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April 06, 1941 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-06

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Nazis Declare
War; ,Attack
Slavs, Greeks
Moscow-Belgrade Accord
Announced As Germany
Launches Balkan Blitz
(Continued from Page 1)
the day that loosed the new war upon
the southeast:
"Soldiers of the southeast front:
Since early this morning, the German
people are at war with the Belgrade
governments of intrigue. We shall
lay down arms only when this band of
ruffians has been definitely and
empatically eliminated, and the last
Briton has left this part 'of the Eur-
opean continent."
Then the proclamation went on
to say that those in the Balkans
must "thank Britain'' for their trou-
bles; that Germany entered this new
test "with the inner satisfaction tnat
its leaders have done everything to
bring about a peaceful settlement;;
that this was to be one more blow
at "cupizalism and plutocaac;."
Tass Announces Russian
Non-Agression Pact
MOSCOW, April 6 -- (Tuesday)-
WP)-Soviet Russia and Yugoslavia
have signed a treaty of friendship
and non-agression after several days
of negotiations, Tass, Soviet Rus-
sian News Agency, announced early
The agency said the pact was sign-
ed yesterday by the Russian Premibr
and Foreign Commissar, Vyacheslaff
Molotoff, and Milan Gavrilovic, for-
mer Yugoslav cabinet minister and
Yugoslavia's representative in Mos-
The treaty was for five years.
Its first article provided neither
country would attack the other and
that each would respect the sover-
eign rights and territorial integrity
of the other.
It provided that in case of aggres-
sion against one of the countries by
a third power, the other would ob-
serve a policy of friendly relations
with the country attacked.
,ohn j.Niles
Will Present
U.S. Folk Airs
Outstanding collector of American
folk music, John Jacob Niles, will
bring a program of native American
songs to the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre Tuesday.
Many of the songs Niles will pre-
sent are from the mountains of the
South and have been preserved by
descendants of early English, Scotch,
Welsh and Irish settlers. Because of
the inaccessibility of the region, the
mountaineers' culture has changed
little since the 17th and 18th cen-
turies, and the fundamental spirit
of early English music remains in
their music.
Niles, a tenor, has a trained voice,
and formerly sang with the Cincin-
nati Opera Company, but he soon
turned to folk music. He has recorded
an album of thi music and has con-
tributed articles on it to various mu-
sic publications.
Niles comes here with recommen-
gation of Dean Alice Lloyd, who says
of him, "Mr. Niles' high tenor voice
with Dulcimer accompaniments is
the perfect expression of the haunt-

ing music which he has brought to
Tickets are now selling at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office for 75 -and
50 cents. All seats are reserved. {

Faculty Men
Seek Office
In City Vote
Tomorrow's biennial spring election
will be of important interest to the
University community.
In the local election two Univer-
sity professors are running on the
Republican ticket for the positions
of mayor and council president. They
are being opposed on the Democrat-
ic ticket by two business men.
In the state-wide election atten-
tion will be centered on the race for
University regents. Incumbent re-
gents Charles Hemans and Franklin
Cook are seeking re-election on thel
Democratic ticket. The G.O.P candi-!
dates are Alfred Connable of Ann
Arbor and Earl Burhans.
Prof. Leigh J. Young, incumbent
council president is being opposed
by William Kolander for the mayor-
ality post. Prof. Glenn Alt, incum-
bent alderman, is in the race for the
presidency of this body against Rus-
sel J. Vial, Democrat.
In Race For City Assessor
Other city races include the 'com-
petition for city assessor between
Herbert W. Crippen (R) and Howard
Burr (D); for justice, Jay H. Payne
(R) and John W. Conlon (D)- City
clerk Fred Perry is unopposed.
Also there are contests for ward
officers in each of the seven wards.
Nine aldernen' are to be elected. The
seven full-term councilmen will be
chosen, as well as councilmen to fill
vacancies in the second and fourth
wards. Two of the candidates are
There will be a contest for the
position of supervisor in each ward,
-with fourteen candidates running in
the seven wards. Seven constables
will also be elected in the wards,
but only two wards have contests for
the office.-
Contest For Superintendent
Besides the state race for regent.
state-wide attention is being attrac-
ted by the contest for superintendent
of public instruction, and for posi-
tions on the State Board of Edu-
The non-partisan contests on the
judicial ticket have attracted less at-
tention, probably due to the fact that
Circuit Judge George W. Sample is
unopposed for re-election. Two mem-
bers will also be named to the Su-
preme Court from four candidates
on the non-partisan ballot.
The following names will appear
on the ballot in the race for alder-
man in the seven Ann Arbor wards;
In tie first ward Walter R. Garthe
(R) will oppose Oscar Goetz (D);
in the second ward Herbert F. Sa-
ger (R) will face Donald K. Ander-
son (D); ,the third ward will see
Fred L. Arnet (R) running against
Sam S. Heusel (D); Henry T. Conlin
(R) will oppose Lester H. Pollock (D)
in the fourth ward; in the fifth
ward William Saunders (R) has Ar-
bie B. Clever opposing him; the sixth
ward has John B. Waite (R) running
against Emily Abbot; and Sidney P.
Cook (R) faces Fred W. Norris (D) in
the seventh ward.

