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June 04, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-04

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Assembly Hears Panel;
Ingersoll Talk Canceled

British Action

To Help In British
Dominion Service
Maritime Comm issioni's Move R el ea s es
Dozen British Freighters From Trade
With Caniada, Australia, New Zealand
WASHINGTON, June 3.-t(P)-In a new move to strengthen Britain's
Atlantic life-line, the United States Maritime Commission announced today
that American vessels would henceforth handle all British shipping services
from Canada and the United States to Australia and New Zealand.
'This will release a dozen British vessels for Great Britain's own war
effort," said an announcement from the commission.
The Neutrality Act forbids American vessels to carry supplies to Britain,
because it is in a war zone, and President Roosevelt has indicated he has
no plans to ask changes in the act.
However such vessels are not forbidden to go to Australia and New Zea-
land. Putting them into such service and shifting British vessels to the
task of carrying supplies to Great Britain or other war zones strength-
ens the British lifelines without mod-

In Syria;




ifying the Neutrality Act.
During the day Britain's urgent
needs in terms of military and econ-
omic warfare were put before high
administr ation officials.
The White House and St&te De-
partment were scenes of unusual ac-
tivity in appaent preparation for
more active steps to checkmate Axis
sttategy in both the East and West.
Speed Indicated
President Roosevelt's return to the
capital from a week-end visit to Hyde
Park was followed by these events,
all portending greater emphasis on
action and speed in executing the for-
eign policy laid down in his speech
last week:
1. The Presiden received a detailed
report on conditions in Great Britain
from1 John G. Winant, American Am-
bassador to London, who later con-
ferred also with Secretary of State
2. The President had- a luncheon
conference with Admiral Ernest J.
Ping, Commander of the Atlantic
Fleet and the Atlantic Patrol. - the
man chiefly responsible for carrying
out President Roosevelt's promise to
see that the goods are delivered safe-
ly to Great Britain.
Hull Confers
3 Secretary Hull conferred at
length with Neville Butler, British
Minister, and Noel Hall, representa-
tive of the British Ministry of Econ-
omic Warfare.
4. Dr. Eelco N. Van Kleffens, Neth-
erlands foreign minister, gave Sum-
ner Welles, Undersecretary of State,
a full report on his findings on a Far I
Eastern observation trip and par-
ticularly on the progress of slow-mov-
ing economic negotiations between
the Netherlands East Indies and Ja-
'Miracle' Needed
5. Secretary of the Navy Knox
left a weekly "strategy" conference
with Secretary of State Hull and Sec-
retary of War Stimson to tell a con-
ference of shipbuilders that a "mir-
acle" was needed in the warship
building industry to assure command
of the seas by the United States and
At his press conference this after-
noon, President Roosevelt was un-
usually non-committal.
Gas less' .Days
May Be Asked
In .E'mergency
WASHINGTON, June 3. -(A-
Rigid restrictions onuthe use of oil,
Including "gasess Sundays," were
suggested today by a committee of
the petroleum industry, in the face
of an acute shortage expected by
July 1.
In a report to Secretary Ickes, de-
fense petroleum coordinator, the oil
men pledged their support "to any
extent" to meet the anticipated emer-
gency, and thus ward off a menace
to the preparedness drive.
The shortage is expected on the
Eastern Seaboard, hub of defense
production. It results from the trans-
fer to British service of 50 of the
approximately 250 tankers of Ameri-
ca's coastwise fleet and the expect-
ed transfer of others.
"There will be sinking and we will
haveto replace them," Ickes told the
oil men as the report was being read
to him.
The committee, formed by the

