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November 25, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-25

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SATURDAY NOV.2,5;.1939



* f,


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications~
Published eveiy morning except Monday during the
University yeapand SummerSession.
Meerfer-ofthe Associated Press
The Associated Press' is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or. not otherwise credited;in this newspaper.. All
rights of'republication of all other matters herein also
Eitere'dat'the Pbst:Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second : class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
14.00; by.mail, $4.50.
National'vertising Service, Inc.
Cblle f'tiblsbers Representaive
Member; Associated-. Collegiate Pressi 1939-40
'Ca Petersen . . . . Managing Editor
Eliott. Maraniss : Editorial Director
;Stan M Swinton . . City Editor
Murton. L. Linder . . . Associate Editor
Noman A. Schorr . Associate-Editor
Dennis Flanagan . . Associate: Editor
John N. Canavan . . . . Associate Editor
=An: Vicary . . . . . . Women's Editor
Mel. Fineberg . . . . . Sports Editor
6N' * ~ P

to curb a natural right to keep our avenues
spotless is unthinkable. The Constitution-guar-
antees to everyone the right of saying, what you
please, of printing what you please and of let-
ting other people know about it. There is al-
ways the chance that it may be the truth. Or,
if it is not such a good, idea, they have the
right to reply with what they, believe.
We can think of several better ways ofkeep-
ing streets clean. The various cities involved
might even go the whole hog and outfit street-
cleaning departments. Or they might" follow
the Court's suggestion and prohibit street lit4
tering by ordinance. A prohibition of all hand-
bill distribution, though, is unnecessary and
downright vicious.
A ND the viciousness of such ordinances is all
too apparent. The interesting thing to
notice in the street littering charge is the na-
ture of the literature that caused the arrests
and subsequent convictions. In Los Angeles,
Kim Young, a Korean student, was arrested
for distributing colored cards announcing a
meeting in behalf of Loyalist Spain. In Mil-
waukee, 19 persons were arrested for distributing,
handbills as part of their picketing of a meat
market during a strike. In Worcester, Mass.,
Elmira Nichols and Pauline Thompson were
convicted for the distribution of leaflets an-
nouncing a protest meeting in connection with
the administration of state unemployment com-
It is obvious that the ordinances can be used
to prohibit just that type of literature that
authorities want suppressed. If the ordinances
had not been declared unconstitutional by the
Court; officials not in sympathy with various
ideas and movements could, as in these cases,
discriminate and remove their principal means
of publicity. There is present in the existence
of -such limits to the right of free-speech a poten-
tial weapon that could conceivably be:used ulti-
mately to destroy our democracy and all our
liberties. The Supreme Court is to be praised.
for destroying that weapon.
-Alvin Sarasohn

usminess Staff
Business- Manager..
=Asst.:Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Wimen's Business Manager.
"Women's Ad-ertising Manager .
,Pubications Manager. .


Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
Harriet S. Levy.

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are, written by members of The Daily
staff, and represent the views of the writers
ward Hashinger, a national frater-
nity president, made the statement that the
;dormitory system was' a step towards regimen-
tation, collectivism. But Dr. Hashinger was
wrong: The' residents of our own dormitories
saidhe was wrong. So did' the director of the
residence halls. As .amatter of fact, there is so
little- regimentation, as far as making for better
situdy, conditions, in the residence. halls that'
'fraternity:presidents predict a big increase in
the scholastic averages of their pledges living
in the halls.
The beautiful buildings of the West Quad-.
rangle represent an. earnest effort on the part
of the University, to overcome adverse housing
conditions in Ann Arbor. No doubt they are
achieving success in; this direction. But the
most important' thing. to consider in University
life has beenr neglected The halls,. sumptuous
in appearance though they are, present condi-
tions for study that are; in the words of certain
serious-minded -residenes, "definitely unfavor-
IF THERE is soundproofing in the halls, it is.
inadequate. If there is discipline, it has not
been effective.. At arry time from 8 a.m. until
12 midnight' or later, residents of the halls are
tearing up and down the corridors. Radios
shriek, bull-sessions echo throughout the build-
ings. The sound of. dishes in the kitchen can
be heard in, the furthermost rooms of the halls.
'That luxury of sleeping-in on Sunday morning
is denied to the residents even if they have
their windows and doors tightly closed.
Five-weeks marks of the freshmen, at least
those pledged to fraternities, are much lower
than last year. Some fraternities are plan-
ning enforced study periods in the library in an
attempt to bring up the marks of the poorest,
who, in every case, are dormitory residents.
F WHAT is obviously needed is determined action
by the residence halls staff to enforce dis-
ciplinary measures for more quiet, and better
study conditions. Discipline and student co-
operation is necessary to add improved studying
conditions to the better living conditions that
the halls offer.


