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April 06, 1941 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-06

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Q'ITNt"AV, 6, IAl




Mighty Chicago

owers Club

17)ethrones Michigan,


Bengals Beaten
By Kansas City
But Rowe Stars
LAKELAND, Fla., April 5.-P)-
The Kansas City Blues, a main sup-
ply house now for the New York
Yankees, benefited from a series of
breaks today to trim the champion
Tigers, 6 to 5 in ten innings in an
exhib4ion game.
Still and all, the defeat by the
minor leaguers failed to disturb the
Tigers greatly, even though it did
extend a long string of spring season
setbacks. For Schoolboy Rowe did a
good job.
The Schoolboy, who hurled the,
first seven innings and allowed only
four hits while walking. nobody,
turned in his first laudable work of
the new season. He also hit a home
run. He left with the Tigers leading,
4 to 2, and young Hal White from
Buffalo was the losing pitcher.
Detroit collected 15 hits to Kansas
City's eight, but the Tigers left 15
men stranded while the Blues cleaned
Tuck Stainback's four hits pleased
Manager Del Baker of the Tigers.
During the early part of the spring
training Tuecker couldn't buy a hit.
Now, however, he has made 10 blows
in his last 20 times at bat. He got
three singles and a double today.

1 t
April 6, 1941
Golden Brown Waffle
with Syrup
Grilled Little Pig Sausage
Strawberry-Royal Ice Cream
or Baked Apple
Tuna and Mushroom Patte
French Fried Potatoes
Fresh Peas
Fresh Blueberry Pie or
Fruit Cup
Bowl of Chef's Salad
Toasted Cheese Sandwich
Lady Baltimore Cake
or Pineapple Sundae
Tomato Juice Cocktail
trilled Lamp Chop,
Pineapple Glace
Potatoes au Gratin
Buttered Cauliflower
Fresh Blueberry Pie or
Chocolate 'Mallow Sundae
Excellent Service
6 to 7:30 o'clock

don wiirteh after's
News From The Front.. ..
YESTERDAY's MAIL brought the
following letter from a former
Daily sports writer:
Fort Knox, Ky.
Dear Don,
When I wrote finis to my Daily
sports writing career last May by
covering the Kentucky Derby, I
was afraid that it was my last
opportunity to attend the great
American classic for many years
to come.
frWell, here I am, just 30 miles
from Louisville, and nothing short
of a very unsympathetic first ser-
geant will keep me from once more
planking my two bucks (it's al-
most half a week's salary now)
on an also ran.
Here's a tip for you. If you're ever
called upon to serve your country,
and you're asked 'what sort of work
you like to do, don't mention sports
writing. That's what I did, and evi-
dently, it didn't make too great of
an impression. After my interviewer
looked up the word "sports" and
"writing" in his dictionary, he
brought forth the simple verdict ...
Tell your friends who think they'll
be rejected because they're a few
pounds overweight that they're har-
boring false illusions. There's one
lad in my baracks who weighed in
at 106 pounds, another at 108. Then
there's one who tips the beam at
273. d
Nor do a few of the others look
exactly like the healthiest speci-
mens of humanity. One of the boys
has no back teeth on one side;
another has stomach ulcers; several
wear glasses with lenses a quarter
inch thick. One lad, believe it or
not, has his trigger finger missing.
Married men are far ffom rare
around here too.'
Guess my hopes of meeting Hank
Greenberg in the army are just
about shattered. The nearest ap-
proach so far has been a guy who
once had a tryout as an outfielder
with Youngstown in the Mid-At-
lantic league.
As soon as I arrived here, I started
to pile up athletic laurels by win-
ning the ping-pong championship of
my barracks. There were four other
guys in the tournament, so maybe
my college days weren't a total fail-
ure at that . . . at least the time
spent in Pick Fingerle's Union billiard
I've only been here a week so it's
a little too early to say much about
army life. Say hello to everyone for
me and I hope I don't see too many
of you here too soon.
Private No. 73546311
P.S. - I have two barrack-mates
named Goebbels and Goaring. We've
been loking for Adolf himself to show
his puss any time.
Detroit Tigers Release
Five Players To Buffalo
LAKELAND, Fla., April 5.-W)-
The Detroit Tigers, about ready to
break camp, today released catcher
Dixie Parsons, outfielders Bob Patrick
and Patrick Mullin and infielders
Harold (Dutch) Meye, and Boyd
Perry to Buffalo of the International
League on 24-hour option.
They will join the Bisons either
Monday or Tuesday at nearby Plant

