Letters Of Slosson And Dumond
Provoke Adverse Student Replies
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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Published every morning except Monday during the
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420 MADisbN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40
Editorial Stafl
Carl Petersen
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Ann vicary
Mel Fineberg
Managing Editor
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. City Editor
. Associate Editor
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Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
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* Sports Editor
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. Jane Mowers
. Iarriet S. 'Levy
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Ehghtened Opinion
Can Stop Lynehig .. .
ual the first item of legislation on
the calendar is the anti-lynch bill that peren-
nially makes its appearance and is passed by the
House, and would be passed by the Senate too if
sothern senators did not filibuster against it
The Senate invariably shelves the bill after its
opponents and proponents have finished their
verbal tussle.
Significantly, however, one point in the dis-
cussion has been accepted by both sides as shown
in the majority and minority reports of Congres-
sional judiciary committees. Common recogni-
tion is given to the fact that the most powerful
preventative of lynching is enlightened public
pinion, and that the considerable decline of
lynchings is due to the growth of such public
opinion. A general statement of this principle
was given in the report of the National Confer-
ence on Lynching: "It has become obvious that
officers of states and counties are powerless to
enforce the rules laid down for the guidance of
civilized society unless their efforts are reinforced
by the expression of an enlightened and effec-
tive public opinion."
The Southern senators contend that the
Southern communities possess such an enlight-
ened public opinion when they deny that the
Southern communities cannot deal with the
lynching problem themselves.
The proponents of the anti-lynch bill argue
that the Southern communities still do not pos-
sess a sufficiently enlightened public opinion
When they point out that in 1939 three were
lynched and that, more important, five white
men and twenty negroes were only saved from
the hands of murderous mobs by law officers.
The ultimate wisdom of an anti-lynch law re-
mains contested on this question whether south-
ern communities possess sufficient enlightened
public opinion to cope with the lynching prob-
lem themselves, the decision often resting upon
whether one lives in the South or not. However,'
the fundamental method to achieve a permanent
end to lynching is the creation of an enlight-
ened public opinion; this is the solution that
both those in favor and those opposed to the
anti-lynch bill are agreed upon as basic.
When one views the embodied persecution of
lynching in broad perspective, one sees that the
problem is that of minority persecution within
the sphere of a society that far transcends the
restrictive limits of the South. It is the com-
mon persecution of all racial, political, class,
and religious minorities that exists in our Ameri-
van democracy today. This persecution is im-
mense, and lynching is but a small part. One
therefore must wholeheartedly support the Gavi-
gan anti-lynch as an instrumentality in prevent-
ing in part the great minority persecution that
exists, pending the creation of enlightened public
opinion throughout the expanse of our American
But the elimination of all minority persecu-
tion must be accomplished by the creation of
enlightened public opinion. The two are identi-
cal. Solving the general minority problem is
the most fundamental and enduring anti-lynch
and anti-persecution bill that can exist.
A very excellent analysis of the general mi-
nority problem was given by Dr. Ludwig Lew-
isohn, the noted Jewish author and Zionist
leader, when he spoke here last fall. Dr.
T..ixann'a +fit +hP fPn(-.nn- nanntinffer..
Rid To Prof. Slosson,
To The Editor:
One has to respect Professor Sloson's humani-
tarian attitude toward suffering peoples across
the water, yet it seems that he misses the point
when he criticizes various recent letters, col-
umns, and editorials in The Daily on the ground
that "With all our distresses we are still the
wealthiest nation on earth. If we contribute
nothing, where shall the starving look for aid?"
Professor Slosson Jails to consider the full
implications of our giving aid to foreign coun-
tries at war. He evidently does not realize that
our giving aid now means our officially enter-
ing the war later. Or perhaps he does realize
this, but believes that our duty extends that far.
If he does believe this, it is apparent that he
has not allowed himself to think about whatwar
will do to democracy in the United States during
and after the conflict-and, therefore, becauze
of our intimate economic and cultural connec-
tions with the rest of the world, what our en-
tering the war will do to democracy in other
Itis around these points that all thought and
discussionon our giving aid to foreign con
tries should be oriented. We can assume that
the majority of Americans have humanitarian
characteristics to which they would like to give
expression, so that we need not spend time
arguing the point.
An invitation is hereby extended to Professor
Slosson to present (after careful analysis of past
experience and comparison of it with present
conditions) the consequences of this country's
narticipation in war. As he does this, let Pro-
fessor Slosson make an effort to overcome the
limiations imposed on him as a professior-O
historian, and try to include within his range
of vision the dull, withal vital, discipline of ec-
onomics. -Alice Brower.
