W eather
Mostly cloudy,' occasional rain.
Bk A
C'ood Or Bad? ,
Varsity Gridders
Defeat State, 26-3
Senate Approval
0f FD R As Peacemaker
Both Factions
See President
As A Mediator
In War Crisis
Roosevelt Remains Silent
On Part To Be Played
In Settlement Of Peace
Johnson Declares
Role 'Great Honor'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. -(P)- A
strong wave of sentiment developed
in the Senate today for President
Roosevelt to step into the role of
peacemaker in Europe.
Senators on both sides of the neu-
trality controversy expressed the
opinion that 'the Chief Executive
should take advantage of any clear
opportunity afforded by overtures
from Berlin to aid in ending the
European War.
Administration quarters, however,
remained silent. Secretary Hull de-
clined comment on the dispatches
from Berlin indicating that Chan-
cellor Hitler would welcome a move
by Mr. Roosevelt to effect a Euro-
pean settlement. At Hyde Park, N.Y.,
Mr. Roosevelt sent word to reporters
that he had nothing to say.
Ready For Peace
It was pointed out in authorita-
tive circles that this government has
consistently taken the position that
it was ready and willing to help Eur-
ope reach a general understanding
on economic and disarmament ques-
tions, but had no intention of Being
drawn into its political disputes. This
was te tenor of Mr. Roosvelts
peace appeals to Hitler prior to the
beginning of the conflict.
Senate comment on the Berlin dis-
patches, almost without exception,
was to the effect that there was no
reason why Mr. Roosevelt should not
endeavor to effect a peace and every
reason why he should.
Senator Johnson (Dem.-Col.), who
°has proposed previously that the
Chief Executive join other neutrals
in seeking an armistice, declared that
it would be "a great honor for the
President to mediate the European
He expressed the opinion that Mr.
Roosevelt would have an opportun-
ity to obtain' an "honorable peace"
and predicted the Chief Executive
would take advantage of the oppor-
Wheeler Sees Opportunity
Senator Whec;i (Dem.-Mont.)
told reporters that the President "has
the greatest opportunity of any
American president in history to
serve humanity and bring about a
permanent peace in Europe, while
preventing the slaughter of millions
of human beings."
Chairman Pittman (Dem.-Nev.) of
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee voiced the opinion that the
President would not hesitate to "make
any appropriate suggestions" for an
European peace.
Declaring he had not consulted
the White House, Pittman added that
it would be "too much responsibility"
for the Chief Executive to undertake
the formal role of mediator or arbi-
Senator McCarran (Dem.-Nev.)
urged caution against a repetition of
what he said was the "great mistake"
that Woodrow Wilson made in tak-
ing an active part in the Versailles
Peace Conference.
Senator Thomas (Dem.-Utah), a
member of the Foreign Relations
Committee, said Mr. Roosevelt should
consider "most seriously" the appar-
ent Berlin desire for him to seek
Price Gives Recital
On Carillon Today
Professor Percival Price of the
School of Music will give a recital on
the Charles Baird Carillon in the
Burton Memorial Tower at 4:15
Resigns From Faculty
* * *
Prof. Sadler's
Is Accepted
Naval Architect Receives
Titles As Ill Health Ends
39-Year Career Here
Prof. Herbert C. Sadler, distin-
guished member of the engineering
college faculty, today submitted his
resignation from the University to
the Board of Regents because of ill
The resignation was accepted and a
resolution was adopted by the Re-
gents expresing their appxeciation.of
Professor Sadler's services and con-
ferring upon him the titles Dean
Emeritus of the College of Engineer-
ing and Professor Emeritus of Naval
Architectureand Marine Engineering.
Professor Sadler came to the Uni-
versity in 1900 as a member of the en-
gineering faculty, later was made a
professor, and in 1928 was named as
Dean of the College of Engineering.
He was born in London, England, and
attended English and Scotch univer-
sities. He is world-renowned as a'
naval architect.
The Regents, meeting in their regu-
lar October session, also made several
appointments, as follows:
Prof. Robert Angell of the sociology
department, and Prof. Harley H.
