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December 13, 1939 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-13

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t PJ~

Gi ft H int Gleaner
Recommends New

Lea gue Group
Assists T oday

Perhaps you are one of these people
who has the most earnest desi're in President's Home Opened
the world to give a gift that is truly To Student Groups; Nine
different this Christmas, but you just ,, ,
cannot think of a thing that has a Given Special Invitation
touch of originality or "umph" to it. All members of the social commit-
Scouting the shops and doing a te of the League must attend the
bit of super-snooping and window third Ruthven tea of the series which
shopin iswel wrththefunitaf- will be held .from 4 pkm. to 6 p.m.
shopin iswel woth ilefunit today, Mary Minor, '40, chairman,
fords and is bound to give you big re- 8aid yesterday.
wards in gift hints that are new and Groups especially invited are Phi
different. Delta Theta, Martha Cook. Pi Beta
Women Like Cosmetics Phi, Sigma Chi. and orientation
Any woman adores cosmetics and groups 28, 33, 50, 79 and 81.
perfumes packaged in distinctive little Assistants Named
bottles that are a perpetual joy on Assisting at the tea will be Betty
any dressing table. The country's Ann Chaufty, '41; Suzanne Bentley,
largest cosmetic firms are surging '42; Mary Haydn, '42; Claire Reed-
forth with hosts of these new ideas. Hill, '42; Helen Rigterink, '41; Betty
The ouseof Aden as anewLipton, '41; Jane Griswold, '41; Janet
bottle for its Blue Grass perfume. It t, Je Lun,';adBr-
is tiy guatitedbotlewit a Women w ho will pour are Mrs.
little glass horse dangling on the in- George Cod, Mrs. G. J. Dykema, Su-
side. Helena Rubenstein has created zanne Potter, '40, and Kaftherine Mc-
a new light perfume that is almost a Ivor '40.
cologne in its delicacy. It is entitled Jean Donaldson In Charge
"Slumber Son" and is the ideal night Members of the committee whose
perfume. ~.~ +

Braid Bands New Frock
Skirt and sleeves band together
in braid with the coming of the
military spirit which accompanies
the Washington and Lincoln birth-
day celebrations of February.
Dressy winter afternoon dresses re-
veal the stiff aspect, presented by
braid, and the softness which is
evident in the bloused bodice.

A mericCn ThekBme InRCOr ported H onor Societies Sing
InoCi,~i-I le -Fo CamusGrop
Somiething ie than 80 women, all
Of ihtnee (4011 dtoitries or in high altitudes, eating those Boardl, Senior 8oc:iety OP ScrOlI, went
T - me e11 minor quantities of food they are carolling last night, and returned in
To e~wness O Type served on trains, it is very easy for the early hours of the morning to a
By MYA RUHIT he roue tokee thir igucs. Christmas party at the League which
By MYA R~rzo te trupeto kep heirfigres was the gift of Miss Ethel McCormick,
"Th3 Stars and Stripes" or plain j Focal Point Is New Y!.ork Isocial director of the League.
Americana, that's the spirit in back Te members of te troupe and Starting at 10:30 p.m., the group
rhoe directing the ballet come from cvrd mot of Ann Arbor's Unvr
of the American Ballet, stated Max all parts of the United States with1 tve s~ ection before returningnve
Allentuck, company manager, in the Itheir focal point in New York. One________
few spare minutes he had between Idancer left her home town in Ohio
numbers last Monday night, when she was 16. It took a long Humidor ideal Man's Gift
Although there is only one ballet time to persuade her family to do
form, and the same classic ballet anything so rash as to leave for the The ideal Christmas gift for the
executions, there is a wide field for big city of New York for ballet work; man who enjoys his pipe is a humi-
the incorporation of Amercian ideas but now at the age of 17, she is tour- dor to keep his tobacco moist. It is
and themes into the dance in the ing the States going from Santiago a thing which few college men have
same manner that the Russian Ballet to Ann Arbor in just a week. Another and which is near and dear to all
has set the folk tunes and spirit of girl comes from Seattle, two more their hearts. This season they are

