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March 21, 1941 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-21

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______________________________________________ I I

i i

Dinner Party
Will Be Given
Today By Guild
Foreign Dishes, Games
To Represent Various
Nations During Party
China, Japan, Holland and Eng-
land are among the countries which'
will be represented at 6:30 p.m. to-
day at an international progressive
dinner party to be given by the Di-
ciples Guild of the Christian Church..
Roberta Holland, '43, will be theI
first hostess, at 1224 White, where1
menus, decorations and entertain-
ment will follow a theme suggested
by Holland and her customs. The
group will next proceed to the home
of Edna Mutter, '43, at 903 Dewey,
where they will be greeted by British
Lewis Hetzler, '41E, and Mrs. Hetz-
ler are to pay homage to Latin-Amer-
ican dishes next at their home at 818
Church. The final course will be
served in the Chinese manner at the
Disciples Guild House at 438 May-
nard, and the evening's entertain-
ment will continue with games from
various nations.
Edna Mutter, '43, social chairman
of the organization, who is making
arrangements for the affair, an-
nounces that there will be a charge
of 30 cents for the dinner. Reserva-,
tions may be made up to noon today}
by calling 5838.
At the regular weekly meeting of
the Guild at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the
Christian Church, Mr. Leonard S.
Gregory, instructor in music litera-
ture, will speak on "The Musical
Structure of the 'Great Vespers'."
He will illustrate his talk by phono-
graph records, with the purpose of
creating an increased appreciation
and enjoyment of the performance
to be given by the Latvian Choir and
two student choruses in Hill Audi-
torium, Thursday, March 27.

3. Wyatt Calls I
Winant Honest,
Capable Envoy
The important and difficult task of
Ambassador to the Court of St. Jamesf
which is now held by John G. Wi-
nant, is in capable hands, according
to Birchard E. Wyatt, of the businessI
administration school, who served as1
technical advisor to Winant when he
was director of the Social Security
An understanding of people and*
ability to cope successfully witht
delicate and difficult problems make3
Winant one of the most qualified
men for that post, Wyatt emphasized.
"Though he doesn't have the bearing
of an English diplomat, his sincerityI
and honesty are sure to win the ap-I
proval and admiration of the Eng-
lish people."
"If we look at Winant's qualities
as a man," Wyatt said, "we find himl
a sincere, honest individual who is
interested in other people to the ex-;
tent that he hardly has time to care
for his own problems. Winant is in-
terested in social and economic
improvement through sound meth-
While Wyatt was assistant to Wi-
nant in the Social Security Board,
he pointed out that Winant always
knew what was going on in all of the
"Not only is Winant familiar with
the problems and conditions in this
country, but he also has a fine pic-
ture of the international situation,"
Wyatt declared, "and has the con-
fidence of all parties in both Eng-
land. and the United States."
"That Winant has leadership abili-
ty is shown by the fact that he had
one of the most successful air squad-
rons during the last war," Wyatt
stated, "though the French won't
Testify to his abilities as a flyer."

Legendary Doc Lovell Learned
'Real Tiruth' From Campus Pals
___ >--- ------ _-____ _


Distrusts U.S.,
IFA- we '34-"Qd A" e,

"You remember old Doc Lovell, of
course," the oldster remarked.
Noticing the surprised look on the
face of the sophomore, the old man
settled back in his chair, puffed a
couple of times on the well-browned
Meerschaum, and told his tale-
Not so many years ago old Doc
Lovell. A.W.O.L., T.N.T., D.U.L., etc.,
stovepipe hat, Prince Albert and all,
was the best-known figure on cam-
The old Doctor died in 1929, just
about twelve years ago come next
month. And for nobody knows how
many years before that he used to
run the magazine stand on State
Street. Once an English cobbler, Doc
was the campus eccentric of the
twenties, an almost legendary fig-~
ure in Ann Arbor.
Talker And Singer
Doc was a great talker and singer.
Practically any evening he'd put, up
his soap box on one end of the Diag-
onal, start regaling the students with
some quaint old song, and soon he
would have quite a sizeable crowd
gathered around him.
The students would toss pennies
at the old fellow in the stove-pipe
lid and Prince Albert, and he would
Spring Here?
ReadyTo Go
,(Editor's Note: The Daily does notI
assume responsibility for the 'unfore-
seen and unpredictable, and that in-
cludes Michigan weather.)
Spring may be wafting in today on
Ann Arbor's icy blasts, but the prac-
tical city _ government won't be stor-
ing its sanders and snow-shovels un-
til the middle of April.
The city has to employ a regular
crew of 20 men to keep its 90 miles
of streets clear during the winter,
and as many as 50 extra hands are
occasionally hired, according to Har-
old R. Scovill, assistant city engin-
Sanders Attack Snow
Ann Arbor attacks its snow and ice
with chemicals, sand, plows, and mus-
cle-operated shovels. The usual pro-
cedure at the beginning of a fall is
to send out a sanding crew at the
drop of a flake. For example, sand-
ers were continually operating from
6 p.m. to midnight on the city's streets
during Wednesday night's vernal
blizzard. Other mechanical equip-
ment includes a fleet of four side-
walk-tractor snow brooms, two road
plows, and four under-truck scrapers.
Although the city usually loads its
cleared snow into dump trucks, a
more economical method was dis-
covered this winter. After a heavy
fall, Main Street had been swept
clean except for large piles of snow
along the sidewalk awaiting disposal.
Instead of using dump trucks, the
city put men to work spreading the
snow out into the middle of the street.
The expected thaw came the next
day and automobile traffic soon
'vanquished the snow by "chewing"
it right into the sewers.
Ice Control Difficult
Ice control presents a more diffi-
cult problem. Sand mixed with cal-
cium chloride has proved the most
effective method of combating ice,
and sand barrels are placed along
every dangerous hill to aid traffic,
Even with these precautions, it is not
unusual for a municipal sander to be
sent to assist stalled trucks. All in

