?AOE 71v
New Woernn's
Co-0p Plans
Are Approved
Passed On By Board Of Regents,
Henderson House To Be Built
By University Alumnae Groups
Plans for Henderson House. wo-
men's cooperative dormitory to be
built under the auspices of the 50
organized alumnae groups of the Uni-
versity, have been approved by he
Board of Regents so that construction
of the house can probably begin
this summer, according to Mrs. Beach
Conger, executive secretary of the
Alumnae Council.
Final report on the plans for the
residence will be presented by Mrs.
William Walz, '27, chairman of the
Building Committee, at the annual
meeting of the Alumnae Council to
be held June 20 here. The Council
will discuss the report in detail and
decide upon final plans for the laying
of the corner stone.
Funds Raised By Sales
Funds for the construction of the
house, which is expected to accomo-
date from 20 to 25 women living
cooperatively have been raised by
sales of playing cards, billfolds, and
jewelry by Council members as well
as by benefit teas, bridge parties,
lectures, plays, and style shows held
in the various organization centers.
Members of the Detroit group re-
cently sponsored a ticket sale on
chances for a cruise to Guatemala in
Central America. Winner of the trip
is to be drawn tomorrow at the fast
meeting of this year of the Detroit
To Build On Observatory Street
The house is to be built, according
to a designation by the University.
faring Observatory Street on the hill
between Mosher Hall and the Observ-
atory building, overlooking Palmer
Field in the back. Funds for the build-
ing Of the house are available now,
according to Mrs. Conger, while funds
for furnishing the house will come
later. The formal opening will pro-
bably not take place until next spring,
Mrs..Conger said.
Henderson House is to be named af-
ter ~ Mary Bartron Henderson, first
executive secretary of the Alumnae
Council and the individual respon-
sible for the drive for the construction
of the present League building.
Residents To Be Selected
Women selected to live in the house
will be chosen by a policy committee
working in conjunction with the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women. To qual-
ify for residence, applicants must have
a high scholastic standing, good char-
acter, need of funds, an interest in
cooperative living, and physical and
emotional stability. It is expected that
residents will be able to earn up o
50 per cent of their college expenses
by working an average of one hour a
day in the house.
Members of th Building Committee
for the project include Mrs. Walz,
Mrs. Conger, Mrs. Fred Coller, Mrs.
Griffith Hays, Mrs. Irene Johnson,
Mrs. 'James Kennedy, Mrs. Eugene
Power, Mrs. Ruth Richardson and
Mrs. Clarence Skinner, all of Ann
Cork,W ooden
Soled Shoes
Keep Sand Out
Do you get sand in your toes whin
you're trying to get tanned on the
Abeach? So many new shoe styles
have been designed that from now on
all worries should be over.
Sandals with two and three inch
cork or wooden soles keep the sand
where it belongs and incidentally al-
low a short girl to stand up with the
best of her taller sisters.
To show off your tanned legs wear
white canvas shoes with a multi-col-
ored band across the instep. Raffia
moccasins are wonderful foriboth
beach and lounging at home. They
come in white and colors and are as
cool as walking on a cake of ice-and
much more comfortable!
Roman sandals made of colored
leather are smart, especially with a
matching beach bag which .carries
your suntan lotionaand other beach"
necessities. Slip-on shoes in pastel
striped denim and soft, natural cha-
mois slippers laced with a bright
color add a dash to your costume too.
For the comning summer days,
one of these will add to your
52-M and up
?nAbJA Ofr"4ARflMOW
Architect's Plan Of Cooperative
Alumnae Will Be Grown Up
Quiz Kids At Council Meeting
Just between ourselves, it might pay
for some of you alums to brush up
on your knowledge of what's going
on in ye old University! That enter-
prising organization, Assembly, is go-
ing to present an Alumnae Quiz pro-
gram at the Alumnae Council meet-
ing in June and if somebody's not
careful there are going to be a lot of
questions missed,
The idea of a qiz program %o keep
the alumnae up to date on campus
doings and to acquaint them with the
activities of Assembly, seems like a
good one to us. It's being originated
to serve as a "refreshener" to the
minds of those ex-"Michiganites"
who might have lost touch or become
a little hazy as to just what's what,
where, and why.
