ri~tb~t ~I~&Cii 1, 1941
I' -
. No"
donwirtek after's
Sports Midsemester .. .
GRADES were so bad on last week's
midsemester that the Double has
decided to throw a makeup quiz for
the pupils this morning.
Here are the results expected of
WCrestlers Compete In National Collegiates
Jim Gailes, Courtright
To Represent Michigan
Undefeated Oklahoma A & M Mat Team
Slated To Cop Fifth Straight Title
(Continued from Page 1)
Courtright will find the going very tough. The presence of wrestlers with
impressive dual meet records and a sprinkling of sectional champions in,
every weight division indicates a wide-open fight for individual titles.
Captain-elect Galles, who is Big Ten champion, rates a slight favorite to
take the 175-pound title ii( the two-day meet because of his splendid record
this year. One of the outstanding -
n entsnd in, G ain, lles' division is Indi
Average men.......
Phi Betes ..........
Lady readers ........
The Prettiest Man
on campus ........
Now we are ready to begin... .
1. What Michigan athletes have the i
following nicknames: ana's Harry Traster.
a. T-Bone. b. Gravel Throat. c. Courtright will receive a severe test
The Great Profile. d. Great Gusto. for a first-year man, but his per-
2. What returning baseball letter- formances in dual meet and Confer-
. Watren hingVastylleter-n ience competition have established
mane fo awon his Varsitaletter N him as a man who should be watched.
the ootall qua lat fal? ameHe has displayed rapid improvement
two baseball players who also play on H a ipae ai mrvmn
the basketball team. since joining the Wolverine squad in
1 February. Among other strong con-
3. The following men have worked tenders, Earl Van Bebber, who was
as reserves on what Michigan athletic undefeated this year while compet-
teams: a. Hugh McVeigh. b. Paul ing for Oklahoma, will be one of the
Ga natal. c. Bill Houle. d. Bob toughest men in the path of Court-
Westfall. right's title aspiratiops.
4. What is par on the Michigan . Only two of the 1940 winners-Bob
golf course? Antonacci, Indiana 121-pounder, and
5. What great Wolverine athlete Al Whitehurst, Oklahoma A.&M. 136-
graduated from school in February pounder-have returned to, defend
and immediately signed a coaching their crowns. But Johnny Harrell of
contract? Where will he coach? Navy is also back to attempt to re-
6. Who was high scorer in the gain the heavyweight title which he
Western Conference hockey league won in 1939 when he was a member
this year? In the Big Ten basket- of the Aggies' team. Harrell did not
ball competition? wrestle in the Michigan-Navy dual
7. Fielding H. Yost is (69, 73, 66) meet, earlier this year, because of
years old? an injury which he sustained previ-
ous to the meet. John Sikich, Illi-
8.ne Wo is the new lHigh Comms ni'Bigs Te heavyweight can
sioner of pro football and at whatnosBiTe havwgtcam
college did he achieve his fame? pion, was expected to give Harrell
some tough opposition, but he will be
9. What Michigan coaches have the unable to compete because of an in-
following first names: a. Chester. jured knee.
b. Ernie. c. Clarence. d. Herbert. Antonacci, who was pinned for the
10. Who won the American League first time in his life in the Confer-;
batting crown last year? What pit- ence meet will step up to the 128-
cher won the most games in that
11.What sports are the following Mann's Tnk Team
terms taken from: a. butterfly. b.
Brooklyn. c. chucker. d. crease. Is Strong Favorite
boy? What sport does he play?.-,
12. Who is football coach at North- To yrn NCAA Meet'
western? Michigan State? Illinois?
Minnesota? What the World Series is to base-1
13. Who kicked the extra point that ball-the Stanley Cup to hockey-
beat Michigan last fall at Minne- Davis Cup to tennis-and the Rose
apolis? Bowl to football-that's what the
14. What former Michigan baseball National Collegiates are to swihming.
player has a father who manages a And in just one short week, March
big league club? 28 and 29 to be exact, the king of
15. What sweet young thing has collegiate swimming will be chosen
been called Michigan's "prettiest" in Michigan State's Jenison Field
boy? What sport does he play? House pool.'
v a
pound class in seeking laurels this
year. Indiana's Angelo Lazzara,
twice Big Ten 155-pound champ, is
also expected to go far in his class.
