6, 1941
(Continued from Page 6),
Class, Tuesday, June 10, at noon. Sen-
ior Class-Tuesday, June 3, at 5 p.m.
Medical School: Freshman Class-
Thursday, June 12, at noon. Sopho-
more Class-Saturday, June 14, at
noon. Junior Class-Saturday, June
14, at noon. Senior Class-Saturday,
June 7, 1941, at noon.
Graduate School: All classes. June
17, at noon.
Candidates for Master's Degrees:
June 17, at noon.
Candidates for Doctor's Degrees:
June 17, at noon.
Office of the Dean of Students
To All Students Having Library
Books: 1. Students having in their
possession books drawn from the
University Libraries are notified'that
such books are due Monday, June 9.
2. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library will be sent on June 10 to
the Recorder's Office, where their
semester's credits will be held up un-
til such time as said records , are
cleared, in compliance with the regu-
lations of the Regents.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarianf
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: It is requested by
the Administrative Board that all in-
structors who make reports of Incom-
plete, or Absent from Examination on
grade-report-sheets give also infor-
mation showing the character of the
part of the work which has been com-
pleted. This may be done by the use
of the symbols, I (A), X (D), etc.
E. A. Walter
Students and Faculty, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:The
attention of students and faculty is
called to the following regulations of
the College:
Students are not examined at any
other time than that set for the ex-
amnination of the class in which the
work has been done. When n entire
class is affected by a conflict in the
examination schedule, a special ex-
amination during the examination
period may be arranged by the in-
structor, with the consent of the Ex-
amination Schedule Committee.
It should be noted that a report of
X (Absent from Examination) does
not guarantee a make-up examina-
tion. An instructor must, in fairness
to those who take the final examina-
tion at the time announced for it,!
give make-up examinations only to
students who have a legitimate reason
for absence.
E. A. Walter
All contestants for Hopwood prizes
are requested to call for their manu-
scripts on Monday, June 9. The room
will be open from 8 to 12 and from 2
to 5:30. Copies of the judges' com-
ments on individual manuscripts
may be obtained at the desk.
Lockers in the Chemistry Building:
All padlocks must be removed from
the coat lockers in the halls of the
Chemistry Building by the end of the
examination period. These lockers
are intended for the storage of wear-
ing apparel during laboratory work-
ing hours, and they are not available
for the storage of material during
the interval between the second sem-
ester and the Summer Session.
R. J. Carney
Summer Schedule of the Interna-
tional Center: The summer schedule
of the International Center will go
into effect Sunday, June 22. The
Center will be open as usual through-
out the Summer Session, except from
12 to 1:30 p.m. and 5 to 6:30 p.m. on
week days; it is open on Sundays
____ ___ ____ ___ ____ __J
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Drive Home
For a grand and glorious trip this
summer or just to fool around
town- we have just the car you
need. It will pay you to buy
your Used Car at the HURON
MOTOR SALES, Inc., because
of the exceptional low prices and
the savings on your ticket home.
Several Makes and Models
$35 and up
from 2 to 9 p.m. The regular clos-
ing hour during the summer will be
9 p.m.'
The University Bureau of Appoint-
iments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last
:ate for filing application is noted
in each case:
United States Civil Service
Electrotyper (finisher); Electro-
typer (Molder); Stereotyper, salary,
$1.32 per hour, 40 hour week, July 2,
Junior Clerk, salary $1,440 per yr.,
June 16, 1941.
Complete announcements on file
at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
A cademic Nottces
English I and Il-Final Examina-
tion-Sat., June 7, 9-12.
Calver, 101 Ec.
Robertson, 101 Ec.
Arthos, 231 A.H.
Bader, 1025 A.H.
Baum, 231 A.H.
Bertram, 25 A.H.
Boys, 1025 A.H.
Engel, 103 R.L.
Everett, 3231 A.H.
Fletcher,.W. Phys. Lect.
Garvin, 205 M.H.
Green. W. Phys. Lect.
Greenhut, W. Phys. Lect.
Haines, 25 A.H.
Hart,.ID Haven
Haugh, 1025 A.H.
Helm, 1025 A.H.
Martin, W. Phys. Lect.
McClennen, 2003 A.H.
McCormick, W. Phys, Lect.
