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June 04, 1941 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-04

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College Camp
To Undertake
Nursing Work
Red Cross Appeals For Women
To Serve Country During Crisis
While Receiving Training
An appeal for graduating Michigan
women to aid in Red Cross work at
a special Bryn Mawr College nurses
camp this summer was made yester-
day by Norman H. Davis, chairman
of the American National Red Cross.
Mr. Davis sent the message by
telegraph to Dean Alice C. Lloyd.
Dean of Women,
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
The American Red Cross asks
your help in interesting your grad-
uating class and younger alumnae
in the Red Cross nurses training
camp, opening June 26 at Bryn
Mawr College and closing Septem-
ber 12, in collaboration with the
Women's Medical College. This
course, with enrollment limited to
two hundred women, is an emer-
gency measure to overcome the
acute national shortage of nurses.
College graduates wishing to en-
ter the nursing profession and also
wishing to serve their country in a
time of crisis have the advantage
of transferring from the summer
course to established schools of
nursing with intensive preparation
already gained in shorter time.
The cost for the summer course is
one hundred dollars.
The camp administrators have'
been fortunate in securing Miss
Margaret F. Conrad, Professor of
Nursing, Faculty of Medicine of
Columbia University, as dean for
the summer session. For particu-
lars address the aJministrator, Red
Cross Nurses Training Camp, Bryn
Mawr College, Pennsylvania. May
we count on your immediate coop-
eration in this important project?
Norman H. Davis;
Art O f Keeing
Cool Suggested
During Exams
When the thermometer reaches 80
degrees and you have an exam for
which you must study, keeping cool
and comfortable is essential for your
mental and physical well-being.
When cramming for finals, the
temptation is great to neglect your-
self. If the impulse is followed the
results will be disastrous. Hair will
fall as the barometer rises, clothes
will wrinkle and stick, and you'll
feel as hot and messy as you look.
Shower Treatment
There are lots of things one can
do to get that cool, refreshed feel-
ing. The oldest-known treatment
may still be the best: a good, brisk
shower will really be invigorating.
One won't feel all hot and bothered
again, thinking that the effort was
futile, if one remembers to douse
liberally with the witch hazel, al-
cohol, or a very mild cologne.
Fdr feet that are hot and swollen
and aching, a foot-bath with very
hot, then icy water, plus a mentho-
lated foot lotion, will do the trick.
Remember, also, to powder your feet
before you put on your shoes.
Keep Hair Back
Probably most important in gain-
ing that comfortable feeling is a
head of hair that keeps out of the
way. If you can't bear to cut off

that long, flowing mop during the
summer then at least you can keep
it off your neck.
If it's' long enough to braid, comb
it up on the sides, and plait the
back into two pigtails which can be
pinned neatly around the back of
your head. For ,rstraggly ends that
descend as you progressively wilt in
the summer heat, keep an atomizer
of brilliantine handy as well as
tucking combs that will secure large
bunches out of the way.
Short, Curly Locks
In case you haven't noticed, how-
ever, there is a definite campus
trend toward short, curly locks. Ideal
for the summer, the only care this
short bob requires is frequent brush-
ing to make it even more curly and
Frequent shampoos to keep your
hair clean and shiny will get rid of
the excess oil that may be produced
by the humidity, while the above-
mentioned brilliantine will keep the
sun from parching your locks com-
Now you've got yourself in the
right physical sta te to study, slip
into a cool housecoat or 'a rayon
shirt and slack set. Then order out
for a coke to sip while you read, and
if you don't pass that psychology
exam, its won't be our fault!
Student's Play Honored
Della Rebish, '42, of New York

Suits Of Plaid,
Striped Cotton
Play Dual Roles.

Cooley Family To Be Honored
Through Establishing Of Fund!;

.\ .
* * *,
So you're in the market for some-
thing cool to carry you through this
frantic last minute cramming and
then render you well equipped for
vacation excitement? Then you're
lucky this year as both street dnd
play clothes are being designed with
coolness and practicality in mind.
Cottofi suits made from plaid seer-
sucker and shantung materials hold
the fashion spotlight this summer.
Such suits are very appropriate for
campus wear and the addition of
gloves, spectator pumps and a smart
coconut straw hat make them smart
for church or for vacation traveling.
Light weight rayon crepes in plain
colors and in prints are converted into
attractive summer date dresses. Sad-
dle-stitched classics make cool and
comfortable afternoon dresses.
The popular broom-stick skirts and
pinafore dresses are made with an
eye to colorful cotton prints this sum-
mer. Several original co-eds have em-
ployed tablecloth materials in making
their dirndl skirts!
Refreshing are non-crushable lin-
ens made up in plain colors and fin-
ished off with a harmonizing pique

