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May 30, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-30

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FRIDAY,MAY 30. 1941


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s nEa_.."-AJN
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication oft all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan,'as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff

Emile Gelb . .
Robert Speckhard
Albert P. Blaustein
David Lachenbruch
Bernard Dober .
Alvin Dann
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller

. . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
* . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . * Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor

® Memorial Day,
1933 and 1941
significance of this day has long been lost,
just as our heads have been in our tumble to
plunge ourselves into the midst of another
European massacre. Allow me, dearest friends,
to reprint an editorial from The Daily of calmer
days-of days of disgust with mass murder as a
diplomatic and political instrument.
Read this and think. It is reprinted from The
Daily of Memorial Day, 1933, before the rush had
started and when perspective was still with us:
Flags flying, drums beating, soldiers march-
"Honored dead have not died in vain." "Fought
to make the world safe for democracy." "In de-
fense of a great ideal." "It was a war to end
war." Thus, with the usual claptrap and speech-
making the nation celebrates Memorial Day, be-
lying the very title which the holiday bears.
If we really stopped to refresh our memories
on May 30, we would see: the propaganda which
flooded the country before our entrance into the
war; "children murdered by the bloody Boche";
the hysteria which these frightful lies raised in
the national mind; the millions of lives con-
sumed in useless holocaust; the maimed and
shell-shocked figui'es which emerged from the
slime'and filth of the trenches; the anxious days
of waiting in thousands of American homes;
the heartaches of parents, sweethearts, children.
Instead of trying to remember on Memorial
Day we try to deceive ourselves. We try to think
that the flag-covered graves represent a for-
ward step in the march of progress, that their
occupants took part in a noble crusade-when
we know that all this is not true.
We need only to look at the world of today to
realize that the ideals of yesterday were fanta-
sies, cruel falsehoods created for a selfish pur-
pose. We can see now that these "honored dead"
did die in vain, that they burned themselves up
in the fires of a war that accomplished nothing,
when they might have rendered constructive
service to their nation and to their world. We
can see that democracy was not preserved, that,
instead, new forms of autocracy were born in
the war. We can see that war was not abolished,
for it rages on the Asiatic continent today, while
it threatens ominously to appear again on the
soil of Europe.
From theday of armistice, we have seen that
the supposedly high ideals of our allies were
nothing but shams. At the treaty of Versailles,
we saw them jump in to divide the spoils. We saw
them quench their greed upon the prostrate
German nation. Have we learned? Or do we-
continue the false ideals of that war, of all war,
in the very ritual of Memorial Day?
READ IT AGAIN, if you have the time. Think
back to the days when it was not a subversive
act to oppose war as a method for settling dis-
putes. Think. And then try to regain your head.
See if all you used to stand for has been aban-
doned. And why. Think about it carefully.
Really think. And then say honestly, on this
Memorial Day, 1941. that you want the United
States to go to war again.
by the edit director-

Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Business Staff
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager

