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June 08, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-08

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Strike Causes
Split In Ranks
Of CIO Union
On West Coast
Senate Leaders Approve
Bill To Let President
Confiscate Factories
'Work Or Fight'
Plan Considered
INGLEWOOD, Calif., June 7.-(1)-
The CIO International Auto Workers'
officialdom and its local at the North
American Aircraft Crop. plant split
wide open tonight over returning to
work in the face of a Presidential
threat to move in with the army Mon-
Richard T. Frankensteen of Detroit,
head of the UJAW's Aircraft Division,
emerged from a four and one-half
hour conference to announce:
"I am going to recommend that
all the workers go back to work Mon-
day morning."
Freitage Retorts
But Elmer Freitage of the Union's
negotiating committee retorted:
"It is the unanimous opinion of
the Union's negotiating comnittee
that the workers stay out until the
75-cent (per hour) minimum wage
and the 10- cents an hour general
raise are obtained."
The clash in views threw the whole
Situation of voluntary reopening at
the big plant - which has nearly
$200,000,000 in unfilled orders and
turns out 10 planes a day for the
United States and Great Britain -
WASHINGTON, June 7.-(P)-
Several high Administration offi-
cials were reported today consid-
ering a joint recommendation to
President Roosevelt for a policy
statement along the lines of Presi-
hent Wilson's famous "work or
fight" rdr in 1918.
The proposed recommendation,
It was understood, would call for.
immediate steps to have local draft
boards review and cancel defer-
ments granted to men who are on
strike in defense industries.
The President has authority to
ordersuch reviews under the Selec-
ive Service Act, which makes no
provision for automatic deferment.
into a mass meeting tomorrow of the
workers. .:
Even prior to the conference, there
were indications all was not harmony
between national and local groups.
Frankensteen's announcement came
after President Roosevelt in Wash-
ington had said the plant would be
reopened by the government Monday
if the employes did not return to
J. H. Kindelberger, North American
President, issued an order, meanwhile,
for all -employes to report for their
regular shifts Monday.
Frankensteen, who flew here - from
Detroit, said in part, in an address
broadcast by CBS:
Statement Continues
"The strike . . . was called by the
leaders of the local union completely
without authorization of the United
Automobile Workers union or the
"The strike was called by local
leaders while negotiations were still
in progress before the National De-
fense Mediation Board. It was called
in direct violation of the agreement

made by local leaders to keep the
plant in operation until the board
had completed its findings, and de-
spite the fact that -the company had
agreed to make all wage adjustments
retroactive to May 1.
aThe irresponsible, inexperienced
and impulsive action of local leaders
in violating their own agreement will
find no suppOrt from myself or our
organization. We have vigorously con-
demnecd ,clh action before. I condemn
it now."
Senate Leaders Agree
On Confiscation Bill
WASHINGTON, June 6.-UP)-Sen-
ate Democratic and Republican lead-
ers have agreed, authoritative sources
said today, to rush enactment of leg-
islation which would permit the gov-
ernment to take over a manufacturing
plant if the Secretary of War or Navy

