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December 13, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-13

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
11piversity year and summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Eptered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
seond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
*40;by mal, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Carl Petersen . . . . Managing Editor
Elliott Maraniss . . . . Editorial Director
stan M. Swinton . . . . . City Editor
Morton L. Linder . . . . Associate Editor
Doran A. Schorr . . . Associate Editor
Dennis Flanagan . . . . Associate Editor
John N. Canavan . . . . Associate Editor
Ana Vicary . . . . . . Women's Editor
Mel Fineberg . , . . . Sports Editor
Business Staff
¢Business Manager. . Paul R. Park
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Ganson P.Taggar
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Women's Advertising Manager Jane Mowers
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
itaff and represent the views of the writers
ASU Plans
For National Meet . .
N OPPORTUNITY to get first hand
information on the activities of the
American Student Union, instead of merely
reading reports, of the Dies Committee, is
ffered to students and faculty members by
attending the ASU pre-convention meeting 8
p.m. today in the North Lounge of the Union.
Civil liberties, Negro-white relations, women's
rights, American peace and democracy, academ-
Ic freedom and the National Youth Administra-
tion will be discussed at this meeting which will
formulate resolutions to be brought to the fifth
annual ASU National Convention in Madison,
Wis., during Christmas week.
A skit, "The Unknown Soldier Refuses His
Wreath," will be' presented as part of the pro-
gram by Arthur Klein, William Bestimt and Ed
Burrows. Delegates to the national convention,
which was attended by more than 1,000 college
and high school students last year in New York
City, will be elected.
LISTED among the organization's activities
are a drive to raise funds for thousands of
Spanish refugees, the promotion of peace rallies
on campus and the editing and publishing of
the latest addition to student publications, "The
Challenge," a magazine designed to reflect liberal
campus opinion. The ASU's interest in the
crippled children's problem has been reflected
in its participation in a drive to get a special
session of the legislature to appropriate more
funds for the necessary corrective treatment of
crippled indigent children who have been dis-
charged from the University Hospital and by
pledging their support to the State Committee
to Aid Crippled Children.'
Delegates at last year's convention declared
themselves to be "vitally concerned with main-
tenance of peace and the continuance of free
institution." ASU meeings emphasize the prin-
ciple of free speech and informal discussions
follow every talk. It is with pride that the or-
ganization points to its long list of achievements
to further the cause of student enlightenment
on problems of campus and national import.
-Helen Gorman
In Peace And War .. .

ET US PICTURE in our minds a
war, a destructive war, a bloody war.
That should be easy to do, for-yes, that's right
-there's a war going on right now. Maybe it
isn't as bloody or destructive as it might be,
but-it surely has promising possibilities.
Now, let us add to our picture an approaching
Christmas season: the "holiday spirit," peace
and good-will. That, too, should be an easy
task, because-you're right again-the 1939
Christmas season really is drawing near. May-
be peace and good-will are not in evidence as
much as they might be, but the possibilities are
there. .,
LET US further suppose-and this has hap-
pened before-that, as Christmas Day ap-
proached, the holiday spirit and reverence pene-
trated even to the rival armies, so that on
Christmas Day the opposing general decided
to call a one-day truce to give their forces a
chance to imbibe some of the "peace-on-earth-
good-will-to-men" spirit.

