Michigan Gridders Finish Season Against Title-Boun(
d Ohio
Star Fullback
Lost To Bucks
Capacity Crowd Expected;
Varsity Starting Lineup
Is Still An Uncertainty
(Continued from Page 1
massiveness. Michigan has faced
size and weight in Minnesota and
Pennsylvania but these are dwarfed
by the ponderousness of the invaders.
Their line averages 211 pounds and
their backfield 201. And the amaz-
ing thing about it is that they com-
bine catlike agility with their weight.
Schmidt-coached teams have always
been noted for their speed and this
club doesn't permit its weight to
handicap it.
The big difference between this
Ohio State team and last year's is
spirit and a sublimation of the
Shmidt razzle-dazzle to straight
power. In the Bucks' lone defeat
they led Cornell 14-0 in the first
period and the loss was attributed to
the fact that they had abandoned
straight football for the more spec-
tacular but less conservative hipper-
dipper. But they've forgotten it now.
And they'll forget it today. They
want to beat Michigan.
Michigan Lineup In Doubt
The Wolverine lineup was still in
some doubt Crisler said last night.
He had not yet decided whether or
not he would use Fred Trosko or
Paul Kromer at the left halfback
spot and Joe Rogers or Ed Czak at
right end. Crisler said that his deci-
sion would not be made until 11
o'clock this morning but while Tros-
ko had been working with the varsity
all week, many observers felt that
it would be Kromer who would start.
It was Kromer, whose home is in
Lorain, Ohid, who last year starred
against #Ohio State and there was
believed to be the same psychological
build-up for the Touchdown Twin
this week as there was for Trosko
last week when he started, unexpect-
edly, against Pennsylvania.
The rest of the Wolverine lineup
will be the same as the one which
started last week. John Nicholson
will be at one of the ends, Joe Savilla
and Bill Smith at the tackles, Ralph
Fritz and Milo Sukup at the guards
and Archie Kodros at center. In
the backfield will be Harmon, Eva-
shevski, Westfall and either Trosko
or Kromer.
Today's contest will mark the last
collegiate game for Kodros, Nichol-
son, Savilla, Smith and Trosko
among the varsity.
'Stop Harmon'-Buckeye Motto
All this week, the Buckeyes have
been concentrating on a "stop Har-
mon" campaign. One of their tack-
ling dummies was painted maize and
blue with a big 98, Harmon's number.
emblazoned upon it.
But the Bucks have their own
climax runner in Jim Strausbaugh,
probably the fastest back on the field
this afternoon. The durable junior
has gained 438yards by rushing but
leaves the passing to Scott who has
had 30 completions out of 71 at-
tempts for a gain of 496 yards.
The probably lineups follow:
Sarkkinen LE Nicholson
Daniell LT Savilla
Marino LG Sukup
Andrako C Kodros
Nosker RG Phritz
Maag RT Smith
Clair RE Rogers
Scott QB Evashevski
Strausbaugh LH Trosko
Zadworney RH Harmon
Hallabrin FB" Westf all
Referee, James Masker, Northwes-
ter. Umpire, Anthony Haines,
Yale. Field Judge, E. C. Krieger,
Ohio State. Linesman, Perry Graves,
Haynie Will Swim
In South America
Tom Haynie, captain of the Wol-
verine swimming forces last year, re-
ceived an invitations from the A.A.U.
yesterday to be one on a team of six
that will tour South America this
The American squad will sail from
New York on Dec. 29 and is expected
to arrive back in the metropolis on
Feb, 19.
Haynie won the 440-yard free
style event in both the Western Con-
ference and National Collegiate
meets last year and also took a first
in the 220 distance at the Nationals
and second in the Big Ten. While
only a sophomore he was named
most outstanding collegiate swim-
mer in the nation.
"Tireless Tom" is the first Wolver-
ine natator since Jack Kasley to
make such a trip. In 1935 the for-
mer Wolverine star breast stroker
went with the American squad on
an exhibition tour through the
Hawaiian Islands.
