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April 29, 1941 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-29

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don wirtehafter's


Menacing Mike




(Editor's Note: This week the Daily
Double is being written by the mem-
bers of the junior sports staff who
are applying for the position of sports
editor for the coming year. Today's
Double is written by Hoe Seltzer.)
PICTURE of an All-Americn end
two seconds before the ball is
Six feet one . . . 200 pounds even
rangy, loose-jointed build.
general attitude one of complete
languor and intense disinterest in the
business at hand.
Picture the same gent two seconds
after the play starts:,
A lean form rockets into the air
several yards tiownfield, snares a
high-looping pass, and outsprints the
secondary defense to the goal.
Michigan grads of :25, '26, or '27
will recognize this citizen. It is Ben-
ny Oosterbaan, Michigan's only
three-time All-American, whose ath-
letic success m'ay well have been cor-
related with the fact that he ::anks
highly among the world's laziest men.
Which leads to an emirical the-
ory of mine that perhaps the most
vital'requisit of any star athlete
is that complete muscular relax-
ation between individual efforts
which, observed operating at max-
imum efficiency away from the
athletic field, tends to be billed as
laziness. Without fully relaxed
muscles a performer can never hope
to attain perfect coordination, since
he is constantly fighting himself
unless all muscles not being used
for specific motion are wholly at
ease. Good athletes are by nature
completely ose between periods of
athletic exertion, and if the profs
condemn them for it their coaches,
eligibility considerations excepted,
do not.
Y LAST FALL Ed Frutig had ab-
sorbed enough of the idea from
end coach Oosterbaan to play the
sweetest flanking game these eyes
have ever seen. Among other feats
Ed personally blocked four kicks dur-
ing the season and contributed to sev-
eral more. And let no one think they
were perpetrated by accident. Those
punts were stymied only because Fru-
tig time and again foxed the blocking
backs up merrily with his rushing
tactics. If they got down low to accept
his charge he blithely vaulted over
them; when they stood up to prevent
this he either side-stepped or rode
them back into the kicker. It was his
change of pace, his utterly unpredict-
able attack that drove the blocker
nuts. Perfect coordination had much
to do with it.
Last month I saw a fellow
sprawled out on the Field House
bleachers the afternoon before a
track meet. Upon inquiry I learned
that this personification of the
spirit of relaxation was track cap-
tain Don Canham himself. I was
further advised that Don invests
much of his leisure time in'sceking
out new and strange ways to con-
serve energy and become ever more
loose-muscled. He is reported to
have devised a novel labor-saving
means of sitting down in a chair
which represents a significant
number of ergs of energy saved per
sitting, these accumulated ergs to
be expended later in high-junping.
Thus science finds its niche in
ASTLY, before one hockey game a
year ago Michigan's impenetrable '
There will be an important M
Club meeting at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan~ Union next Thursday
evening, All members are re-
quested to be there.
Francis 'Heydt, Sec'y.-Treas.

goalie, Spike James, looked like any-
thing but as his teammates blasted
shot after shot past him on their
warm-ups. But during the contest
Spike stopped something like five
times as many whistlers as the oppos-
ing net-minder. Next day when I
called him on his pre-game lassi-
tude he observed drily that they did-
n't count those practice shots in the
final score. Play when the chips are
down and don't get stewed up other-
wise was Spike's motto.
'Looseness, relaxation, muscular
coordination then. These an athlete
has or must learn to have if he is to
be frieat.
This sort of thing can be carried
too far of course. That is to say,
any striking similarity between my
above description of the perfect ath-
lete and that of a PWA worker is
purely coincidental.

Michigan State
Next Opponent
Of NetSquad
With two one-sided victories in Big
Ten competition behind them, Coach
Leroy Weir's Varsity tennis team yes-?
terday went about the business of
preparing for the invasion of East
Lansing which the Wolverine netters
will undertake Thursday.
The Michigan racketeers ran
roughshod over the. Universities of
Chicago and Wisconsin in the Windy
City over the weekend, defeating both
opponents by scores of 8-1. In each,
the lone Michigan loss came in the
number one singles match, Capt. Jim
Tobin of Michigan falling 'before Cal
Sawyier of Chicago, 6-4, 6-3, and
also being downed by Wisconsin's
Sherwood Goernstein, 2-6, 10-8, 8-6.
Tobin Dropped Tough One
"Jim had tough luck in losing to
Goernstein," Coach Weir said yes-
terday. "He won the first set and was
leading 5-2 in the second but he just
couldn't put the match away. He
played well, however, and should win
his share of matches during the sea-
The Wolverine mentor was espec-
ially pleased with the play of Law-
ton Hammett, number two singles
man, who downed Walt Kemetick of
Chicago, 6-3, 6-3. besides taking an
upset victory over Wisconsin's Capt.
Art Nielson in three sets, 6-2, 4-6,
Hammett, according to Coach Weir,
improved on his performance of the
Southern trip and gave definite. pro-
mise of developing into a really fine
tennis player before the season is
much older.I
Doubles Team Strong
Outstanding single feature of the
Wolverine double victory was the
great play of Michigan's number one
doubles team of Tobin and Hammett.
'Ihis combination won both its
matches with little difficulty and es-
tablished itself as the team to watch
for the Conference doubles cham-
pion ship.
The Michigan State squad, which
I he Wolverines will face Thursday
in East Lansing, defeated Ohio State
by a 5-4 score over the week-end
and proved that it will be no part of
a set-up.
Amnerican League
Cleveland 7, Detroit 2.
Chicago 2, St. Louis 1.
National League
Brooklyn 3, Cincinnati 2.

