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April 29, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-29

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Fl1ESDAi APRIL 29 1941

__ _.II _ .


Washington Merry-Go-Round


lit'M iTHE M( ~Of fa NN .r..a
Edited and managed by students of the University, of
°Michigan under theauthority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively uintitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50J.
National Advertising Service,Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADIsON AvE. NEw YORK. N. Y.
fMember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff
Hervie Haufler. . . . Managing Editor
Alvin Sarasohn . . . . . Editorial Director
Paul M. Chandler . . . . . City Editor
Laurence Mascott . . . Associate Editor
Karl Kessler . . . Associate Editor
Milton Orshefsky . . . . Associate Editor
Howard A. Goldman . . . Associate Editor
Donald Wirtchafter . . . . . E ~3 Editor
Esther Osser . . . .Women's Editor
Helen Corman . . . . Exchange Editor
Business Stafff

Business Manager.
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager


Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.

Board 'Packing'
And 'The Daily'

* * *

THE SPRING PARLEY'S panel discus-
sion on "Education in Emergency -
For Whom the Bugle Blows" spent a large part of
its afternoon section discussing the plan to
"pack" the Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions with members of the older generation and
agreed almost unanimously that the proposal
should not come into effect.
The panel proposed that three groups - those
students, faculty members and alumni who be-
lieve in preserving free speech - should work
together to see either (1) that if the plan has not
been approved, that it be dropped or (2) if it
has been approved, there should be a reconsidera-
This procedure is necessary because we do
not know definitely - and probably will not
know until June, when it is too late - what has
been done with the proposal.
IT IS ONLY FAIR to say that this revision was
planned by men who insist that they have no
design of crippling The Daily, and we must admit
that if the plan works out as they originally
planned, there might not be serious damage to
The Daily.
But since last spring when the plan was first
submitted for administrative approval, there
have been indications on this campus that any
tampering with the Board in Control will be
only for destructive purposes. It is evident that
the plan, whatever its merits when originally
drafted, will now be used only to wreck the free-
dom of The Daily. -- Hervie Haufler
Nazi Ger. malny
Curbs Universities . .
INTO THE NIGHT" is the significant
title of a chapter in the recent Re-
view of 1940 prepared by Raymond B. Fosdick,
president of Rockefeller Foundation. It tells the
/story of intellectual deterioration of Europe under
the spread of the Nazi regime. The world knows
of the restriction of the freedom in German uni-
versities' by Adolf Hitler. It has known, too, in
a general way, of the progress of this restriction
in the countries dominated by the Nazis: Mr.
Fosdick gives details.
A large number of the universities on the Con-
tinent, he says, have been closed. Many others are
"working under conditions scarcely less toler-
able." In the conquered countries the Germans
have sought to impose restrictions that have
already been applied in Germany. Where this
attempt was resisted the schools have been
closed and the faculties sent to concentration
"The condition of university life and stan-
dards of the Continent is now little short of ap-
palling. Due to flight, imprisonment or disap-
pearance the number of professors has been "re-
duced by at least 50 per cent."
IN THE THREE Baltic states absorbed by Rus-
sia more than half the professors have been re-
moved and many of them have been impris-
oned or have disappeared. "Even when funda-
mental research has been continued, publication
has been largely abandoned or postponed. In
the social sciences such research as is being car-