Shaw Comedy WillOpeni
TuesdayA tMendelssohn
4')- - -____ _ __

Drama Season To Present
'Man And Superman'
As Fourth Offering
Offered as the fourth play of the
1941 Dramatic Season, "Man andi
Superman" will bring to the boards
of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Gloria Stuart, noted Hollywood ac-
The production, which will open
Tuesday and run through Saturday,
June 14, is one of George Bernard
Shaw 's most provocative comedies.
The eccentric English playwright is
here at his best in debunking roman-
tic traditions.
Hiram Sherman, who appeared here
as the cynical and humorous' bache-
lor of "Skylark," will return again
to take, the part of Jack Tanner, the
panic-stricken guardian of a young
English heiress who is bent on get-
ting her man.
When Ann Whitefield, played by
the beautiful Miss Stuart, discovers
that her guardian is trying to foil
her marital intentions by rushing off
to Europe, she pursues and finally
overtakes him in the mountains of
The romantic illusion that women
do not take the initiative in the game
of love is thus hilariously deflated,
and man, according to Shaw, is no
longer like Don Juan, victor in the
duel of sex.
Matt Briggs, who has appeared here
this season both in "The Male Ani-
McKay Named
In Graft Ring
SBy FBI Agent
Committeeman Is Accused
Of Secret Partnership
In LiquorSale Agency
DETROIT, June 7. -(/P)- Testi-
mony that Republican National Com-
mitteeman Frank D. McKay "might
be the real partner" of Flint's
former Mayor William H. McKeig-
han and John H. Marolf in one of the
liquor sales agencies the govern-
ment describes as the front for a
$500,000 graft shakedown went into
the record of their mail fraud trial
The testimony was that of a Fed-
eral Bureau of Investigation Agent,
Robert T. Ross, and was related as
part of a conversation with Marolf
concerning the operations of the Duo
Sales Engineering & Service Co. in
1939. It came on the heels of the
testimony of another FBI agent that
McKeighan told him, in a similar
statement, that he regarded Duo
Sales as "more or less of a racket."
Because of the nature of the state-
ments, U.S. District Judge Arthur F.
Lederle instructed the jury of nine
men and four women in advance of
the testimony that any admissions it
contained might be considered evi-
dence only against the defendants
quoted, since they alone had been
apprised that their stories might be
used against them.
Ross, today's G-man witness, said
Marolf told him McKeighan alone
handled the money taken by the agen-
cy, and that he also kept the books
of the company. Since he was a
Democrat, Ross quoted Marolf as
saying, he (Marolf) might have re-
mained in the dark concerning any
political tie-up that might have ex-
isted under a Republican Adminis-

.gets her man
mal" and "Skylark, will enact the
blustery, self-made American bus-
inessman, Malone.
Another member of "Skylark's"
cast who will act in "Man and Sup-
erman" is Philip Tonge, the blase
bachelor of the former play. In his
new role he will portray the baff le(
and slightly crotchety Ramrsden.
Dorothy Blackburn, who is making
such a suiccess of her role as the
debris-gathering lunatic sister in
"Ladies in Retirement," will also be
a member of the cast of the fourth
play, as will TIornZ McDermott. Robert
Scott, Harry Wilson and Richard
Miss Stuart, star of such Hoallywood
films as "Roman Scandals" with Ed-
die Cantor, "The Prisoner of Shark
Island," with Warner Baxter, "Re-
becca of Sunnybrook Farm" with
Shirley Temple and "The Old Dark
House" with Charles Laughton, hzas
long wished to play the part of Ann in
Shaw's play. She claims "Man and
Superman" as her" favorite drama
and the production should offer a
fine opportunity for Ann Arbor aud-
iences to see her at her delightful
MadgeEvans was originally sched-
uled to play the part of Ann, but ser-
ious streptococcus infection prevent-
ed her filling her engagement.
Ford I~aetories
Resume Work
Motor Shortage Is Blamed
For Lay-OffOf 12,000
DETROIT, June 7.-UP)-Final au-
tomotive assembly lines at the Ford
Motor Company's River Rouge Plant
and a dozen branch assembly plants
throughout the country .will resume
production Monday, Company spokes-
men said, after shutdowns caused by
a shortage of motors.
The shortage - which Ray Rausch,
Rouge Plant Superintendent, attribu-
ted to a "slowdown" - made idle
an estimated 12,000 employes, half of
them in the Rouge Plant.
Rausch said the reduction in motor
production had been most noticeable
since settlement of the CIO United
Automobile Workers strike at the
Rouge Plant in April. He estimated
the shutdowns as variously from one
to five days.
A UAW statement denied knowledge
of any slowdown and attributed the
motor shortage to "curtailment of
manpower" in the Rouge Plant.
Meanwhile, resumption of nego-
tiations bet'een Ford and the UAW-
CIO, scheduled to resume Monday af-
ter a week-end recess.