Miss Cuthbert Is Chairman
Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, executive
secretary of the Alumnae Council, is
cooperating with the Assemly com-
mittee to put on the program, with
Doris Cuthbert, '42, as chairman.
Besides Miss Cuthbert, the commit-
tee to present the questionnaire con-
you get that one? If not, you'd bet-
ter start remembering now.
Poem Poses Question
It's a pretty safe bet that you
don't know the answer tq this one:'
"What distinguished Michigan gradu-
ate wrote the following poem:
Roses can only be as fair
As nature made them,
But ladies, they can all repair
To art to aid them;
And after powdering their noses,
They can turn them up at roses.
(Hortense Flexner King), (Richard
Kirk), (John Malcolm Brinnin),'(Ma-
bel Holmes Parsons) ."
Well, do you think you know all
the answers?
Glenn Mizlr's
Road To glory
N otSmoothl
Whistling Wafts Through Library Windows
"Is everybody happy?" No, this of a junior or senior on his way to
isn't Ted Lewis, a-speakin', lut just the tennis courts, the I-M Building
a quiet observation on the not-so- or just on his way is anything but
quiet side of life, specificially the
whistling around the library where a quieting influence on the, heat-
the real students are pecking away dazed brains of campus.
at their six or eight weeks-old as- Everything from the complete pre-
signments, preparatory to finals. sentation of "Amapola" as the indi-
With the windows wide open, these vidual wends his way from the front
beauteous spring days, all and any around the side of the mecca of
sounds come floating into the study student-life, the library, to the first
halls, and the full-throated whistle measure of Beethoven's Fifth is heard.
Theses, Exams
Are Over,
Relax, Read For Entertainment
Keeping abreast of the best sellers
list is practically an impossibility'
when you're trying to get a thesis fin-'
ished on time or cram for a blue-
book, but you'll agree that summer
vacation is the logical time to read-
just for pleasure.
Here are a few suggestions that
should provide something in the way
of conversational topics as well as re-
laxing entertainment. Nptable new-
comer in the field of light and witty;
reading is Sally Benson's offering,'
"Junior Miss." Judy is just a pudgy,
gauche little girl who gets herself in-
to perfectly normal scrapes, but these'
episodic sketches are guaranteed to
make you chuckle sympathetically.
Journalist Writes Excitingly '
Brilliant and exciting is Arthur'
Koestler's novel, "Darkness At Noon,"
which sheds some light on the notori-
ous Moscow trials. Koestler is a
journalist who chooses to write psy-
cho-analytic novels, but his experien-
ces in covering the European news-
front would make an exciting tale by
"Walking the Whirlwind" by Brid
Knight is a family chronicle some-
what on the pattern of the Jalna
series, which has a South African
setting. The process of the Ameri-
canization of an immigrant family'
in three generations is covered by'
Thomas' Bell in his "Out of This Fur-
nace," a saga of the steel industry.
The man in the headlines right
now is Winston Churchill, and pub-
lishers have been quick to swamp us
with books that dwell upon his career.
Phyllis Moir served for a time as the
private secretary of England's war-
time leader and has recorded for
popular enlightenment all the eccen-
tricities and foibles in this dominat-
ing personality. Churchill and his
policy are revealed in "Blood, Sweat
and Teals," a collection of all his
epochal speeches in the House of
Commons. '
Home Talent Revealed
For a Michigan background and
a story about very real people, read
the Hopwood Award winner, "Whistle
Stop" by Maritta Wolff, now being
acclaimed by critics as a promising
An uproarious low-down on cafe;
society is "Trousers Will Be Worn".
Tommy Thompson reveals it to us in
an account that promises to delight
all readers, except perhaps those who
"feel they owe a debt to society."
"Exit Laughing" is another amusing
autobiography, being the reminiscen-
ces of America's beloved Irving S.
Valtin's Sueccess Sensational
Sensational is "Out of the Night"
by the Communist adventurer, Jan
Valtin, whose work led him all over
the world and eventually into the
hands of the Gestapo. This daring
account throws a light on the back-
ground of the present war, especially
the post-war Germany of hungry
people and conflicting ideologies.
