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June 04, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-04

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~ Lrty .+. id , J U1V L'' 4, 1941




From Those Who Demand War
America Must Demand Honesty

Iw' i E ' 'ea. .- ,. .
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
PulIished every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Aill
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertisinig Service, Inca'
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Staff

Emile Geis
Robert Speckhard
Albert P. Blaustein.
David Lachenbruch .
Bernard Dober
Alvin Dann
Arthur Hill .
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller .

_ fl

. .F Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
* . . .Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . , Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor

T[HE QUESTION of intellectual honesty today
holds vast significance for democratic peo-
ples. It can no longer be said that it is only a
point of academic discussion.
To demand intellectual honesty from those
who demand the total, overwhelming step of
war may seem to be a modest request. Yet its
fulfillment would change the whole course of
future world society. It would be neither pre-
sumptuous nor unjust to make that modest,
mand consistency. We find only a few con-
sistent. From those who demand war we demand
a willingness to sacrifice to win that war. We
find only a few willing to sacrifice. From those
who demand a war for democracy we demand-a
love for democracy far broader than a desire
to perpetuate an economically inefficient status-
quo. We find instead a Golden Calf.
This war could well be the beginning of the
positive fight to broaden and extend democracy.
The sincere, forward-looking people of Britain
and America have 'it within their power to make
it such. But it will not be that until the people
themselves wipe out the inconsistency, the weak-
ness, the opportunism that has afflicted the
struggle from the onset, and which, in the United
States today, threatens to obscure the funda-
mental objectives for which many would have
us fight.
Civil Liberties
FLORIDA is a stronghold of those who would
fight for democracy "over there." It is doubt-
ful whether it is a stronghold of democracy "over
here." The people of Miami do not seem to have
yet realized that if they really wish to strengthen
democracy, such an act as refusing the America
First Committee the right to assemble was a
contradiction. In democratic spirit, the citizens
of Miami should have allowed the meeting to be
held; they might have even attended that meet-
ing. This does not mean that they would forget
what the Committee's purposes are or who are
certain of its supporters. It does mean that they
would have intelligently built that which they
claim they wish to build.
A FEW MONTHS AGO, a partial reprint of an
interview held between Richard Boyer of
the newspaper PM and a high Nazi Foreign Of-
fice official was published in The Daily. The
brazen self-assurance of that official: "Your
rich men are afraid to fight . . . they are more
afraid of the people than they are of us," be-
comes daily more prophetic. "The Reuther Plan
has been rejected," according to an article in a
recent issue of The Nation taken from the
American Machinist, manufacturers' journal,
"because it would mean 'labor participation in
management' rather than because of 'the irrele-
vant arguments as to whether the Plan could
actually produce 500 planes a day.' "
Here is another example which concerns the
country's worry over the pressing need for ma-
'chine-tools. "The machine-tool bottleneck," I. F.
Stone writes in the May 10 issue of The Nation,
"can be eased at any time by a willingness 1o
subordinate business as usual, by emergency
methods of production and procurement, by an

expansion of subcontracting." And this is not
idle talk.
ORE of the consistency and willingness to
sacrifice of which we may feel proud appears
constantly. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., in a letter
to Arthur Hays Sulzburger of The New York
Times, spoke powerfully against the "brutal,
barbarous, inhuman force represented by Hitler-
ism," and said that he would "die fighting"
rather than submit to it. The comment of The
Nation on this expression of opinion is an acute
evaluation: "If Rockefeller wants to help the
fight (against the 'brutal, barbarous,' etc.) he
can use his great influence in the oil business to
shut off any further shipments of oil to Hitler's
ally and our enemy in the Pacific, Japan.
"He can 'investigate the extent of recently
reported trans-shipments of oil from this hemi-
sphere to the Axis via Teneriffe in the Canary
Islands. (This charge was replied to by a Stan -
ard Oil publicity director who said: "First of all
You must understand that we are an interna-
tional company and we must keep an interna-
tional viewpoint . . . As a general rule we sell to
anyone who wants to buy and can pay for it.")
"lIE CAN HELP WIN FOR US the friendship
of the Latin American peoples by making it
clear that the oil companies in which he is a
dominant influence and the Chase National
Bank, which is a Rockefeller bank, will give up
the practices and privileges that have associated
the good name of the American people with
Yankee imperialism. And if he really believes,
as he says, that the number of strikes should be
cut in the interest of defense, he can induce his
companies to obey the Wagner Act and deal
with organized labor. Rockefeller says he would
'die fighting' rather than submit to Hitlerism.
We offer him some less dramatic but more effec-
tive sacrifices."
Nearer home, we may examine the nobility of
the automobile industry. Revelations which
must prove extremely embarrassing are being
made continually in The Nation by I. F. Stone,
who has gleaned many of them from statements
of the industry itself. -This is an example: "In
the midst of the greatest defense emergency in
our history, the automobile industry irlcreased
the production of cars by 20%. Its facilities
were mobilized, not for the production of arma-
ment, but to take advantage of the market cre-
ated for automobiles by defense spending. It
has been this accelerated tempo of production by
the automotive industry that taxed to the utmost
the steel industry's facilities for the production
of bars and sheets and strips.
"So passionate is our (the industry's) devo-
tion to their cause ('our embattled friends in
Europe') that we will do without new car models
-year after next."
this reality that "all too often the blinders
of private interest have impeded the vision es-
sential to any undertaking as vast as the defense
program," until they refuse to tolerate intellec-
tual dishonesty from those who demand the
overwhelming when so much is at stake, our
aid to Britain will not be "all-out"; our own de-
fense will not be "all-out." Our conviction that
the war is for democracy will remain unsolidified.
-- Morton Mintz

