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November 23, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-23

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-n~m lu
TaoIks Listed

United States Minister Visits City Of Flint After Release

Mrs. Ruth Wendt To Open
Lecture Series Tuesday
Five talks on subjects ranging
from China to carillon playing will
feature the Deutscher Verein's an-
nual lecture series, all given in Ger-
man, which starts off this year with
a talk at 8: p.m. Tuesday by Mrs.
Ruth L. Wendt, resident counsellor
of Mosher Hall, on "Persoenliche
Erlebrnisse. in China."
PerciTal Price, University caril-
loneur, will give the second in the
series on Jan. 9, entitled, Einiges
ueber das Glockenspiel," or items of
interest on carillon playing.
The third talk, on March 5, will
be "Die Schmucksteinschleifer von
Idar-Oberstein," by Dean Edward H.
Kraus of the literary school. Prof.
Henry W. Nordmeyer of the German
depgartment will give the fourth in
the series on "Rom'antische deutsche
Malerei," on April 2.
Fifth and last in the series will be
a talk entitled "Aus dem Leben ber-
uhmten Forscher des 19. Jahrhun-
derts," by Dr. Werner F. Striedieck
of 'the German department.
Admission will be free to members
of the Verein, and students of. Ger-,
man who wish to attend may obtain
tickets either from their professors
or through the German department,

Dinner Draws
400 To Union
(Continued from Page 1)
sity of Beirut replied for the foreign
students; indicating "deep appreci-
ation of the kindness tendered here."
In spite of the great troubles prev-
alent all over the world, he said,
"We are filled with hope that ulti-
mately idealism and kindliness will
tiiumph over selfishness and greed.
You have strengthened our faith in
humanity," he continued. Mr. Ku-
rani pointed out that justice, free-
dom, kindness and understanding
must be the bases for world pro-
gress and happiness.
Professor Nelson outlined the his-1
tory of the Center and the dinners.
"These dinners are a tradition of 15
years, taking on more significance
each year," he said. Indicating that
the purpose of the dinner was "to
make foreign students among us feel
at home," Professor Nelson claimned
that the affair was not only an ex-,
pression of University welcome, but
also an expression of welcome by the
community. He' also evplained this
year's recreational program of the
International Center 'and concluded
his talk by thanking the League, the
Union, the University and the stu-
dents themselves for "their invalu-
able cooperation."'
The dinner' was officially opened
by the saying of grace by one of the
students 'present. The prayer itself.
indicated the cosmopolitan atmos-
phere of the affair by its address to
"the Father of all of us."
A program of American folk danc-
ing. performed by both foreign' stu-
dents and representatives of the
League officially concluded the eve-
ning's ceremonies. The groups pre-
sented both the Quadrille and the
Virginia Reel.



11 -

Ann Arbor
Here Is Today's News
In Summary
Christmas shoppers in Ann Arbor
will split up a $260,000 jackpot in.
Christmas club savings, tyo banks
announced yesterday. That amount
represents the total cash which will
be distributed in club savings ac-
counts on Dec. 1.
A charged electric wire caused
the death of Harry Durliam, 49
year old citizen of Platt, hile he
was working for the Detroit Edi-
son Company near Frains Lake
yesterday morning.
Durham, who is a line foreman
for the company, caught 'hold of
a line carrying 4,800 volts 'and
was electrocuted.

Suomi Club Meets
Friday At Lane Hall
The film on modern Finland origi-
nally scheduled to be shown at thq
Suomi Club meeting 8 p.m. tomor-
row in the upper room of Lane Iall
has been postponed. to a later date;
according to Toivo Liimitairen, '41E
The program committee, consist-
ing of Mrs. Reino Takala, Williai
Sahi, '40E, and Liimitainen, are ar-
ranging a social hour instead. Mein-
bers who attended the showing of
"Finland Today" given Tuesday at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, wi
lead a discussion on the film. Coffee
will be served.