Babel' Dinner
Will Be Held
hI West Quad,'
Banquet Today Will Honor
Language Counsellors
In International Setting
With an assortment of beer steins,
imported wine bttles-empty-and
gourds collected on various tables,
the unique "Tower of Babel" banquet
will get off to a proper start at 6:15'
p.m. today in the West Quadrangle.
Head waiters will appear from all'
sides to escort the guests to their
tables-and they will be dressed in
native Tyrolean, Spanish and French
costumes in keeping with the atmos-'
phere, which will be foreign to the
last word.
The banquet will be in honor of
the voluntary language counselors
who led the foreign language tables
during the semester at the West
Quad. The students to be honored
for their services at the head of the
language tables include Robert Hack-
er, Grad., and Warner Heinemann,
'44, for leading the German table;
Ernest McCarus, '44, Henry Sanchez,
'44E, and Alberto Ramirez-Angel,
'44E, for leading the Spanish table;'
Bertram Smith, Grad., for leading
the French table, and Peter Ostafin,
Grad. for taking the head of the
Polish table.
Gor don Stars
As Thtird Play
Continues Run
"Ladies In Retirement," third offer-
ing of the 1941 Dramatic Season, will
continue its performances with a
showing at 8:30 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Ruth Gordon, star of Denham and
Percy's English melodrama, enacts
the role of the iron-willed house-
keeper who murders her employer to
provide a home for her two crazy
Thepart of Leonora Fiske, the re-
tired actress, is taken by Eva Leon-
ard-Boyne. Mildred Natwick and
Dorothy Blackburn portray the im-
becilic sisters.
Other roles in this mystery drama
are taken by David Powell-the
worthless nephew--and Perry Wilson,
who is the maid.
Tickets for this play, "Man and
Superman" and "Golden Boy" may
be purchased at the box office in the
Co-op Intervlews
(lose Tomorrow
The last interviews of the semester
for men students interested in living
or boarding in cooperative houses
next semester will be held at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in Room 304 of the
Union by the Intercooperative Per-
sonnel Committee, David Zaron, '42,
chairman, announced.
All those interested who will not
be able to be at the Union at 7:30
p.m. are requested to phone Zaron
at 7350, as this will be the last oppor-

Before a capacity audience gathered
to hear Ralph Ingersoll, a panel con-
sisting of Prof. James K. Pollock,
Prof. Preston S. Slosson, Prof. Charles
F. Remer, and labor analyst Herbert
McCready discussed various aspects
of the world situation, answering
questions from the floor concerning
our future policies.
Explaining that we can retain our
democracy during wartime, Professor
Pollock denied that the present cen-
tralization of power was undemo-
cratic. He stressed that only loss of
popular control can bring dictator-
ship, and added that such a loss had
not taken place in either England
or the United States.
McCready argued that labor realizes
that this is a war between fascism and
a potentially newer, more dynamic
democracy. He also maintained that
labor was giving its full support to
national defense, and used as evidence
the Reuther and Murray plans.
In his talk, Profes'sor Remer em-
phasized the importance of the Far
East in any consideration of our ac-
tion in the Atlantic, explaining that
the interaction of the' two situations
demanded consideration of both.
Professor Slosson, 'speaking on
I "Aims and Objects of the War," con-
eluded the series of short talks with
an explanatioi of the real reasons
that England is fighting. Claiming
that it is obviously a matter of self-
interest, he added that many other
benefits were to be obtained from a
British victory, no matter what their
motive for fighting.
Sponsored by the American Student
Defense League, the panel was the
final event of the regional conference
of the Student Defenders of Demo-
cracy held here today. The afternoon
meeting decided on an annual all-
state conference, the first of which
is to be held next fall. Thost schools
represented at the meeting today were
Michigan State College, Wayne Uni-
versity and Michigan State Normal
Student Senate
Votes To Pass
on Constitution
The Student Senate passed its
new constitution by unanimous vote
at the final meeting of the year, held
last night in the Union.
"This constitution represents a
marked advance," declared Bill Tood,
'42, president of the Senate. "It gives
the student body a greater sense of
its responsibility in campus govern-
Under the new by-laws, the Senate
has the power to initiate legislation
Any senator can introduce a bill, if
he presents it in typewritten form
to the secretary before the meeting
The Senate can now legislate on
any matter pertaining to campus
affairs, except that measures relat-
ing to student organizations must be
approved by those groups.
A new member was added to the
Senate when Bill Rockwell, '41, an-
nounced that he was turning his sen-
atorship over to John Middleton, '43.

