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January 27, 1940 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-27

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SA 'RAT, 3 M?.- 27, 1940

~T'fAt:1d L LlAY-


.. ..


Exams Cause
Tense Nerves
In Ann Arbor
"Paris in the fourth month of theI
war is an attractive, comfortable,
almost normal city with an intimate,
quasi-country charm" begins an
article in the current Vogue entitled
"Paris-with the Men on Leave."
Ann Arbor in the weekend before
the struggle is an attractive, com-
fortable, abnormally quiet town with
a, tense, "wish-we'd-studied-before"
atmosphere. And this little epic pre-
sents a situation perhaps not par-
allel to that of the French capital, but
near enough to the idea of conflict-
mn versus books--to be titled "All
Quiet On the Social Front."
Activities of man, woman and fresh-
man must be necessarily limited be-
cause of the few entertainments
Two out of the three normal week-
end activities-fraternity dances and
the League and Union ballrooms--
have stepped aside for the academic
life, and only the Union. remains
open to entice the would-be all-A
student from his books.
"The show must go on" and with
this slogan in mind the cinema qpn-
tinues daily shows.
But for companionship and con-
vivality-a bit subdued we admit but
nevertheless a joy of accomplishment
those who would "be seen" with the
ones .who "are seen" must return to
library and study hall. r
Bowling Will Continue
Women's Athletic Building bowling
alleys will remain open during the
entire examination period. The hours.
will be from 3:15 p.m. to 6 p.m., and
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. daily, and from
3:15 p.m. to 6 p.m Saturdays.

Chapel Group.
Plans Second
'Mardi Gras'
St. Mary's Auditorium
To ,Be Scene Of Last
I Pre-Lent Dance Feb. 6
Students of St. Mary's Chapel are
sponsoring their second annual Mardi
Gras dance from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.,
Tuesday, Feb. 6 in the chapel audi-
This will be the last dance to be
given by the group before the begin-
nmg of Lent, Helen Brady, '40, co-
chairman of publicity, announced.
Bobby Scherger's orchestra, with
Virginia Lee as vocalist,- will furnish
the music. There will be a floor show
during the evening, and refreshments
are to be served. Tickets for the
dance are 25 cents per person.
Frances Patterson, '41, and Law-
rence Anderson, '43E, co-chairmen
of the decorations committee, have
planned to decorate the auditorium
with colored . lights, streamers and
confetti for the evening.
Heading the central committee are
June McPherson, '41, and James Kee-
nan, '41, co-chairmen. Mary Jane
Kenney, '41, is chairman of refresh-
ments; Woodrow Frailing, '41E, is
music chairman, and .Donald Couni-
han, '41, and Miss Brady are in charge
of publicity.
Anyone who wishes .to work on a
committee shoud call Mary McSherry,
Grad., social -chairman of St. Mary's
Chapel, or he respective committee
Re-Check Deadline Set
JGP health re-checks must be in
by Thursday, Feb. 8, Annabel Van
Winkel, '41, chairman of patrons,
has announced.-

True Or False: Siding Is On Decline
F .n.
In Opnions On Modern Music



(Continued from Page 4).


1, Sec. 7,
2, Sec. 1,

2231 Angell Hall,
405 South Wing,

2, Sec. 3, 3011 Angell Hall,
3, Sec. 1, 229 Angell Hall,
3, Sec. 2, 305. South Wing,
3, Sec. 5, 403 South Wing,
3, Sec. 6, 203 Univ. Hall,
7, Sec. 4, 201 Univ. Hall,
51, Sec. 1, 3011 Angell Hall,
51, Sec. 2, 3011 Angell Hall,





.r.}} rs$for Spring
PICK PATENT to highlight slim feet and ankles. With prints,
with tailored suits, wear this gleaming pump; gracefully
cut out, and with a high iharrow heel

