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June 04, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-04

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Lecture Series


Noted Men
Students May Combine Cru

To Campus

I .E _ _

Distinguished Scholars
Have Delivered Talks
Politieianis, Poets, Explorers Are But Few
Of Many Brought To Ann Arbor
Politicians, poets, explorers and an anthropologist who is an authority'
on primitive jitterbugs-these are but a few of the famous-and unusual--
persons who have delivered University lectures on the campus during the
last 30 years.
Since 1911-12 the University budget has carried an account "for the
purpose of securing lectures by distinguished scholars." From this account
are taken the funds that provide the University Lectures.
Any department of instruction in the University is entitled to make
use of this fund, and the lectures are understood to be a part of the educa-
tional program of that department. ..
There have been a wide range of subjects in the past 20 years, during
which the University Lectures have -

T ext Library
Lends Books
To Aid Needy
While the Textbook Lending Li-
brary, founded May, 1937, has only
a short record it is one of extremely
valuable service.
It is the means of supplying a very
important necessity to those students
who are unable to provide their own
books. Academic counselors, men-
tors and deans recommend those of
their students in need of this aid to
the Textbook Library committee
which consists of Assistant Dean E.
A. Walter of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts, chair-
man; Mr. S. W. McAllister, Associate
Librarian; Prof. A. D. Moore, of the
College of Engineering; Claude Eg-
gertsen of the School of Education,
and Prof. D. C. Long of the history
The project began with the rais-
ing of $2,050 in gifts from alumni.
Since then books have been acquired
for the library from the income from
this fund, from unclaimed articles
in the Lost and Found Department
and from student contributions.
In this way about 800 books and
seven slide rules have been accumu-
lated. There is still great need for
increase, however, because nearly, a
hundred students' requests were un-
filled last semester. Recently a
number of requests have been re-
ceived for microscopes, of which the
library has none':
Any students who can contribute
to this service of the University are
asked to leave their books at the
Angell Hall study hal, the General
Library or any branch library.

Citizens Move
To Aid Haisley
Committee Hopes To Get
5, 000 Schoo El ectors
A concerted drive to secure 5,000
registered school electors moved into
high gear yesterday, under the spon-
sorship of the Citizens' Committee,
which was formed to protest the
ouster of Ann Arbor Superintendent
of Schools Otto W. Haisley.
Nearly 65 men and women attended
a meeting of the Committee at which
methods of registration were discussed
and explained. It was pointed out that
only 588 votes were cast in the School
Board election last year, indicating,
Committee members said, that the
Board's dismissal of Haisley was not
in accordance with the public will.
Members cautioned that citizens are
eligible for removal from the rolls af-
ter failing to vote in two succeeding
school elections. Registration, it was
explained, can be made daily in the
business office of the Ann Arbor
High School.
Lake Ore Movements
Break All Past Records
CHICAGO, June 3. -(AP)-- Ralph
Budd, transportation member of the
Advisory Commission to the Council
of National Defense, reported today
that iron ore shipped from the Min-
nesota ranges to Lake Superior docks
up to June 1 had broken all records.
I The present weekly rate is above
2,000.000 tons, compared with 1,834,-
145 in 1929.