Somewhere between Detroit and
Chicago was as close as Ralph Inger-
soll, editor of PM and a leading in-
terventionist, could get to Ann Arbor
yesterday. He had been scheduled
for an afternoon and evening of dis-
cussions under the sponsorship of the
American Student Defense League.
Ingersoll had planned to arrive at
the Detroit airport at 2:40 p.m. yes-
terday, but a wire from Winnipeg
notified a greeting committee that
foggy weather had delayed him sev-
eral hours. The fog caught up with
him again in Chicago where the air
transport he was riding in was forced
to circle the Windy City for 90 min-
utes until a thick blanket of fog
lifted. That was too late to catch a

Bombers Spread
Of Fires' In
Kiel Canal Is

The ASDL expresses its regret
at the enforced absence of Mr.
Ralph Ingersoll. Not until 9:50
p.m. did we know that he could not
make the meeting. We thank those
who attended for their patience
and understanding.
American Student Defense League
ship in time for his 8:15 p.m. speak-
ing engagement on the campus.
Refusing to give up, Ingersoll char-
tered a special plane to Detroit, in-
forming the committee that he would
arrive there at 8:15 p.m. and arrange-
ments were then made for quick
transportation to the campus. The
program meanwhile was carried on
by a group of faculty men serving
as a panel on aspects of the war
Edito W eeKS
To Give Annual
Hopwood Tallh1
Contest Award Winners
To Be Revealed Friday;
Speaker To Be Honored
Edward Weeks, editor of the Atlan-
tic Monthly, will deliver the annual
Hopwood lecture at 4:15 p.m. Friday
in the Rackham Auditorium. Im-
mediately following the talk, "On
Counting Our Chickens Before They
Are Hatched," winners of the $8,000
in Hopwood awards will be revealed to
the public.
Author of "This Trade Of Writing,"
Weeks is noted as an essayist and for
articles and book reviews which he
has contributed to national publica-
tions. His versatility extends into the
field of radio where he conducted for
two seasons the program, "Meet Mr.
The Hopwood committee will honor
Weeks at a dinner Friday in the
League after which the 53 contest en-
trants may meet him informally.
Major and minor awards will again
be given in the fields of dramatic
writing, essay, fiction and poetry.
With the aim of encouraging skilled
creative writing, the Hopwoods are
outstanding in the United States. Es-
tablished under the terms.of the will
of Avery Hopwood, '05,the awards
have amounted to nearly $10,000 a
year during the decade in which they
have been given.

German Airmen
Hit NorthEngland
LONDON, June 3.--()-The Royal
Air Force spread "a whole circle of
fires" in the center of Berlin last
night with a comparatively small
flight of warplanes, t;he air ministry
reported today, and raked the Kiel
Canal yesterday with bombs an'd gun-
fire directed at Nazi shipping.
It was the RAF's 46th raid on the
German capital, and the stories of
returning pilots indicated that it was
sharp and punishing.
Bombers ranging inland over Ger-
many through ice and storm clouds
loosed fire bombs and explosives on
Dusseldorf, in the industrial Ruhr.
The total effect of the attack on
Kiel shipping was obscured by the
fact that the diving planes had to
take cover in clouds after each swoop.
A direct hit was claimed, however,
on onte ship in the canal and an
enemy" ship was reported sunk off
German-occupied Norway.
Germany acknowledged that sev-
eral Berlin apartment buildings were
damaged and that civilians there were
killed and injured. Other places in
northern and western Germany also
were attacked and three British
planes were bagged, Berlin said.
Britain acknowledged that a num-
ber of casualties had been caused
by small-scale raids on Northern
England in the give-and-take of ac-
celerated air warfare, and a com-
munique reported two German planes
downed off the coasts.
The British, fanning out for small,.
concentrated attacks with new super-
bombs, also attacked land objectives
in Schleswig-Holstein - and the
Germans verified this in Berlin, but
said no important damage was done.
Delay Announced
In Filling Of Court
WASHINGTON, June 3.-(P)--With
the Supreme Court in recess until
next fall, President Roosevelt irdicat-
ed today that successors to Chief
Justice Charles Evans Hughesand
Associate Justice James C. McRey-
nolds would not be named immediate-
Hughes' announcement last night
that he was retiring July 1 for "con-
siderations of health and age" was
as much a surprise to him, Mr. Roose-
velt said, as to anyone else.
Senior engineers may call for
their graduation announcements
from 9 to 12 p.m. today and tomor-
row in the lobby of the East En-
gineering Building.