"Swing? Why it's nothing more!
than music of 20 years ago dressed
up. In five years or less I predict
there won't be any "swing" bands."
And so Ted Fio Rito gives voice to
words which again precipitate that
modern argument: To swing or not to
With Tommy Dorsey, an ardent
advocate of swing and a very success-
ful one at that, collaborating at J-
Hop with Fio Rito, students of mo-
dern music will have an excellent op-
portunity to decide for themselvesJ
upon the merits of swing versusJ
sweet. Fio Ritosutilizees the flute,
muted brasses and light percussiond
effects to sweeten his music and take
the "jazz" out of the hotter rhythms.
Dorsey on the other hand "jives" far
and wide with his. faied. trombone.!
Even Dorsey's sweet arrangements!
have that pervasive element of swing.
Viola Substitutes For Violins.
One of Fio Rito's important inno-
vations in the instrumental makeup
of his outfit consists of his substi-
tution of a single viola in place of
three violins. He believes that the
one viola improves upon the three
violins by lending deeper and more
resonant tonal qualities and at the
same time"blending better with the
brasses. Fio. Rito also relegates the
saxophone, considered by most or-
chestra leaders as the "hottest of all
musical instruments, to a back posi-
tion in favor of the viola.
Featured along with Fio Rito and
his exceptional keyboard work will,
be "Candy" Candido, "The Little Man
with the Thousand Voices:,," Novoline
Payne, vocalist, Frank Flynn - bari-
tone and drummer, and "Jam Ses-
sions" .by the Seven Swingaroos.
Dorsey Defends win
pressed his views as to swing by stat-
ing, "Swing" has always been with
us. Its discovery by the public as
a word is recent, but musicians for
years have used the .term and exer-
cised its meaning." Dorsey has con-
centrated his interest on the trom-
bone;- and in popular music circles
has been named as ace trombonist
of the time. He can make it sound
like a trumpet, cornet, organ, cello
and violin, and this certainly indi-


cates his proficiency on the instru-
Frank Sinatra, who was former>
featured with Harry James is now
the featured vocalist with Dorsey's
orchestra. Along with Sinatra, the
Dorsey Quartette, famous for its vo-
calizations will demonstrate how
"swing" should be swung.
For those who like sweet music,
J-Hop will be the best place to hear
sweet music on the night of Feb. 9
when Fio Rito plays, and for those
who like swing, there is still J-Hop
with Tommy Dorsey. And the argu-
ment will still rage long after Dorsey
and Fio Rito leave Ann Arbor: To
swing or not to swing.
Your Hudson Seal
Or New iMk Coat
May Be Muskrat
Did you know that 800,000 Ameri-
can'women bought new fur coats this
winter? Were you one of the lucky
ones? If you were thus fortunate,
you contributed to the $350,000,000
spent on fur during 1939.
But did you know what you were
getting for your money? Gone are
the days when mink looked like mink
and muskrat resembled only its orig-
inal self. Now only about ten per
cent of the furs sold closely resemble
the original animal.
Most Popular Furs
Most popular of the furs which
aren't meddled with are leopard, fox
and k rn. o make muskrat appeal
to those of us who have pocketbooks'
of copper and tastes of gold, furriers
pbrush the color on the skins and the
lfeathers are applied with stripings.
We are informed that there are
:ninety separate steps in transferring
muskrat skin into the stunning Hud-
son seal coat so popular with the more
sophisticated woman. First a layer
of skin is scraped from the under
side of the pelt, and then the pelt is
put into a beating machine where it
is pounded soft.
Fur's Back Greased
The back of the fur is greased, na-
tural oils are injected into the pelt,
and impurities are removed. And so
is famous Hudson seal created in the
factories of the furriers while most
purchasers blissfully imagine the ex-
quisite coat which they arc now
proudly wearing once protecting the
back of an enormous seal in the freez-
ing Arctic.
1= -

