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October 13, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-13

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Describes Life
Of First Lady
(Continued from Page 1)
ship "America," officiated at the birth
of a grandchild and commuted by air
from coast to coast on family busi-
ness. All this in addition to a First
Lady's regular chores-hostess at the
President's formal dinners and re-
ceptions, housekeeper in the White3
House and entertainer of visiting:
functionaries and their wives.
Mrs. Roosevelt is as famous for her
simplicity of manner as she is re-
spected as a devoted wife and mother.
She usually travels unrecognized,;
without escort of any kind. She has
been seen at almost every important
event of recent years-Broadway pre-
mieres, World's Fairs, dedications of
resettlement projects, CCC camp in-
spections and Democratic party con-
ventions. It is=said that she, serves
as one of the President's "eyes and
ears'; as a White House surveyor of
public opinion.
As a wife, Mrs. Roosevelt's devo-
tion during her husband's battle
with infantile paralysis is a mem-
orable feature of her biography, "This
Is My Story." As a mother and
grandmother, her column is replete
with incidents which show her love
for her family
Mrs. Roosevelt was born in 1884 in
New York City. She was educated by
private governesses here and abroad
and became engaged to her fifth
cousin. once removed at the age of 19.
She was married on St. Patrick's Day,
1905, in the presence of her uncle,
President Theodore Roosevelt..
At first a typical young society
matron, Mrs. Roosevelt did not be-
come interested in politics until her
husband's unsuccessful campaign for
the vice-presidency in 1920. Since
then, she says, her interest has never
'Over The Rainbow' To Be
Vocal Specialty By Band
'Over The Rainbow," hit tune from
the current movie success, the "Wiz-
ard Of Oz," willbe presented by the
Band in a special vocal arrangement
by Donn Chown, at Varsity Night,
Oct. 17, at Hill Auditorium.
Departing from its usual capadty
as an instrumental group, the band
will rise to the occasion as a glee
club, singing the lyrics in a manner
"a la Fred Waring," according to
Professor Revelli, director of the
Feature soloist in the arrangement
will be Warren Foster, tenor, who is
a regular member of the University

James R. Angell, '90, Once Yale Head,
Is One Of Michigan's Great Angells

(Fourth of a series)
One reason why the name of An-
gell has become as much a part of
this University as Mason Hall is em-
bodied in the person of Michigan
alumnus James Rowland Angell, '90,
A.M.'91, and LL.D. (Hon.)'31.
Dr. Angell's remarkable record of
achievement spans almost 50 years
in the history of American higher
education. And, although he has
reached .70 years of age, Dr. Angell
is still adding to his record.
Only last year, he was asked to
become educational counselor of the
National Broadcasting Company. He
accepted the $25,000 a year job, but
only on condition that he would have
"a free hand to devise and suggest
methods by which we may more cap-
ably serve radio's listening millions."
It is said that radio's recent interest
in the intellectual can be credited to
Dr Angell; an interest, by the way,
which led the Columbia network to
obtain another Michigan man, Prof.

Lyman Bryson of Columbia Univer-
sity, to direct its educational pro-
As a Michigan student in the '90's,
Dr. Angell played shortstop on the
Wolverine nine, won a tennis cham-
pionship and was elected to Phi Beta
Kappa. Three years after gradua-
tion he became professor of psychol-
ogy at the University of Chicago;
tthen head of the department and
Dean of the University faculties. In
1918, Dr. Angell was named Chi-
cago's acting president. He resigned
in 1921 to become president of Yale.
It was at Yale that President An-
gell proved his metal as an adminis-
trator. In the beginning, he had
one handicap to overcome: he was
the first non-alumnus to head the
New Haven school. An article in
Harvard's Alumni Review in those
days expressed a common opinion
when it dubbed the Midwesterner "a
breeze from somewhere,_outside. New

England." But sectional emnity fad-
ed when Dr. Angell enlarged, reno-
vated and consolidated Yale on a
scale never before attempted. En-
dowments and students were attract-
ed to the "New Yale" in record lots.
When he reached the compulsory
retirement age in 1937, Time Maga-
zine said of him that "an Angell
might march boldly in where a Yale
alumnus would timidly fear to tread."
Dr. Angell's father was Michigan's
great president, James Burrill An-
gell, after whom Angell Hall . is
named His brother was Judge
Alexis Angell of Detroit. His son,
James Waterhouse Angell, is an ec-
onomics professor at Columbia Uni-
versity, while a nephew is Prof. Rob-
ert C. Angell of Michigan's sociology
Among the positions Dr. Angell
has held in his lifetime are the presi-
dencies of the Carnegie Corporation
(1920), the American Psychology As-
sociation (1919) and the National
Research Council. He has been a
Sorbonne exchange professor and has
been decorated with the Order of the
Crown of Italy and. Chevalier of
France's Legion of Honor.

First Perspectives
Issue Postponed
Publishing difficulties have caused
a postponement of this year's first
number of Perspectives, campus lit-
erary magazine, which was originally
intended to appear with Sunday's
The issue will be made up entirely
of material from last spring's win-
ning Hopwood entries. Included in
the magazine will be stories by Mar-
itta Wolf, '40, Mary Owen Rank, '39,
and Richard Humphries, '40; poems
by John Ciardi, Grad., and John Mal-
colm Brinnin, '41; and an essay by
Margaret Arno, '39.
Material is now being collected for
the second issue, which will include
only contributed material.