Large Crowd W atches Natators In Fifth Annual Swim Gala
My Prayer Is....
Nine weeks ago not even the most
pessimistic of Cassandras would have
said that only an upset would bring
the Wolverines home a victor over
Ohio State. Nine weeks ago the
Ohio State' game would have been
regarded as only of historic impor-
tance. It was to be that juncture of
the football season which was to
mark officially what had been con-
sidered a certainty all year. It was
to be the crowning of the Wolverines
as Big Ten champions.
But now the day dawns-and how
the mighty have fallen! With kickoff
time but seven hours away it appears
that the only thing which will re-
turn, Michigan's football forces ,to
the pinnacle from which it has plum-
metted will be an outbreak by a spirit
that has been conspicuously lacking
in each of its two losses. For it ap-
pears that Ohio State, regarded as
an outside choice at the season's out-
set, has too much strength for the
twice-beaten Wolverines. It goes two
and three deep in the line and three
deep in the backfield. Michigan can
match this only with the first team.
Once we go past the first eleven not
much' remains.
But if there is a rejuvenescence of
the spirit that was prevalent when
the season started, if that spirit is
manifested throughout the game,
whether Michigan leads or no, then
the Wolverines will be right up there.'
We don't think Michigan will win.
By that we don't mean to say that
Michigan can't win. The bandwagon
hasn't lost so many boards that we've
fallen off. We still think that this
Michigan team could be a great one.
But facts are facts and unpleasant
as they may be we aren't fool enough
to avoid staring them in the face.
Only it Michigan fights, and fights
hard, can it win.
Ohio is no top-heavy favorite. The
Bucks are quoted at 7-5 or spotted
seven points. Anything can happen
but we think that, mentally, this
Michigan team is in the same condi-
tion that it was in the morning of
the Minnesota game. The same psy-
chological condition is present and
once more if a certain sequence of
circumstances eventuate we believe
that the recovery in morale hasn't
been great enough to overcome the
two unexpected beatings which
Michigan has suffered.
If Michigan gets off in front they'll
stay there. If the Wolverines score
first they'll win. But if. Ohio leaves
the post in the van the Wolverine
punch will be gone. It's because,
once again, Michigan is at the cross-
roads. An impetus in one direction
will send it along that fork.
So, never one to be lacking in cour-
age and bravado, we'll make a double
prediction. We hate to load that
over-weighted limb any more: we've
been dumped twice too often already.
But the score will be Ohio State or
Michigan winning 13-7. It all de-
pends on who scores first.
Now that we're already well out on
the limb we might as well be shot
for a lamb as a lion. So we'll take
Southern Cal over Notre Dame, Cor-
nell over Penn, Oregon State over
UCLA, Iowa over Northwestern,
Harvard over Yale, Duke over North
Carolina State, Oklahoma over Ne-
braska, Clemson over Furman, Pur-
due over Indiana, Auburn over Geor-
gia, Missouri over Kansas, TCU over
Rice, Minnesota over Wisconsin, Illi-
nois over Chicago, Michigan State
over Temple and clouds over Europe.
Yearling Aces.
Turn In Great
Skinner, Sharemets, Gillis1
Star; Local Boy Betters I
Official World Mark t
(Continued from Page 1)j
from Ann Arbor High, nosed out1
Haigh by a few feet although the
fast finishing Wolverine started 121
counts behind.
The other breast stroke event1
produced the stirring John Sharemet
exhibition where the big sophomorej
overcame his tremendous handicap
and went on to whip Scott Holm-
grain who started at scratch by al-
most two lengths.
Gillis Wins Kicking Race
Then came a special race, one of
Matt Mann's own ideas, a kicking
event in which only the feet were;
used in getting across the pool. Gillis,
won this in :14.3 while Burton came
in second.
After Riedl's thrilling back stroke
victory over Beebe, little Mary Claire
Upthegrove held off a four count
handicap to defeat Lois Kivi in a 50-
yard free style exhibition.