ASHINGTON-Biggest question mark along
Wall Street these days is: "Will the British
hold out?"
Accustomed to selling short when disaster
seems just around the corner, Wall Street views
the fate of England as a cold-blooded invest-
ment in the future. And judging by the bung-
ling of certain British leaders, Wall Street pessi-
mism would appear to be justified.
Inside information is that General Wavell sent
only two divisions of Australian-New Zealand
troops to Greece-a total of about 20,000 men.
In addition he had one English army service
corps, which is for supdlies, repairs, hospital-
ization, etc., for troops in the field. Total, with
RAF fliers, ground crews: not more than 50,000
This force was pitted against at least 300,000
well-trained Nazis; nearer 500,000 counting re-
serves in Bulgaria.
T IS TRUE that the British could not spare
any more Anzaes from North Africa, but
there were 2,000,000 men under arms in the
British Isles. ' That the British lacked planes
and tanks was not their fault, but the failure
to send men from England is inexplicable; for
2,000,000 men simply fall over each other in
defending a small area like the British Isles.
These are errors which'may not be cleared up
until Churchill and General Wavell write their
memoirs. Meanwhile there is one favorable fac-
tor, on which Wall Street does not usually reck-
on. namely the human factor-stamina, nerve,
or to use a good old English word, guts
Embassy in Washington. Badly in need of
English clerks, the Embassy cannot 4eep its
subjects from going back to England. Women
stenographers, clerks don't want to remain here.
They want to go back to fight and die in their
homeland. If England is going to fall they want
to fall with it.
The days of fighting with bare fists and
pitch-forks are over. Nevertheless there is
something about this bulldog determination
which may win out in the end. After all, it is
the same spirit which led to the conquest of
Territorial Bases
THE ISLAND BASES of the United States are
now considered our best safeguard against
invasion. But Army and Navy brasshats will get
a scorching rebuke in a report soon to be made.
public by the House Appropriations subcommit-
tee that inspected territorial cases.
Written by Representative James G. Scrug-
ham of Nevada, chairman of the group, the re-
port will vigorously recommend the immediate
creation of an "independent air force." This
would be intended to correct two chief abuses:
(1) The location of army and navy bases al-
most side by side in flat, unprotected country,
thus "inviting destruction by enemy bombs."
(2) Failure to build hangars, repair shops and
other facilities underground.
REGARDING the first criticism the Scrugham
report will state: "This policy of concen-
trating highly essential military or industrial
structures in very limited areas cannot be too
strongly condemned, and may constitute an
error of gravest consequences. This is as true
in our territorial as well as our continental
"The lesson of the destruction of the Polish
air force by the Germans at the beginning of
the war seems to have gone entirely unheeded
(by the aeronautic bureau chiefs responsible).
In a flat country, protected air facilities may be
impractical, but where there are adjacent hills,
it seems inexcusable to deliberately build
1933 members of the faculty of the University
of Berlin were called together and told they must
subordinate research and teaching to the require-
ments of a Nordic autocracy. History was to be
taught to demonstrate German superiority. The
Semitic influence of Einstein was to be banished
from the teaching of Mathematics. Psychology
was to be interpreted in accordance with the
"leadership" principle. Anatomy was to be made
to demonstkate the difference between Aryan
and non-Aryan brain structure. The work of
Jewish medical men who had won Nobel prizes
was to be discarded in the training of doctors.

FEW YEARS LATER, the result of these re-
strictions. was being observed in American
universities. The learned publications of German'
universities, highly valued in 4he past, had de-
teriorated to such an extent that subscriptions
by American universities were not being renewed.
There is recalled the indignation of a Yale pro-
fessor of Mathematics at the appearance in the
formerly great mathematical journal of the Uni-"
versity of Goettingen of an article entitled "Se-
mitic vs. Non-Semitic Mathematics."
Now this strangling of the intellect is spread-
ing all over Europe. What it must eventually
mean is apparent in the light of the contribu-
tion of free research has made to the modern
world. Some of the most important achievements
of our life depend upon the pure scientific
research that goes on in laboratories.
, In Great Britain and the United States and in
the western hemisphere generally the intellect
is still free to explore the unknown, to add to
the sum of useful knowledge. Hardly anywhere
else in the world does this freedom exist.
WHEN THE IMPORTANCE of colleges and
universities to American life and well-being
are considered, we can appreciate what it would
mean to close a good share of our universities
of higher'learning, to drive out half the members

