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June 06, 1941 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-06

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FRIIAY. TiINF . '194'f


r1'D.TJIAsV TJ'thTP O'1:!t1

Army Center
Tour Planned
ProfeSSOr To Make Study
Of Courses; To Advise
Improvement Methods
Asked to make a study of the
courses aind suggest methods of im-
provement, Prof. John M. Nickelsen
of the mechanical engineering de-
partment will go to the Camp Hola-
bird motor transport training school
near Baltimore next week to inspect
the work now being done there.
At the present time the school is the
only training center for quartermaster
motor transport troops. However, the
army now intends to set up three
more similar schools in the United
States, patterned after the Holabird
To Give Help
As former head of all such train-
ing schools during World War I, Pro-
fessor Nickelsen is being called in to
make sugestions which will make it
possible for the men to get more out
of the course during the time that
they are there.
Approximately 1200 men and 60 of-
ficers are put through the course
every two months, Professor Nickel-
sen explained, these men being taken
from camps all over the country and
returned to their respective camps
when their training is over.
Started School
Prior to his position in charge of
all motor transport training schools,
Professor Nickelsen was charged with
the training of ambulance drivers
and mechanics, and was instrumental
in starting a school in Georgia xor
training of this type.
Having made a preliminary survey
of the camp last week, Professor
Nickelsen will return the latter part
of next week, and will stay as long
as necessary.


Tolle Will Hold
Services Here
Evangelist Seeks Creation,
Of Permanent Church
James M. Tolle, evangelist from
Nashville, Tennessee, will conduct
evening services of the Church of
Christ 8:00 p.m. daily, June 8 through
20 at the YMCA Building, 110 North
Fourth Avenue.
Tolle is a faculty member of the
David Liscomb College in Nashville,
and is the leader of young men's
traning classes in one of the churches
of that city.
Chief purpose of the meetings,
to which all are welcome is to stim-
ulate enthusiasm in members fors
the establishment of a permanent
church in Ann Arbor.
Worship, sermons and communions
will be held at 11:00 a.m. daily dur-
ing the period of Tolle's stay in thej

Blood Testing
To Be Sub'ect
Of Con fernce
Problemys of blood testing and con-
trol of syphilis in industry will be dis-
zussed in a one-day conference on
serology and syphilis control, which
will open at 9:45 a.m. tomorrow at the
The conference will be sponsored by
the American Association of Indus-
trial Physicians and Surgeons, in co-
operation with the United States Pub-
lic Health Service and the American
Social Hygiene Association.
Included among the speakers will
be Dr. R. A. Vonderlehr, Chief As-
sistant Surgeon General of the Di-
vision of Venereal Diseases of the U.S.
Public Health Service, and Dr. Walter
Clarke, Executive Director of the
American Social Hygiene Association.
University faculty members who
will speak will include Prof. Udo J.
Wile, of the Department of Derma-
tology and Syphilology, Prof. Reuben
L. Kahn of the bacteriology depart-
ment and Dr. John Sundwall, di-
rector of the Division of Hygiene and
Public Health.
Pi Tar Pi Sigma
Picks New Heads
Pi Tau Pi Sigma, honorary Sig-
ma, honorary Signal Corps fratern-
ity, completed its activities for the
year with election of officers for
The newly elected officers are
Walter Strickland, '42E, president;
Gordon- Ryther, '42E, vice-president
and treasu er; and Elton Garner,
'42E, secretary.
Strickland was vice-president this
year. Other retiring officers a're Wil-
liam Fischer, '42E, president; ard
George Cogger, '41E, secretary.
Prof. Pike To Address
Bible Fellowship Group
Prof. Kenneth L. Pike, of the Sum-
mer Institute of Linguistics, Siloam
Springs, Arkansas, will be the speaker
at the Grace Bible Fellowship meet-
ing to be held at 11 a.m. Sunday at the
Masonic Temple.
Professor Pike, who at the present
time is completing his work for his
doctor's degree~at the University, has
been working for five years as a trans-
lator under the Pioneer Mission Agen-


FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1941
VOL. LI. No. 178
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the followding rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the
last day of classes of each semester
or Summer Session. Student loans
which are not paid or renewed are
subject to this regulation; however,
student loans not yet due are ex-
empt. Any unpaid accounts at the
close of business on the last day of
classes will be reported to the Cashier,
of the University, and
. "(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or Summer Session just completed
will not be released, and no transcript
of credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or Sum-
mer Session until payment has been
Shirley W. Smith,
Vice-President and Secretary
Naval Reserve Applications: Presi-
dent Ruthven has been requested byI
Lieutenant Commander E. S. Petty-
john, of the Michigan State Head-
quarters for the Selective Service, to
inform students that the number of
applications received for enrollment
in the Naval Reserve for training in
the Supply Corps has exceeded the
number of placements available and
that, therefore, this opportunity is
no longer available. Further, it was
stated that, the Reserve Midshipman
Training program is filling at a very
rapid rate and all interested should
forward their applications as quickly
as possible.
Frank E. Robbins,
Assistant to the President
Members of the Faculty and Staff:
Your attention is called to the fo.-
lowing Resolution adopted by the Re-
gents on May 23, 1941:
Resolved, That it be the policy of
the University of Michigan with re-
gard to: (1) A member of the staff
on indeterminate tenure who enters
the Federal Service in the present
emergency that such member shall
apply for a leave of absence in ac-
cordance with the provisions of the
Bylaws of the Board of Regents. (2)
A member of the faculty or other em-
ployee not on indeterminate tenure
who is called into the service of the
Federal Government during the pres-

ent emergency shall be deemed to
be on leave of absence without salary
for a period not longer than the end
of the present term of appointment.
Upon release from Government serv-
ice the University will if possible re-
employ such person at the beginning
of a semester or academic year as
may be practicable and in a position
as nearly comparable as possible with
the former position. Whatever tenta-
tive understanding may be reached
by a departmental Chairman with a
member of the staff should be put
in writing with copies filed with the
appropriate University officers.
Chairman of departments are ad-
vised to weigh carefully the necessity
of filling positions made vacant by
the national emergency and to at-
tempt to make provisions for the re-
turn of members of the staff.
To Students Graduating at Com-
mencement, June 21, 1941: The bur-
den of mailing diplomas to mem-
bers of the graduating class who do
not personally call for their diplomas
has grown until in 1940 it cost the
University over $400 to perform this
service. The rule has been laid down,
as a result, that diplomas not called
for at, the Sports Building immedi-
ately after the Commencement Ex-
ercises or at the University Business
Office within three business days
after Commencement will be mailed
C.O.D. The mailing cost will be ap-
proximately 30c for the larger sized
rolled diplomas and 45c for the book
Will each graduate, therefore, be
certain that the Diploma' Clerk has
his correct mailing address to insure
delivery by mail. The U.S. Mail
Service will, of course, return all
diplomas which cannot be delivered.
Because of adverse conditions abroad,
foreign students should leave ad-
dresses in the United States, if pos-
sible, to which diplomas may be

the audience is therefore requested
to avoid conversation and moving'
about. Automobile owners are asked
kindly to keep their machines away.
from the vicinity of Ferry Field dur-
ing the exercises.
Tickets may be secured at the:
Business Office, University of Michi-,
gan, Room 1, University Hall, until
6:00 p.m., Saturday, June 21. All
friends of the University are welcome
to tickets. There will be no admis-
sion without tickets.
In case of rain, the exercises will
be transferred to Yost Field House,
to which the spegial Yost Field House
tickets only will admit. These tickets
are also available at the Business
Office, Room 1, University Hall, and
will be issued 2 to each graduate. The
Ferry Field ticket will. not admit .to
Yost Field House.
If it becomes necessary to transfer
the exercises from Ferry Field, out-
doors, to the Field House, indoors,
after the exercises have started, per-
sons will be admitted to the Field
House without tickets until the seat-
ing capacity is exhausted.
If it is decided in advance of start-
ing the procession to hold the exer-
cises in Yost Field House, the power
house whistle will be blown at inter-
vals between 5:00 and 5:10 p m. on
Commencement afteroon.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a Special Faculty Meet-
ing on Wednesday, June 11, at 4:15
p.m., in Room 311, West Engineering
Building, for consideration of changes
in curricula for the Combined Chem-
ical Engineering-Business Adminis-
tration Course, and in Civil Engineer-
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
The following schedule will mark
the lifting of the Aultomobile RP'l.