Evel 77

H. Huyett
B. Collins
Wr ht

Business Stafff
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
_ _ Wom. ' 0 .lJU0J

Ladies In Retirement, by Edward Percy
and Reginald Dunham. Direction by Val-
entine Windt. Setting by Robert Mellen-
cast: Lucy Gilham, Perry Wilson;
Leonora Fiske, Eva Leonard-Boyne;
Ellen Creed, Ruth Gordon; Albert
Feather, David Powell; Louisa Creed,
Mildred Natwick; Emily Creed, Dorothy
Blackburn; Sister Theresa, Ada Mc-
IT IS A LONG TIME since this re-
viewer has seen such a perfect cast
turning in such polished perform-
ances. This production boasts no
members of the original Broadway
production, and yet each handled his
role with a capability that speaks of
long acquaintance with the part.
It was a little difficult to accustom
oneself to Miss Gordon's treatment
of Ellen Creed, for it differs greatly
from that of Flora Robson. .Miss
Gordon's characteristic enunciation
has long been applauded by New
York critics, but as the murderous
housekeeper, she sometimes gave the
impression that she would have fitted
better as one of the insane sisters.
This is undoubtedly the result of
Miss Gordon's interpretation of the
role. She apparently believes that
the strain of insanity did not stop
with Emily and Louisa, but also ap-
pears in the mental unbalance of
their protectress. No one can criti-
cize Miss Gordon for her interpreta-
tion, for she has indulged her in-
dividualistic nature with appreciable
The play, a typical English "hor-
ror" melodrama, is very well-written.
The various undercurrents were ad-
mirably synchronized. The grim hor-
ror of the murder played against the
antics of the two 'potty' sisters did
not go unappreciated by the audi-
There was not a weak spot in the
entire cast. I last saw Eva Leonard-
Boyne as the cigar-smoking, sensa-
tion-seeking society matron in The
Time of Your Life. Her character-
ization as the tawdry Miss Fiske was
flawless, and she made excellent use
of every opportunity which her lines
presented. Mildred Natwick, familiar
to college audiences as the Cockney
prostitute in The Long Voyage Home,
and Dorothy Blackburn as the two
sisters were excellent. Perry Wilson
as Lucy, the misguided maid, and
David Powell, the rapscallion nephew,
maintained adequately the high
standards of the rest of the cast. Ada
McFarland, the only Play Produc-
tion member of the cast, was almost
unrecognizable as the neighborly nun,
but her acting finesse was unmistak-
READING of Ladies In Retire-
ment reveals an intense mounting
of sinister atmosphere, but the pro-
duction seemed to miss somewhere in
the creation of the mood. Perhaps
previous acquaintance with the play
had prepared me too much for the
'horror highlights, but it was not
until Perry Wilson let out her blood-
curdling scream in the last scene
that I completely felt the grimness
of the play. The audience was per-
haps overly appreciative of the path-
etic actions of the sisters in their
humorous aspects.
The only criticism I can offer of
this excellent production is its fail-
ure tobuild up the mood sufficiently
earlier. Night Must Fall, another
play of the same type, impresses the
audience with its horror from the
first act, and this play should do
the same thing. Aside from this
flimsy criticism, Ladies In Retirement
ranks as one of true best Dramatic
Series presentations in sever al years.
-Robert Shedd