A move to send infielde' Frank
Croucher to Buffalo was blocked
4vhen the Boston Red Sox and Phila-
delphia Athletics refused to waive on

Second To Kiefer

Windy City Outfit Takes
Crown With Six Firsts
A wo Evph ko s ino Isuret eViWctor n

(Continued fr',n Page 1)
Chicago's punch. He slide through
the century distance in :51.4 seconds
to whip Detroit AC's Bill Prew by
four feet and retain the title he won
in New York last year.
While Jaretz and Prew were expec-
ted to finish one-two, Michigan's
hopes were severely dimmed when
Henry Kozlowski, the Lane Tech
youth swimming under the Towers
Club banner, touched out Gus Share-
met for the third place points. That
gave Chicago a 29-17 lead which
proved too much for the Wolverines
to handle.
Lanky Kozlowski, as nervous as a
maiden two-year old filly, dove into
the lead at the gun with his phenom-
enal teammate close behind. By the
time they hit the first turn, however,
Francis Heydt, Michigan's senior Jaretz was out in front to stay. Miss-
ace backstroker, pushed Chicago ing most of his turns, Kozlowski still
Tower's star Adolph Kiefer to managed to hang onto second untilC
another national championship as the five swimmers headed into the
he raced home behind the visitor final lap where Prew sprinted past
to capture second place in the 150 and Sharemet just failed with a ter-
yard backstroke race. i rific closing burst of speed.
. The great man Kiefer meant bus-
ioneers W mess in the 150-yard backstroke and
PionersWip I
Cinder Meet I Outstanding Senior
' EC' 6
Prep Tracksters Shatter
Nine Of Ten Records
Displaying all-around strength and
power. Ann Arbor high school's
track team swept to to~e annual Riv-
er Rouge Invitational meet champ-
ionship last night at Yost Field House
with 30 1-2 points.
Jackson scored 191-2 to nose out
Royal Oak for runnerup honors by
a single point.
Individual star of the meet was
versatile Horace Smith, a speedy
Jackson sophomore, who rolled up
all but three of his team's point to-
tal with a first in the 65-yard low{
hurdles, a tie for' the high jumpj
crown, and a second in the 60-yard
Meet records were shattered under
the onslaught of more than 275 prep
trackmen in nine of the ten events-
Only in the mile run did a former
mark survive and it did so only by I
two-tenths ofaa second when Ed Jim Welsh, who swam a close
Shankland raced to the Pioneers' third last night in the 440 yard
lone first place in 4:42.5. free-style race, was awarded the
River Rouge, winner of two of the Scalp and Blade trophy for being
last three annual meets, and Wyan- the outstanding senior member of
dote, last year's titlist, scored 14 and Matt Mann's mighty swimming
13 points respectively, crew.

N -- - -- --- ----
wasted no time with the other four
entries. Before the race was 50-yards
over, the 23-year old Chicago dorsal
dolphin was out in front all by him-
self with hard-working Fred Gass
of Dallas AC and Mark Follansbee,
Jim Welsh, Rockford, Illinois,
free styler on Matt Mann 's varsity
swimming squad, was presented
with a trophy designating him the
outtanding senior member of the
team last night by Scalp and
Blade, student organization.
Welsh took a third and fourth
in the 440 and 220 yard free style
races and swam on the second-
place free style relay team in the
National AAU Meet which ended
last night.

intra-squad football game.-
One minute later Paul, the River
Rouge freshman who has been con-I
sistently the flashiest halfback on
the spring grid squad, was carried off
the field with what was superficial t
ly diagnosed as a fractured left ank-<
le. A trio of tacklers had smothered
him under a bone-wrenching pile-up,f
and as a result it seemed certain
he would play no more football until1
October, at least.-
Happily, however, a more thoroughI
X-ray examination revealed that
there were no broken bones and that,
although Paul had sustained a bad1
sprain, he will in all probability be
able to play again immediately after
spring vacation.
White was not the only gridder to
be cut down yesterday. Bob McFad-
din, highly-regarded yearling center
from 'Detroit, shrugged off a knee
injury incurred earlier in the week
to enter scrimmage, and for his pains

to continue spring practice, but pos-
sibly he may return to action with
his hand and arm in a, protective
In addition to these semi-major
casualties, Don Boor, frosh fullback,
suffered a recurrence of a kidney in-
jury which. he first sustained last
And last Saturday two others,
Lloyd Thompson and John Harrigan,
had their noses broken during the
It is becoming increasingly under-
standable why Coach Crisler never
bothers to cut his squad.
(Special to The Daily)
DETROIT, April 5.-John Wil-
son, heavyweight, and Ray Deane,
134-pounder, took second places
here tonight in the National Jun-
ior A.A.U. Wrestling Meet.