Degree Program For Honors
Is Given From Student's Angle

The Degree Program for Honors
in Liberal Arts gives a new slant
to Michigan education. It means that
education is now being given -from
the student's angle.
Briefly, the honors program is a
sytem whereby a student can work
under a tutor, in a small group or
individually, on a two-year study of
a field of special interest to him.
This system was instituted in the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts in September, 1939, for a trial
period of five years before it was
adopted, as a permanent part of
the educational opportunities offer-
ed here. There is a provision that
not more than 100 students shall be
enrolled in the program at any one
At present, there are 38 students
both juniors and seniors, working
under this system. These students
Employees Asked
1To Tell Complaints
To Student Senate
Any working student who feels that
he has a just grievance against his
employer has been urged by Robert
Krause. head of the Student Senate's
labor survey, to notify his group,
The Student Senate is conducting
this ,irvey in cooperation with other
leading campus organizations. Most
of the investigation has been com-
pleted and the results will be pub-
lished after vacation.
Krause explained that his group
may be notified by sending a letter
to him at 1108 Hill Street. He stress-
ed the fact that no names of employ-
ers or employes will be publicized.
The purpose of the survey, accord-
ing to those directing it, will be to
determine the facts and then on the
basis of these facts decide on proper
action. The inquiry has the backing
of the Dean of Students' office.
Arcitect Council
OpenlFor 'fis I
All scholastically eligible students
in the College of Architecture and De-
sign may try out for positions on the
Architectural Council at a meeting to
be held at 5 p.m. tomorrow in Room
247, Architecture Building, according
to Paul Rogers, '41A, present publici-
ty chairman of the Council.
Positions are open on the Council
in the fields of business, finance,
Imaintenance, new activities, publicity,
records and social activities. David
Proctor, '42A, will be in charge of
Those trying out for the Council
will work until May 13,
Defense Housing Shown
An exhibit in defense housing ar-
ranged by the Central Housing Com-
mittee, Washington, D.C., will be
shown daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in the third floor Exhibition Room
of the Architecture Building through
April 9.

are working in eight different tutor-
ial groups, each under a tutor. There
is a junior and a senior group work-
ing in the field of natural science,
two separate junior and senior groups
working in the social science field,
and junior and senior groups in the
study of language and literature.
The students who are enrolled in
these courses applied for admit-
tance to the program the May pre-
ceeding their junior year. The actual
work begins in September. There are
special qualifications expected of
those who go into this work. They
must have at least a B average;
they must be personally interview-
ed by the board of tutors; they must

Adelia Cheever girls entertained
President and Mrs. Ruthven at an in-
formal dinner Friday ... At Helen
Newberry, Prof. and Mrs. Mentor
Williams, Dr. John Arthos and Mrs.
Phillip H. Wygent - the latter two
of Winchell House in the West Quad
- were guests for dinner Thursday.
After the meal Prof. Williams led an

Standardization Of Consumer
Goods Is Urged By Dr. Gross

take a qualifying examination in informal discussion on labor situa-
English composition and in one for- tons and defense industries '
eign language, picked out by the Arthur Niegarth, '43E, was elected
student.he is admitted to the pro- president of Tyler House, East Quad,I
gram, the student decides in which last night. Other new officers are
field he will work. Instead of using Robert Overcasher, E, vice-president;
Gordon T. Moore, '42. secretary:
textbooks, he goes to original sources Robrt M. Lm, '42, d cr air-
as far as possible, and tries to draw Robert M. Lam, '42, judiciary.chair-
his own conclusions, guided by his man; Cary Landis, '42, scholarship
tutor. One of the chief benefits of chairman; John Lacy, '41E, athletic
this system is the clgse contact be- chairman and William Ludwig, '44,
tween tutor and tutee. Five hours social chairman.
of each semester's program is fol- Betsy Barbour had an exchange
lowed thus; the rest of the student's dinner with Prescott and Greene
curriculum is taken in the regular houses in the East Quad ThursdayI
departmental manner. ... The girls also held a tea dance
yesterday. There was social dancing
* oin the playroom and guests were also
entertained with games, bridge and
ping-pong before refreshments were
" served.
W ill Be Given Jordan Hall held their big dance
last night. The dance featured a
buffet supper, a door prize and fav-
Degree Candidates 'o I'Play ors for all.
Today, Tomorrow