Mrs. J. Borden Harriman (left), United States Minister to Norway, is shown aboard; the American
freighter City of Flint at Bergen* Norway, as she called to see Capt. Joseph A. Gainard (right) after Nor-
wegian authorities interned a German prize crew and returned the ship to Capt. Gainaxd. . (Associated
Press-Paramount News photo).
Men Stormed Agains! The Admission

Of women---But That W as In 18671

" Ann Arbor's Community Fund
campaign yesterday reached $51,-
539.82, which brings the total $19.82
more than the final 'figure of the
1938 drive. The Fund was still $3,-
470 short of its goal of $55,000 but
Stanley G. Waltz, general campaign
manager, said that he was encour-
aged because the 1939 contributions
had gone over last year's top.
* * *
Don't expect the mailman to-
day, because Thanksgiving comes
on Nov. 23 for all federal em-
ployees. N~ail service will be
suspended today, but Nov. 30 is
just another day of toil 'for the
A tire and wheel of a trailer-truck
driven by Clarence Hillborr of Jack-
son was set ablaze by friction last
night on M-17. Sheriff's officers
extinguished the fire,
* * *
A suit asking damages of $5,-
000 has been filed in circit'court
here by Emanuel Luckhardt, of
Lodi township, against Laurence
Luckhardt claims he was in-
jured and his car was damaged
i an accident involving Weber's
car near Ann 'Arbor last Aug. 6.


From 1851, when the first sugges-
tion was made that women be al-
lowed to enter the University, until
1870 when the Board of Regents
passed a resolution admitting both
sexes, one of the most contentious
controversies of the University's his-
tory took place. Public and private
papers filed in the Michigan His-
torical Collections in the Rackham
Building vividly reflect the heat of
this struggle over women's rights.
Some young men during this per-
iod became furious at the possibility
of women usurping male privileges.
An editorial in an 1867 Chronicle
fumed, "Right-minded men admit
that since the gun-powder plot no
more mischievous plan has ever been
set on foot than that modernly
christened. 'women's right'." Trac-
ing the course of women's evil do-
ings, the writer began with Eve,
"In the Garden of Eden this fallacy
sprang, armed arnd equipped, from
the head of the serpent, and the.
ruin of the race was its first result."
The degradation of John the Bap-
tist, Joseph, and Mark Antony by
women was noted, and the decline
of Rome was paralleled to "ascend-
ing female influence". 'The writer
quoted St. Paul, "Let your women
keep silence in the churches", and
suggested that this rule be extended
elsewhere. The editorial concluded
with the dramatic warning, "Man's,
right to be called the Lord of cre-
ation has been put in peril."
Published Report In 1858
A slightly more objective commit-
tee of three Regents published a re-
port in 1858 which warily observed,
"Opponents insist that to admit la-
dies to the University would be an
innovation never contemplated by
its founders or its patrons, destruc-
tive to its character and influence,
and ruinous to the ladies who might
avail themselves of it."
Prominent among methods inl
which ladies would destroy the Uni-
versity's character was their inevi-
table use of the school for a mar-
riage bureau (Miss Madelon L.
Stockwell, the first woman to enter
the University, did marry one of her
classmnates). Another embarrassing
situation that was pointed out was

the conduct of anatomy and physio-
logy classes in the presence of both
sexes. Some professors insisted that
separate classes would have to be
Wrote To Horace Mann
Regent Donald McInvyre, a mem-
ber of the 1858 investigating com-
mittee, wrote to Horace Mann of
Antioch, saying, "A question has
arisen in the University of Michi-
gan by the application of several
young ladies for admission to it ...
and asking how the system had
fared at Antioch. Educator Mann
promptly replied o.ffering his full
approval of the co-ed system with
the warning," ... very serious dan-
ger must attend the introducing of
such a system ... We have conduct-
ed the system for five years, without
a disaster . . . I believe that schools
for both sexes can be conducted
safely, that when so conducted, the
intercourse of the sexes is mutually
advantageous; that daily intercourse,
with young ladies refines the man-
ners of the young men, and actual
association with young men, and a
knowledge of character, and the du-
ties of like has a strong tendency to,
expel all girlish romance and to ex-
ercise the miserable nonsense which
comes from novel reading.",
With such encouragement in ad-
dition to constant pressure from
women groups the Board of Regents
passed the resolution on Jan. 5, 1870,
admitting women without even men-
tioning them, "Resolved, that Board
of Regents recognize the right of
every resident of Michigan to the
enjoyment of the privileges afforded
by the University, and that no rule
exists in any of 'the University sta-
tutes for the exclusion of any person
from the University who posses the
requisite literary and moral qual-
ification." And soon after Miss Mad-
elon L. Stockwell took advantage of
this resolution to become the Univer-
sity's first woman student.
Published I etrospective Edition
In 1899 when women's status was
becoming more secure, the girls pub-
lished a retrospective Women's Edi-
tion of the Daily outlining the prog-
ress of co-education and marking
the absurdity of former objections
to it. They revealed that the opin-