Letters To The Editor

NIGHT EDIT: .oens uSneSM agE


Still Prevails
To The Editor:
T WAS with a great deal of in-
terest that I read Prof. Waite's
article in Sunday's Daily. A clear-cut
statement by University officials on
"The Position of the Student" has
long been eagerly awaited; but Prof.
Waite, in behalf of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee, did not provide that
clear-cut statement. Though the ma-
terial was derived from such authori-
tative sources as the by-laws of the
Board of Regents, the article side-
stepped the crucial questions that
have remained unanswered since last
June. It couched its remarks in
terms so vague as to delegate, on cer-
tain issues, virtually unlimited dis-
cretionary powerto disciplinary au-
thorities. The student-~ can still not
be certain as to what activities con-
stitute groups for dismissal from the
"16. What regulations are there
for the distribution of circulars,
pamphlets, petitions, and leaflets of
propagandist character (a) on the
campus, (b) by students, but off the
campus? If little results, should the
responsibility fall on those passing out
the papers or on those accepting them
but throwing them on the sidewalks
"Permission from the Secretary of
the University is required where ac-
tivity upon the campus is concerned.
Off the campus such activity is reg-
ulated by state law and city ordinance,
though a student is subject also to
discipline for any act, whether on
campus or off, which "makes it ap-
parent that he is not a desirable
member of the University." No specif-
ic rule can be laid down in advance
as to precisely what will or will not
constitute such conduct; a proper con-
clusion must be predicated upon the
particular circumstances.
"If litter results, the responsibility
is upon those primarily responsible
for it, though if permission to distri-
bute were granted by the University
authorities, those acting under that
permission should be exempted from
such responsibility to the University.
"17.What sorts and kinds of outdoor
public meetings and demonstrations
are (a) all right without formal per-
mission (b) all right if permission be
obtained, but not otherwise, (c) a
nuisance under any circumstances?
To what extent are banriers, placards
and other displays acceptable?
"This has been answered in the
answers already given to the more
specific questions.
"18. How far may students visiting
other cities (such as Detroit) partici-
pate in labor strikes or demonstra-
tions in political rallies and proces-
sions of various types, etc.? How far
may students participate in labor or
political movements in Ann Arbor?
"See the answer to Question 16."
To declare that a "student is sub-
ject also to discipline for any act,
whether an campus or off, which
makes it apparent that he is not a
'desirable member of the University',,
is to beg the question. For what are
the criteria of a "desirable member of
the University?"
A PRECISE statement of policy is
necessary if the air of uncertain-
ty and fear surrounding student
thought and action is to be removed.
- Harold D.Osterweil

Defends FDR
To The Editor:
dent Roosevelt's latest "fireside
chat," isolationists were quick to
shout that he had deviated from
America's foreign policy, that he is
threatening our democratic rights,
that he is acting against the wishes
of the American people.
A careful analysis of these objec-
tions shows that the isolationists
haven't changed their arguments in
the least. We are hearing the same
ones that they used at the start of
the war. Probably the only difference
at all is that their cries are not as
near or as loud and do not last quite
as long as they once did.
F.D.R. insist that the present
course of action adopted by the gov-
ernment is not in accordance with
the wishes 'of the American people.
But certainly this is not true.
The people in the last election
displayed conclusively that they were
in favor of our tremendous defens
program. Our Congress, who are the
representatives of the peopl, have
with unceasing efforts increased our
aid to England. Gallup polls have
shown conclusively that the citizens
of this country are in favor of con-
tinued aid to Britain.
W and acting within the legal pow-
ers granted to him by the people of
these United States Roosevelt has
adopted a military policy that will
best achieve the desires of the Amer-
ican people.
He has not seized power from the
people to satisfy his own selfish ends
as some misguided liberals would have
us believe. The citizens of this demo-
cracy may take back these added
presidential powers whenever tiey
desire to. The ultimate source of
authority still lies in the hands of
the American people and because of
this we will remain a democracy.
sist that the occupation of the
Azores, Dakar or the Cape Verde Is-
lands is an imperialistic move. But
the President clearly pointed out that
he will not tolerate Hitler's armed
forces in any position from which they
can threaten any part of this hemis-
The radicals are quick to cry that
the rights of the American worker
are being crushed. They bemoan the
plight of labor as far as bargaining
rights are concerned.
But let's look at the record. Has
there ever been a time in our history
when the position of labor has been
more secure than it is today? Has
it not been directly through the ef-
forts of Roosevelt that the Wagner
Act, Unemployment Insurance Act,
the Wage and Hour Law have been
enacted? Only recently labor won col-
lective bargaining rights in the most
anti-union corporation in the world,
THOSE who say labor has no voice
in the defense program are over-
looking Sidney Hillman, who is one
of the two top men on the OPM.
We can be thankful that we have
a President who has the courage and
fortitude to challenge the principle of
a Nazi dominated world. He has
shown the world that no sacrifice is
great enough to protect the freedom
we now enjoy.
-Myron Dann, '43