The choice of the month's recording is un-
deniably the single Victor Red Seal (15643) disc
of Paul Hindemith's Trauermusik (funeral music
for His Majesty King George V of whom Hinde-
mith was a dear friend). The work is scored
for solo viola and string orchestra, the viol work
of the present recording being performed by the
composer with the orchestra under the baton
of Bruno Reinbold. To me the Trauermusik
marks some of the most noble writing of our
time. Its harmonies are rich, solid and grave,
the continual shifting keys serving to intensify
the dignity of the harmonic structure.
Happy Choice
Hindemith's choice of the viola as solo in-
strument is indeed a happy one, for no other
could so adequately identify itself with the tragic
beauty of the melodic line. The recording as
such is exceptionally clear, though the choice of
a more competent violist (Hindemith's playing
is exceedingly rough) would have been wiser.
There remains nothing more than to recommend
the- record without reservation.
The recording of the Brahms F Minor Quin-
tet, op. 34 (Victor Musical Masterpiece Series,
M-607, Nos. 15646-15650) for piano and string
quartet once again reminds us of the extra-
ordinary versatility of the Hamburg composer.
For those who object to chamber music as be-
ing "too thin" they will find sufficient compen-
sation here. The reason for this is to be found
in the history of the scoring. Composed origi-
nally as a string quintet with two 'cellos, it was
rewritten for two pianos. "The paramount dif-
ficulty lay in the fact that the sheer weight of
the music, and in particular its climaxes, could
not be successfully borne by five strings." But
though the two-piano version endowed; the work
with the necessary power, the' absence of the
strings meant the loss of much of it subtlety
and clarity of part-writing.
Leider Recital
Then there is the Lieder Recital by Hulda
Lashanska (Victor Musical Masterpiece Series,
M-612; Nos. 2025-2028) of songs of Brahms,
Schubert, Richard Strauss, and Hugo Wolf.
Mme. Yashanska has chosen two representative
songs from each composer. From Brahms,
Die Mainacht and Auf Dem Kichhofe; from
Schubert, An Die Musik and Des Madchens
Klage; from Strauss, Die Nacht and Ruhe,
Meine Seele; and from Wolf, Verborgenheit ard
Das Verlassene Magdlein. Anyone with the
artistry of Mme Lashanska knows what to ex-
pect from her rendition of these outstanding
classics. The most remarkable thing about her
singing is her feeling for the sung word.
Special Release
(In conjunction with the Lashanska. record-
ings I should like to observe that there has just
been a special release of six songs of Hugo Wolf
(Victor M-613, Nos. 2029-2031) sung by Lotte
Lehmann. Unfortunately I have not been able
to hear the collection before this column goes
to press, but I do not think I am running too
great a risk in recommending it.)
Lastly, there is a group of miscellaneous re-
cordings by Victor which the collector will find
refreshing. Disc 15660 contains the Movements
Perpetueles of Francis Polenc, played by the
pienist, Arthur Rubenstein, and A Flat Noc-
turne of Gabriel Faure, also played by Ruben-
stein. Both sides are exceptionally clear, the
Faure piece being particularly well rendered.
Disc 15734 comprises the second of the "Three
Dances Andalouses" of Manuel Infante, re-
corded as a two-piano work played by Jose and
Amparo Iturbi. While some may object to the