Mike Sofiak, tobacco chewing
shortstop for the Wolverines, has
been one of the main reasons for
the varsity's fine record so far this
season. Sofiak is not only an ex-
cellent fielder and a good hitter
but also the squad's leading base
Slogan Spurs
Link Practice
The Swing's The Ihing
Leads Golfers To Wins
Notes from the golf front:
As a silent reminder to his golfers
of the importance of practice, Coach
Ray Courtright has hung in his in-
door practice room a large sign
bearing in giant letters the inscrip-
tion: "The Swing's the Thing".
From the record such an inexperi-
enced squad has shown so far this
season, it looks as if the golfers havet
heeded what their friend and coach
has put before them. On the south-
ern trip, the linksmen fared better
than everyone expected when theyE
defeated such highly-touted teams
as Georgia Tech, Tennessee Vols,
and Ohio State, losing only to Geor-
gia's Southern champs. Courtright's
men then started out their home
stand by doubling Michigan State's
In the Spartan match last Satur-
day the Wolverines outplayed their
much more experienced opponents
by safe scores. Ben Smith ended up
the eighteenth hole three strokes up
on Kowal, and in the same foursome,
Captain Dannenfelser outplayed Jim
Funston by five strokes. In the sec-
ond foursome, Michigan's number
three man for the match, Johnny
Barr gained three strokes' advan-
tuge from Ralph Kortge. It was
good to see Barr regain his old con-
fidence in the State match. Both
his putting and drives were steady,
and he set a consistent scoring pace.
With a record of four wins and
one defeat behind them, Michigan's
golfers will face Indiana University
Saturday on University Golf Course.

Spartan Team
Brings Heavy
Hitting Lineup
Varsity Seeks Ninth Win
Of Current Campaign;
Sig fest Is Expected
(Continued from Page 1)
with shaky work in the field account-
ing for their pair of losses. No less
than five regulars are hitting above
the .300 mark. Howard Ladue, soph-
omore ex-catcher who has been shift-
ed to left field, carries the heaviest
stick and hits in the clean-up slot.
Center-fielder Bill Fitzsimmons, who
led the 20-blow attack in the Buckeye
series, Norm Duncan. captain and
short stop, and Roy Chlopan, sopho-
more initial sacker, are the other big
guns in the lineup.
Fisher probably places more im-
portance in a victory over State than
he does in any other non-Conference
1 battle. Stoddard looked good in
his performance against the Maroons
Friday, and if his arm is right to-
day, he will take the mound. But
with the two-game series with Ohio
State, carrying much of the Wolver-
ines' chances in the Big Ten title
chase, slated for Friday and Satur-
day, Fisher plans to yank Mickey
after three or four frames and send
one of his left handers, Mase Gould
or Neil Muir, into the game. He will
follow the same schedule against
Western State tomorrow with Cliff
Wise, and send his two aces against
the Buckeyes Friday and Saturday.
The power that the Wolverines dis-
played in licking Chicago last week
indicates a hitting battle today.
George Harms, with seven hits in 13
trips to the platter against the Ma-
roons and Notre Dame, is hottest of
the Michigan sluggers right now,
boasting a .415 average. Bud Cham-
berl got four for 12 last week and
isriht on Harms' heels with .395.
Two other regulars, big Dick Wake-
field and little Davey Nelson, are also
over the .300 mark, Wakefield with
.333 and Nelson with .327.
Michigan Mich. State
Nelson, of i'ellerin, 2b
Holman, If Duncan, ss
Sofiak, ss Davis, Wilford, rf
Steppon, 2b LaDue, If
Wakefield, rf Fitzsimmons, cf
Ruehle, lb Klewicki, 3b
Chamberlain, _h Chlopan, lb G
Harms, c Wolkowicz, lb
Stoddard, p Mekules or
Skrocki, p
Wiss alinty' Title
Alpha Tau Omega, skippered by
Bill Lopworth, raced to the interfra-
ternity sailing crown last Saturday
on Whitmore Lake, supplanting a
strong Sigma Phi crew as titlehold-
Pete Tenney led his Beta Theta
Pi dingy to second place ahead of
the last year's champs who ended
up in third place with Sigma Chi cap-
tained by John Cory in fourth.
While the local fraternities were
battling it out for honors here, a
varsity squad was in the East where
they arrived too late to compete at
Brown University's regatta but man-
aged to finish fifth at a meet spon-
sored and won by Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology.