Draft Limit
Of 21 To 24
Is Proposed
Republicans Assail Change;
Lowering Of Top Age
Is FavoredBy Army
sevision Of Law
Asked By Reynolds
WAS5HINGTON, June 7.-(IP'-Re-
parts that military leaders favor lim-
iting army conscription to men from
21 through 24 years old circulated at
the capitol today.
For this reason, Administration
leaders said they favored amending
the Selective Service Law to leavej
President Roosevelt a free hand in
deciding the top age limit at which
men would be inducted. Their propos-
al would mean revision of a bill1
approved by the Senate Military Com-1
mittee which would permit the Pres-
ident to defer from active service only
those draft registrants who had
reached or passed their twenty-
eighth birthday.
Asks Authority1
Originally, the Administration had
asked authority for Mr. Roosevelt to
defer any age group, but its measure
was rewritten by adoption of a Re-
publican-sponsored amendment.
Chairman Reynolds (Dem-NC) of
the Military Committee said he would
urge that the Senate return to the
original draft of the bill as submitted
by the War Department.
On the other hand, Senator Gurney
(Rep-SD), author of the committee-
approved amendment, said most Re-
publicans and many Democrats were
interested in seeing that a definite
age limit was written into the bill.
"The War Department's bill cn-
tains the same old story of writing
a blank check for the President,"
Gurney declared. "We want to speci-
fy the age imit in the bill so that,
draft registrants can know what to
Cites estimny
He said that testimony before the
committee had been to the effect that
only 10 per cent of those selected for
Army service were more than 27 years
old, adding that "90 per cent of the
trouble" over operation of the draft.
law came from the older brackets.
Appeals from decisions of draft
boards, the committee was told, came
principally from older men.
Reynolds said, however, that he
believed the President ought to have
a free hand in fixing the age limits,
guided by recommendations of mili-
tary experts.
In any event, Reynolds said, men
up to 36 years old who already have,
registered still would be subject to
a call frsservice later if any emer-
gency arose.
Quakers Plan
For Dynamic'
World Peace
six-point "dynamic peace" was pro-
posed to President Roosevelt and
other national leaders by a Quaker
organization which called for "some
kind of a cessation" of the war.
Reaffirming the traditional Quaker
opposition to war, the American
Friends Service Committee urged de-
velopment of an international or-
ganization "capable of providing both
order and change in the relations
among nations."

A ' a step toward a "world govern-
ment," the committee advocated the
establishment of an international
emergency commission "to deal at
once with the problems sure to be-
come urgent as soon as the war
In a pamphlet, entitled "A Call to
Persons of Good Will" and mailed to
Washington, the committee said the
present conflict is "not yet a world
war" and added "we are asking for
some kind of a cessation of strife
and the beginning of construction
before the greater flood gates open."
Hepwod Prze-Winner
Picked As Opera Script

U.S. Aid Is

Vital To .Suez

IFC Alters Rushing Regulations
To Help Freshmen Selections

House presidents- voted to change
several Interfraternity Council rush-
ing rules at their last meeting, at-
tempting to set regulations which will
facilitate rushing and generally make
it easier for freshmen to get a fair
view of all fraternities.
It was decided to hold a compulsory
lecture for all freshmen planning to
pledge a fraternity Friday evening
of Orientation week, in the lecture
hall of the Rackham Building.
Rushees Must Register
Registration for rushing must be
done before the lecture, and only
those freshmen attending will be per-
mitted to pledge, unless a valid ex-
cuse is offered to the executive com-
mittee of the Council.
The rule relative to summer rush-
ing was reworded so that this was
made legal, but absolutely no dates
may be made for the fall rushing dur-
ing the summer, it was stressed.
When actual rushing is beingt car-
ried on, no freshman will be allowed
more than eight dates with any one
house. A "date" was defined as any
contact over one hour, excluding the
time when meals are'served.
'Dates' Limited
Under this revision, fraternities will
not be able to keep a rushee the en-
tire day and claim only one date
since there was no interruption.
The duration of a date after meals
was limited to 3:30 in the afternoon
and 8:30 in the evening. It was point-
ed out that chance street meeting,
under this rule, would not be count-
ed as a date.
The executive committee of the
Derease Seen
In Enrollment
President Bases FigureI
On Effect Of Draft
Working on figures for next year's
enrollment at the University, Presi-
dent Ruthven approximated the num-
ber at 10,000 students.
The President based his figure on
an expected 10 per cent decrease, due
to increasing military preparations,
but pointed out that it is impossible
to be accurate this far in advance of
fall registration.
Hardest blow will be struck, he be-
lieves, at the medical, dental, pharm-
acy and engineering schools, while the
liberal arts college with .most of its
students under the draft age limit
less affected. Topping the list of col-
leges most seriously affected by the se-
lective service act is the law school,
where a majority of the students are
of draft age.
Estimates of registration have run
from a three per cent increase to a
thirty per cent decrease, the Presi-,
dent said, and added that the Uni-
versity expects an increased enroll-
ment of women.