and turn to an analysis of mere everyday life.
The comparison is striking.
Two months before Christmas the world is
going its usual drab way. Friends are friends,
acquaintnces are acquaintances, but scarcely
anyone goes out of his way to make a friend.
But with the approach of the Christmas sea-
son, a kind of glow seems to pervade the world
and all its people. Everyone seems to know
everyone else. Smiles are on everyone's lips.
Neighbors who hardly knew each other now
exchange friendly greetings. Warm lights of
Christmas trees seem to symbolize an atmos-.
phere of cheer and good fellowship unique tol
this season.
With the passing of a mere day, however, this
atmosphere changes. The trees are dismantled,
smiles disappear. Festive decorations are stored
away, and with them the friendliness of the
Christmas season, never to reappear until a
year hence. The world resumes its usual drab
TRUE, the majority of us are not actually at
war with each other throughout most of the
year (although sometimes we may well wonder!),
but the contrast made in general atmosphere by
the cheery Christmas season as against the
"rest of the year" is almost as striking as the
contrast between a short-lived and Christmas-
inspired truce and the destructiveness of human
This year all too few people are in a position
to even consider the real Christmas spirit. For
many of them, this Christmas may be merel
a truce called in the midst of bloody warfare.
But we in the United States are in a position to
carry on the true Christmas spirit. We, prob-
ably more than any other people, are in a posi-
tion to carry on the true Christmas spirit
throughout the year.
(The "true" Christmas spirit should not be
taken in its narrow sense here, but should be
understood to include basic principles of a good
society: liberty, equality, morality, faith, toler-
ance.) Let us make an honest and sincere
effort to do so.
-Howard A. Goldman
UfAL LThings . ..
CARL SANDBURG has picked up the strains
of Walt Whitman's song of democracy and
has carried on admirably where Whitman left
off, but the great majority of Americans won't
be able to hear him. Today we find Sandburg
one of our greatest living poets and certainly one
of our strongest voices in the plea for a better
America. In 1926, Sandburg published a two-
volume work on the early life of Abraham Lin-
coln, called "The Prairie Years." It received
much praise and was acclaimed as one of the
most important treatments of Lincoln's life in
Illinois. Since 1926, Sandburg has been roam-
ing from coast to coast, visiting, questioning,
reading, searching for bits of Lincolnia. And he
now has gathered this tremendous documenta-
tion in four new volumes on Lincoln, which were
just published, "The War Years."
Reviewers have used every superlative in the
book to describe Sandburg's monumental work.
Robert Sherwood (greatly indebted to Sandburg
for source material for his Pulitzer play, "Abe
Lincoln in Illinois") said in the New York Times:
"The 'War Years' follows 'The Prairie Years' in-
to the treasure house which belongs, like Lin-
coln himself, to the whole human family. It
has been a monumental undertaking: it is
grandly realized." So too have Lloyd Lewis,
Fanny Butcher, Sterling North, Stephen Vincent
Benet, and all others acclaimed this as one of
the true masterpieces of American literature.
N THE PUBLISHER'S advertisements, these
comments of course are quoted along with
the following: Four volumes, 2,503 pages of text,
a complete index, boxed, with 414 reproductions
from photographs and 124 linecuts of cartoons,
documents and letters. And then come a few
words and figures that seem wholly incon-
gruous with the democratic tone of the work
itself: Price, $20.00 the set.

MR. Q. has not seen "The War Years" as yet,
but he is willing to accept the critics' word
that it is one of the greatest works in all Ameri-
can literature. And since it is of such tremen-
dous importance and since it carries a message
so vital to all Americans, he thinks it unfair and
unjust that such an exhorbitant price tag should
be placed on it. Those who can afford to pay
$20 to get the books are not the ones who should
read the volumes. With its present prohibitive
price, "The War Years" will be read and dis-
cussed (politely, of course) by a small group,
who will say it is charming and that Sandburg
is colorful and picturesque. But the great mass
of the American people, those to whom a vivid
portrayal of democracy is vitally needed at this
time, will not be able to afford it.
This same situation has cropped up with ref-,
erence to other great works that should be read
by the majority of the people. "The Letters of
Lincoln Steffens" still carries a price of $10 and
the works of Havelock Ellis are priced at $15
American democracy is not now in a position to
mark time until these great works are published
in some dollar series. They should be made
available to the public now.
-* * *
'WHILE on the subject of books, Mr. Q. should
like to remind anyone interested in send-
ing him some inexpensive gift (not to exceed $5)
that there are many fine books he would gladly
accept as tokens of reader-appreciation. These
may be purchased at any reputable bookstore.
Those sending in three pillars from Angell Hall
or reasonable facsimiles of the same will receive
a special edition of Mr. Q.'s collected works,
4,385 color photographs, complete index, boxed.
Price $18.39. You might pick your selection