To the Editor:
In a number of recent issues of The Daily the
caviling Mr. Gulliver has indulged in bitter
attacks on the "professors" who for some wicked
imperialistic motive of their own (I wonder just
what any professor stands to gain by any form
of war or imperialism?) are deluding the- youth
of the world into war with specious promises
of League of Nations and Federations of the
Since Gulliver has so completely taken off the
gloves of courtesy in this debate, as one of the
internationalist professors on this campus pre-
sumably in his mind I shall deal with equal
frankness in return.
'Both Desire'
Gulliver and I both desire permanent peace
and assured liberty. Neither of us has the right
to question the sincerity of the other. Guli-
ver's personal path to that goal has not, so far
as'he has yet revealed to us, been indicated, but
in general, those who profess pacifism but attack
Wilsonian internationalism fall into three
schools: thelargest (by far), the isolationists,
who are the defeatists of the peace movement,
regarding the "Old World" as hopelessly doomed
and falling back on a narrow American nation-
alism; the Communists, not so much in evidence
since Russia turned nationalist-imperialist, who
oppose all plans for union among "capitalist"
nations on the ground that only collectivists can
be trusted to keep the peace; and the non-resist-
ant or Tolstoyan pacifists who. push aside as
irrelevant all calculations of consequences and
insist on the. absolute and dogmatic moral duty
of abstaining from all forms of violence.
All three paths' are hopeless and useless. The
first allies the pacifist with Hearst and Cough-
lin and the Bund as a- matter of practical policy
(though not, of course, in theory); gives indirect
aid to the most aggressive militarists by with-
holding even moral support and economic aid
from attacked nations; abandons nine-tenths
of the population of the world to perpetual ruin;
assumes that America is able to prosper in vir-
tual economic isolation, a most dubious assump-
tion; and, finally; ignores the revolution in the
means of transportation which has brought the
United States as close to Europe in time-dis-
tance as London was to Paris in the days of
Second Path
The second path involves the possibility of
a world-wide socialist and communist revolu-
tion, which seems at present a far more distant
prospect than any Utopia that Wells ever in-
vented. Scarcely one man in a hundred sup-
ports such a plan in the chief industrial nation
of the world, the United States. Moreover, the
dealings of communist Russia with Poland and
Finland bear a most suspicious resemblance to
the worst that can be said about capitalistic
brands of imperialism.
The third path, promises nothing. The aggres-
sor is to go on conquering while the patient vic-
tim is to go on suffering; a creed for martyrs,
not for statesmen. Moreover, as Tolstoy pointed
out, if soldiers use force so do police, so the logi-
cal non-resistant must be an anarchist.
But, it may be said, is not internationalism
equally Utopian? What signs of it are there in
the intensely nationalist world of today? The
prospect is discouraging ;enough, I admit, and
men like Gulliver make it more so by their re-
actionary attacks on every step toward an in-
ternational order. But the only alternative
being world chaos- and ruin in a series of suc-
cessive wars it is our duty to continue exploring
every possible path in this direction.
Wells Is Right
Wells as a writer and. as a man has shown
many, faults; he has been impatient, unjust, in-
.consistent in, many of his books. But in his
central contention that our age is a race be-
tween world federation and world catastrophe
he is not only right, but provably and obviously
right. How. many more "world wars" can the
world stand? Are neutrals really unaffected by

such colossal disasters to their neighbors? With
unrestricted national sovereignty how can wars
be prevented? Can a workable world federation
be made with the wealthiest and potentially
strongest nation (the United States) left out?
I have been asking those questions to the in-
finite boredom of all who know me for twenty
years, but no opponent of peace through inter-
nationalism has yet been able to answer them.
Those who sneer at Wilson and "the world
made safe for democracy," or at Wells and "the
war to end war," forget that they were not false
prophets whose plans were tried and failed, but
prophets (true or false) whose plans were never
tried at all. Wilson envisaged a League of
Nations with his own country an active and
helpful participant. Can anyone say that the
course of European events would have been the
same if that had been the case? Wells envisaged
the more radical device of a world state with
world free trade. Has he been proved wrong?
It seems to me that if anyone is entitled to say
"I told you so" to the rest of the world it is pre-
cisely those who labored for internationalism,
the Wilsons, Briands, Nansens, Masaryks, whose
"stone the builders rejected." May it not yet
become "the head of the corner" in a new world
order? It is not quite impossible, it seems to me,
that the lessons which the world almost learned
in 1919 may, reinforced by the present terrible
catastrophe, be learned altogether at the end
of this war.
Who's Right?'
While earnest men and women are working
the world over for a permanent peace, and are
ready to renew their efforts after each fresh
catastrophe, Messieurs Maraniss, Petersen,
"Gulliver" and the rest have contributed nothing

w11 1 A

By Young Qulliver

(Continued from Page 2)