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Give Ge*erouly
To USO...
T ODAY opens the local and national
drive of the United Service Organ-
izations to raise money for soldiers, sailors
and national defense workers. All funds raised
in the nation-wide campaign will be used to
provide recreational, educational and religious
facilities, not provided for by the regular
branches of the services.
A goal of $10,765,000 has been named for the
national drive, with Ann Arbor's share set at
$6,000. Main object of the USO is to provide
those in service with adequate facilities for
their leisure time. Leaders of the organization
hope to eliminate the mass wandering, boring
hours of leave in strange cities, and the gather-
ing of soldiers and sailors at corner saloons and
dance halls by providing entertainment facilities
at the camps; under directed supervision.
Besides giving those in the services something
to do, and some place to go, USO believes that
these planned activities will aid immeasurably
in keeping morale at a high level. Not morale
in the military sense, on the reservations, but
morale on leave, on nights off duty, the times
when the soldier, the sailor and the defense
worker is free from the restrictions of camp
T HE ARMY has agreed to build the necessary
equipment for such services as the USO can
render. But it is not in their province, nor is it
physically possible for them to do so. It is up
to the citizens of the United States, you and I,
to provide the money for the USO's work. Give
generously, for the dividends will be large.
- Eugene Mandeberg
Attempt Comeback ...
LTHOUGH Secretaries Stimson and
Knox are opposing two dry bills in
Congress which would prohibit the sale or use of
liquor on milita:"y premises, prohibition presents
a constant threat to any nation preparing for
It is during a period of emergency food ra-,
tioning that the prohibitionist feels he can back
his moral arguments with economic reasons.
The "umbrella man" is not usually governed by
such patriotic motives in his efforts to force an
abnormal condition on the nation.
p THESE BILLS or their inevitable successors
are passed by Congress, they will be the open-
ing wedge in the imposition of another nation-
wide prohibition. America's first noble experi-
ment grew out of World War I, and it was only
repealed after an unparalleled period in which
lawlessness was common to the life of the aver-
age American.
Liquor is not the most beneficial product con-
sumed ly the American public. But it is con-
sumed by the public and always has been, even
under the 'Volstead Act. The abstainer con-
siders it a vice, but the moderate drinker, who
composes the majority of drinkers, looks on
liquor as one of the few luxuries he can afford
on the average American income. Perhaps he
should invest his ten-cent glass of beer in a
government bond, but the normal American
doesn't look on it that way. He wants his ten-

%i> Iftf f 4" " * On Book Reports
B TOM Various Ipsults
: :..By ToMwTH UMB

(This columnist was born in 1921 of musical
parents, and his opinions are his own.)
[HE SCENE: A Student Room. Student is
hard at work writing book report. On table
are books, papers, typewriter, bottle. Student
uses each alternately. Final result (as student
passes out):
THE OCTOPUS, by Frank Norris
Book Report
The central motive of The Ocetopus is Wheat,
the great source of American power and pros-
perity, and also the literal staff of life. The
story deals with deals with the productction of
wheat and and pictures a sect ion of California,
the Sn Juaquagquin valley, where a coupla
ranchmens are engaged (P) in riirigating &
ploughing, plantsing anf reaping (with big
horses) an dharvesting. Whild these guys are
pfuming the slowe an hard toil of culttivation,
these same guyz are at t lie sameeec time sav in
one hel 1 uf a time. &5678. ghoul . . . yancey,
you rat, i never thought it would come to this
Old Oscar Pepper . . . whoops! yup.
The navel novel typifies t he struggle tween
cappittal and leighbor. wut whoooooo cares?
Green river . . . Mazie wuz a school marm . .
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! looka de gorilla . .. sprlftz.
an thwy liveed hsppilyh evew aftgr .. . .
this industry are always ready to follow an op-
portunity such as is presented by a whole na-
tion demanding liquor and without legal means
to get it.
Rotgut, needled beer, bathtub gin, speakeasy,
bootlegger and spiked Scotch were added to the
American vocabulary while the drys were in con-
trol. Judges and juries willingly broke a law
they did not believe in. Every abuse of alcohol
was present, but beyond the government's super-
vision. The gangster became a very desirable
member of the community. Whatever good
there is in liquor, such as company or relaxation,
was lost in the tight atmosphere of a cellar speak.

