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June 05, 1941 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-05

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-_ ---__ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _

Professor Foust Declares Gas
Warfare is Hiaae, Effective

Gas warfare-yet to be used to any
great extent in the present war-is
one of the most humane instruments
of modern warefare, a University
chemical engineering professor said
Prof. A. S. Foust, who is also a cap-
tain in the Chemical Warfare Service
Reserve, believes that chemicals have
played a minor role so far only be-
cause "each side is afraid of the
"The public has been definitely mis-
HELP WANTED-Board and five
dollars for three days-June 18,
19, 20. Call 8798 after 7:30. 435
WAITERS and BUSBOYS wanted--
Full employment from June 14th
to July 1st. Part time from July
1st during Summer Session. Apply
Allenel Hotel. 432
VIOLA STEIN-Exierienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
TYPING--Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 1Ic
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned
Careful work at low price. 3c
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St., Phone 3916. 1c
LOST-Keys on Texaco ring. Finder
please return to White Spot, Wil-
liam corner Maynard. 428
LOST -White -zipper pocketbook

led from the standpoint of perman-
ent injury by gas," he asserted. "Mus-
tard gas burns, for example, are
severely painful for only 24 hours or
so. However, the victim must be
hospitalized for from one to six weeks,
and must be treated for his burns
during that time, making him a
greater liability to the enemy than if
he had been killed outright.",-
As fast as a new chemical agent
is developed, Professor Foust said, a
protective device is found to be used
against it. Since the World War thef
Chemical Warfare Service has worked!
only on protective devices, and not
on new gases.
British May Use Gas
Poisonous gases are classified as
persistent or non-persistent, depend-
ing on their tendency to remain where
they are released. Persistent gases
are invaluable assets to a defending*
force, and the British will undoubt-
edly use some form of persistent gas,I
probably mustard, if the Nazis invade
Three different effects may be ob-
tained from the use of gas, Professor
Foust pointed out. "Lung irritants
affect the respiratory system, vesi-
cants are the skin irritants, and gen-
eral irritants, such as tear gas, are
used to decrease physical effective-
ness, or for their depressive psycho-
logical effect."
Classified according to purpose,
chemicals are listed as casualty pro-
ducing, harassing, screening and in-
cendiary. In the present fighting
only the screening (smoke bombs)
and incendiary types have found any
great use so far.
Mustard Most Persistent
Mustard gas is still the outstand-
ing persistent gas, as it will remain
in the vicinity for several days -or
even weeks or months, depending on
the weather. Cheap and easy to
manufacture as gases go, it smells
like garlic, and produces burns simi-
lar to fire burns.
A new "Lewisite" gas developed at°
the close of the last war resembles
mustard very closely and may find
some 'use in this conflict if gas war-
fare is adopted. Like mustard and
most 'of the other persistent agents,
it is really not a gas but a heavy, oily
liquid at ordinary temperatures, and+
slowly evapoartes.
First of the war gases and most im-
portant of the non-persistent gases
in the last war, chlorine is fast be-
ing replaced by phosgene now, Pro-
fessor Foust explained, because the
latter is a good deal more poisonous
than chlorine.
Although hydrogen cyanide is one
of the most poisonous gases known, it
cannot be used in warfare because it
decomposes upon the explosion of
its carrier shell, and is lighter than
air. To be effective, war gases must
cling close to the ground, Professor
Foust concluded.

Speech Group
Plans To Hold
Session Here
Headed by five visiting lecturers,
the annual summer Speech Confer-
ence will open here Aug. 11 for a
three-day session. Six phases of
speech and allied subjects will be
dealt with during the meeting. For-
ensics, speech science, radio work,
and dramatic production will be tak-
en up by the visiting speakers, men
well-known in their particular fields.
Prof. Norwood Brigance, of Wabash
College, will deliver the first lecture
'on Aug. 11, after Dr. Louis Hopkins,
director of the University Summer
Session, officially opens the meeting.
Professor Brigance will discuss "The
Place of Public Address In American
Casting director for the Columbia
Broadcasting System and head of New
York University's Radio Workshop,
Eaie McGill will lead the conference
on radio, scheduled for Aug. 12. Mc-
Gill's address will be followed by a
University broadcast over WCAR.
The University of Missouri will be
represented by Prof. Bower Aly, edi-
tor of the Debate Handbook Series
of the National University Extension
Association. Professor Aly will lec-
ture on "Directing Forensics, with
Special Application to the National
High School Debate Question for
The University Speech Clinic will
conduct a demonstration on Aug. 12,
after Dr. Charles Strother's address
on "Present"Trends of Speech Path-
ology." Dr. Strother holds the rank
of associate professor of speech path-
ology and clinical psychology at the
University of Iowa.
Price To Give
Re:peat C( )ce' t
Combinied Band, Carillon
Will Play Againi Today
Prof. Percival Price, accompanied
by a brass section from the Uni-
versity Band, will repeat the per-
formance of his composition, "Con-
certo for Carillon and Brass Instru-
ments" in a carillon concert at 7:15
p.m. today.
This piece, which had its first per-
formance Sunday, is played by the
carilloneur and is supplemented by
eighteen instrumentalists. Mr. Albini
Johnson, assistant conductor of the
University Band, will direct the ac-
Playing in concert style, Professor
Price will be assisted by still another
conductor who will give him the
tempo. The program will include five
English folk tunes, and :Rameau's
"The Recall of the Birds," Locatelli's
"Minuet," and Gluck's "Gavotte."
The concert can be heard best on
the south side of the Burton Memor-
ial Tower, for the band will be faced
in that direction.



