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June 05, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-05

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_______________________________ U I,

Final Meeting
Of Alumnae
WilB e Hel
Winner Of Guatemalan Cruise
To Be Drawn Saturday; Funds
To Benefit Henderson House
Michigan alumnae from approxi-
mately 50 organized alumnae groups
will meet Friday, June 20, in Ann
Arbor for the last meeting before
beginniing "diggingI" on its latest
project, Henderson Cooperative
House, construction of which will be-
gin during the summer.
Reports will be given from each
group on its activities for the past
year as well as reports on scholar-
ships and funds. All officers of the
alumnae groups are invited as well
as the special members of the Alum-
nae Council.
Following the Friday morning meet-
ing, there will be a luncheon in the
League at which the speaker will
be Sadyebeth Lowitz, '25, author of
the children's books which council
members have been selling for the
past four years. Special guests of the
afternoon will be Allis Hussey, B.S.
'21, M.S.'22, and A.M.'28, daughter
of Ethel Fountain Hussey, and Mary
Louise Quaife, A.B.'38, M.S.'39, the
recipient of the Lucy Elliott Fellow-
ship. After the luncheon a tea will
be given at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Ruthven.
The winner of the cruise to Guate-
mala which has been sponsored as a
benefit for the Henderson House by
Detroit alumnae will be drawn at that
group's final meeting of the year Sat-
urday in Detroit. Proceeds of the
ticket sale of chances on the trip
will go into the Henderson House
fund, while the winner of the cruise
will be given the trip to Guatemala
as well as choice of a companion with
whom to make the journey.
Speaker at the Detroit meeting
will be Mrs. Arthur Vandenberg,
whose topic will be "Women in Wash-

Strapless Suits Of Black Jersey
To QGamorize Bathing Beaches

Aids For Writing JGP Script
Are Given By Former Author

Alpha Kappa Psi, business admin-
istration fraternity, announces the
;pled ging of the following men: Wil-
liam L. Schoofs, '42BAd., Milwaukee,
Wisconsin; Robert E. Plasters, '42-
BAd., Milan; John W. Fry, '41, De-
troit; Emerson Yeasting, '42; Nor-
man D. Ruth, '44, Benton Harbor;
and Clarence Kettinger, '44, Monroe.

Evidently some swimming suit
manufacturers think the typical
American girl is the one with the
sylph-like figure that wins all the
beauty contests, for '41 marks the
introduction of even more revealing
suits than ever before.
The newcomer that is destined to
turn heads and make headlines this
summer is a strapless suit of black
jersey that comes with a white-band-
ed pique skirt. If you're a glamorous
beauty having intentions of serenely
soaking up the sun while lying on
the beach, then here's the suit for
Hawaii Is Inspirational iource
Hawaii has proved the sou ~ce for
another designer's inspiration. Go-
ing fUrther in adapting the gaib of
natives than the flowered drapery
that has made Dorothy Lamour
famous, he presents honest-to-good-
ness grass skirts. These are to swim
as well as hula in-that is, if you're
not afraid of getting tangled in sea-
Reminiscent of the gay nineties is
a suit that steals the bloomer girl's
stuff. The full bloomer effect is
considerably more abbreviated than
when it was the fashion for ladies
to wade with a modesty that meant
stockings and sleeves!
Most of us, however, consider swim-
ming one of the more strenuous
sports. We want suits, like the dress-
maker print shown here, that are
practical and do something for the
figure as well.
Many Fabrics Are Used
Fortunately, most manufacturers
have the average silhouette in mind
when they experiment with lines and
styles and in everything from the
stuff used in girdles to good old de-
pendable wool.
This year's bathing suits will go a
long way toward helping the average
gal break records both as a swim-
mer and as the possessor of a swain-
fetching figure.,