"We must encourage standardiza-
tion of conisumer goods, so that the
consumer can choose intelligently in
the open market," Dr. Irma H. Gross,
Michigan State College home econ-
omist, told members of the "Consum-
er Problems" round table yesterday.
This discussion, as part of the Thir-
teenth Annual School of Business
Administration Alumni Conference,
was arranged by Mrs. Martha Saw-
yer, of the business administration
school. It marked the first time this
round table, was included in the
Alumni Conference.
Consumers can't see, smell, touch'
or use any of the old methods of
choosing goods, Dr. Gross said, be-
cause of the cellophane wrappers
and because of canned goods and'
boxed goods. While this modern
method assures sanitation, the con-
sumer has no way of telling just
what he's getting.
Experts Certain
In the case of refrigerators, radios
and automobiles, Dr. Gross pointed
out, it takes an expert to be certain
of what he's getting. Even experts
admit that they can't be sure of
what they're getting without labor-
atory tests.
Although under the Food and Drug
Act, manufacturers are required to
list the ingredients, Dr. Gross de-
clared, modern methods of labelling
or grading have not been standard-
ized. A consumer, ignorant of the
grading system used, might ask for
a "choice" piece of meat. Actually,
however, she said, "choice" is a third
rate classification, ,following "super-
prime" nd "prime." The same holds!

true for potatoes; "U.S. 1" is. the
.third grade potato: "fancy" and "ex-
tra" are both better grades.
Dr. Gross listed several Govern-
ment measures which are designed
to aid the consumer and also named
several trade and professional groups
which issue publications for the con-
sumer's benefit. There are also sev-
eral self-designated groups, Dr. Gross
said, which publish regular bulletins
containing descriptions of a com-
modity in general or trade names'
in particular.
Consumer Wants
What the consumer wants more
than anything else, Dr. dross em-
phasized, is acombination of grading
and labelling. This methdd, called
'informative labelling," uses descrip-
tive words which are not superlative
adjectives, but which describe inher-
ent properties of the commodity of-
fered for sale. When this is accom-
plished, she said, the consumer can
make sure he's making his Udollar
Add Springy touches to your
wardrobe. Dressy and Sport
Blouses'at $1 up. Neckwear for
every occasion. Broomstick skirts
at $1.95.
} MJune Grey Shop,
113 S. University


Betty Ann Chaufty, 41M, pianist,
will present a concert in partial fulfill-
ment of the degre~e of Bachelor of Mu-
sic at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre playing selec-
tions by- Debussy, Brahms, Beetho-
ven and Bach-Silotti.
At 8:30 tomorrow, also in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Judith Victor,
'41SM, pianist, will offer another
graduation recital presenting several
1 compositions by Bach-Busoni, Bee-
thoven and Brahms.
A resident of Ann Arbor, Miss
Chaufty is a student of Prof- Mabel
Ross Rhead while Miss Victor, of
Detroit is at present studying under
Prof. Joseph Brinkman. Miss Victor
also spent several years at the North
Shore School of Music in Chicago.
Miss Chaufty has been very active
in campus affairs serving as chair-
man of music for this year's Junior
Girls' Play anrd as a member of Pi
Beta Phi sorority, Sigma Alpha Iotal
honor society, Wyvern and Scroll.,
She received a Mu Phi Epsilon schol-
arship award in her sophomore year.

Hawley A nd Keeler
To Afiend A nnual
Power Conference
Prof. R. S. Hawley and Prof. Hugh
E. Keeler, both of the mechanical en-
gineering department, will take an
active part in the fourth annual
Midwest Power Conference to be
held April 9 and 10 in Chicago, Pro-
fessor Hawley announced yesterday.
Representative for the University
at the conference, Professor Keeler
will act as chairman of the meeting
on "Industrial Power Plants," at
which Professor Hawley will speak
on "Increasing Power Production
with Present Boiler Facilities."
Sponsored by the illinois Institute
of Technology, the conference is run
with the cooperation of two State
College, Michigan State College, Pur-
due University, State University of
Iowa, University of Illinois, Univer-
I sity of Michigan and University of

_. _ n'




from fi1scher' S
tell ii.
Lucien Le Long's "Penthouse" [C-FAG-l L. Three lus-
brings her four delightful cious lipsticks by Lucien Le
perfumes under one roof. Long in a leather kit.
tj 4 - - - - - - - ---.-- - -__
Lucien Le Long's PERFUMED SOAP
Floral Fragrances . . . Regularly $2.00 Box
Box of4 bars ,..$1,00
--- -- ---_ _
New Colognes . TAILSPIN 20 0
o andBALALAIKA ..0 ' 0
0 rI Ai4 tRevlon Offer 0
Mid'y Collar . .
Post Box $1.00 complete with Revlon Nail
Enamel - Oily Remover -
A Old Spice Sachet, Toilet Soap, A\dheron Base - New Type.
jJI Guest Toilet Water, Guest
Talcum. $100
Mrs. Steven s
9 Fine Candes
2 E pound . .
Assorted Chocolates
in M'tal Box
$1.50 Gilbert
Fruit and Nut
UI for x.00




Lovely wearables that will go per-
fcctly with the new Easter ensembles
. ..that ,re designed for Easter


$798 9
Raiyon, ,,1#vliivI# ba'a
F1 ;I i'nlo'de r'J
Y'oulrI', . iNav,,l bu t on i s
r11,ldr,', alld down the pfot
k V Ocorian Blue, White , $6,50




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we have your

spring hat


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problem solved. I .arkwood
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I now - A.I



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