gather them in avidly, singing or 1 rI C UMUtV kOIUJ s
talking a l the while he did it. If the United States is going to
He could talk on any subject, too- make any headway in the direction
just name it, and Doc would talk1 of good will in Latin-America that
nendinl w it.pulspirit of suspicion which prevails
He was quite popular with the stu~ there must disappear, Prof. E. A.
dents, who used to invite him over to IMercado of the Romance Languages
fraternities for dinner, or to help liv-Department asserted yesterday in a
en up a party--and the Doc was cer - lecture sponsored by La Sociedad His-
tain to do that. panica.
Received Many Degrees Mercado explained that it is "hard
Now and- thea various campus or- for Latin-Americans to forget the
ganizations would bestow on the old war with Mexico and what they call
man a degree of some sort or the the 'dollar diplomacy of the Carib-
other. He was Doctor of Archery, andIbean'."
Doctor of Unknown Languages. Some one important way to overcome
of the fellows in the Lit. School hon- the resulting suspicion, he pointed
ored him with the degree of A.W.O.L. out, is to develop the right attitude
-Author of Works of Literature. in the minds of those students who
Another group made him a D.S.C. come to us from south of the Rio
--Dean of Campus Screwballs. But Grande. "We must be sincere and
Doc Lovell was proudest of the one generous with them, take them out
given him by the engineers. They got I of the international centers and let
a piece of real sheepskin, enscrolled them associate with Americans-in
it quite artistically. announcing to fraternities and sororities, for in-
the world that Doc Lovell now had stance," Mercado advised.
the degree of T.N.T.-Thinker of "If such a program is carried gout,"
New Thoughtsl he concluded, "we' will have many
There's still a lot of disagreement more true and loyal friends in Latin
among those who were around Ann America."
Arbor about then as to whether the Professor Mercado's talk was the
old Doc was really so crazy, or maybe fifth in the curiment La Sociedad His-
a lot more intelligent than anyone panica lecture series.
gave him credit for being. Certainly
he had a ready command of facts,U *
he could talk eloquently-but, then, O.J1
he was the campus eccentric.
One evening Doc had assumed his To Meet Today
usual soap-box position, had gathered
a little larger crowd than usual, and
had taken in his nightly quota of 'University Day' Will Be
Reveals Knowledge f Topic Of Discussion
He was in a confidential mood that
night, all those who gathered around Michigan Union freshman and
could see. "Tonight," he began, "I'm sophomore tryouts will meet in Union
going to reveal to you all the wisdom Room 304 at 5 p.m. today to discuss
and knowledge that I have garnered forthcoming Union projects.
-..f+,,,-- >,.- mac.. .:te Cal ~nhhn~k 42 will ntflin

Fuller To Talk
At Hillel Today
Personal View Of World
Situation To .BeT opic
"Confessions of the Liberal Intel-I
lectual" will be the topic of Prof.
Richard Fuller's talk when he leads
the Hillel Fireside Discussion at 8:15
p.m. today at the Foundation.
In keeping with the general topic
of the Discussions, "This Changing
World-Techniques for Living," he
will review his own personal outlook
on the present world situation.
Last week Albert K. Stevens of the
English department spoke on the dis-
cussion program. Prof. Robert B.
Hall of the geography department
and Prof. George C. Benson, director
of the Public Administration Curricu-
lum, are scheduled to apear in- the
near future.
David Crohn, '43. and Jack Lewin-
Epstein, '42, will conduct Conserva-
tive services beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Professor Fuller will lead an infor-
mal discussion period, and refresh-
ments will be served following his

State Pays Old Debt
LANSING, March 20. -(P)- The
Auditor General's Office today made
an initial payment of $66,352 from
$435,000 appropriated by the Legis-
lature totpay four-year-old debts of
the State Crippled Children Com-
The first payment went to hospitals
to which money was owed for the
care of crippled children. One of
the major items was a payment of
$6,062 to St. Luke's Hospital at Mar-



Tonight, Tomorrow, and
TOMORROW at 2:30
"Much Ad'o
by William Shakespeare
35c, 50c, 75c
.8:30 'P.M. Phone 6300
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Today and Saturday!