Monday, June 16, 1941, at noon.
School of Business Administration:
All classes.. Monday, June. 16, 1941,.
at 5 "p.m.
School of Education: All classes.
Tuesday, June 17, 1941. at noon.
School of Engineering: All classes.
Tuesday, June 17, 1941, at noon.
School of Forestry and Conser-
vation: All classes. Friday, June 13,
1941, at 5 p.m.
School of Music: All classes. Tues-
day, June 17, 1941, at noon.
School of Dentistry: Freshman
Class-Wednesday, June 11, 1941, at
noon. Sophomore Class - Saturday,
June 7, 1941, at noon. Junior Class
-Tuesday, June 10, 1941, at noon,
Senior Class-Thursday, June 5, 1941,
at noon.
Hygienists: First year-Monday,
June 16, at 5 p.m. Second year-
Saturday, June 7, at noon.
Law School: Freshman Class -
Monday, June 9, at 5 p.m. Junior
(Continued on Page 7)



Ride at
Colfside Stables
Wooded Bridl Trails
Free Transportation
to and from stables
CalJ 2-3.441

Ann Arbor Refugee Committee
Urges Permanent Settling Here

It is preferred that ALL diplomas lation for students in the various
be personally called for. colleges and departments of the Uni-
.G. kversity. Exceptions will not be made
Herbert G. Watkis, for individuals who complete their
Assistant Secretary work in advance of the last day of
class examinations. All students en-
Commencement Week Programs: j rolled in the following departments
Programs may be obtained on request will be required t9 adhbre strictly
after today at the Business Office, to this schedule. College of Litera-

For the last three years the Ann
Arbor Refugee Committee under the
chairman ship of Prof. Arthur Du~n-
ham of the Institute of Public and
Social Administration has been aid-
ing refugees in coming to Ann Arbor
and permanently settling here.
Last year the committee handled
the problems of more than 75 refu-
gees. It also serves as a clearing
house for information and advice for
people whose relatives are still in
war-torn Europe.
There are a total of more than 40
or 50 refugees in Ann Arbor. The com-
mittee has enabled many of them
to find jobs. It has also helped ref-
ugees secure instruction in English
and become a part of the American
Sponsors Programs
Social programs for the refugees
are frequently sponsored by mem-I
bers of the committee. One of the
problems before the committee is to
find American citizens who are willing
to entertain the refugees and find
places for them for the summer. Last
summer one family turned over their.
home to a refugee family while
another Ann Arbor resident gave a
group a vacation at their summer
During the present school year
members of the committee have col-
lected about $1,000 for their refugee
work. Affidavits have been secured
for 10 refugees from Poland, Ger-
many, Belgium, Switzerland and
France. At present, however, there
is a great need for affidavit signers.
A typical case faced by the com-

mittee is that of a young Polish boy,
18 years old. His mother and father
killed by a bomb in Warsaw, he
was forced to flee to Rome where
he lived with &n aunt.
The aunt is coming to the United
States soon and with another affi-
davit the young Pole will be able
to come with her.
Committee Members
Members of the committee aire
Professor and Mrs. Dunham, Mr. Mor-
gan, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the
sociology department, The Rev. Char-
les W. Brashares, George Burke, Rab-
bi Jehudah M. Cohen, Mrs. Harold
Gray, Mrs. William Haber, Mrs. Isa-
bel Haltenberger, Mrs. Reuben Kahn,
and Mrs. Karl Karsian.
The list continues with Robert B.
Klinger ,The Rev. Henry Lewis, Prof.
Thomas S. Lovering of the geology
department, The Rev. Harold Marley,
Prof. Wesley H.. Maurer of the journ-
alism department, Mrs. :Hedda Mc-
Clellan, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, Di-
rector of International Center, Prof.
Frederick C. O'Dell of the College
of Architecture, Lewis Reimann, Mrs.
Francis Ross, Mrs. Nate Stanger, Prof.
Earl S. Woalver of the Law School,
The Rev. Henry O. Yoder and Osias
The remainder of the yearbook
order arrived -Wednesday. Sub-
scribers are requested to obtain
their 'Ensians as soon as possible,
in the Student Publications Build-

Room 1, University Hall.
herbert G. Watkins
Notice: University Commencement
Announcement: The University Com-
mencement exercise will be held on
Ferry Field, Saturday afternoon, June
21. The gates open at 5:00 p.m. Au-
dience should be seated by 5:45 p.m.,
when procession enters the field.
The public address system will be
interfered with by outside sounds, and

ture, Science, and the Arts: All class-
es. Tuesday, June 17, 1941, at noon.
College of Architecture: All classes.
Tuesday, June 17, 1941, at noon.
College of Pharmacy: All classes.


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