(Editor's Note: The following
written in answer to the column
the left.)



to Gulliver, has quite completely
misinterpreted the Cavil of Thanks-
giving Day (and the same might be
said of every previous column of
Gulliver's upon which Professor Slos-
son has commented).
The column of Thursday last was
not a personal attack upon Prof.
Slosson. It was a direct attack on
Walter Lippmann and on all those
who pervert the word international-
ism to the uses of the imperialists; it1
was also a warning to those who are
willing to entrust the international-
ism in which they sincerely believe
to the hands of the imperialists thatr
American youth is not willing to
spend itself in an effort to establisha
imperialist internationalism.
Prof. Slosson did not once men-r
tion the central point of Thursday's2
column; he paid no attention to the
criticism of Walter Lippmann. Ifr
one wanted to, one could probably
infer that Professor Slosson is an'
advocate of Lippmann's brand of
"internationalism"; but to anyone
acquainted with Prof. Slosson's stal-
wart and forthright liberalism, such2
an inference i palpably unfair.
Wants Internationalism r
You are forced to the conclusion,2
therefore, that Prof. Slosson wantsa
his internationalism, and that he
wants it so badly- that he is willing
to entrust it to the hands of anyc
politico who says that he'll produce.t
Prof. Slosson put his faith in the.
Wilsons and the Briands in the lastP
war. Evidently he is willing to putc
his faith in the Wilsons and thef
Briands of World War II.
If American youth, or at least thatk
fragment of it represented by Mes-
sieurs Maraniss, Petersen, and Gulli-
ver, is unwilling to place its future
at the disposal of the Chamberlains,
Daladiers and their American coun-
terparts who talk internationalismc
and act Hitlerism, should that be
taken to mean that it is "reactionary,t
petulant, defeatist, scolding, sneer-
ing, malignant"?
SUCH an attitude is, rather, indica-c
tive of the fact that only when
American youth is vigilant and wary
of the demands made upon it by
men who have proved themselves to
be the enemies of internationalism,
only then can: American youth reallys
afford to be hopeful about the pros-t
pects of a genuine internationalism.
And if Professor Slosson is still of'
the opinion that Gulliver is a re-t
actionary, let it be understood here
and now that Gulliver is as devout
a believer in internationalism as
Professor Slosson. With this excep-
tion: Professor Slosson putshis faitht
in the Elder Statesmen who have1
messed up the world for so long, and
Gulliver puts his faith in the CzechT
students who died in Prague last1
Those sincere individuals who
think that the British Empire is in-
terested in internationalism will be
betrayed at the close of this war, as
surely as they were betrayed in 1919.
But, and far more important, is the
fact that those internationalists who
will, soon enough, support American
armed intervention in. the present
imperialist war, will bear a responsi-
bility far more weighty than they
did twenty-two years ago. For the
lesson of 1914-1919 is plain enough;
the analogy is sharp and distinct.
Main Point
THE main point of Gulliver's last.
column was that Walter Lipp-
'mann, as a spokesman for finance,
capital, is perverting the word inter-
nationalism to serve the most cynical
and brutal ends. As to Professor
Slosson's references to H. G. Wells,
Gulliver will call his attention first
to the New York Times Magazine of
Nov. 19, in which Mr. Wells is quoted
as saying that "Hitler, like the Ho-
henzollerns, is a mere offensive pus-
tule on the face of a deeply ailing
world." Getting rid of Hitler "will

no more cure the world's ills than.
scraping will cure the measles - - .
it is the system of nationalist indi-
vidualism and uncoordinated enter-
prise tht is the world's disease, and
it is the whole system. that has to
Gulliver will call his attention next
to the New Republic of Nov. 29, in
which Mr. Wells is quoted as saying:
"We who lent ourselves to propa-
ganda, were made fools of and ulti-
mately let down by the traditional
tricks of the Foreign Office . . . The
evil state of Europe today is trace-
able almost directly to the want of
imagination, the self-protective* cun-
ning and the deliberate breaches of
faith made by (British politicians
and officials) during those eventful
years that immediately followed the
Great War. Well, once bit, twice
shy. I am not going to be a stalking
horse for the British Foreign Office
again . . .
Propaganda Taboo