Arts Committee T o Meet
Properties committee of the The.
atre Arts Committee of the League
will meet at 3:30 pm. today in the
Undergraduate office of the League,
said yesterday. It iS important, She
aidtat every one atend this sort
Whittington and His Cat" will be

#~" e$/ee'


New Perfume Made
A new American firm called LeArns
has produced four of the most start-
lingly modern perfumes on the mar-
ket this season. "Silver Orchid" is
distinctly a formal perfume but has
an air of sweetness about it that
mhakes it a sure-fire hit with anyone
who chooses to wear it.
LeArds "Dianthus" in a spicy per-
ume for the woman who adores tweed
and tailored clothes while the .firm 's
"Mimosa" speaks of brilliant holiday
parties and its scent in'yparts a gay
spirit. "Sweet Briar" marks the
revolution to a floral scent that is not
too sweet and yet has a simple charm
that would please any woman from
9 to 90.

eLtIU egn~Ji Vw O e n,~I I1Ua,1 -1J
will be in the dining room, and those
H-Z will be in the receiving line.
Miss Minor asked them to come
promptly and estay till 6 p.m.
Jean Donaldson, '41, is in charge
of the tea, and all students on campus
are welcome to come, as well as the
groups to whom a special invitation
is extended.
Fraternity Holds Service
Sigma Alpha Iota, national pro-
fessional women's music fraternity,
will hold its annual Candlelight Serv-
ice to which the public is invited at
8:30 p.m. today in the Congrega-.
tional Church, according to Jean
Ebersole, '405M, chairman.


To the Editor: .
Without meaning
gan men in general

to indict Michi-
or attempting to

... .....--

Fountain Pens and Pencils
Evening-in-Paris Gift Sets
Cutex Manicure Outfits
Schrafft's and Gilbert's
Coty's and Yardiqy's Toilet Sets
Cigarette Lighters and Cases

Yardley's Toilet Sets
Cigarette Cases
Pipes and Pipe Racks
Bill Folds
Tobacco Humnidors
Cigars and Cigarettes

revive aiP old issue, it does seem as
though they could step off the side-
walks or at least relinquish some of
their share for us women. Gener-
ally, they seem to be rather a man-
nerly group of men, but only one
out of ten will ever step aside for
us on the sidewalks. What's the
trouble with you. men? Does it re-
quire too much of your precious en-
ergy to move a foot or two for us?
Or would you lose a second or two
of your time on your way downtown
if you were to step aside?
If not for the sake of courtesy, it
does seem as though you might im-
prove your manners for the benefit
of society. You have given us wo-
men the choice of either stepping
asidefor your or banging ito yu
really a choice, however. The first
alternative is too humiliating, and
the latter one proves to bruise and
mangle our shoulders. Obviously,
society can not tolerate either having
women in a humiliated position or at
a masseuse's most of the time.
It isn't demanding much-just a
little courtesy-so why don't you
Michigan men come across?
-Susie Sluggem