Right now, the best seller's list is
crowded with books to satisfy moods
and demands of every reader, from
humor to careful interpretations of
the international situation, so take
advantage of a long vacation and
catch up on the books that are mak-
ing literary news.
- Aqua
' Natural
x Powder
Sizes 1 0 to 8
sists of Mary Brownrigg, '44, Helen It's not exactly a rainbow path
Corman, '41, Elizabeth Newman, '43, from a farm in the heart of the dust-
and Jean Engel, '41. bowl to a position as America's favor-
Just so you'll know what kind of ite band 'leader but it is, neverthe-
questions you might be asked at this less, the success story of Glenn Miller,
meeting, here are a couple of typical slated to play here for Senior Ball,
ones to test yourselves on: "What Friday, June 20.
women's dormitory was completed When Miller was five, his family
about 10 years ago? (Stockwell Hall), moved to a sod hut in Nebraska; it
(Mosher-Jordan), (Martha Cook), wasn't an easy time-the whole fam-
(Helen Newberry)-pick one." Did ily worked desperately to buy clothes
-- ------ - ----- and food. From his mother, who
. . taught school, Miller learned the
Physical Educa tion m melodies of hymns, the beginnings of
Ma jors To Be Aided his music education. Finally the fam-
ily gave up trying to make a go of
All women students who are plan- their prairie home, and moved to
ning to enter the physical education Grant City, Mo.
curriculum in the fall are asked to Here Miller worked for. a butcher,
make an appointment .in Barbour who owned an old battered trombone;
Gymnasium office immediately for it fascinated the youngster, and the
advice on courses. amused butcher offered to give him
This curriculum leads to a teach- lessons. By means of hard practice,
er's certificate for elementary or he reached the point where he played
secondary school teaching in the with the town band. After being
state. Graduates of this curriculum graduated from high school, he ob-
are well qualified to assume leader- tained assignments with professional
ship in any camp or recreational bands.
program. This major is a prerequi- K____________"___
site for physical therapy training. j I
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Flowers Adorn Hair
The 'Back to Nature' theme in
summer is apparent not only because
of the magnetism that sand beaches
and refreshing water holds for peo-
ple, but also in the swing of wonmen
to the wearing of nature's own adorn-
For a fresh summery look women
Scripts Due July 1
All JGP script synopses are due are attaching dainty, but vivid flow-
July 1, announced Mary Lou Ewing, { ers to hairpins arzd are scattering
'43, general chairman of the 1942 them throughout Their hair. Strik-
JGP. The synopses must be turned ing effects may be achieved by the
in to the Undergraduate Office of the color combinations used, for example
League. red flowers worn with a white outfit.
Friendshi Week
Starts Today, June 6th
Lasts through June 14th
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At Special Low Prices
Jus eight days out
of the whole year
tO get these top qua li ty stockings at
special low prices.
the exclusive Artc
Every pair with
raft features that
give such satisfaction for pe'rfect fit,
incr:eased beauty and added wear. Five
popular styles to fill all your stocking
needs, to buy for graduation and
Towa Chinifoit . . . . 95
Regularly 1.15. Sheer chiffon three-
threads for daytime and gay-time
traveilwear . . . 95
Reg ularly 1.15. Semi-service five-
thread chiffon for active and spec-
tator shorts.
Feather Chiffou . . . 85e
Regularly 1.00. Glanforously sheer
two-thread chiffon for afternoon and
evening wear.
Powde, Chiffn * . . 85c
Regularly 1:00, Smart, sturdy three-
thread stockings for daytime and
business wear.
Staiinehies .. . . . . 85c
Regularly 1.00. Flattering four-
thread service sheers, perfect for
heavy-duty wear,
Call 4171.
bridal gifts.
Romance colors to comr-
A Featherweight Casual, all-white, white with brown, blue or red -
B Mexi-casuals, wedgie in tll-white or saddle tan with sling-back
C Toreador, accordion-heel wedge, multi-color or all-white
D Resorter, pocker-chip heel wedge, white with color checks
E Skipper, halter-back sandal in white or saddle tan
plement Summer clothes .. .
EUGENIE an apricot beige'
DELI LA H, a golden beige;
LA RUSSELL, a mauve beige
Phone Orders carefully filled.
____ .' m A ~