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April 26, 1941 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-26

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TACT f5,

To Lead Project
Held In League
Colorful Folk Dances Will Be
Highlight Of Benefit Dance;
Sylvester Orchestra Will Play
General chairman Primitiva De-
mandante, '41M, will have Mauro D.
Asprin, Grad., as her guest for the
first International Ball to be held
from 9 to 12 p.m. today in the League
The formal dance given by foreign
students as a benefit for the Inter-f
nation Center, meeting place for for-
eign students on campus, will be
attended by Anton Bogleff, Grad.,
with Dorothy Marchuk of Detroit.
George Kiss, Grad., the chairman of
publicity, will escort Harriet Harri-
son of Grosse Pointe. Janet Roem-
hild, 41A, ,of the publicity com-
mittee will be the guest of Guy Me-
traux, Grad., also of the central com-
Katherine Balint, Grad., one of the
associate chairmen of the dance, will
attend the ball with her husband,
Anton Balint.'
Ismail Khaldi of the ticket com-
mittee will have Eleanor Anifantis
as his guest. George Carulla, '41E,
of the program committee, will at-
tend with Betty Pons, '43. Felipe
Larrazabel, Grad., will escort Rosina
P. Romero.
Calvin Chamberlain, '41L, will at-
tend with Jean Ebersole and John
Bsher, '42E, will have Trola Kalo-
feless as his guest.
Esther Tang, '41, will bethe guest
of Philip Chu, '42A. One of the co-
chairmen of decoration, Sik Chi Tang,
will escort Virginia Laffel, '43. Nes-
tor Velasco, '43, BusAd, will have
Bernice Howell as his guest.
Hipolit Filip, '41M, will escort Mila
Wilson and Martin Giffen, Grad., will
have Margaret Duncan as his guest.
Moly Anderson, '42, will be the guest
of Robert Sethian, Grad.
High point of the dance will be the
colorful native folk dances which will
be given by foreign students. Nic
Yakovljevitch will present the "Cos-
sack Dance." Estafania J. Aldaba,
Grad., will give her ballet interpretive
of "Planting of the Rice." The Rus-
sian gypsy dance, "Two Guitars," will
be given by Dorothy Manchuk.
"Siamese Folk Dance" will be the
dance to be given by Pongchandra
Gengradomying to conclude the pro-
Bob Sylvester and his orchestra
will swing out with his nationally-
famous sophisticated smooth rhythm.
Sylvester is famous for his coast-to-
coast radio programs and for his
appearance at well-known clubs
throughout the East.
Umbrellas Return
With Gayer Colors
Umbrellas are back! Figured, plain
or sheer, they conspire a brilliant
vengeance for their long hibernation.
Bright and light colors, or matching
ensembles with coats offer as gay
a damp weather protection for curls
as the flowered bandana which sent
them into the dark.
More and more umbrellas have
been springing up along the diagonal
like mushrooms in the spring rains,
and they nay offer a new parking
problem in classrooms.








Misses Pollak, McConkey, Pate,
Baskin Engagements Announced

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Pollak, of
Fort Wayne, Ind., recently announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Jane Louise, '41, to David E. Woolner,
son of Mrs. Nellie Woolner of Los
Angeles, Calf.
Mr. Woolner attended school at the
University of California at Los An-
geles. Miss Pollak was a member of
the Assembly Board for three years,
served on the central committee of
Assembly Banquet, an worked on the
Daily's Women's Staff. She is a mem-
ber of Sociedad Hispanica.
The engagement of Mary F. Mc-
Conkey, '41, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. W. McConkey, of South Bend,'
Ind., to Frank .J. Mackey, Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mackey of Chi-
cago, Ill., was announced recently.
Miss McConkey is affiliated with Del-
ta Gamma; Mr. Mackey is a member
of Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Baskin of Den-
ver, Colo., recently announced the
engagement of their daughter, Betty,
'42, to Robert Frederick Berris, '42M,
son of Mr" and Mrs. J. M. Berris, of
Detroit. Mr. Berris is a member of Pi
Lambda Phi and was also elected toi
membership by Phi Beta Kappa.
The engagement of Mary Pate, '43,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pate
of North Adams, Michigan to Lee
Jerome Fink, '42, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Fink of Detroit, Michigan,
was announced recently during din-

Fashion Show
Share Position
Jeanne Crump And Bob Shedd
To Interpret Summer Styles
For Daily Review Thursday

Students To Do
Two-Day Job
On Michilodeon
Michigan men and women will have
to turn into Paul Bunyans, or find
Aladdin's lam) somewhere to use
in constructing the layout fpr Michi-

Spring Inspires Picnic Outing
With Today's Dances,_Parties

ner at 'Kappa Delta sorority house.
Miss Pate, a member of Kappa Del-
ta, worked on Freshman Project, the-
atre arts and dance class committees
of the League and served as an ori-
entation advisor. She was also dtc-
orations chairman for Pan Hellenic
and chairman of the matinee dance
f Sophomore Cabaret.
Mr. Fink is affiliated with Alpha
Kappa Lambda and has served as an
orientation advisor.