Ermine Case '
Is To Resign
September 11
Ermine C. Case, professor of his-
torical geology and paleontology,
chairman of the Department of Geol-
ogy, and curator of vertebrates in{
the museum of paleontology, will re-
tire from the faculty September 11j
when he reaches his seventieth birth-
Member of the teaching staff of the
University for more than a half cen-1
tury, Professor Case was recognited;
by Who's Who in 1930 as one of the]
distinguished paleontologists in the
country, and is the author of several
books on geology and paleontology.
Professor Case came to the Uni-
versity in 1897 af$er teaching chem-
istry at the University of Kansas,1
where he received his undergraduate,
training. He also holds a master of
science degree from Cornell Univer-
sity and received his doctor's degree
from the University of Chicago.
Next German 1
. .
Plan Unertainc
Pending clarification of France's
role in the British-Axis war, the world
can only guess where Germany and
Italy will strike next to smash Britain
in the Mediterranean and Middle
A British communique stating that
a German troop-carrier plane has
been shot down off Malta may or may
not indicate that that Mediterranean'
island bastionnmight be the next
Nazi target.y Only time will tell.
Viachyvery possibly holds the key
to Axis major strategy. The sequence
of cabinet conferences there with
General Weygand, Petain-selected-
French colonial overlord in Africa,
indicates that a final decision on
French policy is in the making.
Whether the next Axis thrust is to
be via French mandated Syria or
from Sicily to stimulate the stalled at-
tack on Egypt, French cooperation
with German-Italian forces on a
scale far beyond any yet reported
is deemed possible in London. And if
Turkish reports of Nazi forces landed
by sea in Syria are true, such co-
operation already is in effect.
This would be a graver act of
French aggression against Britain
than permitting the Nazis to use
French air bases in Syria enroute to
Iraq, assuming such a Nazi invasion
was invited or accepted without pro-
test by French authority. The terms
of . the German-French armistice
could not be put forward as a legalis-
tic excuse to cover such a movement.
Both London and Cairo remained
strangely silent as to the reports
from Turkey. Yet both by now must
know the facts. Asea-ferried expe-
dition such as Ankara cables describe
could hardly reach the Syrian coast
without being detected by British sea
or air patrols.

RAF Planes Raid Berlin

t r .