THE PROGRAM Mr. Koussevitzky has chosen
for the Boston Symphony Orchestra's recital
tomorrow evening promises that the sixth con-
cert of the Choral Union Series will mark the
high point to date in musical entertainment.
The distinguished conductor, intrepid plugger for
the moderns--score one up for Mr. Koussevitzky!
-will present the fellowing: Symphony in C
major (K.V. 338) by W. A. Mozart; Symphony
No. 3 (In one movement) by Roy Harris; "Peter
and the Wolf," an Orchestral Fairy Tale for
Children, Op. 67, by S. Prokofieff; and Maurice
Ravel's Orchestral Fragments from "Daphnis et
Chloe," Second Suite (Lever du Jour, Panto-
mime, and Danse Generale).
Here is a program consisting of the work of an
Austrian, an American, a Russian, and a French-
man; of one composition of the classical school,
one of the neo-classico-romantic, one of the
Soviet school, and one of the now deceased im-
pressionist school. One composer died at the
beginning of the French Revolution, one just
prior to the signing of the Munich Treason Pact.
Two, Messrs. Harris and Prokofieff are still liv-
ing. Mozart can not be forgotten, M. Ravel
should not be forgotten, and as for Messrs. Har-
ris and Prokofieff, these are the voices of our
time. If we are ever to hold the mirror up to
the twentieth century, composers like these
must be heard. It is a wise and exciting pro-
gram. It is the kind of program that reflects
the judiciousness of the reserved seating scheme.
We await it impatiently.
THE WRITING of Sergei Prokofieff-at least
one aspect of it-has already been reviewed
in these columns. That of Mozart, we trust, i'
fairly well-known. As for Maurice Ravel, wha
with the publicity he has received from his
famous though somewhat lamentable "Bolero"
his name is in everyone's vocabulary. (Those
who imagine Ravel's place in music is to be
measured by the "Bolero" will quickly discover
their mistake tomorrow night.) But the start-
ling composer of "A Choral Symphony" and
"Song for Occupations" seems to remain as
much a mystery to Ann Arbor audiences as the
day he wrote his first "Suite for String Quartet."
This lack of acquintance with the work of Mr.
Harris is regrettable: for he is not only a musi-
cian of sobriety and skill; he is unquestionably
the most outstanding composer in America to-
day. There is really no American writer who
can touch him either in power of choral writing
or extent of invention.
Though Mr. Harris was less demonstrative of
natural'talents at first than his more brilliant
coaeval, Aaron Copland, yet from the first he
exhibited "the glow of an internal necessity
equalled by that of no American composer"
(quoting Mr. Paul Rosenfeld). His work is now
marked by the maturity of a sure-rooted counter-
point, classical, deep. "A freshness of the heart"
now informs his tones "with fine spaciousness,
evocativeness, poetry." It is not an eclectic
music, though at times in the slow movements
of his earlier writings an idiom of rather vague
lineage tended to weaken the positive qualities
of portions of his work. Nevertheless his feeling
was even then wider than that of any other
American composer, "comprehensive of tragedy
and eloquent of it in mournful accents and melo-
dies." ("Indubitably," writes Mr. Rosenfeld,
"the 'Symphony 1933' supports Serge Kousse-
vitzky's verdict that it is the first tragic Ameri-
can symphony.")
MR. HARRIS almost never writes a "thick"
music. It is always highly classical, clear, con-
trapuntal and often fugal. It combines a hard,
lofty (for which reason it has been referred to
above as partially romantic) tragic character
with folk-feeling and poetry. The "heroic cast
of certain percussive themes and the melodic
sweep and grandeur of many passages, at times
gives his music a bardic, well-nigh epic charac-
ter." Mr. Harris was raised as a worker on the
farm. Later, he went to Paris to study with
Nadia Boulanger. It is interesting to note that
as long as he remained in the United States he
was unable to determine what the American, or
New World, Spirit was, but upon viewing it