With Summer School Courses


become an integral part of the et
tural program of the "Harvard oft
The turn of the decade follow
World War I saw New York Tir
editor John H. Finley delivering
University Lecture at the Washing
Birthday Convocation. -Amongt
30-odd other lecturers was Prof. Si
phen Langdon, Oxford Univen
Admiral Speaks Here
The following year was highligh
by naval discussion and internatio
diplomacy, with Admiral Charles
Plunkett, U.S.N., and Lawrence
Burpee, secretary of the Canad
International Joint Commissionc
livering University Lectures.
Bertrand RLussell, whose philosop
cal doctrines have figured in the n
in the past year, spoke on the cam
in 1923. The University Lecture fi
also brohight to Ann Arbor that y
Prof. Pitirim A. Sirokine, at that ti
a mem1ber of the faculty of the U
versity of Petrograd. Professor Si
kine recently forwarded his idea
Genius Tech, a Utopian university
which students could enter only al
resisting for three days the temp
tions of wine, women and song.
In 1924 Walter de la Mare, Eng
poet, spoke on the campus. Feat
of the Lecture series the follow
year was Waldo Frank, novelist a
critic, and author of such books
"Man and His World" and "
American Caravan." Sir Freder
Whyte, member of the Legislative.
sembly of India, also spoke that y
Graduate Returns
A Michigan grad returned tot
campus in 1926 as one of the l
turers. Charles H. Rowell, '88, edi
spoke on the small town newspa
in the middle twenties.
Raymond Leslie Buell, politi
scientist and director of the Fore
Policy Association, discussed wo
conditions in 1927, and Manuel
Quezon, then president of the Phil
pine Senate, and now president
the Philippine Republic, discussed
n.ative land before a University a
Robert Frost, famed poet, came
Ann Arbor in the depression year, a
Prof. Kasimir T'ajans, then a me
ber of the faculty at the Univers
of Munich, and now professor in
chemistry department, was the o0
standing foreign lecturer of the ye
Anglophiles and historians alike l
tened to Fenner Brockway, meml
of Parliament, discuss the intern
tional scene that year.
Designer of "Enterprise"
Sailing fans were overjoyed in 1
at the appearance of W. Sterling B
gess, designer of the "Enterpris
and Hjalmar Schacht, Nazi bigwig
government economics, addressed
University audience.
Aspiring Thespians listened to Le
nox Robinson, director of the famo
Abbot Players, Dublin, as the feat
of the 1931 University Lecture ser
In 1933 a special series of ei
University Lectures by members
the University faculty was inaugur
ed, in conjunction with the regu.
Lectures. Dr. Roy W. Sellars of t
Department of Philosophy deliver
one of the first talks in this spec
/ Faculty Men Give Talks
In 1934 the series was continui
with talks by Prof. Charles Remer
the economics department, Dean
Blythe Stason of the Law School a:
Dean James B. Edmonson of t
School of Education. Among the re
ular lecturers of the year were t
of the higher-ups in the League
Nations, Hubert B. Ames and Dr. Jo]
B. Condliffe.
In 1935 Oswald Garrison Villa
came to Ann Arbor as the feature
the University Lecture season, a
1936 featured chemists, explorers a
war correspondents in the persons
Dr. L. 0. Brockway, now member
the chemistry department, and

Flying Club Plane
Is Placed On Sal{
The plane purchased this year
the Flying Club will be sold as soo

that time on the faculty of the Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology; Capt.
Peter Freuchen, Danish explorer; and
E. A. Mowrer, Chicago Daily News
Chinese Diplomat
Chinese diplomat Hu Shih high-
lighted the 1937 season, and the Right
Honorable Earl Russel, Fellow of
Trinity College, Cambridge. was
among the lecturers in the 1939 sea-
This year has been no exception in
the long line of University Lecture
series. Prof. Oscar Halecki, former
dean of the University of. Warsaw,
discussed the suppression of higher
education in the conquered coun-
tries of Europe, and Prof. Melville
Herskovitz, prominent anthropologist
discussed anthropology, and on the
side confided that hoogie woogie was
a direct steal from the African na-

American students will have an
opportunity to combine summer
courses at South American universi-
ties with a vacation cruise, accord-
ing to the itinerary planned by the
Grace Line. This trip is of special
interest to Michigan students, since
the University, has enrolled citizens
of Venezuela and Ecuador in its own
summer session.
The 67 day trip embracing a 30 day
course at the University of San Mar-
cos in Peru, is typical of these
cruises. Leaving New York June 20
this group will arrive at Lima July 2.
The program here includes a month's
study at San Marcos in addition to a
two weeks t'rip to Cuzco, ancient
capital of the Incas and one of the
high spots of New World archaeology.
Favorable Study Conditions
The University of San Marcos was
founded by the Dominican Order in
1550. Continuing as an educational
institution since that date, it offers
Michigan students a chance to study
Spanish under extremely favorable'
For students with a limited amount
of available time, the Grace Line
offers a Lima trip which lasts only
53 days. The steamer leaves New
York on July 4 and returns to the
United States on Aug. 25.
Special Tourist Cruise
A special tourist cruise has also
been scheduled by the dine. Chile,
Argentina, Bolivia and Peru are in-
cluded in this summer-long excur-
sion, which offers Andes skiing dur-
ing the middle of July. Steamer,