Fire Ravages,
So McCarthy
Saves Javelin
LAYS: Michigan was handed a
warm reception at Des Moines' gi-
gantic track carnival . . . at 5:45
a.m. Friday about 10 of the Wolver-
ines were driven out of their fifth
floor quarters by a fire which gutted
two rooms and threatened for a
short while to develop into a major
catastrophe . . . a salesman, it was
reported, fell asleep while smoking a
Arthur Conan Doyle once based
one of his Sherlock Holmes tales
on the key supposition that a per-
son in great danger from fire will
save his most valuable possession
. . . sophomore hurdler and broad
jumper Frank McCarthy crept his
way along the smoke-filled hall
with a precious burden-a pair of
javelins-and left all his clothes in
the room . . . another of the cin-
dermen wrapped a wet towel
around his head and dived under
the bed . . . sprinter Al Piel ans-
wered the telephone, listened to
the operator's warning, mumbled
"okay," then hung up and turned
over . . . two seconds later reali-
zation penetrated his sleep-foggd
brain and he bolted out of bed to
join the pajama parade.
Coach Ken Doherty was well satis-
fied with the showing of the Wol-
verines . . . several of their perform-
ances, as brilliant as the golden capi-
tol dome which overlooked the city,
gave definite cause for optimism in
the forthcoming outdoor conference
meet . . the four performers who
copped Michigan's four-mile relay
crown all ran within one second of
each other . . . and averaged just
over 4:24 . . . for doing so the quar-
tet, John Purdue, Herb Leake, Will
Ackerman and Karl Wisner, were
awarded new gold wristwatches.
A trio of young track fans jarred
Capt. Don Canham and Wes Allen
out of a sound mid-morning sleep
. . , they wanted autographs .
ace sports announcer Bill Stern
was forced to plant the lips
out of which roll golden phrases
from coast to coast on those of
drawling Dorothy Ball, beauteous
Relays queen, no less than four
times . . . once for the radio and
thrice for the movie camera.
Shot putter Bob Hook tossed the
iron nugget 49 feet /2 inch . . an-
other half-inch would have boosted
him from third to second place
Bob lashed out with a 50-footer, but
forgot to duck down, and fouled.
Three of the two-mile quartet turnd
in the best performances of their
careers . . . Dave Matthews led off
with a 1:55.2 half . . John Kautz
clipped his 880 leg in 1:54.1 and War-
ren Breidenbach pace off a blister-
ing 152.2.
W L .Pct.
MICHIGAN...... 2 0 1.000
Iowa........2..1..2 1000
Ohio State .......3 1 .750
Northwestern. ...3 1 .750
Illinois ...........3 2/ .600
Indiana.........3 3 .500
Wisconsin........ 1 2 .333
Minnesota........ 1 3 .250
Purdue.........1 3 .250
Chicago....... ...0 4 .000

Perhaps to nine out of ten observ-
ers, the appearance of Gus Share-
met-,in the livery of Coach Ray Fish-
er's baseball squad portends little
more than just that.
But to swimming coach Matt Mann
"The Great Gusto's" diamond aspira-
tions draws an uplifted eye-brow, a
tongue in the cheek, and'a surprised
"Hm, I wonder."
For in Matt's 17 years at the head
of the Wolverine swimming teams
the wily Michigan mentor can re-
member only two natators who ever
won a letter anywhere besides in the
pool, and these two Mann regards as
decided exceptions. Johnny Gillis
turned the trick last winter when
he made the hockey team, and back
in 1927 swimmer "Buck" Samson
won a letter in football.
Matt Gives Reasons
According to Mann, swimmers are
strictly ong-sport athletes and any-
one who wins a letter in swimming
and another sport has really accom-
plished something. Why? Genial
Matt advances two big reasons.
"First of all," he reveals, "swim-
ming is a year 'round sport. Swim-
mers have to be working out in the
pool even during the off seasons in
order to attain stardom. They rare-
ly have time for another sport."
But more important than that,
Mann brings out, it's a matter of
muscular development. The con-
stant stress on relaxed muscular activ-

Human Guinea Pig
Gus Sharemet Tries To Break
Matt Mann 'sOne Sport Theory'

ity in swimming develops a soft, lax
muscle, long and tapered.
Football, baseball, hockey and the
other sports, on the contrary, produce
hard, clumpy muscles, built for more
severe, sporadic shocks. For that rea-
son, the athlete who's been swimming
all winter finds it too stiff a task to
readjust his body for a sport that
requires an entirely different kind of
muscular action.
Gus Has Strong Arm
But Sharemet is confident that he
can put one over on the laws of phys-
iology., Gus has an arm like a buggy
whip. He claimed to have once
heaved an indoor baseball the phe-
nomenal distance of 353 feet on the
fly. On the Wolverine squad Sharemet
is trying his hand at pitching.
Meanwhile, Mr. Matthew Mann sits
back and watches the experiment
with 'interest.
l Be particular,
Try a "crew" or personality'
hair style with a scalp-treatment
at our hospital-like shop. Ton-
sorial queries invited.

1 .l


Dascola Barbers
A-Head of Your Flair
Liberty off State


h.- -,----- -,_______________________---------------____________________--__






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