through the eyes of a matured Europe he was
able to catch its meaning as clearly as Whitman
had done.
Dominic Says
Fourteen more days before Christmas Carols
will be sung in Europe and America in half a
hundred languages. Shall it be a mockery? By
no stretch of the imagination dare we expect
world peace that soon. How, then, may we
honestly sing "Joy to the World?" For the
individual there is a partial answer. He may
confess to God, by word, by worship, by deed
of charity, by commitment of himself to a life
of honesty, justice, and good-will.
Observe the distance between myself and God
on such an occasion. God causes the rain to
fall alike upon the just and unjust. As for me,
I am of a generation which has received the
vast natural resources of this North American
continent, wasted much, misappropriated vast
deposits, tangled the marketing of grain and
cotton, and permitted poverty for the many,
while a few have wealth enough to destroy their
sense of brotherhood. God, the all wise and
good, receives me his penitent prodigal.
Father, forgive us, we have sinned against
Heaven and are not worthy to be called sons,
make us as hired servants.
ope by G. R. Gedye; My Life by Havelock Ellis;
Ideas Are Weapons by Max Lerner


Robert S.AIIenfp
WASHINGTON - Stenio Vincent, u
charming, dusky President of Haiti,
is being wined and dined in Washing-
ton this week under auspices far dif-r
ferent from the reception of his pre-1
decessor, Louis Borno, in the Twen-t
When President Borno departed
from Haiti, the U.S. Marine Corpsc
band, serenading him on the dock,e
played "Bye-Bye, Blackbird."t
Later when President Borno passedB
Governor's Island, New York, the U.S.
Army failed to roar the required 21-
gun salute. The oversight-if it was
an oversight--almost caused an in-1
ternational incident, and General.1
Charles P. Summerall, a native oft
Florida and commander of Gover-
nor's Island, got the blame.
Summerall, who badly wanted toc
become Chief of Staff, found that aI
Lieutenant William W. O'Connor,c
son of a New York policeman and
with an aversion to gentlemen of
color, had failed to fire the salute,1
and demanded his resignation. How-f
ever, Col. James T. Watson, com-
mander of the battery, took the
blame, though later he was acquitteda
by a court martial.
When President Borno sailed back
to Haiti General Summerall himself
stood beside the guns to see that the
salute was given. And as the vessel
passed the Statue of Liberty, the
lieutenant gave the order to fire.
But the gun missed-a faulty shell.
The second gun wasordered to fire.
It missed. Then, before they could
be unloaded, both guns went off
Note: Despite all this, General
Summerall got his appointment as
Chief of Staff. One of the first
things he did was to bring about the
retirement of Colonel Watson for
"disability in line of duty."
New Haitian President
President Vincent did not come to
the United States via Governor's
Island, so there was no trouble over'
his salute. He flew in via Miami.
Also there was no trouble over his
stopping at the Mayflower Hotel in
That distinguished hostelry is thee
home of various Senators, such as
"Cotton Ed" Smith of South Caro-
lina, who draw a very definite color
line. However, the Haitian presi-
dent was cordially though unobtru-
sively received.
Note: He came to offer the United
States Government a naval base and
an air base in Haiti to guard the
outer defenses of the Panama Canal.
Ickes On Dies
Demure, dapper Jerry Voorhis,
millionaire Congressman from south-
ern California, got a pointed bawling
out from Harold Ickes at arecent
lunch given in honor of Hollywood
star Melvin Douglas.
Ickes was telling friends what he
though of the Dies Committee when
Voorhis, a member of that commit-
tee, joined the group. Secretary
Ickes did not pause a moment.
"The Dies Committee," he said, "is
the most unfair investigation ever
held on Capitol Hill. There has been
no attempt to call witnesses. The
committee has merely let anybody
under the sun come in there and
smear anybody they wanted."
"But, Mr. Secretary," demurred
Voorhis, "you know it isn't the job
of a congressional committee to call
witnesses from the other side."
"But look at the LaFollette Com-
mittee," shot back Ickes. "It has
done a fair and thorough job of in-
vestigation. It has been very care-
ful in its advance investigation. It
has not shot off on tangents. It has
been sure of itself before it moved.
And it has done a real service. But
the Dies Committee?"

