 p.m. cur-
few on Athens today following theft
of the German military flag from
atop the Acropolis.
An official order said that if the
thieves were caught they would be
sentenced to death.
Anyone finding it difficult to study
these nicewarm days might try this
remedy taken from a student diary
written in 1878: "Came home, went
to studying, got tired and discour-
aged, took a walk downtown, got
home, felt better-better success with
This diary is one of the records
included in the Michigan Historical'
Collections' exhibition of documents
pertaining to University history. The
records may be seen in the Historical
Collections' offices in the Rackham
Historical Collections Exhibited
Records of early campus organiza-
tions include those of the Student
Christian Association, forerunner of
the Student Religious Association,
and of the Band of Broken Pipes;
whose members swore to abstain from
the use of tobacco.
Also being shown is the constitu-
tion of the College of Natural His-
tory, a voluntary student organiza-
tion for the study of such subjects
as geology, minerology and botany,
not then numbered among the courses
offered by the University.
See the
For Reservations Now
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to keep you chuckling
and cheering!
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