Hfr. O'Malley Again
To the Editor:
Far be it from me to desire a duel of newspaper
forensics with the exam guillotine about to fall.
And it is not easy to tangle with a historian of
the caliber of Professor Dumond. If Fm pre-
sumptuous it is, because there are issues involved
which can not be settled by the bald assumption
that it is America's peculiar destiny to impose
morality upon the rest of the world.
Mr. Usher, in defending Professor Dumond's
position, accuses me of cynicism. If he is cor-
rect the indictment is damning indeed; I agree
thoroughly that such an attitude is negative
and in its essence cowardly. But I should like to
think of my position rather as the expression
of a healthy skepticism coupied with a readiness
to profit by the history of the last 20 years. To
many of my generation that history has many
LAST THURSDAY morniig Gulliver flipped
over to the editorial page with a smug smile
of anticipation; he looked forward to enjoying
yet another of his brilliant columns. He was
distinctly irritated to see that some budding
newspaperman had seen fit to cut the Cavils
squarely in half, so that his analysis of New
America was ended, so to speak, before it had
begun. It would be nice to go ahead with the
discussion now and polish it off, but somehow
we've lost the train of thought. Maybe another
time ...
* * * $
GULLIVER TOOK THINGS into his own hands
the other day: he went to several libraries,
took out a lot of books, went home, and read
them. Actually. The point to this story is that
the books had to be back by eight a.m. Now
you don't usually catch Gulliver up and about
before a reasonable hour. Ten a.m. we deem
to be a reasonable hour. Following this precept,
Gulliver has studiously avoided undertaking any
obligations which would put him on the'streets
before it gets light.
This time Gulliver really was stuck. In the
old days he could always find some sucker, a
freshman or the like, who would be willing to
run over to the library and drop off a book on
the way to class. But not this time. So Gulliver
bravely bundled up and went off to campus. The
street lamps were still on, but they didn't give
much light, and Gulliver would have run smack
into the Rackham Building if it hadn't been
for the feeble glow cast by his cigarette. In the
shadows lie could discern vague forms who also
seemed to be headed for campus.
The most amazing feature of the whole weird
business was that nobody seemed to be grumbling
about the weather or anything else. They all
managed to wear smiles-stiff, frozen smiles-
but smiles nonetheless. One lad (who was using.
an oxyacetylene torch to make his way across
the diagonal) was actually humming You Are
The Promised Kiss of Springtime.
Gulliver salutes these hardy souls, these brave
people who are willing to get up in the middle
of the night to get educated. He wants to wish
them good -luck in their finals. In fact, he
wants to wish everybody good luck in their finals
-if they know as little as Gulliver, they'll need it.
minority alike, and in which the minority is al-
ways the weaker and powerless competitor.
Thus it appears that the creation of enlight-
Atnprc nnihlii nnoinion to hlish minority nersecu-
lessons: that political morality can not be super-
imposed by one nation upon another; that vic-
tory does not bring peace; that a stalemate in
1918 would have brought us nearer to peace than
Mr. Ulrich's "scientific" treaty of Versailles, born
as it was in a world torn by hatred and intol-
erance. Then there would have been no need of
vengeance imposed on a proud German people,
of a punishment predicated upon the obsolete
theory of exclusive German war guilt. Then,
possibly; we could have struggled along without
war debts which disrupted world economics, for
two decades, or of an occupation of the Ruhr
which, added to the debt problem, spelled infla-
tion and collapse of the German economy. Pos-
sibly the Hitler that was born of this stress
might still be hanging his paper.
I shall not quarrel with Mr. Usher over the
descriptive adjectives to apply to Chamberlain
and Daladier. Whether these men fairly repre-
sent the imperialist tendencies of these two na-
tions is a verdict that can be left to history.
Possibly Indians who are milked annually of
billions in British taxes and Riff tribesman un-
der France will be happy at the discovery of some
future historian that the oppression visted up-
on them was not by imperialists. But I do
quarrel with Mlr. Usher in his contention that
we must again travel a devious route to his
"scientific" Versailles. I would not seek a Utopia
overnight. But I'm skeptical-or cynical, if
you wish--of those pro-British advocates of in-
ternational brotherhood who can look with
complacence while Chinese die by the tens of
thousands, while Ethiopians are rained with
Italian bombs, but who are quite ready to send
young Americans to die for British money bags.
- Jesse O'MlNlay.