Olden, 35 A.H.
O'Neill, 103 R.L.
Peake, 35 A.H.
Schenk, 205 M.H.
Schroeder, E Haven
Schueller, E Haven
Stibbs, 205 M.H.
Walker, 103 R.L.
Weimer, 103 R.L.
Weisinger, 231 A.H.
Wells, 25 A.H.
White, 35 A.H.
Woodbridge, 103 R.L.
Make-up examination in English
I and II for unavoidable conflicts:
Tuesday, June 10, 7-10 p.m., 2225 A.H.
English 45, Section 1 (Rowe's sec-
tion): the final examination will be
held in 2203 A.H., Tuesday, June 10,
Professor Benson will not .meet his
Political Science 178 class this morn-
Economics 173: Accounting exami-
nation will be held in Room C Haven
Hall on Monday, June 16, 2-5 p.m.
German Department. Room As-
signments for final examinations in
German 1, 2, 31, 32. June 7, 1941, 2-5
German 1: All sections 25 A.H.
German 2: Gaiss, Edwards, Van
Duren, Willey, Sinnema, Pott, Strie-
dieck-West Lecture Physics.
Ebelke, Philippson, 231 Angell Hall.
Diamond, 35 Angell Hall.
German 31: All sections, D.H.H.
German 32: Pott, West Lecture
Physics; Nordmeyer, 203 U.H.; Wahr,
301 U.H.; Diamond, 35 A.H.; Eaton,
306 U.H.; Van Duren, 205 M.H.; Rei-
chart, 201 U.H.; Graf, 305 S.W.
Mathematics finals for the follow-t
ing classes (College of L. S. and A.)
will be held in the rooms specified be-
low. All others will meet in their
regular classrooms.
Math. 7, Sec. 1; Varnum, 18A.H.
Math. 12, Sec. 2, Raiford, 6 A.H.
Math. 13, Sec. 1, Kaplan, 225 A.H.
Math. 14, Sec. 1, Raiford, 16 A.H.
Math. 14, Sec. 5, Myers, 305 S.W.
Math. 53,-Sec. 2, Bradshaw, 6 A.H.
Math. 54, Sec. 2, Myers, 209 A.H.
Math. 103, Sec. 1, Anning, 2029 A.H.
Political Science 51: The final ex-
amination will be given Tuesday,
June 10, 2:00-5:00 p.m., in room 2003
Angell Hall.
Sociology 51: Final examination for
all sections Monday, Jun'e 9, 2-5 p.m.
The room arrangement is as fol-
lows: 1025 Angell Hall-Angell, My-
ers and Ostafin; 25 Angell Hall-
Holmes and Landecker; D, Haven
Botany I Final Examination on
Wednesday, June 11, 2-5 p.m. A-K in
room 25 Angell Hall. L-Z in room
1025 Angell Hall. Students who
have conflicts with other courses will
take the Botany examination Thurs-
day June 12, 7-10 p.m. in room 2033
Natural Science.
Women students who are planning
io enter the physical education cur-
riculum in the fall should make an
appointment in Barbour Gymnasium
office at this time for advice on
courses. This curriculum leads to a
teacher's certificate for elementary
or secondary school teaching in the
state. Graduates of this curriculum
are well qualified to assume leader-
ship in camp or recreational pro-
grams. This major is a prerequisite
for physical therapy training.
Doctoral Examination for Harold,
Henry Grossman, Physics; Thesis:
"Errors in Spectrochemical Analysis,"
Saturday, June 7, at 9:00 a.m., in the
East Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Chairman, R. A. ;Sawyer.'
Doctoral Examination for Corneli-
us Lacy Golightly, Philosophy; The-
sis: "Thought and Language in
Whitehead's Categorial Scheme," to-
day at 3:00 p.m., in the East Council
Room, Rackham Building. Chairman,
DeWitt H. Parker.
Doctoral Examination for Harold
Henry Grossman, Physics; Thesis:
"Errors in Spectrochemical Analysis,"
today at 3:00 p.m., in the East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Chairman, R. A. Sawyer.
Doctoral Examination for Leopoldo
Vasquez Toralballa, Mathematics;
Thesis: "The Sum of the Values of a
Rational Function of s Variables
over the Set of All the n-Partite Per-
mutational Partitions of a Given
Positive Integer," today at 3:15 p.m.,
in the West Council Room, Rackham
Building. Chairman, C. C. Craig.
