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October 27, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-27

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Talks To Press
Columnist Asserts Turkey
Concluded Allied Pact
After Russian Blunder
(Continued from Page 1)
it was organized at the end of the
World War and has greatly aided
Michigan's newspapers indoing their
work in the troubled years that fol-
lowed the war. Today, Stace pointed
out, the nation is faced with problems
almot as great, and the University
Press Club of Michigan will continue
its service and aid to members..
The seeming incompatability of the
two widely voiced interpretations of
the Second World War does not really
exist if the two views are considered
below the surface, Prof. P. W. Slos-
son, of the history department, told
the assembled delegates.
Many people advance the opinion
ghat the struggle is merely one for
power, while others believe it to be
an ideological battle between two
powers with conflicting policies, Pro-
fessor Slosson explained. The re-
sults of the first World War, however,
he pointed out, show that the cus-
toms and ideals of victorious nations
are bound to show a broadened sphere
of influence at the end of the struggle.
Pyowers' Conipetition Important
Professor Slosson conceded the fact
that the present struggle was brought
o. by competition for power. But,
le said, great differences do exist in
the governments of the warring
powers, and it is the differences in
ideologies that are 4in great measure
to blame for the outbreak of hostili-
ties. Thus we can see that victory for
either side, he concluded, would mean
inot only the supremacy of that side
over its enemies but also a spread of
the doctrines, social and political, of
that nation or group of nations.
The next speaker, Prof. C. F. Re-
mer, of the economics department,
who recently returned from a year
In Europe, raised the , question of
whether it would be worse for the
United States to say out of the war
or out of peace
The League of Nations, he ex-
plained, lost a great deal of its poten-
tial strength by the refusal of the
United States to join it. The out-
break of the war has shown this and
the urgent need for a powerful in-
ternational. body, universally sup-
ported, said Professor Remer, draw-
ing on his experiences in Switzer-
land as examples of the need for
something to keep neutral nations
Drew Pearson' Speaks
Drew Pearson, the last speaker of
the- afternoon, in addition to his re-
marks on the Turkish-allied powers
pact, said it was likely the President's
policy of a big navy was the result of
fear of German expansion in South
The President himself, Pearson
said, explained this point in an off-
the-record session with leaders of
anti-war bodies, as far back as Janu-
ary, 1935. The Japanese policy in
Chlna and Mussolini's grab of Ethio-
pia, Pearson concluded, have re-
moved the last territory eligible for
conquest in Asia and Africa, and the
European powers will look next to-
ward- the relatively undeveloped land
of South America for colonies.
Delegates to the convention were
the guests of the University at the
lecture by Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt last
night in Hill Auditorium.
S.L.A. Marshall, editorial writer for
the Detroit News; Donald J. Sterling,
editor of the Oregon Journal and
president of the American Society of
Newspaper Editors, and W. J. Cam-
bridge, assistant manager of the
Associated Press, will address today's
sessions of the convention. Dele-

gate will attend the Ruthven Testi-
monial dinner at 6 p.m. today in Yost
Fipld House.

Italians Build Subway Where 4th Century Legions Marched
N ;Z
+4S... ..r.''. C0'4
For visitors to Rome's 1942 exposition, Italians are building subway where marched victorious fourth
century legions.