1~'P 1/ipt

S wift's Drug Store
340 South State Street
The Rexall Store on the Campus

American Ballet Young
However, the American Ballet, an
outgrowth of the School of the
'American Ballet is comparatively
Soung, having been organized in the
present form only about five years
ago; and, as Mr. Allentuck stated,
their ballet still has far to go before
t will reach its highest achievement.
It is this youth which, he stated, no
doubt leads to that incompleteness
and lack of transition which review-
ers sometimes find disconcerting.
However, a young organization is
not the only claim to youthfulness
that the ballet has. The members of
the troupe themselves are decidedly
of the youth of America. ,Coming
from all parts of the United States,
their ages range from 17 to 22 for
the women dancers and 19 to 25 for
the men, with the exception of one
man who is just 30 years old.
Strenuous Life
These dancers have for the most
part been dancing since they were
11 or ,12 years old, and one young
man started when he was four, be-
cause, he said, he was a very plump
boy. Looking over the troupe now,
there is no one who tends towards
In fact, some of the dancers clam-
ored, going on the road can take off
more weight than anything else
they've done. Dancing vigorously
every few days with from two to four
Alpha Kappa Delta Holds
Initiation Banquet Today
Alpha Kappa Delta, national hon-
orary sociological fraternity will
hold its fall initiation banquet at
6:30 p.m. today at the League.
The following people will be ini-
tiated: Helen Breed, '41; Constance
Berry, '41; Ronald Freedman, Grad .
Raymond Nogar, Grad.; Norman'
Frisch, Grad.; Rashev Moten, Grad.;
Christopher Vizas, '41, andi Chester
Beaman, Grad.
Members of the Wayne University
chapter and several faculty members
will come to Ann Arbor for the din-
ner from Detroit. The chief speaker
will be Dean Yoakum whose topic
will be "The University Setup for
Work and Research in the Social
Sciences." Prof. Edward Jandy of
Wayne University will also speak.
Alpha Epsilon Iota Holds
Christmas Formal Dinner
The annual formal Christmas din-
ner of Alpha Epsilon Iota, honorary
musical sorority for undergraduate
women, will be given at 6:30 p.m.
today. Guests of the sorority will'
be its patronesses.-
These are as follows: Mrs. R. Bi-
shop Canfield, Mrs. Robert Gesell,
Mrs. Howard B. Lewis, Mrs. Frederick
G. Nory, Mrs. Cyrus C. Sturgis, Mrs.
Carl V. Weller and Mrs. A. C. Furs-
tenburg. Alumni and their friends
are also expected to attend. A
Christmas gift exchange will follow
the dinner.

a bottle

THE IDEAL GIFT for everyone is a
book from Slater's Book &ore.
Free gift wrapping. 336 S. State.
and Lingerie from Jacobson's.
on State Street. Beautiful stock of
Christmas merchandise. We'll be
glad to help you. 308 5. State.
and she'll really be pleased. See
Sour selections. Marchande Furs,
S607 E. Liberty.
FOR A SELECTION of unusual gifts,
visit De Fries Art Shop, 233 5.
Main St.
HANDKERCHIEFS - 25c boxes,
Christmas Greeting Cards, S for 5
cents and 2 for 5 cents. All prices.
Wrapping materials, attractive de -I
signs. Tree ornaments, tree light-
ing sets. Kxesge-corner State
and N. University.
stocks, kodaks, cosmetics, smoking
accessories, pen and pencil sets. See
our gift suggestions. Calkins-Flet-
cher Drug Stores. 324 5. State.
A FEW SUGGESTIONS for her from
Laura Belle Shop, 1108 5. Univer-
sity. Robes, hosiery, gloves, lin--
gerie, jewelry, sweaters and scarfs.,
WE CAN MOLD ice cream into love-
ly Christmas designs and give that
added touch to your dinner,
Superior Dairy.
siery. Packed in Christmas box, in
desirable shades and sizes. Smart-
est Hosiery. Michigan Theatre

F. W. Ourad k
A fa-ANsco Istr1,,butor
1111 South Umiversity


they are all real Americans. materials bound to please "him."
~ I ~ ~ U U~ - - = U -



0/her Admiration Hosiery . 79c
11 07 South University

suede, calf and novelties in black
and colors, frdm $1.95 to $5.95. The
Elizabeth Dillon Shop, 'round the
corner on State.-
Karpinski "2-3064" send'them their
Favorite Magazine Subscription.
417 Hill.,*
DRIVING HOME Christmas? 2 gal.I
oil $1, anti?freeze, etc. Campus;
Gulf Service, William and Thomp-
son Streets. -*
Our ROBES GALLERY is complete
with a beautiful array of beacon
blanket, flannel, silk and gabar-
dine robes--priced from $4.95 to
.$10.95. Any one will make a most
welcome gift! Men's Toggery, 514
E. Liberty St.


When University of Illinois and
Ohio State University players meet
on the gridiron, they battle for pos-
session of a wooden turtle trophy.


.'g ~4
,, 'lw,
~ I

I / '4 ยง\jir
*And for that gift to take
home from Ann Arbor we've
so many lovely suggestions . . .
- wispy lingerie to delight any
- . feminine heart . . . spritely mit-
Itens, stunning formal bag..:.
and sheer hosiery!

* .


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