Burton's showing in the 200-yard
free-style handicap was especially
colorful and impressive. With a 12
count handicap, the little sophomore
shot off ;he finish line like a bat out
of the hot basement. He did the
first 50 yards in 26 seconds and by
the halfway mark he had taken the
lead from the other four starters
with a time of :56.9.
From there on in, it was Burton all
the way, and the speedy Wolverine
finished three lengths ahead of
freshman Harold McPike.
In the Women's Athletic Club's
tWo team relay race, the squad com-
posed of Ruth Allen, Clara Lenfesty,
Carolyn Fries and Evelyn Spamer
swam to victory in 2:15.5 for the 200
Handicap Too Much For Haynie
Following that came a 100-yard
free style handicap in which Haynie
was the feature attraction, but the
former captain had too big a handi-
cap to overcome and freshman Jorge
Carrula won the event in 59 seconds.
The relays produced their expect-
ed chills and thrills with the Varsity
team of Francis Heydt, Haign and
Gus Sharemet winning the medley
and the frosh quartet of Bob West,
Clair Morse, Jim Garvey and John
Patton taking the 200-yard free style.,
The aquatic festival closed with a
diving demonstration first by two
girls, Joan Williams and Miss Upthe-
Five Wolverine Regulars Will Play
Final Grid Contest At Stadium Today
Senior athletes dread the day when
they must turn in their uniforms for
the last time and assume the role of
spectator for the years to come-
and for five sturdy members of Mich-
igan's football team today is that day.
Next fall, wherever Capt. Archie
Kodros, John Nicholson, Joe Savilla,
Bill Smith and Freddie Trosko may
be, the mere mention of the word
"football" will harken them back to
the many battles of lines; the battles
of backs; the weird, free-scoring af-
fairs; and the hair-raising finishes
which they have experienced during
the last three years. But this after-
noon at the Stadium, they have work
at hand-work which they fully real-
ize needs 100 per cent concentration.
Feats Of The Past
As this quintet' takes the field
against Michigan's perennial rival,
Ohio State, who can forget:
1) Archie Kodros' phenomenal rise
to one of the top centers in the coun-
try, featured by a
t r u e competitive
spirit and one of
the rarest wills to
win ever exhibited}
on the Michigan
campus. He has . ;' {>
never once given
up, even when the
moments were in-
deed dark. From
the very day when
he took away the Kociros
center job from his captain Joe
Rinaldi, in 1937, Kodros has been a
driving force, an excellent passer,
blocker and defender. In this, his
final year, Archie has made far more
grove, and then by the Wolverine
contingent of Capt. Hal Benham,
Jack Wolin, T-Bone Martin and
Ralph Pyszynski.
Comic Divers Take Over
The Varsity divers performed full
twists, flying somersaults, cutaway
one and a halfs and what not until
Purdue's coach Dick Papenguth andI
Holmes introduced the humor angle.
Papenguth had a different old-
fashioned suit on for every dive, while
Holmes' creation was the long woolen
underwear style marked "union
maid" and "do not open until Xmas"
on the back.
The two maneuvered a "precision
dive," a "round the corner Suzy"
and finally a "who blew out the
lights" dive as the lights were turned
off on the fifth showing of Matt
Mann's Swim Gala.
tackles than any man on the team. I
That record speaks for itself.
2) Freddie Trosko's battle against
physical odds. Her-
alded two years
ago as one of the
fleetest backs ever
to come to Ann Ar-
bor, Trosko lived
up to that reputa-
t$ Lion as a sopho-
.:... more but became a
more or less for-
gotten man last
year when Tom
Trosko Harmon and Paul
Kromer invaded the ranks and took
over the halfback berths. This year,
he got his break when Kromer in-
jured his knee, and has Abeen usel
mainly in a blocking role for Har-
mon. His assignment this after-
noon looms larger than ever before.