To make dishes sparkle,
after they are washed
try rinsing them with

Math. 111, 208 Univ. Hall, Nesbitt,
Math. 195, 405 South Wing, Wil-
Math. 213, 3201 Angell Hall, Rain-
Political Science 1: Final examina-
tion, Thursday, February 1, 2-5 p.m.
Sections will meet in the following
Calderwood, sec. 7, 1935 AH.
Cuncannon, secs. 3, 4, West Physics
Dorr, secs. 1, 2, 1025 AH.
French, secs. 9, 10, 14, 15, 25 AH.
Hayden, sec. 7, 1025 AH.
Kallenbach, secs. 11, 12, 13, B HH.
Kitchin, secs. 5, 6, West Physics
Political Science 2: Final examina-
tion, Thursday, February 1, 2-5 p.m.
Perkins, secs. 1, 2, 2225 AH.
Far Eastern Art: Final examina-
tions are announced as follows:
F.A. 205, 207, Mon. 29th, 2-5, 4018
F.A. 201, Tues., 30th, 9-12, 308
F.A. 191, Tues., 30th, 2-5, Arch Bldg.
F.A. 203, Fri. Feb. 2nd; 2-5, 3024
Political Science 113: Final exam-
ination Wednesday, January 31, in
Room 1035 Angell Hall.
J. K. Pollock
Sociology 51 Final Examination
Room Assignments: Tuesday, Janu-
ary 30, 2-5 p.m., 1025 A.H., Fuller
and Myers. West Gallery Alumni
Memorial Hall, Holmes, Angell, Haw-
ley and Ostafin.
Aer. 2, Theory of Aviation: Final
examination in this course will be
given on Wednesday, January 31,

from 8:00-12:00, in Room 3046 East
Engineering Building.
Lit-Law Combined Cuirriculum
(History) students: Professor Vander-
Velde (118 Haven Hall) will have the
following office hours to sign pro-
grams: Thursday, January 25, 11-12
a.m. and 1:30-2 p.m. He will keep
the following hours in Room 164
Rackham Building: Friday, January
26, 9-12 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 8 and
Friday, February 9, 9-12 a.m. and
1:30-5 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 10, 9-12
a.m. Please note that from Friday,
January 26, consultations will be held
in Room 164 Rackham Building.
Students concentrating in History:.
Professor Wheeler, 316 Haven, will
have the following office hours to sign
programs: Thursday, Jan. 25, Friday,
Jan. 26, from 3-5 p.m. Saturday,.
January 27, from 10-11 a.m. From
January 29 to February 2, inclusive,
1-2 p.m. From February 5 to Febru-
ary 9, inclusive, 9-10 a.m. and 2-3
p.m. On February 10, from 9-10
p.m. Appointments may be made in
advance by signing the appointment
sheets posted outside the door of
Room 316 Haven. No appointments
by telephone.
Psychology-English. Course 228,
Psychology and Analysis off Litera-
ture. This course, during the second
semester, will meet Monday, Feb. 12,
at 4 in-Room 3126 N.S. and will keep
the hour of meeting on Monday
from 4-6 if possible.
Mathematics 58, Spherical Trigo-
nometry ,will be offered second sem-
ester, once a week, one hour credit.
T. N. E. Greville.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
'Four Out of Five
Main floor reserved seats $1.00
Mail orders to Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Tickets will be
given out at box office after FeV.
26th or will be mailed if postage
and return envelope are included.
FEB. 28, 29, MAR. 1, 2.
Matinee Mar. 2nd.,


1. Salon Manicure Polish in
Choice of six shades.
2. Lubricant Polish Remover.

and Design: A'series of 14 fine in-
terors rendered in color represent
ing; work of, the New York School of
Fine and Applied -Art is being shown
in the first floor exhibition' cases,
January 13 .,to .. January.. 27. Open
daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5. The
public is invited.
University Lecture: Walter Gropius,
Professor of Architecture and Head
of the Department of Architecture in
the Graduate School of Design at
Harvard University, will lecture on
"Contemporary Architecture and the
Training of the Architect" (illustrat-
ed), under tje auspices of the College
(Continued on Page 6)
Good News
II ,

3. Satinbase.

Three Essentials for the Pegg)
Sage Manicure.
For a Limited Time Only


324 South
818 South









I 4 1 *1 M"=P m

4' F
NEW PRICE TAGS on "superb fur
coats taken from our own famnous col-
lection." NO DROP IN QUALITY ..
the traditional Zwerdling policy to dis-
pose of our entire fur collection at the
end of the season brings YOU sensational
savings! .


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