Sailing Club's 'Mosquito Fleet'
Is; Open ,To Seafaring Stud ents

Galens Elects

Faculty Men

Haven's Time
Was Troubled,
Like Ruthv en'sI
(Material for this series has been
furnished by Dr.- Frank E. Robbins,
Assistant to the President.)
Like President Ruthven, whose.
tenth anniversary as head of this,
University will be observed Oct. 27,
in Yost Field House, the executive
career of- Erastus Otis Haven, Michi-
gan's third president, came in a time
of great national stress.
As in 1929, the year 1863 was hard-
ly the best time to be named presi-
dent of a struggling state university.
War was raging between the once-
United States, a financial panic was:
in ie offing and educational activi-
ties were almost at a standstill.
President Haven soon discovered
his most immediate problem-a minor
war, caused by financial difficulties,
was on between the government of
the State of Michigan and its univer-
sity. It is to the new president's ever-
lasting credit that he established the
'mill tax system of providing revenues,
thus settling the university's major
financial problem permanently.
Erastus Haven was born in 1816 in
Boston, He attended Wesleyan Uni-
versity, and then became a clergyman
in the Methodist Episcopal Church.
He left the ministry in 1852 upon ap-
pointment to the professorship of
Latin Language and Literature at
Michigan. Two years later Dr. Haven
was transferred to the professorship
of History and English Literature.
He left Michigan in 1856 to become,
a member of the Massachusetts State
Board of Education and the Board
of Overseers of Harvard College. He
also served in the Massachusetts
State Senate for two terms.
Versatile Dr. Haven was recalled to
Michigan in 1863 as its president and,
incidentally, as Professor of Rhetoric
and English Literature. After six
busy years here, he went to
Northwestern University as presi-
dent, and then to Syracuse Univer-
sity as its Chancellor.
Mahlke At Convention
Phi Epsilon Kappa, natignal hon-
orary physical education 'fraternity,
will hold a national convention to-
morrow and Sunday at St. Louis, Mo.
The local chapter, Kappa, has chos-
en Clinton D. Mahlke, '40E, to rep-
resent them at the convention.

Barbour Scholarships Enable
Oriental Women To Study Here

As the University's ship of state
plunges through the briny scholastic
wafers of 1939-1940, it is rocking
slightly because of the miniature
storm produced by the mosquito fleet
of the University's Sailing Club.
Yes . . . the University has a sail-
ing club that offers every bit of
sailor's lore to any student-male or
female-who wants to learn the art
of those grizzled old sea hawks who
rounded the Horn with a laugh on
their lips.
Quarterdeck Sponsored
Not so many years ago, Quater-
deck Society'-the naval art depart-
ment's honor organization-listened
to the pleas of the University's sailors
and determined to sponsor. a sailing
club. Before they knew it, it has
grown out of their hands and num-
bered among ts membership every
devotee of the sailing craft.
The Young Gartantuan-like club
left Quarterdeck in its wake and set
out on its own to make, with little
money, its way at Whitmore Lake.
They acquired boats from an old
graduate who gave them unlimited
credit, confident in the opinion that
they would pay their debt whenever
they could.
The club acquired dinghies-fast
little sailboats drawing little water
and capable of skimming at tremen-
dous speeds (for sailboats) over the
The sailors cared for intra-club
sailing at first for they were un-
aware of any competition in the im-
mediate vicinity. Quarterdeck -
their founder-showed them the way
to competition by borrowing their
boats and racing at Gull Lake.
Plenty Of" Spirit
Imbued with the spirit of compe-
tition the club welcomed the invita-
tion of the Intercollegiate Yacht
Racing Society to enter the dinghy
races in the fall of 1938 at MIT on
the Charles River near Cambridge.
The club, after the races, found it-
self in 12th place, an excellent show-
ing considering that the races were
its first competition and that there
were 20 colleges represented.
Practice, grim practice,occupied
the club and in the spring at the
Boston Dinghy Club Races, they
sailed into fourth place, showing the
way to 16 other colleges.
Their success was reflected in the
request of the Intercollegiate Yacht
Racing Society that they join the or-
ganization. Almost immediately, they
Michigan Theater Building

submitted their petition for mem-
Racing called them again and in
the Chicago Yacht Club races they
came in. second, returning to Ann
Arbor riding on high on the crest of
success, they trounced the faculty
skippers in races on Barton Pond.
Not Exclusive
The Sailing Club is not an exclusive
organization. In fact, they are driv-
ing for increased membership right
now. They do not demand that men
or women seeking it out know sail-
ing, they ask only the opportunity to
teach the art.
'With all kinds of sailing talent in
their club, the membership has been
divided three ways. The Neophytes
or raw beginners are learning from
the ground up. The Crews have
someability as sailors, but not enough
experiences to qualify them as skip-
pers. Highest in rank are the skip-
pers who have passed tests in sea-
manship and sailing ability and who
can handle themselves under any
conditions in a boat.
Girls need feel no hesitation about
seeking out the club. Competition
for girl skippers is everywhere for :the
club on its trips encounters many
possibilities for races calling for wom-
en skippers.
With a club like the Sailing Club
doing its best to bring fame to Mich-
igan, all the students who have any
desire to sail and are willing to learn
should seek it out according to Harry
Hoffman, '40E, the vice-commodore.
The membership rolls of the club
could stand many more than the 35
now on it and all those interested
Cramer, '40E, the commodore.