railroad, plane, and mule train will
be used by this group which sails
from New York on June 20.
Students planning to take summer
courses at the University of San
Marcos should be prepared to offer
evidences of their citizenship, since
their passports must be visaed by the
Peruvian Consul. Further informa-
tion can be obtained from the office
of the Dean of Men in University
Ann Arbor
Here Is Today's News
Tn Summary
Automobile Club of Michigan en-
gineers of the safety and traffic divi-
sion are conducting a six-week traffic
survey in Ann Arbor in an attempt
to do all possible to reduce the num-
ber of accidents in the city.
Requested by the Common Coun-
cil, the survey will cover from 25 to
30 street locations. Following the
traffic study, the engineers will check
parking and the movement of ve-
hicles on the city streets. Results of
the survey will be reported to the
Council when the study is completed.
* * *
En connection with the local
United Service Organizations cam-
paign to raise $6,000 for club
house facilities for soldiers, sailors
and national defense workers, con-
tribution boxes will be placed in the .
Union, the League and the general
This drive is part of a national
campaign to provide funds for re-
creational, educational and religious
programs for those in service, and
is headed °by Thomas E. Dewey,
New York attorney.
Tlapping;, Mlorgan
To Attend Alumi
Meets This Week
T. Hawley Tapping and Robert 0.
Morgan, general secretary and assist-
ant secretary respectively of Alumni
Association, will take part this week
in three University of Michigan club
Tapping has been invited to Bu-
chanan for an annual meeting to-
morrow. While there he will take
motion pictures and make electrical
transcriptions of the meeting.
Saturday he will go to Grand Rap-
ids for the annual conference of the
Tenth District, which will be at-
tended by representatives from all
clubs in western Michigan.
Youngstown, Ohio, will be the des-
tination Saturday of Robert O. Mor-
gan, guest at the Third District con-
vention. Alumni groups from Ohio
and western Pennsylvania are to be
represented. These district conclaves
are held for the purpose of discuss-
ing the mechanics of alumni club
Canadian Airmen Killed
HALIFAX, N.S., June 3.-CA-4-Five
Royal Canadian Air Force men were
killed today in the crash of their plane
on or near Sable Island, 100 miles
off the coast of Nova Scotia.

Engine seniors
To Hold Annual
PicnicJune 18
Inter-Department Softball
To Feature Post-Final
Affair On 'The Island'
Expected to be the biggest in years
because it will be held after finals
instead of before, the annual Senior
Engineers' Picnic will be held Wed-
nesday, June 18, at the Island,
Featured at the picnic this year will
be softball games between the various
departments in the engineering col-
lege, general chairman Seymour Fur-
bush, '41E, has announced.
Challenging Robert MCamey's
chemical engineering team will be
a squad of electricals, under the co-
captainship of Steve Gawura and
Richard White. Captain Bill Vollmer,
leader of the mechanical depart-
ment's team, will lead his team
against the aeronautical contingent,
who have yet to select their captain.
All senior engineers interested in
playing on their respective teams
should contact their team captain as
soon as possible, Furbudh reported.
Additional games will be scheduled
if requested.
Free to all engineers who have paid
their class dues, the picnic will open
with the ball games at 3 p.m. Tickets
may be bought from Furbush or
from Harold Britton, if so desired, or
class dues may be paid up to per-
mit attendance.
Coummitte Is Set Up
By Graduate Group
A continuations committee has been
appointed to carry on the activities of
the Graduate Outing Club, which
has suspended operations for the
summer, William F. Elkins, president,
announced Monday.
Those serving on the committee
are Elkins, chairman, Florence Bris-
coe, secretary, Dorothy Shapland,
Florence Urist, Ellen Birkett, Abe
Rosenzweig and Leo Bicher. All are
graduate students.
Nelson Smith Visits Here
Dr. Nelson Smith, for many years
a member of the Health Service
staff, has been visiting in town since
Sunday. Dr Smith is now serving on
the medical staff of a large life in-
surance company.
he re !
Burr, Patterson & Auld
1209 South University