With the establishment of the Mor-
timer E. Cooley Foundation "to keep
the College ,of Engineering at its
present status as one of the great
engineering schools of the country,"
once again public attention is called
to the name of Cooley.
The aims and objectives of an
engineering foundation have been
outlined in a booklet appeal to the
"active interest of business men, en-
gineers, manufacturers, and citizens
who desire to endow worthwhile in-
terests." Tribute was paid to Dean
Emeritus Cooley's contribution to the
engineering fame of Michigan. But
omitted was a table of Cooley gene-
ology. Such a chart with biographi-
cal notes would be a veritable map of
Michigan progress, touching nearly
every department of the University.
Mortimer Cooley
Coming to Michigan in 1881 as
Professor of steam engineering and
iron shipbuilding, Mortimer Cooley
became in succession Professor of
mechanical engineering, Dean of the
Colleges of Engineering, and Dean
of the combined Colleges of Engin-
eering and Architecture. Following
his retirement in 1928 he was made
Dean Emeritus of the Colleges of
Engineering and Architecture.
Distant cousin to the engineer was
Judge Thomas McIntyre Cooley, in
whose memory the Cooley Fountain
is being constructed by the League.
Judge Co.oley was one of the three
professors of law who came to Michi-
gan in 1857 when the law depart-
ment was established. The author
of numerous text and reference books
on law, his "Constitutional Limita-
tions" has won him special merit.
In 1884 Judge Cooley's influence
spread to the literary departments
of the University as he took a staff
position there as professor of Ameri-
can and constitutional history. Judge
Cooley served as a judge on the Michi-
gan Supreme Court, and remained
an authority on the interpretation of
constitutional law until his death in
Literary Influence
Son of Judge Cooley was Thomas
Horton Cooley, professor of sociology.
Graduating from the University in
1888, Professor Cooley became a
member of the faculty in 1891 as a
professor of economics, and shortly
thereafter transferred to sociology
where he remained until his death in
1929. In this capacity Professor
Cooley received national recognition,
becoming president of the American
Sociological Society. His books, in-
cluding the well known "Social Or-
ganization" written in 1908, are still
used today as references, in spite of
the usual tendency for sociological
material to age rapidly.
Dr. Thomas Benton Cooley, M.D.,
at present active in Detroit as a spe-
cialist in children's diseases, is an-
other son of Judge Thomas Cooley.
At one time he served on the Uni-
versity faculty as a professor in the
medical school.
These are some of the Cooleys and

heir contributions to the prestige of
Michigan and the enrichment of the
fields of knowledge they chose to
develop. It is a tribute not only to
the man "who did more than any:
other one person for th'e prestige of]
the College of Engineering," but to
the name of Cooley as it touched all]
phases of tJniversity achievement,
that the Board of Regents has ap- I
proved the creation of the Mortimer'
E. Cooley Foundation.]
The objectives of the Cooley,
Foundation are to supplement the
funds provided by the State of Michi-
gan for all branches of engineering,
to encourage faculty research and]
graduate work, and to foster grants
for the establishment of libraries,
laboratories, museums, scholarships
and fellowships for the benefit of the+
College of Engineering.
Panhellenic Group
Of fers Membership
To Zeta Phi Alpha
Zeta Phi Alpha sorority was for- ]
mally accepted into the University's
official campus group of sororities
yesterday by the :Executive Board of
the Panhellenic Association, Patricia;
Hadley, '42, president of Panhellenic'
Association, announced.
This Catholic sorority is one of 18
chapters that exist throughout the
nation. Zeta Phi Alpha was founded
at Michigan on Aug. 30, 1912, and
left this campus in 1935. It re-
turned to campus as an unorganized
house in 1939-40, but was first opened
for residence in 1940-41.
Filling the offices are Ruth Par-
sons, '42, president; Margaret Healey,
'41, secretary, and Rosemary Ryan,
'42, treasurer.
Initlation Announced
Kappa Delta sorority announces
the intiation of Margaret Sundean,
'44, Cambridge Springs, Pa,; Betty
Merrill, '43, Detroit; Helen Clarke,
'43, Wilmette, Ill., and Elaine Travis,
'44, Detroit.