bases invitingly located for bombing attacks,
and so close together that an enemy plane can
hit one if it misses the other.
"Everywhere the story is the same, from Ha-
waii to Puerto Rico, from Alaska to the Virgin
Islands, Jamaica and Trinidad. Also no ade-
quate plans have been formulated for water
reserves except to contract for drilling a few
wells with grave Uincertainties as to quality and
Scrugham's conclusions will be that a "trag-
edy of the first magnitude" may develop unless
immediate steps are taken to rectify conditions
al the territorial bases. His solution is the cen-
tralization of all military air forces under a
single head with Cabinet rank.
Them Sleepy A thletes...
THE PRESIDENT has been under considerable
public criticism for appointing CIO leaders
to the National Defense Mediation Board. But
the public doesn't know the half of it.
Real fact is that CIO members Phil Murray
and Thomas Kennedy have beenrsending in un-
authorized substitutes to act for them on the
Board. Except for the first meeting, when they,
sat for their pictures, Murray and Kennedy
have been conspicuous by their absence.
Anticipating this, the President, when he set
up the Board, designated an alternate for each
of the eleven members. The CIO alternates
were Emil Rieve, head of the textile workers,
and Clinton Golden, regional director of the
Steel Workers Organizing Committee. If these
two always filled in for Murray and Kennedy,
there would be no complaint.
ignates pinch-hitters who, technically, have
no right to sit on the Board. Among them have
been Allen Haywood, CIO organization director;
Anthony Smith, CIO assistant counsel, and John
Brophy, director of industrial union councils.
What particularly gripes the Board members
is that Haywood was originally proposed by
Murray as a substitute and Roosevelt rejected
him. When the President asked for recom-
mendations, Murray sent in his own name at
the instigation of John L. Lewis.

SIX YEARS AGO, the Deutscher Verein revived
' its custom of putting on an annual play in
the German tongue. For that occasion, Dr. Otto
Graf, then as now aider and abettor of the
Verein's theatrical ventures, chose Arthur
Schnitzler's one-act satire of literary folk, "Liter-
atur." The three performers and half a hun-
dred spectators who braved the uncertainties of
the auditorium in the University high school
that late afternoon had a fine time.
Last night in the Mendelssohn Theatre, the
Verein delighted an audience four or five times
as large with an able presentation of the same
piece and one other for good measure, "Grosse
Szene," by the same author.
" ITERATUR" was the first on this double
bill. Herein June T. Larson, as Margarete,
John Ebelke, as Klemens, and Fritz Friedlander,
as Gilbert demonstrated the precariousness of
transmuting one's own experiences (specifically,
the amorous) into fiction. These actors took
intelligent hold of Schnitzler's witty lines, and
kept their hearers indulgently smiling at the pre-
tentiousness of the characters they were deline-
ating. Miss Larson's impressive oral mastery of
the German language is reportedly an accomp-
lishment on our own campus, and should be the
envy of every willing but inarticulate contemp-
orary. Messrs. Ebelke and Friedlander were a
match for her, but they have been at it longer.
in his ease and obvious relish of his lines, Fried-
lander proved himself the best actor of the three.
performers assumed the eight roles in
"Grosse Szene." (Overcoming the discrepancies
of the numbers was assigned to Reinhard Wittke
-or Georg Schpelvin-- who established his ver-
satility by brief but frequent appearances as
bellhop, waiter, and prompter.) Margaret Wise-
man was briefly and picturesquely visible as d
symbol of what kept the Schauspieler, Konrad
Herbot (played by J. Stanhope Edwards to the
life) in trouble most of the time. Gertrude Gunz,
as his wife, spoke German so beautifully that one
wished she had not sustained her mood of de-
pression and quiet exasperation so well, because
so doing limited the range of what seems to be
a charming voice. John Wolaver suggested sen-
sitively a wronged and pathetically gullible young
man, but he was licked from the start in the
play's "Big Scene," when veteran Edwards pulled
out all the stops. David Gibson's obvious appre-
ciation of his fat role as Doktor Falk, Theater-
direktor, did much to make his performance
almost professional.
FVERYBODY looked very nice. Nobody forgot
his lines. Nobody missed an entrance. No-
body forgot his props. The scenery was all
right, and certainly the sets were well dressed.
Stanley Lock's Viennese waltzes got each of the
plays off to a good start, and then the perform-
ers kept things going. Otto Graf and the Vere-
in's players did all right by Schnitzler.
Matsuoka's Hex
On the day after Yosuke Matsuoka, Japan's
foreign minister, arrived in Berlin, Hitler got