French Mandate Predicted
As Next War Theatre;
Suez Canal Threatened
Berlin Gives Vichy
'Free Hand' In East
LONDON, June 3.-(JP)-The belief
grew in London tonight that a rigid
official silence on the Middle East
concealed swift British action al-
ready undertaken to forestall a Ger-
man move into French-mandated
Informed sources intimated that
the Middle East communique report-
ing "no change in the situation"
hardly told the whole story of what
is under way.
Some quarters said reports of large
German troop movements into Syria
may have been encouraged or even
inspired by the Nazis to draw atten-
tion from other scenes of impending
No Account of Operations
Doubt ' was expressed elsewhere,
however, that the British command:
entertained any such notions, for it
gave no account of operations in
the Middle East or even in Ethiopia
-and such determined silence in
the past almost always has meant
that something notable was afoot.
It was recalled, too, that the Middle
East command, on the word of For-
eign Secretary Anthony Eden, ha.
been given full authority to do what-
ever it deems necessary in all that
section of the world to defend the
Suez Canal and its approaches.
Authorities stuck to a single
phrase-"no confirmation"-on all
reports of German troop movements
into Syria.
Enemy-Occupied Land
It was predicted here that Britain
soon will officially declare Syria to
be "enemy-occupied territory," thus
opening up that East Mediterranean
shore as the next likely war front.
Among the German offensive pos-'
sibilities were listed a thrust in Syria,
a renewed drive from Libya east-
ward toward the Nile, and fresh
efforts to rouse the Iraqis and other
Arab peoples into revolt against the
Berlin Gives Vichy
'Free Hand' In East
BERLIN, June 3.-(P)-An intima-
ion that the French would be given
], free hand to defend Syria or other
outposts against any British attack
uas made today by authorized Ger-
man sources with the declaration:
". ..We have Marshal Petain's and
Admiral Darlan's statements that
they will defend all their territory.
Germany, although victor, is ready to
concede this sacred right and duty
)f every nation to the French them-
French Not Committed
And, it was added:
"Whether and in what manner
lFrance may desire to throw onto the
scales the weight of German-French
"elationships developed in the course
of the past year is something'ne can-
not discuss theoretically. Only a prac-
tical case can show."
As to whether Germany herself
could afford to let Britain seize Syria,
this was the response:
"We don't cross bridges before we
come to them."
Infantry In Syria
Earlier, authorized persons here
had thus dismissed reports abroad
that Nazi motorized infantry had
landed in Syria at the Port of Lat-
"It is unthinkable that this cor-
responds to the facts."
While Germany and Italy had not
outlined publicly their next military
move whether it would be against
Cyprus, Egypt or England proper -
remained problematical. The result
of yesterday's Brenner Pass meeting

between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mus-
solini were hidden in silence.
The German press even before the
fall of Crete had called attention to
other British bastions in the eastern
Mediterranean. For weeks it has made
no mention of invasion of England -
a circumstance which alone has kept
fnpiannh rP s lrt hat stand-





Meet California Nine Here


Ray Fisher's Big Ten champion
Michigan baseball team will clash
with the barnstorming University of
California aggregation, co-champions
of the California Intercollegiate Base-
ball Association, today at Ferry Field.
The game will start at 4:05 p.m .
The traveling Golden Bear outfit
has a great record3behindit. After
taking 25 of the 30 games played
on the Coast between February 8
and April 29, the Berkeley lads set
out on a trip through the Middle
West which called for them to play
19 games in 23 days. Thus far, they
have dropped but four games while
winning eight. They handed Michi-
gan Normal a 26-9 shellacking yester-
.day at Ypsilanti.
Coach Fisher will call on Cliff
Wise, sophomore fast-ball pitcher,
to go to the mound for the Wolver-
;,-i.c, WXi P, had a. rnod of five wins

bable choice of Coach Clint Evans to
start on the slab for the Bears. The
lean left-hander won ten games on
the Coast while losing only one and
has not lost his effectiveness since
starting East. He hurled a one-hitter
last week against Minnesota and,
while Notre Dame managed to take
a 4-3 victory from him, it took the
Irish 12 innings to do it. Koll is a
pretty fair hitter, too, as his .407
batting average will attest.
Hoberg In Clean-Up Spot
Behind the plate for the visitors
will be heavy-hitting Carl Hoberg,
who clouted the apple for a .357
mark during the regular, season and
bats in the clean-up slot. Hoberg,
who also plays football, has a rep-
utation for being a fine signal-caller
and was named all-conference back-

New Bill Will Curtail
Any Defense Strikes
WASHINGTON, June 3. -()--
President Roosevelt indicated today
that one purpose of the Administra-
tion's new property seizure bill was
to end any irreconcilable strikes or
lockouts in the defense industries.
It is to be used in other situations
involving a stoppage of deliveries, he
said, but he cited just one past in-
stance as a reason for the measure
and that was a strike, the protracted
dispute at the Allis-Chalmers plant
in Milwaukee.
Under present law, he pointed out,
the. government has authority to take
over a plant at which there is a re-
fusal to supply the government with
defense products. In the Allis-Chal-
mers case, he said, the strikers were
willing to return to work if the com-

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