Thinclads Enter
Chicago Relays
Bomber Louis 1enterFieI
Strong Choice
t To ]Beat Sim on At this point in the season most!
coaches shy away from any definite
statements about their starting line-
To S To 5,0 Fnsh ups, but Coach Ray Fisher didn't
TO See Bout Tonight btaey%
. e. at aney'ethe other day when he
In Detroit's Olympia named his center outfielder. The spot
~will go to a much-improved Davie
DETROIT, March 20.-(P)-Joe Nelson.
Louis, the wrecking crew for heavy-
Sweights of assorted shapes and sizes, Davie spent part of last season as
goes to work tomorrow night on the a utility infielder, but for the most
biggest target he has ever had as part he relieved Forest Evashevski or
champion. Don Holman in right field. He fin-
Putting his title on the line for ished with a weak .195 batting av-
the 15th time, the Brown Bomber i erage.
moves into the Olympia to take on But that's all been changed now.
250-pounder Abraham Simon, New Davie's been pounding them back at
York giant who boasts a foot that's, the hurlers in the cages this spring,
wider than old Primo Carnera's and Fisher has been workingon the
"satchels," a hand bigger than any little Detroiter's fielding. The Wol-
fighter in the ring, a cocky confi- verine coach predicted that Nelson
dence-and not much more. will make him "a fine outfielder" in
Crowd Of 15,000j941.
A crowd of more than 15,000, with
a gross gate ringing the $50,000 bell, e"Nelson will be in at center," stat-
is expected by Promoter Mike Jacobs Ray, "because of his ability to
in this fourth stop on Louis' winter quick ad hit balsed ttng his
fight-a-month campaign which, up 1 ruikybonharhitballs, gig i
nowhas aisd lups n AlMc-break, but turning in the wrong place.
to now, has raised lumps on Al Mc- I think he's gotten over that now."
Coy, Red Burman and Gus Dorazio.
Only Abe and his mouthpiece, As for his hitting, the pitchers who
Manager James Joy Johnson, believe nave worked against Nelson this year
there's any chance for a miracle to- will vouch for a big improvement.
morrow night when the boys start Fisher's diagnosis of Davie's weakness
! pitching at 10 p.m. The man at the is that he used to drop his right
bar, the fellow on the assembly line shoulder, bringing his bat down low.
and the "cute little thing" back of He's swinging loosely now, holding
the hotel cigar counter all give you his bat high and taking a cut at it,"
the general idea they don't expect declares Ray.
"our Abe" to hear the bell for the The diminutive Nelson is full of
fourth round. confidence that this is his year.
This corner, having listened for
hours to James Joy's arguments- FOUL SHOOTING TOURNEY
you just can't escape the man-be- The Foul Shooting Tournament
lieves Abe may last five or six, large- will be continued for all divisions
ly because he's just as strong as he -independent, residence hall and
Slooks. fraternity-from 5:30 to 10 p.m.
Joe Is Anxious tonight, due to the great number
Joe is really keen about getting of contestants.
is one over without any delay, be- -Intramural Department
cause he has been reminded recently
~that he never has put on atyia
bomber explosion, for the home folk.--- -
Twice, before he was champion, he
had to go ten rounds with opponents
hpr in hit nw hakvard and in hisI
Illerth .
"Wait'll you see me," he grinned. away in Nelson's pocket, the hard-
"I feel as if I could hit that ball a working Holman and probably grid
mile. I used to get a lot of distance captain Bob Westfall will take over
with a choke; now they just ride out the remaining two positions. Holman
there. And I'll look better when I saw a lot of service in right field last
get outside." spring, and Westfall has switched
With the center field job tucked from a reserve catching berth.
You can buy"a
F Radio & Record Shop 9
*. (FOCS'
herein n is own vua yuvu uiiu iii
last outing Rapid Robert Pastor last-
Two-Mile Quartet To Bid ed 11 before the lights were turned
For Win Tomorrow fout.