Council was authorized to impose
fines of not less than $10 and not
more than $100 for infractions of
any rush~ng regulations. Other meas-
ures which the committee may take
include social probation or refusal
to allow pledging for a set period.
Don Stevenson, '42, president of the
Council, asked that all fraternities
turn in a list of the men in their
house at once so that a rushing direc-
tory can be printed for use of fresh-
men in the fall.
Senior Nurses
To Be Honored
Awards To Be Presented
At Breakfast Thursday;
Annual Reunion Planned
Outgoing senior nurses and alum-
nae members of the School of Nurs-
ing will be honored this month at
two major events in the school's pro-
Honors will be awarded graduating
nurses at a Senior Breakfast at 8:30
a.m. Thursday in the small dining
room of the University Hospital.
Breakfast chairman is Fannie
Blakley, '41SN, president. Senior
awards will e announced, as will the
annual class gift to Couzens' Hall.
Margaret Moore, '41SN, editor, will
distribute copies of "Scalpel," the
nursing school annual.
"Magna Cum Laude" Pins
Featured, also, will be the presen-
tation of the "Magna cum laude"
pins, by Miss Rhoda Reddig, director
of theschool. Two are given each year
to the nurses who have attained
the highest scholastic averages.
Also celebrating the school's 50th
anniversary, the nurses' Alumnae As-
sociation will hold their annual re-
union here Friday and Saturday, June
20 and 21.
Dinner Is Highlight
Highlights of the meeting will be a
dinner Friday in the League ballroom,
at which Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of
the School of Education will be the
principal speaker, and a luncheon
Saturday at the University Hospital.
Miss Reddig will address alumnae
at the Saturday affair.
Following the luncheon an alumnae
meeting will be held at Couzens Hall.
This celebration has been planned
to coincide with the general Univer-
sity alumni reunion.
Registration of the nursing school
alumnae will take placeboth Friday
and Saturday, at Couzens Hall.
With this issue The Daily ceases
publication until July 1, on which
day The Summer Daily will com-
mence publication.