The secretary of the Interior con-
tinued at some length. Congress-
man Voohis listened. His face was
very red.
Taft Press Agent
If you know of a good farm publi-
city man, pass the word along to
Senator Bob Taft's campaign man-
agers. They have decided he needs
They came to this conclusion as a
result of Taft's recent Midwest elec-
tioneering junket, during which he
made a good impression in the cities
but did .not click with the farm vote,
-and that is what counts in the corn
One reason was Taft's forthright-
ness. In Des Moines, on the very
day the Administration announced a
loan of 57 cents a bushel on corn
Taft took a poke at this form of farm
aid-the one admittedly popular
feature of the AAA. Also, in Omaha,
instead of addressing a farm meet-
ing as originally planned, Taft went
to a Chamber of Commerce lun-
cheon. Business men were pleased,
but the farmers sour-and they are
more numerous.
Friends blame these mistakes on
Taft's former classmates at Harvard
Law School, who are trying to help
him, but who know even less about
politics than the Roosevelt Brain

(Continued from Page 2)

period the General Library will be
open daily from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m.
eginning Dec. 16, except on Dec. 25f
and Jan. 1, when it will be closed all
day, and on Dec. 23 and Dec. 30 (Sat-
urdays), when it will close at noon.
The Departmental Libraries will be
open from 10-12 a.m. on Saturday,
Dec. 16, and regularly each day fromt
10-12 a.m .and 2-4 p.m. MondayI
through Friday, beginning with the <
week of Dec. 18.1
The Graduate Reading Rooms will
close at 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15, and1
observe the usual holiday schedule
thereafter: 9-12 a.m. and 1-5 p.m.
Monday through Friday, and 9-12 on1
The Automobile Regulation will be
lifted for the Christmas vacation
period from Friday noon, Dec. 15, un-
til 8 a.m, on Wednesday, Jan. 3.
Student Loan Committee meeting
on Thursday, Dec. 14, at 2 p.m. in
Room 2, University Hall. All appli-
cations for loans to be considered
for the meeting must be filed in Room
2 by this afternoon and ap-
pointments made with the commit-
The Detroit Armenian Women's
Club is offering a scholarship of $100
for the college year 1940-41 to a
young man or woman of undergradu-
ate standing in the colleges and uni-
versities of Michigan who is of Ar-
menian parentage and whose resi-
dence is in Detroit. Candidates are
to be recommended by the institu-
tions in which they are enrolled. Se-
lection, which is made by the donors,
is on the basis of high scholastic
ability in the field of concentration,
together with character. Recom-
mendations must be made before May
1, 1940. Students who believe them-
selves qualified and seek recommen-
dation bythis University should ap-
ply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant
to the President, 1021 Angell Hall.
Househeads, Dormitory Directors,
and Sorority Chaperons: Closing hour
:or Thursday, Dec. 14, is 11 p.m.
Jeannette Perry,
Assistant Dean of Women.
Senior Aeronautical Engineers: The
Material Division of the U.S. Army
Air Corps, at Wright Field, Dayton,
Ohio, desires to obtain the names and
qualifications of senior students in-
terested in employment as civilian en-
gineers. A limited number of appli-
cation blanks may be secured in the
office of the Department of Aero-
nautical Engineernig. These should
be filled out and sent to Mr. Earle C.
Alley, Personnel Administrator, Ma-
ttrial Division, Wright Field, Dayton,
Ohio. Official announcement of a
Civil Service examination for which
February and June graduates would
be eligiblebhastnot as yet been an-
nounced, but the Materiel Division
wishes to have on hand information
pertaining to those men who may
become qualified sometime within
the coming year.
Dictaphone Station will be open
after 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 22, only
to receive work, and will be closed
on Saturday morning, Dec. 23, for
office repairs.
The Station 'will remain open on
all other days during the University
Christmas Vacation. It will be ap-
preciated if those desiring work to
be completed during the first week
of the new year will leave their copy
with instructions before Dec. 22.'
International Center Immigration
reports from students from foreign
countries must be in the office of the
nternational Center by Dec. 15. This
information is required from the
University by the United States Gov-
J. R. Nelson.
Choral Union Members in good
standing will be issued pass tickets

for the Boston Symphony Orchestra
concert Thursday, Dec. 14, between
the hours of 9 and 12 and 1 and 4.
After 4 o'clock no tickets will be is-
sued. Members are requested to re-
turn copies of the "Messiah" when
calling for tickets.
Academic Notices
Psychology 33 Make-up Examina-
tion will be held today at 4 p.m. in
Room 2125 Natural Science Bldg.
M.S. 3 and 43: Examination tonight
7 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium.
Bring USGS Map and three aerial
photographs. Plot areas of photo-
graphs on map before examination.
Organ Recital Postponed: On ac-
count of conflict, the organ recital
by Palmer Christian, scheduled for
this afternoon has been postponed
until after the Christmas vacation.
Paintings by William Gropper and