Coach Ken Doherty has entered ! Grid Letter-Winners
seven of his ace trackmen in the Report For Practice
Annual Chicago Relays to be held
tomorrow in the Windy City's Inter-
national Amphitheatre. Coach Fritz Crisler's spring foot-
Oh, Look at Him Now!
1. a. Strother Martin. b. Jack
Leutritz. c. Tom Harmon. d. Gus
2. Dave Nelson, George ,Ruehle
and,. Mike Sofiak.
3. a. Hockey, b. football, c. bas-
ketball, d. baseball.,
4. 72.
5. Forest Evashevski. Hamilton
College, Clinton, N.Y.
6. Norbert Sterle, Illinois. Joe
Stampf, Chicago.
7. 69.
8. Elmer Layden, Notre Dame..
9. a. Stackhouse, b. McCoy, c.
Munn, d. Crisler.
10. Joe DiMaggio, Bob Feller.
11. a. swimming, b. bowling, c.
polo, d. hockey.
12. Lynn Waldorf, b. Charley
Bachman, c. Bob Zuppke, d. Bernie
13. Little Joe Mernik.
14. Walt Peckinpaugh.
15. Jim Tobin, ping pong.
The records show that Michigan
has won the title for the past seven'
consecutive years, and if you put two
and two together, just as sure as
you'll get four for an answer you'll
find Matt Mann and his crew making
it eight in a row.
Last year the Mannmen scored 45
points to Yale's 42 with the final
free style relay deciding the meet.
This time things should be a little
easier with Jim Welsh back in a line-
up he was missing from a ,year ago,
and Jack Patten and Jim Skinner, two
of the speediest natators in the na-
tion, swimming under the Maize and
Wayne and Ohio State are two ofj
the top-notch aggregations likely to
break into the first-place column, but
the rest of the collegiate world will
be in for a two-day swimming lesson
by Michigan's miraculous mermen.
Boston 3, Toronto 0.
Detroit 2, Rangers 1. (overtime)
Chicago 2, Montreal 1.
Last meet of the indoor season for
the Wolverines, the carnival has at-
tracted entries from the nation's
leading cinder stars, including such
standouts as Greg Rice, great two-
miler, Earle Meadows, the country's
best pole-vaulter, Campbell Kane,
who won the Michigan AAU In-
vitational mile here Wednesday, Fred
Wolcott, ace hurdler and a host of
Michigan's colors will be carried by
a crack two-mile relay team com-
prising Dave Matthews, Warren
Breidenbach, Johnny Kautz, and Bob
Ufer, which will face quartets from
Indiana and Notre Dame in a special
match race.:
In the individual events Doherty
has entered three men, Capt. Don
Canham, Bud Piel and Al Thomas.
The Wolverine leader will compete
in his specialty, the high jump.
Piel and Thomas will both run the
sprints against a top-notch field of
Midwestern dashmen.
ball squad assumed more workable
proportions during the last few days
with the addition of five Varsity let-
ter-winners to the Wolverine grid
Center Bob In galls, guards Bill
Melzowrand Bob Kolesar, tackle Al
Wistert and quarterback George Cei-
thaml were the Michigan first-string-
ers who joined the football squad at
the indoor drills in the Sports Build-
The four linemen immediately went
to work on the blocking dummies
under the direction of Line Coach
Clarence Munn,, while,- Ceithaml
worked out in some pass plays with
his backfield mates under Earl Mar-
tineau and Crisler.
Brooklyn 3, Detroit 1.
Philadelphia (N) 20. Columbus
(AA) 9.
St. Louis (N) 2, Cleveland 1.
Cincinnati 1, New York (N) 4.
New York (A) 9, Newark (Int) 6.
The Most Attractive Man On
Campus Featured InThis Issue of the
We just received
fine selection of spring
reversible topcoats.
Values you would be
glad to pay as much
as $22.50 for.
Also Photo Features of
* Play Production
to the old-
are special at:
, J.G.P.
-T r
n' mEndbLbLW
®f m m =mI,