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April 23, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-23

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Nine, 6-2,

Michigan Schoolmasters
To Convene Here Friday
Seventy-Sixth Meeting Of Club To Attract More Than
2,000 Educators For Discussion Of Problems


Claims Spearheads




Opening Game

Outclassed Varsity Squad
Is Held To Three Hits
By Big Visiting Hurler
Fisher Uses Three
Pitchers In Contesi
Michigan's Varsity baseball team
turned up with an off day at the
plate yesterday as it dropped its home
opener to Notre Dame, 6 to 2. Se-
bastian (Subby) Nowicki, big right-
hander, went the distance for the
Irish and 'limited the Wolverines to
three hits, all singles.
The Notre Dame junior used a good
curve ball and a lot of brains to tie
up a Wolverine batting attack that
had brought them six wins in eight
games on the recent southern trip.
He was touched for one unearned tal-
ly in the first frame and gave up
another on two walks and a single
by George Harms in the fourth, but
for the rest of the contest he was
invincible, He gave up three bases on
balls and set down a trio of batters
on strikes in the nine innings.
Coach Ray Fisher used three hurl-
ers in an attempt to stp the Irish
hitters, but the victors collected five
hits and four runs off southpaw
Neil Muir, who pitched the first
four frames, and that was enough to
win. Little Mase Gould, Fisher's
other lefthander, relieved Muir after
Chuck Farrell, Notre Dame first base-
man, singled to open the fifth, and
the Irish scored twice on another
single when Farrell walked, went to
third on Ray Pinelli's single to right,
and tallied on infield out. Les Veigel
finished for Michigan, walking three
men in the last two frames, but was
not touched for a safety.
Andy Chlebeck, Notre Dame cap-
tain and center fielder, was the of-
fensive star of the contest. He hit
safely three times, once for two bases,
the only extra-base blow of the af-
ternoon, and stole three bases. It
was Chlebeck who opened the Irish
bid in the first. He led off with a
smashing single at shortstop Mike
Sofiak, stole second, went to third
on an infield out, and scored a mo-
ment later when Sofiak dropped Bill
Steppon's throw in an attempted
double play.
Michigan tied it up in their half
of the frame, however, when Davey
Nelson went to first after failing
toduck an inside pitch, and promptly
stole second. Don Holman laid down
a perfect bunt on the next pitch,
(Continued on Page 3)
Prof. MacLane
To Give Second
Ziwet Lecture
Harvard Educator To Talk
On 'Canonical Forms'
In Mathematics Series
Discussing "Canonical Forms for
Group Extensions," Prof. Saunders
MacLane of Harvard University will
deliver the second of six Alexander
Ziwet Lectures in Mathematics at
4 p.m. today in Natural Science Audi-
Six lectures dealing with some
phase of mathematics are delivered
here every year by a visiting mathe-
matician under the Aleander Ziwet
research fund.
Professor MacLane is at the pres-
ent time associate professor in
mathematics at Harvard University,
He receiv Ad his A.M. at Chicago and
his Ph.D at the University of Got-

The third lecture in the series, to
be given Friday, will deal with "Line-
ar Extensions and Group Algebras."
On Monday, April 28, Professor Mac-
Lane will discuss "Group Extensions
and Number Fields."
On Wednesday, April 30, the topic
of the lecture will be "Extension and
Unit Groups."
Nickel Contest Held
A jar full of "Michi-Nickels" (ord-J




Paul Callaway
To Give Organ
Recital Today
Noted Young Musician1
Will Present Program
In Music School Series
One of the nation's most outstand-
ing young organists, Paul Callaway,
organist-choirmaster of the National
Cathedral in Washington, D.C., will
present a recital at 4:15 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium as a part of the
School of Music's annual concert ser-
In his program today, Callaway
plans to offer Bauxtehude's "Cha-
conne in C minor," Bach's "Sonata.
No. 1" and "Toccata in F major,"
Franck's "Chorale in E major" and
Dupre's "Symphony, No. 2." Other
selections which will be heard are
Tournemire's "Toccata on a Chorale"
(from "L'Orgue Mystique," Book 18)
and "Chorale Prelude" (on St. Flav-
Formerly organist and choirmaster
at both the St. Thomas Church in
New York and the St. Mark's Chuch
in Grand Rapids, Callaway has pre-
sented many organ recitals in cities
in the East and Middle West. He also
presented concerts at conventions of
toe American Guild of Organists in
both 1935 and 1937.