6 .
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Axis Is Sneaking
In The Back .Door .. .
B URIED BENEATH an emotional
clamor for convoys and a deluge of
dowagers knitting bundles for Britain are the
intentions of the United States to build toward
the south, to develop the lands where "our real
future lies."
Not so long ago politicians were declaiming
that the United States would never again be-
come involved in a European war; and in the
same breath there were words about cooperation
with South America, more than a good neigh-
bor policy, more than dollar diplomacy.
A little while after that the words were "short
of war," and even then we heard phrases about
hemisphere development, about loans to Brazil
and trade concessions to Argentina.
But now it seems we have forgotten about
those intentions. Gone are the words "short of
war," and gone too are the plans to develop
South America as part of a new world, a hemi-
sphere united and strong within itself.
WITH an unlimited national emergency pro-
claimed, with the Chief Executive promis-
ing the delivery of war supplies to England, it
seems that little attention is being paid to Axis
penetration to the south, to the real danger to
our nation.
A recent incident reveals that the danger of
Axis penetration in the south has not decreased,
that the Axis has not let up in its economic war-
fare against the Western Hemisphere. Argentina
has authorized the chartering of a new airline.
A bid was submitted by an American country,
calling for cash payments.
A German company, however, offered five-
year terms, and the use of two German air-
planes equipped with crews, until the line had
gotten upderway
Such an undertaking cannot be profitable. Tt
is, however, but one example of the extent to
which German companies will go to win the
friendship of the Latin Americans, backed, of
course, by generous government subsidies.
And meanwhile the United States sits blithely
back, devoting full time and resources to aiding
England, while the enemy crawls in through the
back fence. All we have done is talk about
South America, while the Axis powers have
acted. Little wonder, then, that the nations to
the south have leaned toward the dictator
IT IS NOT TOO LATE, however, to strangle
this danger. Even if we insist on sending aid
to Britain, we can continue to develop friendship
and cooperation with the Latin American re-
publics. Provide governmental subsidies for
countries establishing airlines and factories
there, extend credit to the nations, grant trade
concessions-these things must be done now,
before the Axis has gained an unbreakable foot-
hold in South America-the first and only means
of launching a successful blitzkrieg on the
United States.
- Bill Baker
To facilitate typographical work, all Letters
To The Editor conforming to the following
specifications will be given preference in the
1. Letters at least double-spaced on 8 by 11

Thanks Supporters
To the Editor:
I WANT TO THANK the 457 students who cast
their vote for me in the Board of Control
elections. I knew there was a growing number
of students who realized the necessity of effec-
tive student organization to combat repression.
I did not know there was so large a number, in
spite of defeatist, procrastinating leadership,
who were determined to register a firm convic-
tion that students can and must take matters
into their own hands.
To those students as well as to the campus at
large, the American Student Union pledges its
efforts to labor unceasingly for the restoration
of student rights on our campus. The avenues
of free expression-especially now-cannot be
closed. But the decision lies with the students.
This has been said before. I repeat it, not in-
spired by idealism, but by the hard facts of
Michigan history during the past school year.
-Margaret Campbell
Mobilization For Peace
To the Editor:
Tuesday, May 27, called for, predicted, and,
in effect, declared war. He committed the
American people, who have tirhe and again dem-
onstrated their opposition to open war measures,
to the carrying through with the full military
resources of the nation (including our navy and
armed forces) of the administration's imperialist
program of seizing Iceland, Dakar, Azores, etc.
He promised nothing to the people but war.
At the same time, he declared war upon the
American people, decreeing that strikes will be
smashed, that the whole people will be urged
to sacrifice their economic standards, their lim-
ited security, their lives. He announced further
his intention to disregard the overwhelming ma-
jority sentiment of the people for peace, labeling
all peace sentiment, action or organization as
"pro-Hitler," "foreign-dominated subversion."
If we recall Huey Long's prediction that "fas-
cism will come to America under the guise of
anti-fascism," we can see that his words came
true in the President's speech. For what is
fascism but the usurpation of government power
by a small group of politicos, acting in the in-
terest of big business and in defiance of the will
of the majority. What is fascism but the abro-
gation of labor's right to strike, and the forcible
driving of imperialist aggrandizement. And this
is, in essence, the program decreed for America
by President Roosevelt.
The issue before us now is war or peace, dic-
tatorship or democracy for America. We can
still save our democracy, still keep our country
from becoming involved in the war. We can do
this by organizing for peace this summer with
the American Peace Mobilization, an organiza
tion representing over fifteen million labor, farm,
church, youth and professional groups. This or-
ganization is now conducting a constant peace
vigil before the White House, involving thou-
sands of people, and it is now entering its 600th
consecutive hour .
WE CAN listen to a real representative of the
American people, a staunch fighter for peace
and civil liberties, at 8:15 p.m. today. Congress-
man Vito Marcantonio will answer President
Roosevelt's speech and will point out a practical
program to preserve our democracy and peace.
- Harvey Goodman
ASDL Tells Program
To the Editor:
"MICHIGAN STUDENTS are descending from
ivory tower," says the Campus (so-
called) Peace Council, (The Daily, May 29).
Here, at least, the American Student Defense
League can agree and, as proof, cite the fact
that over 1,000 Michigan men and women have