Doctoral Examination for Chester
Arthur Hicks, M.D.; Hygiene and
Public Health; Thesis: "State Statutes
and Judicial Decisions Governing the
Production of Milk and Fluid Milk
Products in Michigan," Saturday,
June 7, at 9:00 a.m., in Room 2,
Waterman Gymnasium. Chairman,
John Sundwall.
Doctoral Examination for Arthur
Richards, Geology; Thesis: "Geology
of the Kremmling Area, Grand Coun-
ty, Colorado," Monday, June 9, at
3:00 p.m., in the East Council Room,
Rackham Building. Chairman, A. J.
Doctoral Examination for Clement
Scott, M.D., Hygiene and Public
Health ; Thesis : "A Clinical Study
of Post-Spinal -Puncture Reactions,"
Monday, June 9, at 4:00 p.m., in
Room 2, Waterman Gymnasium.
Chairman, John Sundwall.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination f
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason may wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Choral Union Tickets: The Univer-
sity Musical Society announces that
season tickets for the 1941-1942 Chor-
al Union Concert Series will be offered
for sale on the same basis as in for-
mer years, namely: Tickets on the
zuain floor (3 center sections) and
n the first balcony (3 center sec-
tions) $12.00 each; main floor and
first balcony extreme sides sections
$10.00; top balcony; first sixteen rows,
$8.00; top balcony, back of first six-
teen rows (six rows) $6.00. Subserib-
crs of record for patron's tickets (the
three center sections on both main
floor and in first balcony) to whom
specialnblanks will be mailed have
the privilege of retaining the same
seat locations which they held at the
last May Festival. Mail orders, ac-
companied by remittance to cover,
for all other season tickets will be
filed in sequence beginning Septem-
ber 2 and will be filled in the same
sequence, except that all orders re-
ceived prior to September 2 will be
considered as of that date.
The Series will include concerts
by Grace Moore, Martinelli and Pin-
za, Szigeti, Feuermann, Casadesus,
Vronsky and Babin, and by the Bos-
ton, Chicago, Cleveland, and Minne-
apolis Orchestras.
Charles A. Sink, President
Burton Memorial Tower
by Edward Weeks, Editor of the At-
lantic Monthly, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Room, today at 4:15 p.m. After
the lecture, the awards for this year
will be announced.
Events Today
All students who have competed in
the Hopwood Contests this year in-
cluding those who competed in the
Freshman Contest in the first semes-
ter and former winners of prizes are
invited to the Ethel Fountain Hussey
Room of the League for an informal'
meeting with Edward Weeks at 8
o'clock this evening.
Carillon Programs: The bell cham-
ber of the Burton Memorial Tower
will be open to visitors interested in
observing the playing of the carillon
from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. today at
which time Prof. Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
an informal program.
Barris Hall: Tea will be served to-
play 4:00-5:30 p.m. All Episcopal
Students and their friends are cordi-
ally invited.
Presbyterian Church: Open House
from 9 to 12 tonight with a program
of entertainment and refreshments.
Coming Events
Speech Concentrates: Dr. Halstead
will be available Monday afternoon,
June 9, for appointments with stu-
dents who wish to confer with him
about programs for next semester.
Please call at the Speech office, 3211
Angell Hall, before Monday for ap-
Special Teas at International Cen-
ter: During the two examination
weeks, tea will be served at the Cen-
ter on Tuesdays and Thursdays, June
10 and 12, and 17 and 19. Anyone
wishing to drop in between 4 and 6
on those days for a social hour will
be welcome.
University of Michigan DeMolay
Club: All members (student or Facul-
ty) of the Order, of DeMolay and
Masons are invited to attend a meet-
ing at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 8, in
Room 304 of the Union.
Attention, Women Students: The
Union Pool will be open on Tuesday
and Thursday evening, June 10 and
12, from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m.
Annual Exhibition. of
in the Michigan League
On view until June 21.
lull .lull
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Ceramics, by Mr. Grover
Cole, members of the Faculty, and
students. Ground floor cases, Archi-
tecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5,
through June 14. The public is i,-
The Llopwood Lecture will be given
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