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----------- -

. ...... . v ve' s. n V ! i!°

Extra Added
"Caribbean "Fight World
Sentinels" I Fish Fight" News

Notebook From 1860 Recounts
Advice Offered To Freshmen

Traditionally, the first item ac-
quired by a colege freshman is a
quantity of advice-and this was no
less true in 1860, which is the date
assigned to the following excerpt
from a student notebook. It quotes
an introductory message given in the
medical school by Prof. A. B. Palmer,
instructor in materia medica and
therapeutics. Besides the verbal ad-
vice, students of English 2 will please
note the original spelling, phrasing,
and punctuation used by the writer.
Notebook Excerpt,
"Gentlemen, in behalf of the fac-
ulty of the Medical College of the
University, I welcome you to these
halls . . . I see before me familliar
faces, faces of those who have met
with us before, gentlemen I welcome
you back...
"I see before me the faces of stran-
gers, who have not been with us be-
fore. Some no doubt who have left
their homes for the first time, to such
I will say I can remember the feel-
ings I experienced when first I left
my home and all that was dear and
home privelages to exchange for the
home privileges to exchange for the
you are not among strangers, there
are some here who are concerned in
your welfare. A few words of advice
may not be inappropriate at this
Room Qualifications
"In regard to the selection of rooms.
You should be careful of crowding
too many in one room. Your rooms
should be as large as possible, well
lighted and well ventilated, and clean
for cleanliness is next to Godliness.

You should be sure to have plenty to
eat, (applause) we are not favorable
to any boarding house speculation
"In regards to health it is neces-
sary that you should take exercise in
the open air. Keep your rooms warm
and don't sit in your room after the
fire is extinguished and then lie in
bed shivering half the night, but
burn plenty of wood and do not burn
any alcohol in your systems (ap-
plause) and I think it would be better
for you not to burn to much tobac-
co in your systems (applause). It
will be our duty to endeavor to con-
firm all that you may have heard
favorable to us and to refute what
you may have heard 'unfavorable of
us. And I hope you will apply your-
selves in such a manner as shall be to
your credit and fto the credit of the
University (applause)."
The notebook from which this se-
lection was drawn is now on the
shelves of the Michigan Historical
Advisers Still Needed
Open to all interested students who
have not yet submitted applications,
the orientation committee of the
Union will meet with all prospective
freshman advisers in Room 304 of the
Union from 3 to 5 p.m. today, Robert
Shedd, '42 and Robert Sibley, '42E,
announced yesterday.
Petitions for orientation week ad-
visoryships next fall are being , ex-
cepted. Remaining vacancies, on the
orientation staff will be filled by the
selective method of interviewing.

after many years of association with
students on the campus."
He was remarkably lucid on this
evening, too-and even old Doc Lovell
could be lucid. "Reduced to its simp-
lest terms," he went on, "so that even
you can understand it, it's this-
Whatever is, was, or it never could
have been!"
Alumni Hall Exhibition
D epicts Famous Posters
Depicting the poster work of such
famous artists as Toulouse-Latrec,
Cassandre, and Kauffer, "A History
of the Modern Poster" is now being
exhibited in Alumni Memorial Hall
by the Ann Arbor Art Association.
The exhibition, which is showing
representative works from Germany,
England, France, the United States,
and other countries, is open daily
from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. It will close
on March 24.

uar ioI Irac, %G, wLi ou ne
plans for "University Day," an orien-
tation program which draws high
school students from the entire state.
The prospective enrollees will tour
the campus and be introduced to cam-
pus activties by Union guides.
Next semester's freshman and
sophomore orientation work will be
discussed by Bob Shedd, '42, and Bob
Sibley, '42, both of the Union staff.
All tryouts are urged to attend, ac-
cording to Sibley.
Phi Sigma Hears Gesell
Dr. Robert Gesell, chairman of the
physiology department, and a mem-
ber of the University faculty since
1923, addressed an open meeting of
Phi Sigma, national honorary bio-
logical research society, on the pres-
entation of "A New Conception of the
Synapse and its Application to Neur-
al Physiology" las, night in the Rack-
ham Building.





all, the cost of clearing winter from
85 miles of streets and sidewalks
amounted to a bill of $16,265.09 in





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Slightly Shopworn





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