With both men and women ap- ! lodeon; 40 carnival attractions wll
pearing in "Summertime" Thursday, have to be set up in the two days
the commentator's position will alsob
be 'shared, and Jeanne Crump, '42, before May 2 and 3, according to
and Bob Shedd, '42, are the ones to Charles Heinen, '41E, who is co-
take over. chairman of the affair, with Anna
The Fashion Review will be intro- Williams, '42.
duced by George Gershwin's "Sum- Students with a flair or a yen for
mertime," and Jack Rue and his or- carpentering will find Michilodeon
chestra will render an entire program the opportunity to get in some work
of Gershwin tunes. The Daily and after the best methods of the pro-
Ann Arbor merchants, sponsors of gressive system of education.
the affair, invite everyone to attend Students Wield Hammers
at no charge at the Michigan The-
atre. Donelda Schaible, '42, president of
Jane Krause, '41, women's adver- WAA, Bill Slocum, '42, of the Union
tising manager of The Daily, is in executive staff, Bob Samuels, '42.
charge of the affair. Assisting her also of the Union staff, Virginia
will be Carolyn Kleiner, '43, chair- Morse, '43, Donna Eckert, '43A, Doro-
man of the arrangements committee, thy Bridgen, '42, Harry Drickamer.
composed of Judie McLosh, '41, and '41, Jane Grove, '41, and 12 other
Mary June Hastreider. '44. students have volunteered to wield
Margaret Hadsell, '42, is in charge a lusty hammer in the interest of
of programs and will have as assis-
tants, Jean Mullins, '42, Elaine Gor- Michilodeon's 40 booths will ex-
don, '43, Nell Fead, '44, Marjorie tend all around Waterman Gymnas-
Green, '43, Marjorie Lovejoy, '42, and ium. In the center of the gymnas-
Janet Lewin, '43. um will be a central ticket pooth, and
Chairman of the model committee also the prize booth. Barbour Gym-
is Lou Carpenter, '42, who is aided nasium will be used for dancing.
by Sue Hollis, '41, Jane Lindberg, Decoration Time Limited
'44, Dottie Bales, '44, Lucy Chase Waterman Gymnasium's entire
Wright, '44, Marjorie Welber, '44, 246 feet of length and 86 feet of.
Virginia Young, '43, Alice Pearlman, width must be decorated and pro-
'43, Marcia Stern, '44. vided with the booths and other nec-
The contact committee has as its essary constructions in one day and
chairman, Elaine Gordon, '43, with a half, according to Samuels and Slo-
Rosalie Elbinger, '43, Suzanne Schef- cum, who are in charge of the booths.
fer, '44, and Marjorie Welber, '44, to Michilodeon's behind -the - scenes
help her. staff includes 18 carpenters, five elec-
Jean Mullins, '42, is in charge of tricians and guards.
the ushers and will be assisted by
members of the Women's business
Th dla dalin fn all ail knit

"In the spring a young girl's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of hambur-
gers and baseball," and so there is a
picnic mixed in with the list of par-;
ties and radio dances to be held this
Kappa Kappa Gamma members
have planned their annual spring out-
ing from 12:15 p.m. to 5 p.m. today
with a luncheon picnic in the Arbor-
etum, devoting most of the after-
noon to baseball. Acacia however, ad-
hering to the great indoors, will give
a radio dance from 8 p.m. to midnight,
to be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Wagner and Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Pryce.
There will be a Founder's Day
Banquet at the Alpha Kappa Lamb-'


da house at 6:15 p.m. today, with
Ted Burrows as speaker. Members of
Alpha Kappa Psi will give a dance.
from 8:30 p.m. to midnight, which
will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
E. G. Monroe, of Flint, and Prof. and
Mrs. R. A. Sawyer, while Phi Delta
Epsilon is having a house party from
7 p.m. to midnight with Dr. and Mrs.
Morton Helper and Dr. and Mrs.
H. N. Jurow' as chaperons.
There'.will be a dance at the Phi
Sigma Delta house from 9 p.m. to
midnight to be chaperoned by Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Bass and Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Samuels. Sigma Nu
members will hold forth at a radio
dance at Stockwell Hall to be chap-
eroned by Mrs. Frederick C. Klein
and Miss Elizabeth Lyon.