(Continued from Page 2)

The class will be divided as follows
.for the final examination: Surnames
beginning with A through O, inclu-
sive, will meet in Room B, H.H.;
Surnames beginning with P to the end
of the alphabet, will meet in 35 A.H.
History 50, Final Examination,
Thursday, June 12, 2-5. Ahlstrom-
Low, B, Haven; MacArthur-Zarnow,
101 Economic Building.
Mathematics finals for the follow-
ing classes (College of L.S. and A.)
will be held in the rooms specified be-
low. All others will met in their
regular classrooms.


7, Sec. 1, Varnum, 18A.H.
12, Sec. 2, Raiford, 6 A.H.
13. Sec. 1, Kaplan, 225 A.H.
14, Sec. 1, Raiford, 16 A.H.
14, Sec. 5, Myers, 305 S.W.
53, Sec. 2, Bradshaw, 6 A.H.
54, Sec. 2, Myers, 209 A.H.
103, Sec: 1, Anning, 2029 A.H.

riculum in the fall should make an
appointment in Barbour Gymnasium
office at this time for advice on
courses. This curriculum leads to a
teacher's certificate for elementary
or secondary school teaching in the
state. Graduates of this curriculum
are well qualified to assume leader-
ship in camp or recreational pro-
grams. This major is a prerequisite
for physical therapy training.
Doctoral Examination for Alonzo
Clifford Cohen, Jr., Mathematics;
Thesis: "Estimation of Parameters in
Truncated Pearson Frequency Dis-
tributions," today at 3:15 p.m., in the
East Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Chairman: C. C. Craig.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permission'
to those who for sufficient reason
may wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Co ncertsC
Carillon Recital: The brass choir
from the University of Michigan Band
will again assist Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, in presenting his
"Concerto for Carillon and Brass In-
struments" in a program to be given
from 7:15 to 8:00 tonight in the Bur-
ton Memorial Tower. Professor Price
will also play a group of English folk
songs, and compositions of Rameau,
Locatelli, and Gluck. The brass choir
will be conducted by Albin John-
son, Assistant Conductor of the Band.
Student Graduation Recital: David
Milliken, Pianist, will present a recital
at 8:30 tonight in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master of
Music degree. Akstudent of John
Kollen, Mr. Milliken will play selec-
tions by Beethoven and Schumann.
The general public is invited.

seat locations which they held at the
last May Festival. Mail orders, ac-
companied by remittance to cover,
for all other season tickets will be
filed in sequence beginning Septem-
ber 2 and will be filled in the same
sequence, except that all orders re-
ceived prior to September 2 will be
considered as of that date.
The Series will include concerts
by Grace Moore, Martinelli and Pin-
za, Szigeti, Feuermann, Casadesus,
Vronsky and Babin, and by the Bos-
ton, Chicago, Cleveland, and Minne-
apolis Orchestras.
Charles A. Sink, President
Burton Memorial Tower
Twelfth Annual Exhibition, of
Sculpture in the Michigan League
Buildng. On view until June 21.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Ceramics, by Mr. Grover
Cole, members of the Faculty, and
students. Ground floor cases, Archl-
tecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5,
through June 14. The public is in-
The Hopwood Lecture will be given
by Edward Weeks, Editor of the At-
lantic Monthly, in the Rackharn Lec-
ture Room, Friday, June 6, at 4:15
p.m. After the lecture, the awards
for this year will be announced.
Events Today
Students in Speech: Today at 4:00
p.m. in the amphitheater of the Rack-
ham Building, Mr. W. H. Tenney, of
the Edison Institute, will demonstrate
the use of sound track motion pictures
in the teaching of speech.
Archery Club: Last official meet-
ing today at 4:15 p.m.