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(Editor'sNote: Miss Patterson wrote
the "Jumping Jupiter" script for 1941
JGP, and offers helpful suggestions to
those who may attempt next year's
When you sit down at a typewriter
to write a Junior Girls' Play, your
problem of playwriting is simplified
by the knowledge that it is expected
to include certain elements of show-
JGP's are comedies and if your plot
seems to have comedy of situation
and character, then the dialogue will
be easier to write. Comic dialogue
will be less difficult if the initial sit-
uations and characters are funny in
the idea. The ideal plot is simple, fast
moving and unique.
Song Spots Are Vital
The author is expected to plan spots
for song and dance, and your audience
will like it better if such entertain--
ment is not obviosuly dragged in.
Your cast will be all girls and all
amateurs. In writing you will usually
find it a good plan to have from 12
to 20 main roles of equal importance.
The hardest thing for a woman to do
on the stage is to play a straight
man's part. What men's roles are
necessary try to make comedy char-
Sketched Set Is Aid
When you have your plot in mind,
roughly sketch a stage set. If possible
have a single set play. The director
and stage designer will love you for
it, you will have a better set, and it
eliminates long waits for scene
It has been found advisable in past
JGP's to open the play with a spec-
tacular scene which brings lots of
characters on the stage and which
includes music. Of course, the play
will close with a similar finale.

Theta Phi Alpha, not Zeta Phi
Alpha as was erroneously. stated inz
The Daily yesterday, has been ac-
cepted into membership by the
Panhellenic Association of the Uni-
versity. The sorority is one of 18
chapters that exist throughout the

The script of a JGP should run
about an hour and a half and is
usually in two acts with about eight
scenes of dialogue. Any book on the
subject will tell you to introduce
your characters and the problem they
have to solve as soon as possible in
order to capture your audience's in-
terest. This is especially true in a
musical comedy production which di-
vides the audien1ce's attention between
plot, specialty songs and dances.
A JGP is fun to write whether
or not it reaches actual production;
you will learn a lot, and no one need
have any qualms about trying it.


d e

Perry 'Wilson Is Cited By Critics
As A Beginner Wortht Watching'
zO S

e nd .
Announcement of the engagement
of Lois Basse, '42, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Basse of Highland
Park to John Lamb, son of Mrs.
Jacob John Lamb of Detroit was made
at a dinner at the Kappa Alpha Theta
house yesterday.
Miss Basse, a member of Kappa
Alpha Theta, will act as rushing
secretary of the Panhellenic Associa-
tion for the coming year. She is a
member of Scroll Society, was ticket
chairman for Panhellenic Ball and
decorations chairman of Freshman
Mr. Lamb graduated in 1940 from
Dartmouth College where he was af-
filiated with Phi Delta Theta. At
present he is in business in Chelsea.
No date has been set for the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cowan of Ann
Arbor have announced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Dorothy, to
George Garnsy of Clayton, New York,
at a supper given by Kappa Delta
of which Miss Cowan is a member.
Mr. Garnsy attended the Univer-
sity and Miss Cowan is a senior in
the College of Architecture. She
worked on the Decoration Committee
for Senior Supper.
Shocking Stockings.
Stockings are in the news again.
Yes, stockings at last are coming to
life. A recent issue of a style maga-
zine explains that we'll soonbe wear-
ing silk stockings of all bright "shock-
ing" colors, including violet, cerise,
green, yellow, blue. That summer
gaiety need not stop at the hem of
your dress, but now you can dazzle
'em with variecolored legs.
Couzens H all Elects-
Newly elected members of the Stu-
dent Cooperative Government of
Couzens Hall have been named. Mary
Hanus,'42N, is president; Helen Hu-
binger, '42SN, vice-president; and
Annabelle Struble, '43SN, secretary-


panion casuals inspired by the
circus. Pair "Horseplay" print
...prancing white horses on
vivid balloon colors, with plain
colors in "Clown Cloth." Both
fabrics, cool tubbable rayons
resembling luana cloth.
shorts, 4.00; shIrts, 3.00. Colors:
red, yellow, blue, green, grey.
CLOWN CLOTH: Skirt. 6.;
slacks, 6.50; jacket, 6.50. Colors:
yellow, blue, beige, grey.

