-__ __ _ _____ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _
April Technic
Sale Continues
For Two Days
Former Students Submit
Articles And Graduation
Problem Is Discussed
Sale of the Michigan Technic, of-
ficial publication of the College of
Engineering which was issued yester-
day, will continue today and tomor-
row in the Technic offices and the
lobby of the East Engineering Build-
ing and on the second floor of the
West Engineering Building above the
The magazine features two articles
by former students and two by mem-
bers of the staff. The articles deal
with "Foreign Marketeering," "Elec-
tric Motor Control," Airplane Engine
Exhaust Valves" and Lignin Utiliza-
Editorial of the issue discusses the
problem of graduating the Class of
'42E in February so that they may
find positions in national defence ir4
dustries. According to members of the
Technic staff, such a move would be
undesirable under present conditions.
Biographies of Seymour Furbush,
'4E, former managing editor of the
Technic, Prof. Edwin Baker of the
chemical engineering department,
and William Beebe, '41E, captain of
the swimming team are also included
in this issue. "The Technic Reflects"
presents the "inside dope" on Slide
Rule Ball publicity. +
Professor Lincoln
Announces Spanish
Scholarship Exams
Examinations for the University of
Mexico Summer School scholarships
Will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday,
April 25, in Room 106 Romance Lang-
uages Building, Professor Joseph Lin-
coln of the Romance Languages De-
partment announced yesterday.
The examinations will be composed
so as to bring out the background
which the student has in general His-
panic civilization. Opportunity will
also be given to demonstrate ability
in speaking the Spanish language
in a conference with Prof. Lincoln,
Prof. Jose Albaladajo and Prof. Nel-
son Eddy.
The two scholarships, worth $85
each, are open to any student of the
University who has taken or is taking
Spanish. The recipients are expected
to attend the 1941 Summer Session
of the University of Mexico.
Shows at 2-4:17-7-9:15 P.M.
that will be heard
around the world!
r " rw, :. .
,g4 r
New Transmitter Is Installed
In University Shortwave Station
Sophomore Signal Corps cadets practice Morse code as part of com-
munication training. Those who can qualify for amateur licenses
** *~ - - ~ - ~ -- - - -
Upon completion of a few tests and
tuning adjustments the University's
amateur radio operators will be able
to use the new radiotelephone trans-
mitter of their station, W8AXZ.
Operating on' the twenty meter
band, the new transmitter ismex-
pected to have enough power out-
put to reach any other station in the
United States.
Some operators even hope for DX
contacts, that is, amateur radio com-
munication with South America, Eur-
ope, Australia and possibly Asia and
Africa. However, these hopes will
have to be postponed, for at the pres-
ent time the government has issued
regulations prohibiting amateurs'
from communicating with stations
outside the United States and terri-
Designed By Student
The desi'n and construction of the
new radio telephone transmitter was
carried out by a senior student in
electrical engineering under the sup-
ervision of Prof. Lewis Holland, and
involves many new features.
The final ampliefier has a pair of
812 tubes in a push pull circuit, giving
off about 250 watts. The speech amp-
lifier, which steps up the ,output vol-
tage of a crystal microphone, employs
a gain compressor circuit which pre-
vents overmodulation. That is, when
an operator talks too loudly into mi-
crophone the gain compressor, or
limiter, automatically cuts the audio
voltage down to a safe maximum
Many of the parts for the trans-
mitter were obtained from the old
broadcast transmitter of WJBK
which was generously donated to the
W8AXZ is jointly controlled by the
Department of Electrical Engineering
and the Signal Corps Unit of the Re-
serve Officers' Training Corps. Prof.
Holland of the College of Engineering
and Capt. Vollrath of the Signal
Corps and the directors of the sta-
Corps are the directors of the sta-
tion and Lieut. R. K. Brown of the
Signal Corps Reserve is chief opera-
Communication With Byrd
In 1929 direct communication with
the Byrd expedition in Little America
was established with this transmitter.