Announcement By Fuehrer
Is Awaited To Clarify
Relations With Russia
Britain Holds Speed
Dominant Element
(By The Associated Press)
Soviet Russia was thrust sharply
to the fore in the rapidly develop-
ing Middle East crisis last night by
a British radio report that Adolf
Hitler is expected to make a momen-
tous declaration, probably Monday,
on German-Soviet relations.
The government-controlled Bri-
tish Broadcasting Corporation in a
French language broadcast further
quoted a Zurich, Switzerland, dis-
patch to the effect that Hitler also
might "give the outlines of his peace
There was no clue as to the nature
of the Nazi Fuehrer's expected declar-
ation and there was no confirmation
from Berlin that he even contemplat-
ed any such move.
Ankara Reports Pressure
The report, however, recalled dis-
patches Thursday from Ankara, Tur-
key, that Germany was putting heavy
pressure on the Soviet Union for ac-
cess to rich wheat granaries of the
the Ukraine, by concentrating 155
German and Rumanian divisions for
a joint German-Rumanian invasion
of the' Soviet by mid-June.
A quick denial came from Berlin
the next day, an authorized Nazi
spokesman declaring: "Be assured of
no political earthquake in that re-
Furthermore, there came reports
from Vichy, France, last week that in-.
stead of getting ready to fight Russia,"
Hitler had met secretly with Joseph
Stalin and agreed upon a program of
collaboration by which Russia would
undertake to deliver bread to a Hit-
ler-dominated Europe.
A hint that something might be
stirring in Southeastern Europe was
seen in a Bucharest announcement of
a drastic curtailment of passenger
train service, effective this Sunday,
to clear the tracks for heavy freight
Military Action Hinted
The need for heavy movement of
freight was given as the reason for
curtailment, but observers speculated
on the possibility of important mili-
tary movements-either against Rus-
sia or through the Black Sea against
the British in the Middle East-which
might .require the utmost use of rail
A Reuters, British News Agency,
dispatch from Ankara reported to-
day that German troops were mov-
ing from Bulgaria into Moldavia in
Eastern Rumania and occupying posi-
tions on the Russian frontier.
Possibility of another Axis declara-
tion this week came from Rome with
the summoning of the Italian Cham-
ber of Fasces and Guilds, which has
replaced the Chamber of Deputies in
the Fascist regime, to meet in special
session June 10, the first anniversary
of Italy's entrance into the war.
Amidst all this behind-the-front
activity, French-mandated Syria has
become a precarious chip on both
British and German shoulders.
Harriman In London
To Expedite Aid
LONDON, June 7.-(P)-British
sources expressed belief tonight that
the speed of shipment of United
States war materials to Britain's mid-
dle East Armies had become a dom-
inant factor in the defense of Egypt
and the vital Suez Canal.
Italian newspapers reported that
American-made tanks were in ac-
tion this week in the vicinity of To-
bruk, British-held Libyan port.
Reliable adices said that W. Av-
erell Harriman, here to expedite the

American Aid-to-Britain program,
would leave soon for Cairo to make an
extended survey through the Middle
The report of the Harriman trip
alone was sufficient to convince most
Britons -that the United States is
srneding help to the Middle East com-

British Expect Statement
On Soviet-German Crisis;

Board Seeking Recruits
Flying Cadets Retui rn To Form
University Student Fli ht Units

Conference On Serology:
Andreson Proposes Program
aFor Venereal Disease Control

Plans for the formation of Uni-
versity flight units were disclosed
yesterday by Dr. C. M. Dixon, of the
Junior Chamber of Commerce, and
head of the tri-unit airport commit-
tee of Ann Arbor.
The Flying Cadet Medical Board
will return here today, landing at
the Ann Arbor airport at 3 p.m. after
flying in formation over the field at
2:30 p.m.f
The Medical Board hopes to re-
cruit about 100 students as flying ca-
dets during its week visit. The first

among those present to greet Mrs.
Floyd Showalter, head of the Board,
and those with himn.
Three to six P-36's (pursuit planes)
are expected, and their maneuvers
will be explained through a loud-
speaker system from the main stand.
All students interested can meet
in fromnt of the Union from 2 to 2:30
p.m. today. They will be given trans-
portation out to the airport and back
by members of the JCC who have
volunteered their cars for this ser-
vice. They can be identified by stick-

A nine-point program for the con-
trol of venereal diseases among work-
ers in industry, to be adapted for
use as a guide in the development
of a uniform plan for the cooperation
of local health units and industrial
plants, was proposed by Dr. Otis L.
Andreson, Venereal Disease Control
Officer of the United States Public
Health Service at the conference on
serology and syphilis control yesterday
at the Union.,
The program should be on a com-
munity basis, Dr. Andreson declared,
closely integrated with the activities
of state industrial hygiene units.

So long as treatment would be kept
up regularly, he emphasized, all work-
ers with syphilis in a non-communi-
cable stage would be retained on duty.
An educational program should be
developed; he asserted, to show the
employer and employe the benefits
'which would be derived from such a
program aid to teach the facts about
venereal disease.
The only reason for segregating
industrial workers as a separate en-
tity, Dr. Anderson explained, is to
take advantage of the case of exam-
ining a group at one location. The
workers in defense industries, he de-

Plans for the 1942 Union Opera
took more concrete form today with
the announcement that the Hopwood
prize-winning drama of Ray Ingham,

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