Medical Society Names
Initiates At Banquet
Names of 12 newly elected faculty
members of Galens, honorary medi-
cal society, were announced at the
annual initiation banquet held in
the Union last night.
The prefect is Dr. Harry Towsley
and the two honorary members are
Dr. H. M. Pollard, and Dr. Raymond
W. Waggoner. The new members,
who are chosen two from each medi-
cal fraternity and two from inde-
pendent ranks all in the class of '41M
are: Donald Effler, Hypolit Filip,
William C. Brown, Wayne Stewart,
Herbert Pederson, Robert Christen-
sen, Howard Lawrence, Mason May-
nard, Robert Medlar, John McNich-
olas, Percy Murphy and William Pur-

At a time when international un-
derstanding and friendship is vital to
American interests, attention is called
to the Levi L. Barbour scholarships
which have enabled more than 200,
Oriental women to make friends with
American students of their own age
before returning to their native lands.
Established by Mr. Barbour, '63,
'65L, in 1915 to increase edicational
opportunities for women of the Or-
ient, the fund has achieved that pur-
pose as evidenced by the remark-
able careers of Barbour scholars,
according to W. Carl Rufus, secre-
tary of the committee in charge of
Barbour scholarships.
As many as 45 students from a doz-
en oriental countries including Ha-
waii, Japan, Korea, China, Philippine
Islands, Siam, Sumatra, India, Ara-
bia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Iraq and Syria
have enjoyed the cultural and educa-
tional advantages of the University
in the same year.
Among the notable Barbour schol-
ars are Dr. Yi-Fang Wu and Dr. Lucy
Wang, who are presidents of Ginling
College and Hwa Nan College re-
spectively, the only two women's col-
leges in China. 7
Four former scholars are on the
staff of the Peiping Union Medical
College, one of the four Rockerfeller
Medical Research Institutes in China.
Six are faculty members on the st 01
Hillel Casts Chosen
For One-Act Plays
The casts for the two Hillel one-
act plays, "The Two Gentiles" and
"Business is Business," which will be
presented Nov. 15 and Dec. 7 at Pon-
tiac and Flint respectively have been
Anita Newblatt, '41, Sol Schneyar,
'41, Myrtle Prussin, '40 and Martin
Dworkis, '40 are included in the cast
of "The Two Gentiles."
Among those selected to appear in
"Business is Business" are Mitchell
Mandeburg, '40, Don Diamond, '42,
Harold Goldman, '40, Herb Raskin,
'40 and Shyrle Imber, '42. Samuel
Grant, '40, is in charge of production.

of the University of the Philippines.
E. K. Janaki, D.Sc. whose visit here
has been postponed due to war condi-
tions is in Edinburgh doing research
work in botany. She is the first
Indian woman ever to have held a
chair in an Indian university attend-
ed by men. Conditions permitting,
she will attend the University next
The 20 Barbour scholars on cam-
pus this year are: Estenfania J. Alda-
ba, Solita Camara, Esperanza R. Cas-
tro, Gloria D. 'Cortes, Primitiva D.
Demandante all of the Philippine
Islands, Louise F. Chang, Celia Chao,
Jean Chien-han Chu, Ruth E. Ciu,
Yao Shen, Ming-chen Wang and Su-
hsuen Wu from China, Mrs. Fran-
cesca Thivy, India, Hisako Fujiwara,
Mrs. Sada Kato, Kikue Oshima, and
Chieko Otsuki from Japan, Yen-
hoong Loo, Hawaii and Choona-cha
Lee, Korean.
Hillel To Hold Services
Conservative Services will be held
at 7:30 p.m. today at the Hillel
Foundation, it was announced by
Samuel E. Grant, '40, who will serve
as cantor. A social, conducted by
Shirley Fishman, '40, is scheduled to

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