Dr. Lawrence Gould, a member of the
University staff, was on the expedi-
tion, and many friendly chats be-
tween Dr. Gould and the W8AXZ op-
erator 10,000 miles away were carried
During the time the schedule with
the expedition was maintained scores
Pargment, Del Toro
Attend Conference
Prof. M. S. Pargment and Prof.
Julio del Toro of the Romance Ling-
uages Department delivered papers
before the annual meeting of the As-
sociation of Modern Language Teach-
ers of the Central West and South,
held in Chicago, April 18 and 19.
Professor Pargment's paper, read
at the Generall Session, defined what
constitutes a reading knowledge of a
foreign language. He also pointed out
how to acquire this knowledge.
The Spanish section heard Profes-
sor Del Toro discuss "Carlos Maria
Ocantos and the Argentina Novel."
Del Toro is secretary- treasurer of
the association.
Ending Today
Private Secretary
Lewis Mickey
of messages were exchanged. This
may not appear to be a very great
achievement today, but in 1929 it was
quite a feat for amateur radio.
On one particular morning local
interference made communication
between Ann Arbor and Little Amer-
ica nearly impossible. On this occas-
ion the polar operator had an import-
ant message from Admiral :Byrd to
Prof. Hobbs at the University. Cur-
iously enough, on this particular
morning communication between Lit-
tle America and the Greenland sta-
tion was good and it was also good
between here and Greenland. So the
message for Prof. Hobbs was sent
from Little America to Greenland and
then to Ann Arbor. It travelled pro-3
bably 17,000 miles in a few mintues.
Other Schedules Made
Numerous other schedules have
been made from the code transmit-
ter at W8AXZ. During the time when
the University's astronimical observ-
atory was being established at Bloem-
fontein, South Africa, many schedules
were kept with a similar station there.
Camp Davis, the surveying camp of
the Upiversity, is located near Jack-
son, Wyoming; and for the past ten
summers a regular schedule has been
kept with an amateur station at the
Many messages are sent free of
charge from the faculty members at
the camp to their relatives in Ann
Flying Club To Display
Trophies At Meeting
The Loening Trophy, awarded to
the Flying Club at the National In-
tercollegiate Flying Club during the
vacation period for their outstanding
record, will be displayed to all mem-
bers of the group at a meeting at
8 p.m. today in the Union, Leslie
J. Trigg, '41E, president, announced
Financial and conference reports
will be given and plans for the rest
of the year will be discussed.
Gesell To Talk Today
Prof. Robert Gesell of the medical
school will address the Premedical
Society at 8:00 p.m. in the Union.
His topic will be "Variations in the
Solution of the Problem of Respira-
tion," and will be illustrated with
It's taking the dorms a little timet
to get back into the social groove,c
but things are picking up ... s
Jordan Hall is giving a tea for
Mosher between 4 and 5:30 p.m. to-t
morrow and Alumnae House is hon-
cring faculty members Prof. Rich-t
ard Schneidewing and Dr. and Mrs.
Claude Eggertsen at dinner, also to-
Helen Breed, Lit, of Helen New-
berry, announced yesterday that 36
per cent of the enrollment of that
dormitory will be honored at the
Honors Dinner Friday. Over one
third of the girls achieved averages
of 3 points or over. Guests at the
dinner will be Dean Alice Lloyd;,
Mrs. J. G. Hays, Mrs. Arthur Bro-
mange and Miss Janet MacFarland,
all members of Newberry's Board of
Patronesses; Prof. Karl Litzenberg,
Director of Residence Halls, and
Prof. Charles Jamison, member of
the Board of Governors of Resi-
dence Halls.
Mosher is also giving a "vi" dance
from 3 to 5:30 Saturday in their radio
room. Jordan girls and friends will
be invited.
Now is the time for any eligible
junior or senior women, graduate
or professional students to apply
for staff positionstin the women's
dorms for the coming year. Men
who will be seniors next year, grad-
uates and rofessional students
may apply for these positions in
the men's dorms. Applications may
be obtained in the office of-Prof.
Karl Litzenberg, Director of Resi-
dence Halls, 205 South Wing.