Navy's Air Training Program
Offers Career To C'ollege Mene

June 7 to June 17, 1941


ure Naval aviation training offers col-
ing lege students a chance to get in on
and "the ground floor" of an interesting
as and expanding field, Ensign Joseph
The Jardin, USNR, declared in an inter-
ick view yesterday, prior to his talk at
As- the NROTC headquarters.
ear. "Naval aviation offers anybody
with a college education and the
the other necessary qualifications an op-
ec- portunity to make a career of avia-
tor, tion, which undoubtedly will be the
per transportation of the future," Ensign
Jardin stated.
cal Advantages Of Program
ign In his talk, Jardin explained to a
rld group of prospective aviators the ad-
L. vantages of the Navy training pro-
ip- gram. Only two years of college are
of needed to qualify a student for Naval
his aviation, he emphasized, as opposed
ud- tb the college diploma needed for a
commission in any other branch of
to ,the service.
end Ensign Jardin himself is a gradu-
m- ate of Pensacola. An alumnus of
ity Marquette University, he did not de-
the cide to go into aviation until after
ut- two years of "teaching school." He
ar. qualified for the Navy's training pro-
is- gram at Grosse Ile, Michigan, went
ber on to Pensacola, and finished his
ia- course of training at Miami.
"My ultimate goal is commercial
aviation," he continued. Most Naval
930 Reserve aviators, he explained, have
ur- as their secondary object-attain-
e;" able when and if the present emer-
in gency ends-a career in commercial
a flying, or in some other branch of
commercial aviation.
n Government Pays
us The advantages in enlisting in the
ure Navy's training program for Reserve
es. aviators? "The government's willing
;ht to train you at their expense," En-
lar HlilclIer Wil G ive
ed - r
Victor Hildner will present an or-
gan recital at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
ed, Auditorium.
of His program will include Purcell's
E. "Prelude in G," Bach's "Fugue in G
nd minor" (lesser). "Adagio (Trio Sona-
he ta No. 3) ," and the "Prelude and
g- Fugue in C minor.",
wo Also to be heard will be the
of "Chorale Preludes" from Op. 65 of
hn Karg-Elert, "Piece Heroique" of
Franck, "Breton Rhapsodic No. 3" of
rd Saint-Saens, and "Toccata" from
of Widor's Symphony No. 5.
of Shows at
of 2:10-4:177:00-9:20 P.M.

sign Jardin answered., "and after you
get your commission, they're paying
you $245 a month, while you're on
active duty."
When asked about the differences
between the Army and the Navy
flight training programs, he replied
that the two types of flying--Army
and Navy-were entirely different.
He didn't commit himself on which
was better, however, except to say
that the 'Navy training program, be-
cause of the nature of Navy flying,
included more instruction in naviga-
tion and radio work than the Army
Flint Agencies
Receive Gifts'
Alumnus Presents Stock
To City Organizations
Sixteen Flint community, agencies;
and organizations benefited from the
birthday present given them by the
University's oldest living varsity ath-
lete, Arthur G. Bishop, '73, on his
90th anniversary April 12.
Transactions have now been com-
pleted in the transfer of 2,000 shares
of General Motors stock, with an
aggregate value of more than $70,000,
to these groups. Unique among the
beneficiaries was the University of
Michigan Club of Flint, given 50
In offering the stock, divided into
blocks of from 50 to 150 shares each,
Bishop made only one stipulation:
that they niot be used to cover operat-
ing cost. He intends them to be
channeled for projncts temporarily
out of reach because of maintenance
Bishop is a director of the General
Motors Corporation and is chairman
of the board of directors of the Gene-
see County Savings Bank. While at
the University he was awarded a
baseball letter, and at present he
serves in the honorary capacity of
life president of the local "M" club.
Although he was stricken withg
pneumonia in March and as a con-
sequence was unable to attend a
civic testimonial planned for him by
the Chamber of Commerce, Bishop
is now reported recovering.
er ectia orti a dern oln

NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the Time of
Exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses
having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz
Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the ex-
amination period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such
work during one week.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted be-
low the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exam-
ination periods must be reported for adjustment to Professor D. W.
MeCready, Room 3209 East Engineering Building, before June 2. To
avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive noti-
fication from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in
each course during the period June 7 to June 17.
No single course is permitted more than four hours of examira.
lion. No date of examination may be changed without the consent of.
the Classification Committee._





Thursday, June 12 8-12
Monday, June 9 $-12
Wednesday, June 11 8-12
Tuesday, June 10 8-12
Monday, June 16 8-12
Saturday, June 7 8-12
Monday, June 9 2- 6

E.M. 1, 2; C. E. Z; German;
Spa ish
Sui'v. 1, 2, 4; Dlrawing 2
M. E. 3; Drawing 1
Met. Proc. 2, 3, 4
Drawing 3; French
E. E. 2a; physics 45

Monday, June 16
Tuesday, June 10
Thursday, June 12
Friday, June 13
Tuesday, June 17
Friday, June 13
Saturday, June 14
*Saturday, June 7
* Wednesday, June 11
'Saturday, June 7
*Monday, June 9
* Saturday, June 14
*Saturday, June 14
*Friday, June 13

2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6

*This may be used on an irregular period provided there is no
conflict with the regular printed schedule above.

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