What Choice Irperais Ms.?
ro The Editor:
Professor Dumond impresses me as the type
of emotidnalist who is a delight to the hearts
of the war-mongers. He is the person who,
after sufficient bugle blowing, drum rolling, and
pep talks," will gaze across no-man's-land, and
visualie the horde of rapacious beings inhabit-
ing those other trenches; overlooking their simi-
larity to his own companions, and the fact that
they breath the same air and are swayed by the
same passions, ideals, and ambitions pertinent
to all mens' quest for happiness.
The effectiveness, at least, of the war-brew-
ing type of ideologist must be commended, for
here is an individual in whom the fruits of their
efforts have persisted for 22 years.
If my forefathers hadn't succeeded in their
Revolution, Professor Dumond and I would
both be laboring under the same empirical yoke
as India. I name India because she alone, of
Britain's empire has a population whose con-
sumption of British goods approaches, or even
surpasses the probable American consumption
were we still a British possession. Loss of India
is unthinkable---to the guiding minds of the
Empire. India suffers most under an enforced
economical domination.
With these facts in mind, I read Professor
Dumonds' reference to "ruthless German Im-
perialism." It seems to me that German and
British imperialism differ only in time and
method. England started a couple of hundred
years ago, and resorted almost entirely to po-
litical wiles and cunning, using her armed forces
as supplementary factors. On the other hand,
Germany didn't get started until the 20th cen-
tury, and then chose the "strong arm method"
of advancing her ambitions. Now, will Professor
Dumond please point out to me why I should
spend my resources and blood for either of these
conflicting interests?
If I pass two thieves battling over some loot,
which one should I 14elp? I would help neither,
but would refer the case to the proper authority.
At this time we have no effective world authority
to police the renegade policies of nations. But,
that does not -preclude the possibility of such a
force. Although I deplore the theme of 'Mr.
Ushers' letterof Jan. 26, I must agree with his
statement that "Progress is painfully slow."
True! Progress is slow, and patience in tolerating
this slowness may seem to be an unattainable
virtue. However, we must not be tricked into
augmenting the pain and slowness by throwing
our resources and manpower into the European
"onflict, as the Slossons, Dumonds and Ushers
would have us do!
- E. J. Field, '40.
Taxpayers' Relief
Naval leaders who dream of a United States
navy large enough to meet the combined pow-
ers of all potential enemies suffered their first
major rebuff in the house last week when Rep-
resentative Vinson, chairman of the house naval
acairs committee, made a surprise move to cut
$500,000,000 from the proposed $1,300,000,000
fleet expansion program.
This slash would effect only combatant ves-
sels by making no appropriations for new de-
stroyers and by limiting the building of war-
ships to already available facilities.
For naval leaders who within the last fi
days have pushed proposals for a 25 per cent
increase in the fleet's fighting tonnage and who
have estimated United States naval needs for
the next five years at an extra $2,000,000,000, the
Vinson proposal is foreboding. But for the tax-
payer who this year is paying more than $15
for every member of his family-the most he
has ever spent for national defense-the sug-
gestion is welcome.
When Congress last week considered the pos-
sibility of an Allied defeat in Europe and the
possible necessity of the United States having
to meet a combination of enemy nations, it set
itself to the task of selecting its enemies. If
I'd Rather
- By Samuel Grafton -
N THE CITY of Leipzig, on Sept. 23,
1930, three lieutenants of the Ger-
man army were put on trial for high
treason. The three men, Scheringer,
Ludien and Wendt, were young; the
oldest only 26. They had joined Herr
Hitler's Nazis, it was charged, and,
conspired with them to undermine
the discipline of the army.
* * * *
That trial is of historic importance.8
It was the first trial of any Nazis on
treason charges. (Occasionally they
wereshauled into court and charged
with""obstructing traffic" for hittingf
radicals on the head, but that waso
all). It reminds one, of course, of the
fact that six of the 17 young "Chris-
tian Front" men just arrested in Newo
York for plotting against the Govern-
ment are past or present members of
the National Guard.a
* * *
So here it is Leipzig and 1930 and
the Weimar Republic is about to tryE
(as our American democracy is aboutF
to try) an assortment of accusedf
Fascist and racist conspirators withj
military connections. This is theP
kind of moment on which history piv-
ots. Four days before the trial began,
Albert Einstein, one of the wise menU
of our time, poo-poohed the Fascist
menace. At about the same date
Thomas Mann, another towering
World figure and brighter than most
men, gave it as his considered opin-
ion that the Nazis were "a flash in
the pan." Iii 28 months Hitler was
to be in power.