Severity-sixth meeting df the Mich-
igan Schoolmasters Club will con-
vene here Friday and Saturday when
more than 2,000 educators gather to
participate in the annual sessions on
current educational problems.
The general meeting of the con-
ference which includes more than
20 sectional conferences and eight
roundtable discussions will be opened
by Dr. L. L. Forsythe of Ann Arbor
who is acting president of the state-
wide organization.
Briggs To Speak
Thomas H. Briggs of Teachers Col-
lege of Columbia University will ad-
dress the opening session at 9 a.m.
Friday in the Rackham Lecture Hall
on "What the High Schools Ought
to Teach." Prof. Hayward Keniston
of the romance languages depart-
ment will lead the discussion on
this topic.
Members of the conference will at-
tend the Honors Convocation and an
informal reception at 5:15 p.m. in
the Union. The reception will be
followed by a banquet also at the
Union. Dr. Charles H. Judd of the
University of Chicago will deliver the
main speech on "Yotit Education
in America." One of the deans of
American educators will be intro-
duced by Dean James B. Edmonson
of the School of Education. The
Ann Arbor High School a cappella
choir will also appear on the pro-
Saturday Sessions Planned
Saturday morning will be devoted
to conferences on what is actually
taught ald on ways in which the
aims of education may be realized.
Prof. George E. Carrothers, director
of the University Bureau of Coopera-
tion, will be the first speaker in the
opening session to be held at the
Rackham Building. Dr. Judd will
give his second speech on "The Most
Promising Frontiers in the Educa-
tion of American Youth Today."
Four divisions will convene after
this session to discuss better health,
better thinking, better workmanship
and better citizenship. More than
thirty experts in these various fields
will present their viewpoints and
Prof. Pargment
Will Give Talk
French Opinion Of Chaplin
To Be Discussed Today
Prof. Michael Pargment of the Ro-
mance languages department will dis-
cuss the work of Charlie Chaplin
and French criticism of his perform-
ances at 4:15 p.m. today in Room
103, Rgmance Languages Building.
Concluding the annual series of
French lectures sponsored by Le Cer-
cle Francais, Professor Pargment will
speak on "L'Oeuvre de Charlie Chap-
lin D'Apres La Critique Cinegraphiqu
Francais" The star of "The Great
Dictator" will be described as he ap-
pears to French critics,
Tickets for the lecture may be ob-
tained at the door before the lecture.