(Continued from Page 2)
4:15 p.m. Professor A. L. Ferguson
will speak on "The Role of the Metal-
Metal Contact, or the Volta Poten-
tial, in the Galvanic Cell."
Pre-Medical Students: The Medi-
cal Aptitude Test of the Association
of American Medical Colleges will
be given at the University of Michi-
gan on Thursday, May 1. The results
of this examination are sent to med-
ical schools throughout the country
and are used by many of them as
one of the criteria for admission. You
are reminded that this examination
is given but once a year and will not
be repeated until next spring. All
students who are planning to enter
a medical school in the fall of 1942
should take the test now. Further
information may be obtained in Room
4 University Hall and tickets must
be purchased immediately.
Doctoral Examination for Miss Mir-
iam Rose Bonner, Psychology; The-
sis "Changes in the Speech Pattern
under Emotional Tension," to-
day at 4:00 p.m., in 2129 Natural
Science Bldg. Chairman, W. B. Pills-
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the ex-
amination and he may grant permis-
sion to those who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for William
Curtis Beckman, Zoology; Thesis:
"The Time of Annulus Formation on
Last November, during its two-
concert celebration of its Golden Jub-
ilee Year, the Chicago Symphony un-
der Frederick Stock won the acclaim
of exacting Carnegie Hall critics for
a searching rendition of Brahms
Symphony No. 3 in F major. This
month Columbia Masterworks has of-
fered that rendition as the orchestra's
first 1941 release (Set M, MM-443).
Despite a generally enthusiastic re-
ception when the symphony was first
played in 1883, today it is probably
the least popular of the four Brahm's
symphonies. Mr. Stock's interpreta-
tion makes it difficult to see why.
True, the Third has more of the quiet,
almost pastoral quality of the Sec-
ond,sthan ofrthe heroic qualities of
the First or the Fourth, and except
for a plaintive third movement, and
several wisps of melody throughout,
its themes are less beautiful, more
likely to get lost in the clear, but
intricate development.
But from the sweeping, thrilling
theme of the opening movement to
the sturdy, profound chorale of the
last, Mr. Stock has pointed his or-
chestra for the "romantic" qualities
that attract most of us to Brahms.
And he does it without sacrificing any
of the austerity, the almost deliberate
clarity of development, so that what
results is a fine, definitive record-
ing of a Brahms Symphony that has
been unfortunately neglected. Tech-
nically, the recording is fuzzy in spots,
but that should be only a minor an-
This month, too, Columbia has add-
ed a seventh orchestra to its rapidly
growing list of exclusive recording
ensembles - the Pittsburgh Sym-
phony under the direction of Fritz
Reiner, one of the foremost Wagner-
ian interpreters in the country. For
its debut the orchestra is offering a
usually brilliant recording of the
Bacchanale (Venusberg Music) from
"Tannhauser" (Set X-193). It ex-
hibits a fine instrumental balance
and flexibility, and a fullness of tone
that make this observer wish that
it had done something of more subt-