signed the pro-convoy petitions distributed by
the ASDL last week. Yes, the campus is waking
up and the majority of Michigan students are
increasingly aware of the need to fight against
and not to appease Hitlerism, whether at home
or abroad.
It is always slightly amazing to hear the pre-
tentious and grandiose statements that the vari-
ous fronts of the American Student Union make.
They talk in terms or representing thousands or
millions of students or youth or anything else
but the sum total is really always the same-
the ASU. Michigan students are well aware-as
young people everywhere are-of the need for
responsible student leadership in the struggle,
against totalitarianism. The ASDL (not to be
confused, if you please) seeks to provide that
leadership by being dynamic, responsive and
We, student members of the ASDL on the
Michigan campus, one hundred and twenty-four
strong, do believe that we are the militant rep-
resentatives of the hopes and ideals of the great
majoi'ity of Michigan students. Our program is
simple-the extension of democracy everywhere
and anywhere, opposition to fascism everywhere,
here and now. We favor aid to England, and
convoys, because we know that that aid is in
defense of the United States and the Western
M ICHIGAN STUDENTS have and will show
their opposition to fascism by supporting
the American Student Defense League. Support
us now by telling Congress and the President
that we are behind their leadership in the fight
for the Four Freedoms.
- Martin Dworkis,
American Student Defense League

As Others
See It....

The Senate Advisory Committee answers questions of
Professor Slosson concerning the position of The Daily
within the University.

Professor John Waite of Senate Advisory Committee to Professor Preston Slosson

This is the first section of Professor Waite's reply to
questions concerning the place of The Daily and students
in the University. Today's section reprints the material
which concerns The Daily directly. Tomorrow's paper
will contain the section which deals with the position of
the students.
Professor Preston Slosson:
sity Affairs has considered the list of questions
which you submitted to us some time ago. You will
understand that this Committee has no authority to
give specific answers to those questions. Answers to
them can be found, however, in the bylaws of the Re-
gents, the rules set up by the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications, and similar sources. I have myself
examined these sources and have drawn from them
answers which the Advisory Committee believes to
be accurate. I am authorized by the Committee to
inform you of them, although, I repeat, they do not
purport to be an attempt by the Committee itself to
lay down rules or in any way to assume authority
which it does not possess.
I shall list your questions with what we understand
to be the answers as indicated by the rules of the par-
ticular bodies having authority.
1. What opinions on matters of national or world
policy may be editorially expressed?
2. What opinions on state or local politics may or
may not be expressed.
3. What opinions as to the administration of the
University or the policies of the faculty are not sub-
ject to print?
4. What kinds and types of "personalities" are in-
admissible? In other words, are the names of certain
public or University officials not to be used in un-
favorable criticisms, though a general criticism of
their policies might pass muster?
5. Is more latitude to be allowed to signed letters
than to editorials; if so, how much?
6. Should the editors censor letters on the ground
of opinions expressed in them? Or only on grounds
of abusive language? Are anonymous letters admissi-
ble under any circumstances?
7. Is greater latitude to be allowed to student pub-
lications of a less official character than the Daily?
How much greater?
THE ANSWERS to these first seven questions may
be found in the Report to the Board in Control of
Student Publications-,by Professor Louis A. Strauss,
on January 18, 1933. Excerpts from it read as follows:
" . ...The function and status of The Daily in its
relation to the University has undergone considerable
alteration. It can no longer be regarded merely as an
organ of student opinion. However we may regret
the change, we cannot escape the conviction that this
newspaper has ceased to be a safe plaything for infant
journalists: its influence radiates beyond the nursery,
in other words, the campus. Rightly or wrongly, it is
supposed by many to be the official journal of the
University: its news articles are widely quoted in the
public press and accepted as authoritative; its editor-
ials dealing with matters of University finance and
policy, however plainly they may purport to be ex-
pressions of student opinion, are not infrequently sup-
posed to be 'inspired' by the University administration.
"Thus the relation in which the editors stand to the
University is virtually the same as that of the editors
of a privately owned newspaper to its proprietor. The
latter are answerable to him for their adherence to
the declared policies of the paper; if they cannot
conscientiously or will not conform to these policies,
they may resign or be disclarged. No question of cen-
sorship is involved, for there is no imposition of ex-
ternal authority .