President Ruthven Is Fourth
To Complete 10-Year Term

President Ruthven's 10 years as
head of the University, to be cele-
brated at the Anniversary Dinner
Oct. 26 in Yost Field House, makes
him the fourth man in the Universi-
ty's history to complete so long a
Rev. Henry Philip Tappan, first
president appointed by the Board of
Regents under the present plan, was
also the first president to serve at
least 10 years. Appointed in 1852,
he presided until 1863, when admin-
istrative difficulties and lack of
agreement with the Regents caused
his removal. He died in 1881 in
Switzerland at the age of 76.
The next two presidents presided
for seven and two years respectively.
Dr. Tappan's immediate successor,
Rev. Erastus Otis Haven, held the
office until 1869, when he resigned
to become president of Northwestern
University. He died 12 years later.
Acting President Henry Simmons
Frieze, after serving until 1871, was
then offered the presidency, but de-
clined in favor of Dr. James Burrill
Angell, then president of the Univer-
sity of Vermont.
President Angell's 38 year tenure
here is the longest ever enjoyed by

a president at Michigan, and thought
by many to be the most successful.
When he finally retired in 1909, he
was 80 years old. He died seven years
later in Ann Arbor.
Dr. Harry Burns Hutchins was
made acting president following Dr.
Angell's retirement, but in 1910 he
assumed the presidency. He com-
pleted 10 years of service, was re-
tired in 1919 at the age of 70, and
was at that time made the first
president-emeritus of the University.
He died here in 1930.
Dr. Marion Leroy Burton gave up
the presidency at the University of
Minnesota to take the post left
vacant here by President Hutchins.
Dr. Burton held the office until his
death in 1925.
President Burton's place was taken
by Dr. Clarence Cook Little, who
accepted after resigning the presi-
dency of the University of Maine.
Differences with the faculty and re-
gents caused his resignation, how-
ever, in 1929. Dr. Little, a famous
cancer expert, resides now in Bar
Harbor, Me.
It was after this resignation that
Dr. Alexander Grant Ruthven was
chosen president of the University.
He assumed office in October, 1929.




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Disguised Bremen Is Unharmed
In Russian Harbor, Sailor Says

Prof. Jamison Returns

... SEND your laundry
home by convenient

Prof. Charles L. Jamison, of the
School of Business Administration,
returned to Ann Arbor recently from
New York, where he addressed the
annual conference of the Society for
the Advancement of Management,
Thursday, Oct. 5..


FRIDAY, OCT. 13, 1939
VOL. L. No. 17

To The Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of
the University Senate on Wednesday,
Oct. 25, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
To The Members of the University
Senate: At the meeting of the Uni-
versity Council on Oct. 9, Prof. John
E. Tracy was elected to membership
on the Board of Directors of the
(Continued on Page 4)

AMSTERDAM, Oct. 12. -(A')- A
hasty disguise and the swirling mists
of the North Atlantic helped the Ger-
man merchant flagship Bremen make
a perilous voyage through strange
waters and reach safe harbor in the
Russia Arctic port of Murmansk, a
member of her crew related today.
The crewman was E. Post, tall,
blond seagoing cook and the only
Netherlander aboard.
In a copyrighted interview with th
Amsterdam Newspaper Het Volk, Post
told of the repainting of the ship at
sea after her delayed departure from
New York Aug. 30, of the anxiety
aboard and finally of the Bremen's
reaching Murmansk with the Ham-
mer and Sickle flying.
(The Bremen was held in New York
two days while United States customs
men searched her for possible arma-
ments, and finally sailed 36 hours
before Germany invaded Poland.)
Without passengers or cargo, but
with 900 seamen, Capt. Adolf Ahrens
was reported by Post to have dodged
the British blockade with gasoline
drums on the deck of his $20,000,000
ship, ready to burn and sink her if
need be.
Without slackening speed, the ship
received a complete coat of dull gray
paint the first morning out. She
refused to answer wireless calls, and
at night she ran without lights.
When the painting job was done,.
he said, "in the mist at 200 meters,
(656 feet), you could not have seen
the Bremen."
"Among the members of the crew
there came a terrible tension," Post
recalled, "as nobody knew where we
were going.
"Later, in the day of Sept. 3, we
were all called together in a large
saloon. The captain, standing in the
center, said: 'Men, war in Europe has
After he told of plans to sink the
ship should capture seem sure,
"everybody gave the Nazi salute, ex-
cept myself, the only Hollander on
board. For, to be frank, the prospect
of disappearing below the surface
for good didn't attract me very
"We got very little sleep," the cook
continued. "We did not undress, as
at any moment we might come across
a trawler or some other vessel which

might seize us. Numb witih cold,
sailors were on the lookout in the
crow's nest or on the foreship.
"At last we learned we were some-
where between Iceland and Spitz-
bergen. On the morning of Sept. 6,
three days after the outbreak of
war, we sighted the coast of Mur-
"As we came near the shore, we
saw a man-o'-war, which afterward
appeared to be a Russian cruiser.
Outside Murmansk we got a Russian
pilot officer.
"I suppose the Bremen had never
entered port under such conditions.
At the foremast there was only the
flag of the company (North German
Lloyd) and the Russian Hammer and
Sickle, and behind that the Swastika
Kreisler Feels Sorry
For Youth Of Today
COLUMBUS, Oct. 11.-(1P)-Fritz
Kreisler is sorry for young people of
"There is no romanticism for
them," the violinist, here for a con-
cert, declared.
"From the start they are face to
face with stern necessities, leaving no
time for the foolish little romantic
things we did when I was young.
"People need more retrospection
today. They need to be themselves."

Thrifty idea, this: It saves you bother, and cash too, for
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