ions maintaining women's physical
and mental incapability of higher
education were merely foggy preju-
dices. Beliefs that ladies would ruin
the moral- atmosphere and turn the,
University into a female seminary
were likewise disparaged. The co-eds
of '99 summed up, "It is very curious
to note that not a single prediction,
of these wise and learned men in our
University faculty, turned out to be
well founded."
Not satisfied with debunking old
objections the girls further gloated,
"now women are uniformly of better
character than the men ... Intellec-
ually they have proven themselves
far superior in everyrespect." Then,
after 4coffing at the predictions of
the learned faculty of the 60's, the
young ladies ventured a prediction
of their own, "When the women of
this nation shall obtain the 'higher
education, and also the trades and
professions or bread-winning pow-
ers, and the ballot, they will then
make'the same demands of rien in
regard to a high moral standard as
the men now make of them, and
their demands will be duly appre-
ciated and regarded." That was'40
years ago.



IDon't f iij to vjiithe N w
SONJA SHO. which h s just Qgened!
THE SONJA SHOR speci9Iizes in Fine
This Week's Surprising .Values are:
Newest Hand-Made Pineapple Linen Applique Luncheon Sets:
Regular price $1.77..... . ...... ... :... .:.':...........Now $1.00
Men's Pure Xrlsh Linen Handkerchiefs, with wide or narrow hem:
Formerly 39c '...Now 6 for $1.(0
Complete Variety of Linen Mosaic, and "In Shadow" ladies Hand-
kerchiefs: Were 69c................... ...No-39c ea'ci
Imported Damask dinner set in distinctive design: Size 51" x 51",
with iix napkins to match -- Regular price was $3.69, now may
be purchased at $1.99.

Try A


My Lad



Blue Points or Fresh Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail, Fresh Fruit
Cocktail Supreme, Chilled Tomato Juice, Thanksgiving
Soup, Consomme en Cup, Celery Hearts, Spiced Water-
melon, Mixed Olives.
Roast Young Tom Turkey, Chestnut Dressing,
Cranberry Jelly $1.00
Roast Mascuvy Duck, Candied Yams '. $1.00
Roast Spring Chicken, Chestnut Pressing $1.00
Dozen Frog Legs, fried, Tartar Sauce $1.00
Broiled Beef Tenderloin, Fried Mushrooms. $1.00
Whole Broiled Live Lobster, (Boston Style) .. $1.00
BAKED HALF GUINEA HEN, Glqze Pineapple Ring ..$1.25



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the memorable, refreshing different
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her bathroom with Apple Blossom sweetness.
Cologne, Dusting Powder, Bath Oil and a fine
Complexion and Bath Soap. 3.50
APPLE BLOSSOM TRIO - delightful wasp-
waisted flacon of Apple Blossom Cologne, frag-
rant dusting powder and a luxurious cake of
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simple, dramatic offerings at Christmas. Apple
Blossom Cologne, 1.00 ... Eau de Toilette, 1.75
.B. Bath Oil, 1.00, 2.00 ... . Dusting Powder,
1.00 . . . Other Apple Blossom Sets, 2.00 an4





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