"These are patriotic Germans!"C
screamed Herr Hitler as the trial be-
gan. "We are opposed to violence-
we are merely preparing to defend
ourselves." And in America a com-
mittee to defend the 17 "Christian
Front" members has been formed, on
the ground that they "were merely
seeing to it they wouldn't be- caught
napping." "They are Americans,"
says Borough President. Harvey of~
Queens. "They're Christians," says
Father Coughlin, as though that cir-
cumstance overrode the possession of
bombs. An effort is being made to
create a special atmosphere in which
to judge the facts.
On the third day of the Leipzig
trial, Adolf Hitler was called as a
defense witness to prove that his
movement was not subversive. He
was questioned about a statement in
"Mein Kampf" to the effect that
"head vould roll in the sand" when
he took power. Yes, he said, prole-
tarians, socialists, and pacifists would
be- guillotined. "But," he added with
a death's-head grin, "they will be
tried first; and the lives of the no-
bility will be spared."
He admitted he would alter the
character of the state when he took
power. But he would take power, he
insisted, by legal means. His follow-
ers, crowding the courtroom, cheered,
and in the square outside they main-
tained a continuous roar of "Ger-
many, awake!" the current Nazi slo-
gan. Chief Justice Baumgarten tried
vainly to keep order. In Berlin, as
Hitler's testimony was read, stocks
on the Boerse dropped 6 points.
* 00* *
This creation of uproar and dis-
order was, of course, a deliberate tac-
tic, designed to create a special at-
mosphere in which to judge the facts.
We know this now better than any-
one could know it in 1930. In Aus-
tria the technique reached its height
during March, 1938, when a Nazi
"traveling circus" of demonstrators
went from town to town, producing
turmoil, so that authority would be-
come craven, and Hitler would be
called in "to keep order." Just so
does the "Christian Front" go into
the streets today to create disorder,
while some of its members arm them-
selves-to be "prepared" against the
disorder they themselves create. It
was up to Chief Justice Baumgarten,
in Leipzig, in 1930, to show whether
this disorder could be faced down.
It was a test of the Republic and of
the Justice.
He flunked it. He tried to play
both sides. He found the three lieu-
tenants guilty of treason, on Over-
whelming evidence. Then he sen-
tenced them to a mere 18 months,
not in prison, but in an army fort-
Tress. Detention in a fortress involved
no disgrace, no loss of prestige, it was
traditionally reserved for quasi-pun-
ishment of "honorable, crimes," and
permitted considerable freedom with-
in the walls, including the right to
have food and drink sent in. Then
the Justice took six months off the
sentence for time spent awaiting the
trial. "Their motives," said the Jus-
tice placidly, "were of the purest,
though misguided." The historic
moment was over. In January of the,
third following year President Hin-
denburg called Htler in to form a,
government in order to preserve the
peace and order of the Reich,
Fellowships Offered
Room Assignment for Final Ex-
amination in German- 1, 2, 31, and 32.
Saturday, February 3, 1940, 9-12 a.m.
German 1
1025 A.H., Philippson, Diamond,
Gaiss, Eaton, Graf ,
(Continued from Page 2)
Students applying for eligibility cer-
tificates for the second semester are
reminded that they must present first
semester report cards at Room 2,
University Hall, in order to assure
immediate receipt of their new cards.
First semester eligibility certificates
will be invalid after March 1.
Glider Club Members: During the
examination period the scheduled
groups will not operate. A list will
be posted on the Aeronautical En-
gineering Bulletin Board in the :East
Engr. Building of dates and times,
that instructors will be leaving for
flying. Any member may go out as
often as he wishes.
J-Hop Parties: Requests for dances
or house parties for the J-Hop week-'
end should be filed with all accom-
panying detail in the Dean of Stu-
dents Office on or before February 1.
Wo men Students attendngithe 3-_
Hop:. Closing; hour for the night of
February 9, 1940, will be 3:30 a.m.
for those students attending the
J-Hop, who do not attend an ap-
proved organized breakfast: for those
attending breakfasts approved by the
Dean of Students, the closing hour
will be 4:30 am.
Academic Notices
25 A.H., Braun, Broadbent, Ed-
231 A.H., Striedieck, Norbury, Pott.
German 2
B H.H. All sections.
German 31
35 A.H., Reichart, Van Duren, Pott.
B H.H., Gaiss.
C H.H., Schachtsiek, Philippson,
1035 A.H., Graf, Ryder.
301 U.H., Wahr.
German 32
D H.H. All sections.
Room Assignments for the English
I Final Examination, Tues., Jan. 30,
2-5 p.m.
Arthos, 35 A.H.; Baum, 35 A.H.;
Bertram, 1035 A.H.; Boys, W. Lect.