Mathematics 54, Section 2 (Col-
lege of L.S. and A.) will have an
optional bluebook today.
Political Science 1: Final examina-
tion, Friday, June 6, 2:00-5:00 p.m.
All sections, room 25 A.H.
Political Science 2: Final examina-
tion, Friday, June 6, 2:00-5:00 p.m.
Sections will meet in the following
rooms :
Dorr's, Cargo's & Jenkin's sections:
231 A.H.'
Kallenbach's sections: 1035 A.H.
Cuncannon's and Eldersveld's sec-
tions: 1025 A.H.
Perkins sections: 35 A.H.
Political Science 51: The final ex-
amination will be given Tuesday,
June 10, 2:00-5:00 p.m, in room 2003
Angell Hall.
Sociology 51: Final examination for
all sections Monday, June 9, 2-5 p.m.
The room arrangement is as fol-
lows : 1025 Angell Hall-Angell, My-
ers and Ostafin; 25 Angell Hall-
Holmes and Landecker; D, Haven
Women students who are pl anning
to enter the physical education cur-
Nauion's Railroad
Workers Deitntli
Inreased W ages
CHICAGO, June 4.-(G)-The na-
tion's railroads were confronted ;o-
night by demands for pay increases
for 1.150,000 organized workers.

Cratford Returns
From Testifyig
To Federal GOoup
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the Col-
lege of Engineering' returned to cam-
pus yesterday from a trip to Wash-
ington, D.C., where he appeared be-
fore a Congressional committee in-
vestigating the possibility of estab-
lishing experimental stations in the
United States.
Expected to go before Congress be-
fore tle close of the present session,
the bill would provide for the estab-
lishment of an experimental station in
each of the 48 states and in the terri-
tories as well, Dean Crawford said.
The committee investigating the
proposal is hearing the opinions of
prominent engineering men this week,
preparatory to sending the bill to
Congress'for a vote.
If the plan goes through, it will
be a big boost for engineering and
hence national defense, Dean Craw-
ford predicted.
Journalist' Final Issue
Features Haber Article
A 100 billion dollar national in-
come is necessary for full employment
at an American standard of living,
,Prof. William Haber of the econom-
ics department asserted in the semes-
ter's final edition of the Michigan
Journalist issued yesterday.
An article on sewerage disposal
plant construction in Michigan, a
group of articles on the Starr Com-
monwealth farm for boys and a spec-
ial story on the music of Sibelius are
featured in the new Journalist.
Laboratory paper of the Depart-
ment of Journalism is printed for the
department by various state news-
taken with .
332 So. State Dial 5031

about 4"x 5".
Biethan, 3431,

Reward. Call
or Univ. 766.


GOOD USED CAR for about $50.
Phone Dan Huyett, 2-4509, eve-
nings. 420
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.1
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 31c
WANTED TO BUY-A D-flat pic-
cola; silver preferred. Call Kent
Arnold, 617 S. Forest, phone 3778.
BEN THE TAILOR pays the best
price for used clothes. 122 E.
Washington. Ph. 5387 after 6 p.m.
Local and Long Distance Moving.
410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 6297
CO.-Let us move, pack, or ship
you to any point. Experienced
movers. Special rates for students'
storage. Dial 3515. 318 N. First
St. 32c
USED CARS-'33 Ford Fordor, $75;
'35 Plymouth Fordor, $195; '27
Chev Coach, $29; '33 Ford Tudor,
West Huron. 431
'OR RENT-Nicely furnished rooms
for graduate girls. Cross ventila-
tion. Shower. Large yard with
furniture. Call 6152. 434
Large, comfortable rooms, two
blocks from campus, reasonable.
Call 4850 or inquire 806 Hill. 367
ROOMS-light and airy for the sum-
mer for MEN. Prices from $2.00-
$3.00. Hot water at all times. First
house off State. 615 Monroe St.
SUITE with private bath and shower.
Double room with adjoining lava-
tory. Available now. Also first
floor housekeeping apartment for
summer school or fall. Ph. 8544-
422 E. Washington. 427
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
1112. ' Sc

. Coming Events
Choral Union Tickets: The Univer-
sity Musical Society announces that All students who have competed in
season tickets for the 1941-1942 Chor- the Hopwood Contests this year in-
al Union Concert Series will be offered cluding those who competed in the
for sale on the same basis as in for- Freshman Contest in the first semes-
mer years, namely: Tickets on the ter and former winners of prizes are
main floor (3 center sections) and invited to the Ethel Fountain Hussey
in the first balcony (3 center sec- Room of the League for an informal
tions) $12.00 each; main floor and meeting with Edward Weeks at 8
first balcony extreme sides sections o'clock Friday evening.
$10.00; top balcony, first sixteen rows,
$8.00; top balcony, back of first six- All students winning prizes are to
teen rows (six rows) $6.00. Subscrib- come to the Hopwood Room between
ers of record for patron's tickets (the 8 and 12 Saturday morning.
three center sections on both main
floor and in first balcony) to whom Michigan Dames: Child Study
special, blanks will be mailed have Group and children, 3 to 5 Saturday
the privilege of retaining the same afternoon, Burns Park.


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