results of recent investigations at
these discussion groups.
At the same time special confer-
ences in art, biology, business edu-
cation, the classics, education, Eng-
lish, general science, geography, guid-
ance, health and physical education,
mathematics, modern languages, mu-
sic; physics, chemistry and astronomy,
school library and social studies will
be held.
The twelfth annual conference on
Teacher Education will convene to-
morrow at 10 a.m. in the Union. The
superintendents and educators will
consider problems of teacher train-
ing and the advantages and disad-
vantages of the use of national teach-
ers examination in the selection of
The Seventh Annual Conference
on problems in School and College
Cooperation will open its meetings at
12:15 p.m. tomorrow
Choral Groups
Will Present
Vocal Festival
Michigan School Vocal
Association To Sponsor
High School Program
Thirty high school choral groups
with more than 1,000 singers will par-
ticipate in the Annual Vocal Festival
conducted by the Michigan School
Vocal Association.
As a part of the music section of
the Schoolmasters Club the confer-
ence will cooperate with the Michi-
gan School Band and Orchestra As-
sociation and Phi Delta Kappa, na-
tional professional educatioal fra-
ternity in presenting a program of
orchestra and choral activities.
The climax of the program will be
a concert given by the combined
groups to be held at 4:30 p.m. Satur-
day in Hill Auditorium. Accompanied
by the University Symphony Or-
chestra the combined choruses of
the high schools represented will
offer six numbers.
The concert, open to the public,
will open with Bach's choral pre-
lude, "Awake, Awake. The Voice
Cries Out." Other selections on the
program will be' Sibelius' "Saga,"
Prokofieff's "Peter and the Wolf,"
and Sibelius' "Onward Ye Peoples"
with the massed choruses, the organ
and the orchestra
The conference is headed by Dr.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
University Musical Society. Thor
Johnson, William D. Reveli are vice-
chairman of the program.
Petitions Requested
From Candidates
For Student Setate
Eligible students wishing to have
their names placed upon the official
ballot as Student Senate candidates
must turn in their petitions at the
Student Senate office, room 302 Un-
ion, between 4:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.,
today through Friday, Ruth Basye
'42, Director of Senate Eelections, an-
nounced yesterday.
The petitions muts be signed by not
less than six students, no student
signing more than one such petition,
and candidates may have a designa-
tion, not exceeding three words,
printed after their names on the of-
ficial ballot if they so desire.
A $1.50 filing fee must also be paid,
one dollar to be returned if the cand-
idate is not elected, or, if the candi-
date is elected, one dollar will be
applied toward the Student Senate1

Southern Coal Operators Agree
To Negotiate Wagze Differences

(By The Associated Press)
An agreement to resume wage
negotiations in New York last night
was the answer of southern soft coal
producers and the CIO United Mine
Workers to President Roosevelt's re-
quest that the bituminous mines be
opened immediately.,
Dr. John R. Steelman, Federal
conciliator, announced in Washing-
ton that the conferences would be
resumed. The southern operators
withdrew from negotiations for the
eight-state Appalachian fields after
the northern owners had reached an
agreement with the miners calling
for a basic $7 a day wage scale. The
southerners demanded a sectional
wage differential. The soft coal mines
in the eight states have been closed
since April 1.
After bolting the New York negoti-
ations, the southern owners set up a
wage conference of" their own in
Washington and insisted for a time
that Lewis and the other UMW ne-
gotiators go to' the Capital City to
meet with them separately. Lewis
held out against negotiating inde-
pendently with the southern opera-
tqrs and demanded that the latter
return to the general Appalachian
conference. However, Dr. Steelman
disclosed yesterday that independent
negotiations had been arranged.
Thus, both sides appeared to have
made concessions.
Mr. Roosevelt stepped into the soft
coal stalemate Monday night, issu-
ing a statement which said that
"bituminous coal production must be
resumed, and promptly," because "the
Air Raid Plan
Is Organized
Volunteers Are Requested
For Defense Of State
LANSING, April 22.--(P)-Michi-
gan received orders today to recruit
a volunteer air raid defense system,
as the House of Representatives pre-
pared to vote Thursday on a bill giv-
ing the State Defense Council sta-
tuatory, power to act as the integrat-
ing agency.
Everett De Ryke, of Milan, execu-
tive secretary of the Council, disclosed
plans to istart immediately the task
of building a trained organization
to be alert for air raids, gas attacks
and to combat fires that might ac-
company any attempted invasion of
this hemisphere.
A skeleton plan, De Ryke said,
would establish 20 to 27 listening
posts for air raid alarms, geared to
spread the alarm by radio, telephone,
telegraph and courier, with a check-
ing, system as a safeguard against
"false alarms,"