Andrew Mellon Art Collection
Enriches New National Gallery
Our bountry's art center is now present, as are the grand and digni-
Washington, D.C. At least that is fied noblemen and women of Ru-
what many critics say since the open- j bens and Van Dyck a century later.
ing of the National Art Gallery so Titian's "Venus with the Mirror"
enriched by the treasures from the shows this master's work with color.
collection of the late Andrew Mellon. Reynolds is amply represented as are
It was only in March that the the works of Gainsborough, espec-
beautiful marble btiilding -- the larg- ially his portrait of Mrs. Sheridan,
est marble building in the world - which shows the beginnings of im-
opened its doors to the public, so pressionism in texture and landscape.
spring vacation was the first chance A few small works of Goya are not
that Michigan students had to view to be overlooked.
this nation's greatest contribution to Stuart's "Washington" Shown
the housing and study of the arts. Probably one of the most fitting
Although even now it holds many works to be in our National Art
examples of all outstanding schools Gallery is Gilbert Stuart's portrait of
of painting, there are many galleries George Washington. Among the
that remain vacant and look forward greatest contributions of Mr. Mellon
to the acquisition of future collec- are the works that first interested
tions to fill in the gaps that many him in collecting, art, the canvases of
consider faulty in such a large mu- Rembrandt. One of the many and
seum project. stirring self-portraits are here, be-
Early Works sides his imposing "Polish Nobleman,"
The early works of Giotto in the "Lucretia," painted across a golden
14th century, one of the first to use haze, and many others.
pigments on panels as we know them, Placed in among the paintings or
and to conquer the third dimension, reigning over halls and galleries are
is shown. From him painting devel- excellent, though few, pieces of sculp-
ops into Botticelli's rich and glowing ture. Without a doubt the best is
"Adoration.of the Magi," and the use Giovanni Bologna's figure of Mercury
of perspective in background. Then which is poised over an enormous
Raphael's "Alba Madonna," and oth- fountain in the center of the main
ers of his works, associate that back- j rotunda.
ground to the figures, and so repre- Building Described
sentation of every phase continues.
For all the paintings, the setting
Another execellent worker in re- is well-planned. To create the at-
ligious themes is Jan Van Eyck from mosphere of the dark rooms for which
Flanders, whose delicately detailed most paintings are done, fumed oak
work is enhanced by this early con- panels all the walls. Yet daylight
quest of the problem of lighting. Van from overhead illuminates everything
Eyck did only a few small panels adequately.
besides his great altarpiece, and one
of them is in Washington.
Seascapes by Cuyp and landscapes
by Hobbema of the 16th century are

ire prettier than evert
Your favorite "up-
turned toe" spectator
...in a new series! Of
elasticized SUEDE.

Reigns Here
In Summer
So you're going to summer school!t
You may be rather bitter that this
summer, instead of merely having
to decide whether to go swimming
with the crowd or relax and keep
cool, you're going to have to slave
over a hot desk all day. However,
if you listen to some of the comments
of former summer schoolers, they
might cheer you up considerably.
If you like informality plus, along
with your education, you'll probably
like Ann Arbor in the summer, be-
cause shorts and slacis are the style-
setters.In the way of sports, there's
canoeing, tennis, and riding, both
horseback and bike. Tea dances are
held quite often, plus regular dances
at the League, and there is usually a
reception for all the students during
the first week.
From all reports, the campus is
quite beautiful during the summer
months. One young lady went so far
as to say that summer school seemed
almost like a resort to her. Another
expression used in describing it 'was

eL neeai nef or an g nil -n I
ting Red Cross sweaters is 5 p.m.
Wednesday. They must absolutely
be turned in at the desk of the
W.A.B. at that time.
the word, "cosmopolitan" because so
many of the students are from dif-
ferent states.
The main drawback seemed to be
the heat. According to reports the
League and the local theatres are
the coolest places in the afternoon,
unless you can find some way down
to the "old swimmin' hole," which,
by the way, is very popular at that
time. Two other complaints are
the seven and eight o'clock classes,
and that there are too many grad
students and older people around.
However, one definite academic ad-
vantage is that it's easy to get the
courses you want, and when you want
So now off to summer school with
no more qualms about being bored or
roasted to death! After all, if other
people have liked it, there's more
than an even chance that you will too.

and WHITE!
Lower left:
JacLEL on am-



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