Gift Portrait
Of Dean Lloyd
Is P'resented
At a tea held Monday in the Grand
Rapids room of the League, Panhel-
lenic Association, Senior Society and
Mortarboard presented a portrait of
Dean Alice Lloyd to the University.
Patricia Hadley, '42, Panhellenic
president, introduced Annabel Van
Winkle, '41, out-going president of
Panhellenic Association, who un-
veiled and presented the picture to
President Ruthven, who accepted "it
in behalf of the University.
In 1938, Stephanie Parfet, then
president of Panhellenic, initiated a
plan by which sufficient funds for
the picture could be obtained. Indi-
vidual contributions from Senior So-
ciety and Mortarboard and proceeds
from parties and dances given by
Panhellenic Association over a period
of three .years, made it possible for
the portrait to be presented this
Pictured in a black formal evening
dress, set off by a scarlet cape, this
oil painting will have a permanent
place over the mantel in the Grand
Rapids room of the League.
Edmund Archer, youthful artist
from New York, has been engaged
in this painting for the past month.,
He is originally of Richmond, Va,,
where he is listed as the state's num-
ber one artist.
Suggested by Prof. Jean Paul
Slusser, of the College of Architec-
ture, Mr. Archer was a curator of
the Whitney Museum in New York.
His works have been shown in all
the large exhibitions in Chicago,
Washington and in the Carnegie In-
ternational and Pennsylvania Acad-
emy displays.
Betrothal Announced
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Levy of South
Bend, Indiana, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Harriet, '40,
to Morton L. Linder, '40, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Linder of Buffalo,
New York.
While in school Miss Levy was
affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi and
Mr. Linder was an associate editor
of The Daily.

If you, like a lot of people we know,
(including ourselves), are getting lit-
tle lines in your smooth, white brow
from worrying about a certain exam
and decide you want a tutor or a'
car or a ride to No-Man's-Land,
you'll find the answer to your prayers
(maybe not the answer you want, but
an answer nevertheless), on those
little cards posted on bulletin boards
in the League and in University Hall.
"Are the Bees and the Bugs driving
you Bats?" asks a sympathetic would-
be zoology tutor. If they are, just
hop over to the League and get her
telephone number. Sounds like she
has a good sense of humor along
with an intimate knowledge of the
lepidoptera and the platyhelminthes.
Another willing tutor with a sense for
the melodramatic prints his offer as
follows: "Be Prepared! Avoid a Fail-
ure!" However, he isn't suggesting
that you register for the draft or be-
come a Boy Scout. He merely wants
to help you get through mathematics.
Very Well Furnished
As tbhe old saying goes, there's no
sense in hiding your light under a
barrel or a bushel or whatever it is,
and there's one ad we saw which could
never be accused of doing that. It's
advertising an apartment and runs
as follows: "Furnished apartment for
rent (well-furnished) near campus."
Maybe they have an inferiority com-
plex, d'you suppose?
We could practically see the tears

dripping from the eyes of whoever
put this little number up: "I will
sell my beloved Cadillac phaeton to
the highest bidder!" For heaven's
sake, somebody bid for the thing and
break up the poor fellow's suspense.
Oh yes, and here's a tip for some
of you five-hundred pounders. There's
a card posted in the League which
says: Wanted: Business girl to share
three rooms. Guess that" gives you
plenty of leeway.
Whoever put this ad up certainly
has a generous nature! "Four rooms
and bath, sleeps six people, boat in-
cluded." Just in case you want to
take a short cruise, maybe? Another
would-be landlady offers: "One single
room for a girl - one block N.E. of
League -- excellent location facing
Spark- hot water??-shower and
tub." Oh well, iced tea will do just
as nicely, thank you.
BeachesTry Black
Black against white, black against
suh-tan, black wool jersey or black
slipper satin will be the fashion note
seen most.often on the beaches this
summer, or out at Loch Alpine with
the summer session students.
Cool and brief in suits designed for
swimming, black will also be feminine
and decorative in beach-lounger

Witticisms On Bulletin Boards
Answer Strangest Of Prayers



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In a quandry about what to get her for graduation?
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