public interest demands it and the
public interest is paramount."
In Detroit, two officials of the CIO
United Auto Workers issued a state-
ment saying they could not see that
an order of the Michigan Labor
Board invoking a 30-day "cooling
off" period applied to the union's
threat to strike at General MotorĀ§
plants. They contended that no de-
fense workers would be involved,
and hence they did not believe the
30-day law applied.
The union last week filed intention
to strike after saying that negotia-
tions for a new contract were un-
satisfactory. The union officials who
Issued the statement were R. J.
Thomas, president of the UAW; and
Walter P. Reuther, director of the
UAW General Motors department.
Meanwhile, in Washington a de-
cision was reached to postpone action
in the House of. Representatives on
similar "cooling-off" legislation spon-
sored by Representative Vinson
(Dem.-Ga.) .
Debate Teams
Will. Meet, here
State High School Finals
Will Attract 4,000 Fans
To Ann Arbor Friday
More than 4000 high school stu-
dents and debate enthusiasts are ex-
pected to attend the State Champion-
ship Debate to be held at 8 p.m.
Friday in Hill Auditorium when De-
troit Mackenzie meets Albion High
School in the state high school foren-
sic f inals.'
Mackenzie High School has sched-
uled a special train to bring more
than 100 students to Ann Arbor. This
group will be met by the Mackenzie
band and escorted to Hill Auditorium.
Albion is scehduling a special series
of buses to bring the town's fans to
Ann Arbor.
Tours of the campus will be eqn-
ducted for the groups visiting the
campus by members of the men's var-
sity debate squad. All high school stu-
dents coming to the contest will be
guests of the University at the West-
ern Conference baseball game to be
played against the University of Chi-
The Mackenzie band will play a
concert beginning at 7:30 before the
championship debate.
Earl Heffner, Robert Aston, and
James Ford will represent Mackenzie.
Albion will be represented by Philip
Baldwin, Jack Kellogg and Dorothy

Athens Will .Be Next Goal
Of Panzer Divisions,
High Command Says
Nazis Deny Stories
Of Heavy Losses
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, April 23.-German spear-
heads are within sightof historic
Thermopylae Pass, German military
commentators said early today, with
the British in "full retreat" before
The German phrase was that the
fight had developed on a "verfolgung"
- a following through after a break
in resistance.
"And when we say we are follow-
ing through we mean the enemy is
running," said a military spokesman.
With Adolf Hitler's panzers rolled
up before the fabled pass, the Nazi
high command hoped to send them
swiftly over the 100 miles to Athens
and its port of Piraeus.
The Germans, at the southern edge
of the plain of Thessaly, seemed to
be in position to cut off the ap-
proaches to Athens soon and if that
is .accomplished any British who
might still be in the northern, part
of the country would be cut off from
the best harbors.
Lamia, old citadel near Thermop-
lae, is occupied by the German troops,
the high command announced. Now
- should the Germans repeat the
strategy they used in Yugoslavia -
they will throw a noose of panzer
divisionmen about Greece's neck, be-
tween the Gulf of Lamia and the Gulf
of Corinth.
Such -a maneuver, if successful,
would isolate some British and Greek
forces alongthe lower Pindus Moun-
tains, much as the Serbian troops
were trapped in the mountainous
area between Sarajevo and Mostar
just before their final surrender.
Simultaneously such strategy might
be calculated to cut off what the Ger-
mans claim is the British 'second
Dukerque" route toward the port
of Athens and other points of em-
DNB, German official news agency,
said Nazi reconnaissance planes
found eastern Greek harbors already
packed with ships of all'sizes - in
cluding motor boats, cutters and
smaller craft - busy shipping Brit-
ish troops out of the country.
German press dispatches indicated
the intense German air attacks had
been extended to the island of Crete.
It was reported that "about 20" en-
emy planes had been destroyed on the
ground at five Greek airports on
Crete in attacks yesterday. Air at-
tacks on Britain's island base Malta
were also reported continuing un-
Nazi Planes P6und
Ports Of Southern Greece
(By The Associated Press)
ATHENS, Greece, April 23.-South-
ern Greece and ships leaving Greel
ports are being pounded by swarms
of Nazi planes attabking ahead of
Germany's panzer divisions, the gov-
ernment said early today.
In Athens itself sirens screamed
air raid alarms seven times in the
24 hours up to last midnight but the
Germans appeared to be concentrat-
ing on isolating Greece from over-
seas contacts. ' _
Vessels in the Gulf of Athens were
bombed and machine-gunned with-
out regard for their size, and official
reports, acknowledged considerable
casualties and damage on the coastal
Churchill Tells Commons
Of Allied Setbackbs