Daily and the city newspaper is that the Board in
Control does not bind its editors to a positive policy.
It prefers to allow them as great freedom as possible.
It demands only decency, truthfulness, and due regard
to the best interests of the University. In the presenta-
tion of the news of the day, whether of the campus or
the world outside, they have a free hand: in editorial
comment thereupon they are similarly unfettered. But
this freedom necessarily implies the obligation to use
it honestly and equitably . . . . The editorial section
of the paper should be conducted with a dignity and
propriety worthy of the University . . . . It should aim
to be fair-minded and judicially non-partisan in cam-
pus affairs and in affairs of larger scope. In criticism
of student body, faculty, or administration, it must
forego abusive personalities and insulting innuendo.
Agitation for reform or advocacy of the retention of
existing traditions should be calm and moderate, free
from acridity and violence.
"T should be distinctly understood that no field of
comment or discussion is closed to the student
editors. Manifestly, however, certain fields are more
clearly their rightful and peculiar province than oth-
ers. In the world of student interests, such, for exam-
ple, as the social life of the student body, student govt-
ernment, class politics, athletics, dramatics, etc., theirs
views are important and influential: if their attitude
is not in accord with that of the student body, they
have the student body to reckon with. So long as the
editors make fair and unselfish use of the considerable
power inherent in their office, the Board in Control
has no need or wish to interfere with their functioning.
"On the other hand, questions of University policy,
administrative, financial, educational, etc., primarily
concern the Board of Regents, the President and other
executive officers, and the faculties. To many thought-
ful minds, whether of students, faculty, or alumni, it
would appear to be the part of wisdom for-the editors
voluntarily to eschew discussion of these subjects as
demanding greater expert knowledge, riper experi-
ence, and more mature judgment than young people
may be expected to command. Others would hold it
desirable that they should give serious thought and
expression to matters of graver import than college
politics and athletics. It is the old impasse. The
Board in Control wishes it distinctly understood that
no field of discussion is under interdict. But it should
also be remembered that freedom of speech, unless
backed by sound judgment, readily becomes mischie-
vous. The editors may at all times avail themselves
of competent advice as to the safety and propriety of
their proposed utterances. If they refuse or neglect to
do so, the risk is theirs. Errors of judgment, may be as
injurious or costly as wilful misstatement of facts or
malicious perversion of their meaning. Such errors
will not be overlooked or lightly condoned; they will
be penalized in strict accordance with their gravity.
"WE ARE here concerned primarily with good man-
ners and right-minded sportsmanship. Against
lapses of taste and errors due to ill-breeding legisla-
tion is well-nigh helpless. Such lapses may and do
occur in the news items or feature articles, and in the
correspondence to which The Daily opens its columns,
(and for which it disclaims desponsibility), as well as
in editorials, hurgorous columns, or critical depart-
ments. In no part of the paper can the editors right-,
fully disclaim responsibility for vulgarity, scurrility,
or bad taste in any form. They should remember that
the reputation of the University is, to a certain extent,
in their hands, and they should do their utmost to
uphold its honor and dignity ..
- John Waite