lety than the riotous, frenzied Bac-
chale at Venusberg. However, the
well-executed interpretation of the
quiet passion of the closing passages
more than compensate for the loud
violence of the earlier revels.
Proof that Benny Goodman can'
play classical clarinet is presented
by Columbia in its recording of the
Debussy First Rhapsody for Clarinet,
done by Mr. Goodman and the New
York Philharmonic under Mr. Bar-
birolli, in much the same manner
as it was done in Carnegie Hall last
December. Written by Debussy as a
test-piece for students in the Paris
Conservatoire, it is quite naturally,
almost all cadenza, roulade, and intri-
cate orchestra. Except for an occas-
ional over-exuberance, Mr. Goodman
does a wonderful job, and must be
complimented on the fact that only
once, on the second side does he even
approach an indiscriminate "ride."
On other 12-inch single records
Columbia is offering this month:
Walter Gieseking in a warm, sensi-
tive performance of the Chopin "Bar-
carolle in F-sharp major (Op. 60),
written three years before the com-
poser's death in a moving, lyrical
ein .TrcPnhine Antnine.o imo-

the Scales of Certain Michigan Game
Fishes," Wednesday, April 30, at 3:00
p.m., in 3089 Natural Science Bldg.
Chairman, C. L. Hubbs.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present. -
C. S. Yoakum
Percival Price, University Carillon-
neur, will present a carillon recital
from 7:15\ to 8:00 p.m. Thursday,
May 1, in the Burton Memorial Tow-
er. His program will include May
folk songs, and folk songs by Foster;
compositions by Sawyer, Rachman-
inoff, Pierne, and Stravinski; and a
work written for the carillon by
University Lecture: Dr. J. Allen
Scott of Ohio State University, will
lecture on the subject, "Manson's
bloodfluke, a public health problem
in Venezuela," under the auspices of
the Department of Zoology at 4:15
p.m. on Thursday, May 15, in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Romance Languages Journal
Club will meet in the West Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Building,
today at 4:15 p.m. Katherine N.
Balint will review Morris Bishop's nw
book, Ronsard: Prince of Poets, and
Dr. A. Herman will read a paper en-
titled, "Literary Facts and the Ele-
mentary Language Students." All in-
terested are cordially invited.
Aeronautical Engineers: Mr. Rob-
ert Stanley, Chief Test Pilot of the
Bell Aircraft Corporation, Buffalo,
N.Y., will lecture on the flight test-
ing of airplanes at 11:00 this morn-
ing, in Room 1042 East Engineering
Building. All interested are invited
to attend.
House Presidents: There will be an
important meeting of the FC in the
Council room of the Union tonight at;
7:15. There will be the election of
officers for the coming year.
Graduate Students, and others in-
terested, are invited to listen to a
program of recorded music in the
Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing tonight. The program follows:
Beethoven, Symphony No. 7.
Ravel, La Valse.
Strauss, Don Quixote.
A.I.Ch.E. Election Meeting will take
place tonight, instead of Wednesday
as previously announced, at 7:30 in
Room 1042 East Engineering Bldg
Professor E. S. Pettyjohn will speak
on "The Engineer and the Draft." Re-
freshments. All engineers are invited.
Michilodeon: The rehearsal dates
for the Friday and Saturday night
Michilodeon programs are as follows:
Tonight, 7:30, Barbour-Saturday
night show.
Wednesday night, 7:30, Barbour-
Friday show.
Thursday night, 7:30, Barbour-Fri-
day show dress rehearsal.
Saturday afternoon, 2:30, Barbour
-Saturday show dress rehearsal.
The following fraternities and sor-
orities will participate in the Friday
show: Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Beta
Phi, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Tau
Omega. Theta Delta Chi, Kappa Al-
pha Theta, and Alpha Gamma Delta
will participate in the Saturday show.
All Students Expecting to Attend
Camp Filibert Roth this summer:
Please meet in Room 2039 Natural
Science Building today, at 5:00 p.m.
At this meeting general information
regarding camp and registration and

classification blanks will be issued.
Sigma Rho Tau will meet tonight
at 7:30 in the Union. The final