Price To Give
Recitals Here
Carillonneur Will Appear
Tomorrow, Sunday
Opening his 1941 Spring series of
carillon recitals, Prof. Percival Price
of the School of Music will offer a
concert from 7:15 to 8 p.m. Sunday,
playing compositions by Bach, Schu-
mann and Beethoven and several
Dutch folk songs.
During the series Professor Price
will be assisted by John Challis, Yp-
silanti harpsichord and clavichord
manufacturer, George Faxon, organ-
ist at the St. Andrews Episcopal
Church, and Tom Kinkaid, instructor
in organ of the School of Music.
The concerts will be given at 7:15
p.m. every Sunday and Thursday
until June 19.
Tomorrow's program will comprise
Bach's "Prelude and Fugue, No. 18,"
Schumann's "Butterflies," "Nocturne
4" and "Hunter's Song," Beethoven's
"Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2"
and the Dutch folk songs, "Charm-
ing One," "My Little Angel" and Gal-
Maluf Relates
War Situation,
In Near East
Since the Balkans have been af-
fected by the war, the Near East
has become a center of interest in
the development of the conflict, ac-
cording to Fahkri Maluf, graduate
student from Syria.
Mr. Maluf, a former instructor in
the University of Baluf, Syria, was
sentenced a few months ago to fif-
teen years imprisonment by the Pe-
tain government for alleged subver-
sive activities, and for his position as
one of the leaders of the National
Youth movement. If Mr. Maluf were
to return to Syria he would immed-
iately be arrested and placed in jail,
the fate many of his friends and co-
workers have already suffered.
Syria, Iraq Strategic
"In the present war situation," said
Mr. Maluf, "Syria and Iraq are points
of strategic interes,'because they sur-
round the Suez Canal, fall on the
way to India, and constitute a region
of petroleum, so vital to the carry-
ing on of the war."~
Mr. Maluf stated that in the last
two weeks these two countries have
been boiling with political disturb-
ances. The government of Iraq, head-
ed by Taha Hashimi, was forced to
resign by a military and popular re-
volt. The regent was compelled to
flee and the government fell into the,
hands of Rasheed Gaylani, an ex-
treme nationalist.
"In Syria," explained Mr. Maluf,
"popular demonstrations led to the
overthrow of the non-democratic
governments of both Syria and Le-
banon. Even though it is not yet clear
what form of government will replace
the two dictatorships, the end of the
regime of Emile Eddy in Lebanon and
Bahij Khateeb in Damascus termi-
nated a period of violence and arbi-
trary despotism."
Principles Of Justice Needed
In these two countries the people
have justifiable demands that have
previously been denied. Syria had
longed for its unity and independence
and, especially in Southern Syria
(Palestine), for the repeal of Zionism,
according to Mr. Maluf. Many people
have cynically asked just what could
such small nations hope to obtain
in a world that has adopted a rule
of violence and the principle that
might makes right. These people for-
get that this state of affairs can
not exist forever and that no stable
settlement of the world problems can
be established until there is a recog-
nition of the principle of justice in
international affairs.
Priestley To Give Mayo Lecture
Dr. James Taggart Priestley, as-
sistant professor of surgery at the
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.,
will present the School of Medicine's
annual Dr. William J. Mayo lecture
at 1:30 p.m. Friday in the second floor
amphitheatre of the University Hos-
In his speech, which will be en-
titled "Cancer of the Stomach," Dr.
Priestley is expected to discuss the
end results of surgical treatment
which is given to those suffering from
this disease.
A graduate of the University of
Pennsylvania Medical School in 1926,
Dr. Priestley has done most of his
work in abdominal and urological
surgery at the Mayo Clinic. ,He is a
member of the American College of
Surgeons and the Central Surgical
The Mayo Lectureship fund was
established for the purpose of endow-
ing a lecture or a series of lectures
every year on some subject related
to surgery.
I_,- - -- ___ _ _ __ _-- _ __ _ mu_ ,
"You'll bet me what?"
"I'll betcha April's
~better than any, -'I'll betcha."
"Do you think I'm
crazy, of course you're
right. That
Spring Sport Feature
is especially good."
in his new comedy
The Great
Produced, written and directed by
i 7 V K....EKU...U 1
Wf enrn-rnin celf;Crathe