The Place Of The Daily


hear what

people outside the University think about the
institution. W. K. Kelsey, the Commentator of
the Detroit News, has known the University for a
long time and here are his latest impressions:
"Last Friday the Board of Regents of *the Uni-
versity of Michigan remained unimpressed by a
petition signed by more than one-third of the
student body after only three days of circulation,
protesting against the addition of two faculty
members to the Board in Control of Student
Publications. That board now consists of four
faculty members and three student members,
with the right to vote, and two alumni members,
non-voters. The new bylaw of the Board of Re-
gents, adopted last December with the usual
secrecy of that body, provides for six faculty
members and three student members, and gives
the two alumni members the right to vote.
THE COMMENTATOR hasn't the slightest
doubt that this action of the Regents was
taken to put a curb on free expression of student
opinion in the Michigan Daily. He hasn't any
doubt that Hervie Haufler, the retiring manag-
ing editor of The Daily, is right when he says:
"Most of us are saying nothing, for there is
already a horrible fear on this campus of antag-
onizing the powers that be. Any instructor
looking for advancement does not dare to speak."
There are plenty of professors, however, of such
high reputation that they feel secure in their
positions, who openly sympathize with the stu-
dent attitude.
The Regents are elected by the people; but
once they are in office, they wish to have as
little as possible to do with the people. They
will receive petitions, and listen to spokesmen
therefore; but the press is excluded from their
meetings. No one is permitted to know, from
open discussion, what motivates their policy. It
is determined behind closed doors, and in some
cases the Regents' decisions are not communi-
cated to the press-the Regents themselves being
the sole judges of what the people ought to know.
Wonder what State Senator Earl Burhans, who
takes office as Regent next January, and who
is accustomed to business conducted in the open,
under the public eye, will think of these secret


(Continued from Page 2)
of Education for an application blank
for admission to candidacy for thee
teacher's certificate, which is to be
returned by Monday, June 2.
For Men Who Want Wings: The
Air Corps now has a flying cadet
Recruiting Officer on your campus.
Come in and see Lt. Van Zant in
R.O.T.C. Office on enlistment prob-
lem. Hours 8:30 to 4:30 daily.
The University Bureeau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received a call for an optician
benchman for part time work in Ann
Arbor. Will the student who advised
a local optical company that he had
experience in .this work, please get in
touch with the Bureau, 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. These
applications will be accepted contin-
uously until further notice at the
Civil Service Commission, Washing-
ton, D.C.
Junior Stenographer, salary $1,440
a year.
Junior Typist, salary $1,260 a year.
Complete announcements on file at
the Bureau, 20 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Summer Work: Several men are
needed to serve as kitchen assistants
in camps. These jobs average $1b.00
a, week plus room and board, and
are all in Michigan.
There is also a vacancy for a
nature study instructor, man pre-

Agriculture will employ men as Dutch
Elm Disease scouts. Majors in for-
estry, entomology, plant pathology,
or related subject. Experience pre-
ferred, but not absolutely necessary.
Riding instructor and also a groom
for a large camp. This is a girls'
camp, but men will be accepted as
well as women.
There are sales obs available with
various organizations, both house-
to-house and other types of selling.
For information about any of these
jobs, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet Saturday, May 31, at 10:00 a.m.,
in Room 319 West Medical Building.
Subject: "Biographical Studies of
American Biochemists." All interest-
ed are invited.
Carillon Recital: In the carillon re-
cital to be given from 7:15 to 8:00
p.m. on Sunday, June 1, in the Bur-
ton Memorial Tower, the carillon will
be treated as an "orchestral" instru-
ments for the first time in the en-
tire realm of carillon music, and will
be played in combination with other
instruments. "Concerto for Carillon
and Brass Instruments" by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur, calls
for 18 brass instruments in addition
to the carillon. The brass choir,
composed of members of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Band, which will ac-
company the bells, is conducted by
Albin Johnson, Assistant Conductor
of the Band. The public is urged to
listen to this work from the campus,

rienne Moran, Organist, will give a
recital at 8:30 tonight in Hill Audi-
torium. No admission will be charged
for this recital, which will be pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of Music
Twelfth Annual Exhibition. of
Sculpture in the Michigan League
Building. On view until June 21.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Ceramics, by Mr.-Grover
Cole, members of the Faculty, and
students. Ground floor cases, Archi-
tecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5,
through June 14. The public is in-
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Members
will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room, Michigan Union.
Members of all departments interest-
ed in German conversation are cordi-
ally invited. There will be a brief
talk on "Analyse von Zeichensyste-
men," by Dr. Arthur Rosenthal.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 8:00 to
10:00 Saturday evening, May 31.
The moon and other interesting ob-
jects will be shown through the tele-
scopes. Children must be accom-
panied by adults.
'Senior Swing Out: In the event of
inclement weather, the people attend-
ing Swing Out Sunday are requested
to go directly to Hill Auditorium
where indoor exercises will begin at
3:30 p.m.

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