Department of Industrial Design at
Pratt Institute. Dec. 1 through 14.
Open daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5,
in Third Floor Exhibition Room,
Architectural Building. Open to the
University Lecture: Dr. Veit '/alen-
tin, Lecturer at University College,
London, Will lecture on "Austria and
Germany" under the auspices of the
Department of History at 4:15 p.m.
on Thursday, Dec. 14, in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Michael A.
Heilperin, formerly of the Graduate
Institute of International Studies,
Geneva, will lecture on "Liberal and
Totalitarian Methods in Internatioli-
al Economic Relations" under the
auspices of the Department of Ec-
onomics at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, Jan.
5, 1940, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. The public is cordially invited.
Extracurricular Medical School Lec-
ture: Dr. Clarence D. Selby, Medical
Consultant of General Motors Corp.,
will speak at 4:15 p.m., Thursday,
Dec. 14, in Rackham Lecture Hall on
"The Relationships of General and
Special Practice to Industrial Medi-
cine." Medical School classes will be
dismissed at 4 p.m. to permit all medi-
cal students to attend.
The public is cordially, invited.
Today's Events
American Chemical Society: Dean
E. H. Kraus will lecture on "The Va-
riation of Hardness in the Diamond
in Terms of its Crystal Structure
today at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303
Chemistry Buildling. The * annual
business meeting will follow the lec-
American Institute of Electrical En-
gineers: Robley C. Williams of the
University Observatory will give an
illustrated talk on his process for
"The Deposition of Thin Films by
Electrical Distillation-The 'Silver-
ing' of Mirrors and Other Applica-
tions," tonight at 8 at the Michigan
1Research Club meeting tonight at
8 in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Papers by Prof. T. S. Lovering on
"The Origin of the Tungsten Ores
in Colorado" and Prof. P. W. Slosson
on "The Definition of Dictatorship."
There will be a vote on a candidate
for membership. Council meeting in
Rackham Assembly Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Alpha Kappa Delta will hold its
fall initiation banquet tonight at the
League at 6:30. All members are
urged to be present. The speaker
will be Dean C. S. Yoakum.
Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha meet-
ing tonight at 7:30 in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Bldg.
Varsity Glee Club members meet
at 7:45 tonight in front of the Rack-
ham Building for the Carolling Pro-
grams to be given there. Everyone
must be present.
Deutscher Verein: Puppet play,
"Dornroeschen"' tonight at 8:30 in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Call
box office or German office for tick-
Men's Physical Education Club
meeting at the Union tonight at 8.
There will be a speaker and discus-
sion. The room will be posted on the
bulletin board in the lobby.
JGP Central Committee meeting
this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the
Michigan League.

A Carol Sing will be held at Lane
Hall tonight at 8:30 p.m. under the
auspices of the Student Religious
Association. All students are wel-
American Student Union member-
ship meeting for review of policies
and election of delegates to National
Convention. North Lounge, Michi-
gan Union tonight at 8 p.m.
Hillel Class in Jewish History will
meet at the Foundation tonight at
Garden Section, Faculty Women's
Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. today
at the home of Mrs. F. Bruce Fralick,
2101 Belmont Rd.
Michigan Dames: Drama group
meeting tonight at 8 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Charles Bird, 1309 Elder
Capricorn Capers: Decorations
Committee will meet today at 3 p.m.
in Room 5 of the League. Bring your
eligibility cards to the meeting.
Coming Events
Perspectives: Meeting of the staff
of editors and the advisory board at
the Student Publications Bldg., on




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