Phys.; dalver, 1035 A.H.; Eisinger,
W. Lect. Phys.; Engel, W. Lect. Phys.;
Giovannini, 2029 A.H.; Green, 2203
A.H.; Greenhut, 2235 A.H.; Halliday,
4003 A.H.; Hanna, 4203 A.H.; Hart,
203 U.H.; Hathaway, 229 A.H.; Helm,
18 A.H.; Helmers, 205 M.H.
Martin, 205 M.H.; McCormick, 208
U.Ha.; 'Neill, 103 R.L.; Peake, 103
R.L.; Peterson, 25 A.H.; Rettger, 305
S.W.; Robertson, 2054 N.S.; Schroed-
er, 2003 N.S.; Stocking, 202 W. Phys.;
Taylor, 102 Ec.; Walker, 202 Ec. Wei-
mer, 103 R.L.; Weisinger, 302 M.H.;
Wells, 25 A.H.; Woodbridge, 25 A.H.
Room Assignments for Final Exam-
inations in Mathematics. (L.S. & A.)
The regular classrooms' will be used
except for the following classes:
Math. 1, Sec. 2, 301 South Wing,
Math. 1, Sec. 6, 2231 Angell Hall,
(Continued on Page 5)
. __ ..... _ .._ I
College of,
Jan. 27 to
Feb. 7, 1940
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the Time of
Exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses
having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz
Drawing and labpratory work may be continued through the exami-
nation period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work
during one week.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below
the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exami-
nation periods should be reported for adjustment to Professor D. W.
McCready, Room 3209 East Engineering Building, before January 24.
To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive
notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance
in each course during the period of January 27 to February 7.
No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination.
No date of examination may be changed without the consent of the
Classification Committee.
Time Of Exercise Time of Examination
(at 8 Monday, Feb. 5 8-12
(at 9 Friday, Feb. 2 4-12
(at 10 Wednesday, Jan. 31 8-12
MONDAY (at 11 Monday, Jan. 29 8-12
(at 1 Tuesday, Feb. 6 2-6
(at 2 Monday, Jan. 29 2-6
(at 3 Tuesday, Feb. 6 8712
Monday, Feb. 5
Tuesday, Jan. 30
Wednesday, Jan. 31
Tuesday, Jan. 30
Wednesday, Feb. 7
Friday, Feb. 2
Thursday, Feb. 1
E.M. 1, 2; C.E. 2; German; Spanish *Saturday, Feb. 3
Surv. 1, 2, 4; French *Saturday Jan. 27
M.E. 3; Draw. 1, 2 *Thursday, Feb. 1
Met. Proc. 2, 3, 4 *Saturday, Feb. 3
Economics *Thursday, Feb. 1
Drawing 3 *Friday, Feb. 2
E.E. 2a; Physics 46 *Tuesday Feb. 6
*This may be used as an irregular period provided there
flict with the regular printed schedule above.
is no con-
First Semester, 1939-1940--Colege of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Time of Exercise Time of Examination
Mon. at 8 Mon., Feb. 5, 9-12
Mon. at 9 Fri., Feb. 2, 9-12
Mon. at 10 Wed., Jan. 31, 9-12
Mon. at 11 Mon., Jan. 29, 9-12
Mon. at 1 Tues., Feb. 6, 2-5
Mon. at 2 Mon., Jan. 29,' 2-5
Mon. at 3 Tues., Feb. 6, 9-12
Tues. at 8 Mon., Feb. 5, 2-5
Tues. at 9 Tues., Jan. 30, 2-5
Tues. at 10 Wed., Jan. 31, 2-5
Tues. at 11 'rues., Jan. 30, 9-12
Tues. at 1 Wed., Feb. 7, 9-12
Tues, at 2 Fri., Feb. 2, 2-5
Tues. at 3 Thurs., Feb. 1, 9-12
Special Period
No. Time of Examination
1 Sat., Feb. 3, 9-12
II Sat., Feb. 3, 2-5
III Sat., Jan. 27, 2-5
IV Thurs., Feb. 1, 2-5
German 1, 2, 31, 32.
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32.
Music 31.
Zoology 1. Botany 1.
Psychology 31. Music 1.
French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32,
41, 71, 111, 112, 153.
Speech 31, 32.
Pol. Science 1, 2, 51, 52.
English I shall be examined on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2-5.
English 30 shall be examined on Friday, Feb. 2, 9-12.
Economics 51, 52, 53, and 101 shall be examined on Thursday,
Feb. 1, 9-12.