- from last Wednesday's Daily
Aw, don't feel self-conscious about it, boys.
* * *
Beautiful day.. . .wish the old windbag
wouldn't talk so fast . . . . Ho hum . . . . if I
could only find a comfortable position, I'd fall
asleep . . ..that darned profs looking at me
..If I could only hold my eyes open some
way . . . . wonder if I'll get that job this summer
. ... .ho, hum . . . . dirty trick of the fellows to
wake me up at 8 this morning . . . . when I told
'em to wake me up they should have known I
was only kidding . ., . .ho hum . . . . if I could
pay attention, this might help me in finals ..'.
wish that babe in front of me would move over
a little so she'd be between me and the prof
and I could doze off . . . school will be over
soon .. . . ho . . . hum . . .
- - from Sunday's Daily
Now, John, there are certain things that every
young man should know.
* * *
Just as important as the condition of your
skin is the necessity for keeping your hair
from drying to a crisp.
-- from Sunday's Daily
Yes; that's important, too.
* * *
ID YOU HEAR Walter Winchell Sunday
night? "The only difference between Com-
muism and Nazism is that their moustaches
al different lengths." Profound observation,
Walter, profound.
* *
See what comes of hanging around the
stork club?
* * *
Do you remember several years back when
Columbia !University men selected Madeleine

-- '


VOL. LI. No. 176
Publication in the Daily Official
lulie tn is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the following rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the
last day of classes of each semester
or Summer Session. Student loans
which are not paid or renewed are I
subject to this regulation; however,
student loans not yet due are ex-
empt. Any unpaid accounts at the
,close of business on the last day of
classes will be reported to the Cashier
of the University, and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or Summer Session just completed
will not be released, and no transcript'
of credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or Sum-
mer Session until payment has been

them, resulting in seriously damag-
ing the diplomas.
Shirley W. Smith
Commencement Week Programs:
Programs may be obtained on request
after today at the Business Office,
Room 1, University Hall.
Herbert G. Watkins
Commencement Tickets: Tickets
for Commencement may be obtained
on request after June 1 at the Busi-
ness office, Room 1, University Hall.
Inasmuch as only two Yost Field
House tickets are available for each
senior, please present identification
card when applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins
Notice: University Commencement
Announcement: The University Com-
mencement exercise will be held on
Ferry Field, Saturday afternoon, June
21. The gates open at 5:00 p.m. Au-
dience should be seated by 5:45 p.m.,
when procession enters the field.
The public address system will be
interfered with by outside sounds, and
the audience is therefore requested
to avoid conversation and moving
about. Automobile owners are asked
kindly to keep their' machines away
from the vicinity of Ferry Field dur-
ing the exercises.

Office, Room 1, University Hall, and
will be issued 2 to each graduate. The
Ferry Field ticket will not admit to
Yost Field House.
If it becomes necessary to transfer
the exercises from Ferry Field, out-
doors, to the Field House, indoors,
after the exercises have started, per-
sons will be admitted to the Field
House without tickets until the seat-
ing capacity is exhausted.
If it is decided in advance of start-
ing the procession to hold the exer-
cises in Yost Field House, the power
house whistle will be blown at inter-
vals between 5:00 and 5:10 p.m. on
Commencement afternoon.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
To All Members of the Faculty and
Administrative Staff: If it seems cer-
tain that any telephones will not be
used during the summer months,
please notify the Business , Office,
Mr. Peterson. A saving can be effect-
ed if instruments are disconnected
for a period of a minimum of three
Herbert G. Watkins
Members of the Faculty and Staff:
Your attention is called to the fol-
lowing Resolution adopted by the Re-

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