the unattached entry who transferred
to Ohio State from Princeton this
year, struggling along behind.
That's the way they went until
Fran Heydt, Michigan's National Col-
legiate backstroke champion, came
roaring up in the final two laps to
finish second, four feet ahead of Fol-
lansbee with the weary Texan pick-
ing up the fourth place point.
The Wolverines dropped two points
farther behind after that event, but
picked them up again immediately
after in the 440-yard freestyle grind.
After leading the field in the after-
noon's preliminaries with a pool rec-
ord shattering 4:48.3 timing, Jim
Welsh found Paul Herron's furious
pace too much for him and wound
up third behind the slight Califor-
nia veteran and defending champion
Tom Haynie. the former Michigan
ace who was competing -in this meet
fo rthe Detroit AC. Herron's winning
time, 4:45.5 erased Welsh's earlier
pool mark off the books.
In the three- meter diving, peerless
Earl Clark of Ohio completed his
grand slam of the major high and
low board titles byloutpointing Yale's
Jim Cook, 156.59 to 145.19 with Frank
Dempsey of Ohio and Howard Ad-
ams of Stanford finishing third and
100-Yard Free Style-Won by Jar-
etz, Chicago Towers Club; Second,
Prew, Wayne; Third, Kozlowski,
Chicago Towers Club; Fourth, Gus
Sharemet, Michigan. Time 51.4.
150-Yard Backstroke-Won by
Kiefer, Chicago Towers Club; Sec-
ond, Francis Heydt, Michigan; Third,
Follansbee, Columbus, O., Unat-
tached; Fourth, Gass, Dallas Athlet-
ic Club. Time 1:33.1 (New Pool rec
44-Yard Free Style--Won by Her-
ron, San Diego, Calif., Unattached;
Second, Haynie, Detroit Athletic
Club; Third, James Welsh, Michi-
gan; Fourth, Chouteau, Yale. Time
4:45.5 (New Pool eRcord).
High Board Diving-Won by Clark
of Ohio State, 156.59 Points; Second,
Cok, Yale, 145.19; Third, Dempsey,
Ohio State, 144.26; Fourth Adams,
Stanford, 142. 75.
300-Yard Medley-Won by Chi-
cago (Kiefer, Lowe, Jaretz); Sec-
ond, Michigan (Heydt, Skinner, Gus
Sharemet); Third, Michigan (Wil-
liam Beebe, John Sharemet, Barker);
Fourth, Michigan (Bruce Allen,
ichard Reidl, Dobson Burton). Time


i i


S *i

Easter Gift.

Three Frosh Gridders Injured
In Weekly Intra-Squad Game
Yesterday afternoon at exactly 3:09 received a fracture of the meta-
p.m. Paul White swept around left carpals in his right land. It is not
end on a reverse play in the weekly I yet known whether he will be able

Novels, Biography, Travel, Current
Events, etc., etc.

Beautiful Spring Tints as well as conserva-
tive whites.
Bibles - Prayer Books -Easter Cards.
31.5 South State 105 North Main


- -

1 /I I I

MuddyField Keeps Nine Inside
For the second straight day the squad hit in the battmg nets aga
Michigan baseball squad worked out fearing that it would nullify t
in the-Field House without so much g
as an attempt to play on the muddy progress they had made in their t
Ferry Field diamond outside. Coach days of outside work. The spell
Ray Fisher, ever the optimist, pre- bad weather, and the possibility tt
dicted three good days next week. it will continue for some time, ho
ever, changed his plansT and me
Paul Goldsmith and Cliff Wise, who of the probable starters' took th
are being groomed as starting' hurl- turns at the plate yesterday.
ers, came in for a great part of Fish-
er's attention again. Both boys have Hoping for a chance to get anot
been bothered with arm trouble, but look at the team under regular con
their wings are coming around nice-tans ducsidnshrohsstpo
ly. Goldsmith eased up in yester- any decisions as to his traveli
day's drill, after throwing harder squad. He will nahne the men
Friday than he has since the day are to start South next Thursday
he reported.t T ds ac h i


Davie Nelson, ailing since the squad
went outdoors Wednesday, appeared
at practice and declared he felt bet-
ter. The little outfielder will be
ready to go when the team opens
against Maryland Friday.
Fisher had not intended to let his





24-Hour Service

rf t,
from campus path to country club porch,

- *, ,P'





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