League's Past Shows Unusual
Growth Of Present Institution

A beginner worth watching" is
what New York critics think of Perry
Wilson, young actress now appearing
in "Ladies In Retirement."
Daughter of the distinguished il-

People-especially the men about
campus-know the League mainly as
something that has points to give
out. Points are given to women.
Points are also something which must
be kidded dutifully by every Michi-
gan man, as a matter of pride and
tradition. But points are not all
that back the League. It has also a
fine and courageous past.
The whole thing started, of course,
back in 1870, when the Board of
Regents daringly admitted women to
the University. It wasn't until 1890,
however, that the Women's League
came into being, partly through the
efforts of President and Mrs. Angell.
If you're musing that it certainly
took the women long enough to get
under way, perish the thought; after
all, remember that there was only
one woman here the first year, and
you can't expect the first one to be
feverishly League-conscious. Also,
consider that the League even beat
the Dean of Women to the punch;
that appointment wasn't made for
the first time until 1896.
Social Organization Desired
The League arose through a crav-
ing on the part of campus women
for social recognition. Sorosis and
the Greek letter societies were estab-
lished and were thought at first to be
a step in the right direction. And so
they were. They were a move toward
a certain amount of social activity
for the women, but it soon became
evident that these organizations were
more divided by rivalry than united by
a common cause. (You know how it
is, you sorority gals, even now.)
Finally, on the night of June 23,
1890, a small group of determined
women met (this is beginning to
sound like the Ku Klux Klan) to
compose a constittuion for The Wo-
men's League of the University of
Michigan, as it was officially chris-
tened. By Christmas of the next
year, there were 162 members and
$61 in the treasury. (And don't start
looking scornful; you know that
sounds good, right now!)
Just about at this point, things
began to get slightly congested. The
League continued to grow, but there
was often no place available in which
to hold meetings. It was downright
embarrassing for a while; an im-
pressive organization like the League
-forced to hold its meetings on the
steps of campus buildings.
Headquarters Were In Gym
But in March, 1895, Regent Barbour
offered the Women's League $25,000
for a building, on the condition that
the organization raise the other $15,-
000 needed for the structure. Evi-
dently, the Michigan women at that

time looked weak and puny and were lustrator, Edward Wilson, she became
felt to need more exercise, because a serious aspirant for theatre fame at
the three hours per day allotted them the age of 17 years, and immediatelyj
at Waterman Gymnasium were
deemed not sufficient; the new head- began attending dramatic schools,
quarters of the League were to be, spending the past four, summers in
in addition to other things, a gym. a stock company in Rhode Island.
Barbour Gymnasium was The Theatre Overshadows Dance
League, and satisfactorily until 1921, At first, Miss Wilson had ambitions
when, with more women attending ao
the University every year, the League along the modern dance line,
appointed a committee to launch a taking lessons frorm the famous
campaign for a one million dollar Kreutzberg. But the dance was sub-
building fund. Let's put the rest merged early under the growing and
briefly; they got it. And that's how overwhelming urge for the theatre.
come there's a League. Her first goal, after dramatics had
__been firmly embedded within her,
was not to crash Broadway, but rather
Betrothal Announced to form a repertory company with
Professor Otto Laporte of Barton 'young actors and actresses.
Hills recently announced the en- .Miss Wilson is a permanent mem-
ber of the Dramatic Season company
gagement of his sister, Mrs. Mariane and will appear in plays for the
D'Hengeliere to Dr. Roger H. Gil- duration of the festival. She is at
lette, assistant professor of chemistry. present on leave of absence from the


New York Actors Company, a de-
parture inspired by her desire to get
out and see what she could do by
What she could do on her own ini-
tiative, after culmination of four
years of work and making contacts,
was the role of Opal in the Broad-
way production of "Cream In The
Well," which she played with consid-
erable feeling.!
Played With Hersholt
Slender, piquant, auburn-haired
Miss Wilson has played with such dis-
tinguished stars as Pauline Lord, Jane
Cowl, Madge Evans, Gladys Cooper
and Philip Merivale. She has done a
few Dr. Christian radio programs with
Jean Hersholt and has played in
Death Valley Days and the Great
Plays series.
Miss Wilson is young and eager,
already supported by a broad back-
ground gained in repertory and stock
companies and summer theatres. She
has already won acclaim in numerous
outstanding stock engagements and
is a newcomer toward which New
York critics are turning their at-
tention and best wishes.

h. '.,.









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