Savilla's Patience
3) Tackle Joe Savilia's quiet pa-
tience during the last two seasons
when injuries
plagued him from
all sides. The giant
West Virginian fi-
nally came into his
own this year, ris-
ing to great heights '
in the Iowa game
to block a punt
and recover two .
fumbles, all three
breaks leading to
Wolverine touch- Savilla
downs. This afternoon, Coach Fritz
Crisler ,will pin much of his hope on
Savilla's broad shoulders, for he
knows full well that Francis Schmidt
drives his backs just inside the ends
relentlessly during every game. But
you cai} bet your last dollar that Sa-
villa will play his greatest game of
the year. He'll have to.
4) The steady, consistent play of
Michigan's other tackle, Californial
Bill Smith. Un-
.;: heralded through-
out his entire grid
I ' *career, Crisler's
217-pound lineman
.. " man took over the
right tackle berth
this fall after al-
ternating with Don
Siegel last year.
In addition to his
rugged work on
Smith defense, especially
effective in the scoreless battle with
Northwestern last season, Bill has
blossomed into a better than av-
, I
Western Conference Grid Year
Will Finish With Today's Games
The Western Conference football The Iowa record so far is four wins
steam engine comes to the end of against one loss, and the Anderson
the line today. squad has northwestern to contend
As the Conference prepares for its with this afternoon.
final day, there are still two teams Should the Hawkeyes defeat the
left in the race for the crown. Ohio Wildcats in their battle at Evanston,
State, undefeated in its five league and should the Buckeyes fall before
games, stands on top of the list, and the Wolverine drive, magician Doc
a victory or tie today with Michigan Anderson will have lifted his team
would give it undisputed possession from second last where it finished
of the Big Ten throne. last year to a share in the title in his
Eddie Anderson's amazing Hawk-7
eyes are the only l other aggregation
with a chance to share in the spoils.
Frosh Grid Revue,
Being Prepared
Blues' Will Meet 'Reds'
In Intra-Squad Game
Wally Weber's annual production,
"The Freshman Football Revue," is
roaring into its final few days of
preparation for the big performance
to be given at Ferry Field, 3:30 p.m.
Monday afternoon.
At this time the culmination ofE
seven weeks of intense drilling and
practice will take place when the.
"Blues" and the "Reds" meet before
their most critical audience of the
season. Not only will Coach Weber
and his staff of gridiron technicians
be watching, but chief talent scout
Fritz Crisler and his company will
also be on hand.
The freshman football squad of 48
numeral winners is smoothing off
the rough edges of its offensive and
defensive play in this week's prac-
tices, priming its attack for the big
show of the season.
With the cast in perfect condi-
tion, an important audience scheduled
to be in the stands, everything to
gain and nothing to lose, "The Fresh-
man Football Revue," staged and
directed by the likeable Wally Weber,
promises to be a three-star produc-
tion of an all-star affair.
So There, Mr. Schmidt!
Michigan, the oldest traditional
rival on the Ohio State lists, holds
the greatest margin of victory over
the Scarlet and Gray. The Wolverines
have won 23 games, Ohio has taken
10, and only 2 have been tie games.
TTTmTT A'N R . i
first season as coach. The worst the
Hawkeyes can do, in fact, is finish
second from the top.
Minnesota, the defending champs,
plays host to the Badgers from Wis-
consin in their final fracas. This
is the first time in many years that
the Gophers have been hopelessly out
of the race at this time. They have
already dropped three Conference
matches and tied once.
The Hoosier state has its big fes-
tivities today when Purdue and In-
diana tangle at Bloomington. Al-
though the Boilermakers are favored
this traditional encounter may well be
anybody's game.
Illinois bounces back from its whip-
ping at the hands of Ohio State to
join the "Moider the Maroon" parade.
Chicago stopped its apparent suicide
long enough to defeat little Oberlin
last week, but everything seems to in-
dicate that the Midway crew will
probably be back in form today.
to another
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glaring lamp
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Bedroom Light Ada ptors-40c each
Many old-style ceiling fixtures fail to provide
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Available in a wide range of styles and colors,
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son Company does not sell light adaptors.)