(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, April 22. - Winston
Churchill solemnly faced the House
of Commons today for the first time
since the Easter recess and the cor-
responding Allied reverses in the Bal-
kans and acknowledged it was "not
unlikely" that Germany now holds
Greece's Samothrake Island, barely
50 miles off the mouth of Turkey's

Behind Full Enemy Rout

Prof. Benson chosen To Keynote
Annual Spring Parley Sessions

Bryan Promotes Tourist Trade
T6 Aid Good-Neighbor Policy

Prof. George S. Benson of the poli-
tical science department has been
named the keynote speaker for the
Student Senate's eleventh annual
Spring Parley, Martin D. Dworkis,
Grad., presiding chairman, announced
The opening session will be held
at 3:30 p.m. Friday in the Michi-
gan Union. At the conclusion of
Professor Benson's address four stu-
dent commentators representing var-
ied points of view will speak. They'
are Jean Fairfax, Grad, Frank Ryd-
er, Grad, Fred Niketh, '42L and
Margaret Campbell Mutnick, '42
Those directing prepartions for this
parley, "The Student Looks at War
and Peace," are general co-chairmen
William Todd, '42, and Helen Cor-
man, '41; general secretary Marcia
Kohl, '42.
Panel sessions will be held Satur-
day at 2:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Ed
Fried, '41, will be the chairman of
the panel on "Post-War Reconstruc-
tion-Into the Night?" Faculty men
who are expected to participate are
Professor Benson, Prof. H. S. McFar-

Kampf," the second panel, will be
led by Harold Osterweil, '41. Prof.
Arthur Smithies, Prof. Norman Maier,
Henry Ogden, Prof. John Riegal and.
Prof. Shorey Peterson will partci-
pate in the discussion. Those who
have been named for the student
panel are Vivian Sieman, '42, Laurie
Mascott, '41,,Joe Skurla, '41, Harold
Norris, Grad., Leroy Conti, '42, David
Crohn, '42, Melvin Lubar, Grad, Jay
/McCormick, '42, Paul Chandler, '41,
Richard Shuey, '42E, Robert Solo-
mon, '42, and Robert Morrow, '43E.
The third panel will deal with the
vital issue "Education in Emergency
-For Whom the Bugle Blows." Har-
old Guetzkow will be the student
chairman. Those who have been
named for the faculty panel are
Prof. Mentor Williams, Pref. Jacob
Sacks, Albert Stevens, Dean E.
Blythe Stason and Claude Eggert-
Members of the student panel are
Hervie Haufler, '41, Jack Grady, '42,
Alvin Sarasohn, '41, Peggy Sanford,
'42, Charles Karpinski, '42, Gerald
Eder, '42, Jean Shapero, '42, Leada

Harvard Archaeologist
To Speak Here Today
Professor Langdon Warner of Fogg
Museum, Harvard University, will de-
liver an illustrated University lecture
on "Masterpieces of Folk Art in Ja-
pan" at 7:30 p.m. today in Room D
of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Lecturer on Far East art at Har-
vard, Professor Warner has conducted
several archaeological expeditions to
the ancient Buddhist sites of Cen-


Exchanges of culture and educa-
tion with South American nations is
necessary, but the most important
thing we .can d6 to promote the
"good-neighbor policy" is to build up
the tourist, trade with such nations
as Peru and Chile, Julien Bryan de-
clared in the Oratorical Association
lecture last night in Hill Audiorium.
Bryan showed documentary films of
Chile and Peru which he took last
fall and winter.
Julien Bryan will deliver the
third in 1his series of illustrated lee-
tures at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium. At tonight's lecture,
he will present his documentary
films of modern Turkey. The box
office will be open all day for single
admission tickets.
If the United States is to do any-
thing about counteracting the effect
of German propaganda which has
been effective for a long time now in
these countries, Bryan stated, we
must send students to South Amer-


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