Tech. School, salary: $3,200, Dec. 11.
Assistant Instructor, Air Corps
Tech. School, salary: $2,600, Dec. 11.
Junior Instructor, Air Corps Tech.
School, salary: $2,600, Dec. 11.
Assistant Inspector of Ship Con-1
struction (U.S. Maritime Commis-t
sion), salary: $2,600, Dec. 11
Attendant Nurse B2, salary. range:I
$90-10, Dec. 2.
Institution Cosmetic Therapist CI,
salary range: $95-110, Dec. 2.
Steam Fireman B, salary range:
$105-125, Dec. 2.
Steam Electric Operating Engineerk
I, salary range: $150-190, Dec. 2.
Bridge Engineering Draftsman AI,1
salary range: $140-160, Dec. 1.
BridgeDesigning Engineer I, salary
range: $150-190, Dec. 1.
Brdige Designing Engineer II, sal-P
ary range: $200-240, Dec. 1.
Architectural Engineering Drafts-
man AI, salary range: $140-160, Dec.r
Architectural Engineer II, salarys
range: $200-240, Dec. 2.
Detroit: (Must be residents of De-e
Junior Stenographer, salary: $1,-k
560, Nov. 25.
Junior Typist, salary: $1,500, Nov.
Complete announcements on filea
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
202 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
Choral Union Members, whose rec-
ords are clear, will be issued pass
tickets for the New York Philhar-
monic-Symphony Orchestra concert
Monday; Nov. 27, between the hours
of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4, at the of-
fice of the School of Music, Maynard
Street. After 4 o'clock no tickets will
be issued.E
Choral Union Concert.: The New1
York Philharmonic-Symphony Or-
chestra, John Barbirolli, Conductor,I
will give a concert in the Choral
Union Series, Monday evening, Nov.(
27, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium.i
The concert will begin on time, andr
doors will be closed during numbers.
Exhibitions ,
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: The best 100 postersl
submitted in the 1939 National Pos-
ter Contest on the subject "Travel,"
sponsored by Devoe & Reynolds Co.,
Inc., of Chicago. Third floor exhibi-
tion room, Architectural Building.
Open daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5,
through Nov. 27. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Ehixibtion, College of Architecture
and Design: Drawings submitted in
the Interschool Problem entitled: A
Research Unit for Creative Art. These
represent senior student work at Cor-
nell University, Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology, University of
Michigan, University of Minnesota,
and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Third floor exhibition room, Archi-
tectural Building. Open Friday and
Saturday, Nov. 24 and 25, from 9 to
5. The public is invited.
Dr. George Derry, former President
of Marygrove College and National
Director of Social Education for the
Knights of Columbus, will lecture on
"Pope Pius XII and the Modern De-
mocracies" in the Rackham Lecture
Hall on Sunday, Nov. 26, at 8 p.m.
This is sponsored by the Student
Religious Association and the New-
man Club,
Today's Events
Freshman Round Table: Professor
Wesley Maurer of the Journalism
Department, will discuss "Success-
For What?" at the Round Table, to-
night at 7:30 at Lane Hall.

Peace Commission of the American

Nov. 29, at 7:45 p.m, in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Graduate students
and staff members in Economics and
Business Administration are cordial-
ly invited.
Ticket Committee (Peggy Mayer's)
for Sophomore Cabaret will meet
Monday at 3:30 p.m. at the League.
Fellowship of Reconicllation: Regu-
lar meeting Monday, Nov. 27, 7 p.m.
at Lane Hall. Discussion of housing
and eating problems of Negroes in
Ann Arbor will be continued.
The Annual Hillel Fall Dance will
be held Saturday, Dec. 2, from 9=12
p.m. in the ballroom of the Michigan
League. Admission is free to affili-
ate members on presentation of mem-
bership and identification cards.
Non-members may purchase tickets
at the Foundation office.
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet at Zion Parish Hall at 5:30
p.m. on Sunday. Dinner will be
served at 6:00. Because of the gen-
eral interest shown, the discussion
about the Inter-Guild Conference will
be continued.
Michigan Union Opera: Schedule
of tryouts for dancing, singing, and
acting to be conducted in the desig-
nated rooms of the Union:

Sunday; 3-6 p.m., Room 318
Monday, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Room 318.
Tuesday, 1-3 pm., Room 318.
Wednesday, 7-9 p.m., Room 305.
Thursday, 7-9 p.m., Room 304.
All eligible men interested may try-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11
a.m. Morning Prayer and sermon by
the Rev. Don V. Carey, ;rector of
Grace Episcopal Church, Grand Rap-
ds; 11 a.m. Junior Church; 11 ajn.
kindergarten, Harris Hall; 7 pgnm.
Student meeting, Harris Hall. John
Mason Wells, professor of philosophy
and religion at Hillsdale will speak
on "Some Suggestions about the;Or-
igins and Value of the Old Testa-
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ):
10:45 a.m. Morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister
12 noon, Students' Bible Class. H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
6:30 p.m. "The Guild Looks at It-
self and Plans for the Future."' A
round table discussion led by Hoyt
Servis, president.
First, Baptist Church: 9:30 a.m.
Graduate Bible Class. Prof. Leroy
Waterman, teacher.
10:45, Morning Worship. Sermon
Topic, "Deliverane."
12, Student Round Table Discus-
sion Topic, "What' Can We Believe
about Immortality?"
6:15, Roger Williams Guild, 503'E.
Rev. William Genne of Michigan
State. College will report on the World
Christian Youth Conference -in Am-
sterdam, Holland.
First Church of Christ, Scentist:
Sunday morning service at 1030.
Subject: "Ancient and. Modern Ne-
cromacy, alias Mesmerism and Hyp-
notism Denounced."
Golden Text: Isaiah 8:19.
Sunday school at 11:45.
First Methodist Church: Dr. C. W.
Brashares will speak at 10:40 a.m. on
Stalker Hall: 'Student class at 9:45
a.m. at Stalker Hall. Prof. Roy Swin-
ton of the Engineering School is the
leader. Wesleyan Guild meeting at
the church at 6 p.m. The service
will be on the interpretation of the
picture "Christ and the Rich Young
Ruler." Fellowship hour and supper
following the meeting.
First Congregational Church: 10:45
a.m. Public worship. Prof. Preston' W.
Slosson will speak on "Platitude and
Paradox in Religion."
6 p.m. Student Fellowship Supper,
followed by a talk on "Religions of
India" by Francesca Thivy of Ma-
dras, South India.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Worship
services at 10:30 a.m. Rev. H. O.
Yoder will deliver the sermon.
Zion Lutheran Church: Worship
services at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Stell-
horn will deliver the sermon.
First Presbyterian Church: 16:45
a.m. "Life-On What Terms?" will
be the subject of Dr. Lemon's sermon
at the Morning Worship Service.
6 p.m. Westminster Student Guild
will meet for a supper and fellowship
hour. Prof. Preston W. Slossn will
speak on"The Roleof the Church in
the Modern Crisis."
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "If
Winter Comes," a pre-Christmas
sermon by Rev. Marley.
7:30 p.m. First of three round table



-William B. Elmer

Handbills And
Civil Liberties . .
EDNESDAY'S Supreme Court ruling
on handbill distribution again fol-
lows the line of civil liberties defense that the
country's highest tribunal has upheld in recent
years. The Court, last year, crossed out an
ordinance of Griffin, Ga., requiring permission
to peddle literature, previously declared un-
constitutional, Huey Long's advertising tax and
defended the stand of several other persons who
had been convicted in literature distribution
The Court, voting 7-1 on the handbill ques-
tion with only.Justice McReynolds dissenting,
rightly defended the inalienable right of free
speech, an issue that was not covered up very
well by a foolish plea for the necessity of 'guar-
anteeing clean streets. Briefly, the decision
was given in favor of persons and groups who

Student Union win meet at t1 p.. t-
day in the Michigan Union.
Coming Events
Botanical Journal Club will meet on
Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in
Room N.S. 1139.
Reports by:
Ralph Bennett, "A review of work
on accessory growth and fruiting
substances affecting Melanospora de-
John Hardison, "Effect of crown
and stem rusts on the relative cold
resistance of varieties and selections
of oats."
"The relation of aeciospore ger-
minability and dissemination to time
of infection and control of Gymnos-
porangium juniperivirginanae on red
Robert Hook, "Genetic and en-
vironmental factors affectinggrowth
types of Ustilago zeae."
"Factors affecting the development
of Puccinia coronata in Louisiana."
James McCranie, "Papers on the

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