rounds of the project and raconteur
speeches will be held. Arrangements
will also be made for the contests to
be held next week. All members are
requested to be present.
Mr. Leonard S. Gregory will lecture
on "Verdi's Requiem" at Lane Hall,
at 4:15 this afternoon.
JGP Central Committee luncheon
meeting at noon today in the Rus-
sion Tea Room of the League.
PSURFS meeting today at 5:15 p.m.
in the Crystal Room to hear re-
cordings of the Detroit performance.
Dinner at 502, usual time.
All girls who were selected to be
hostesses at Michilodeon are asked to
send in their reply today, or Wednes-
day at the latest, to 1414 Washtenaw.
Your promptness and cooperation will
be greatly appreciated.
Senior Ball Committee will meet to-
night at the Union at 8:30.
Harris Hall: Tea will be served to-
day, 4:00-5:30 p.m. All Episcopal
students and their friends are cordi-
ally invited
Freshman and Sophomore Engin-
eers: Engineering Council represent-
atives from this year's freshman and
sophomore classes will be elected on
the Dean's Office by noon, Tuesday,
Thursday, May 8. Petitions to be
placed on the ballot should be in
May 6. Petitions must include fif-
teen signatures from your own class,
the qualifications of the candidate,
and a proposed plan of class activi-
ties for the coming year. Those pre-
senting petitions should also come to
Room 244 of the West Engineering
Building between the hours of 4:30
and 6:00 on May 6 to have their pic-
tures taken.
Tennis Tournaments: Entries for
women's singles, mixed doubles,
women's doubles, and novice singles
tennis tournaments are due this eve-
ning. Sign on the bulletin board in
the Women's Athletic Building.
First meeting of the tennis club
will be at 4:15 p.m. on the courts.
Everyoneinterested, although only
a beginner, is invited.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
The Bookshelf and Stage Section
of the Faculty Woman's Club will
meet today at 2:45 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. E. M" Hoover, 920 Lincoln
Coming Events
The English Journal Club will meet
at 8:00 p.m., Thursday, May 1, in
the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Nominations of
officers for next year will be in order.
Mr. Fletcher will present a paper dis-
cussing A. C. Bradley's criticism of
Tennyson; Mr. Menger will present
T. S. Eliot's criticism of Tennyson.
The following discussion will center
about In Memoriam. .The public is
La Sociedad Hispanica will meet
Wednesday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m. in
the League. Scholarship awards to
the University of Mexico will be an-
nounced. There will bea short pro-
gram and election of officers. All
members are urged to attend.
Phi Tau Alpha will meet in the
Rackham Building at 7:30 p.m.
on Thursday, May 1.
Mass meeting of the Social Com-
mittee of the League on Wednesday
at 5:00 p.m. for old and new mem-
bers. Any person wishing to become
a member can do so by attending this

All Episcopal Students: There will
be a celebration o the Holy Commun-
ion in the Bishop Williams Memorial
Chapel Wednesday, at 7:30 a.m.


760 KC CBSJR 800 KC - Mutual 1 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue
Tuesday Evening
6:00 Stevenson-News Rollin' Ty Tyson Easy Aces
6:15 Inside of Sports Home Newsroomg Mr. Keen-Tracer
6:30 Second Club Newp'; Recordings J. B'rbonnais Orch.
6:45 Husband Romanza tSports Parade Fan on the Street
7:00 Court of Happy Joe Johnny Ned Jordan
7:15 Missing Heirs Val Clare Presents - Secret Agent
7:30 Gus Haenschen, Musical Horace Heidt's Uncle Jim's
7:45 Orchestra Rendezvous Treasure Chest Question Bee
8:00 we, Gratiot Avenue Battle of Grand Central
8:15 The People Baptist Church the Sexes Station
8:30 Invitation Morton Gould Fibber McGee Unlimited
8:45 To Learning Orchestra And Molly Horizons
9:00 G. Miller Orch. Good Bob Hope's Wythe Williams
9:15 First Neighbors Program Our New
9:30 Nighter; News News; Adventures Uncle Walter's American
9:45 Melody Marvels In Rhythm Doghouse Music
10:00 Amos 'n' Andy National News Fred Waring News
10:15 Lanny Ross Britain Speaks S. L. A. Marshall Bobby Byrne Orch.


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