Bartlett of the botany department
were appointed to serve three year
terms on the executive committee of
the literary college, replacing Prof.
Arthur S. Aiton, of the history de-
partment, and Prof John F. Shep-
herd, of the psychology department.
Prof. Bradley M. Patten was ap-
pointed to the executive committee of
the Medical School for a term of
three years, succeeding Prof. C. W.
Dr. George R. Moore was appointed
to the executive committee of the
School of Dentistry for a three year
term, replacing Dr. John W. Kemper.
(Continued on Page 2)
House Begins
Refugee probe
Relief Campaign Accused
Of Being Communistic
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.-(P)-The
House Committee investigating un-
Americanism began an inquiry today
into the Spanish Refugee Relief Cam-
paign of which Secretary Ickes was
described as honorary chairman. Of-
ficials said the committee was trying
to determine whether the campaign
is a "Communist front organization."
Douglas Jacobs of New York, di-
rector of the refugee group, said Ickes
was honorary chairman and that
Leon Henderson of the Securities and
Finns Rally
While USSR
Finland May Take Stand
Against Soviet Power
In Baltic Sea Territory
Former Capital City
Is Denied To Letts
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 7.--()-Fin-
land tonight announced the calling
up of new army reserves while delay-
ing a reply to a Russian invitation
to a conference in Moscow.
Although the two developments
were not linked officially, observers
said they regarded as significant the
timing of the call to the colors.
Invitations to Finland's small Bal-
tic neighbors to send envoys to Mos-
cow have. cost' them sweeping concs-
sions to Russia's expanding power.
Northern European capitals were
speculating on whether the summon-
ing of reserves meant that Finland
would attempt to stand against this
The reserves were called for "de-
fense of the national neutrality," the
Defense Ministry announced, adding
that since they crowded the regular
barracks, "some troops have been
sent to rural areas where they might
also be used for work on fortifica-
The number of reserves was not
At the same time it became known
that the Finns have been .stength-
ening their Russian border since last
The Finnish Cabinet met today
to discuss political and economic
questions, and presumably the Rus-
sian invitation to Foreign Minister
Fljas Erkko to visit Moscow.
Wlno Workers Oppose
Return To Lithuania
MOSCOW, Oct. 7.-P)-Lithuan-
la's hopes that she would regain
her former capital, Wilno, in return
for concessions she was expected to
make to Soviet Russia received a
setback tonight with reports that
Wilno workers opposed such action.
Soviet broadcasts of reports of the
workers' meetings said that speeches
and resolutions demanded annexa-
tion with Soviet White Russia. Wil-
no, historic Lithuanian capital, was
seized in 1920 and added to Poland;
it is in the Russian occupied part of
the partitioned country.
Political observers said Lithuania
-whose diplomats were returning
here after consultations at home-
still might get part of the surround-
ing territory but the tenor of the Wil-
no report indicated the Soviet had
no idea of turning that city over to
the Baltic State.
Local Boy Makes Good
W olverines Score
Four Touchdowns
DuringFirst Half
Spartans Tally Twice In Final Quarters;
Harmon, Evaasheki, Westfall Star
As Reserves Prove Capable
Michigan.State's football team and 68,618 spectators gasped in awe
yesterday afternoon at the Stadium as Michigan struck four times in the
first half to put in a reservation for the national championship with a 26-13
victory over State.
For the entire 30 minutes of the first half (when State got as far as
.the Wolverine 49-yard line but once) Michigan put on a power offense that
has not been seen against a major opponent in Ann Arbor since Minnesota
and Ohio State "hung a pair" on the Wolverines in 1937. They ran; they
passed, they blocked and on one or two occasions when State had the
O ball, they tackled. For 30 minutes it.
was a beautiful exhibition of verga-
Beware Black Friday tility as the "charm" backfield ran
- -s f rr AI riot
Frosh Ode Warns '42
Starting his first collegiate game, chunky Bob Westfall, former ace
footballer at Ann Arbor High School, yesterday gave promise of a
brilliant grid career when he starred at the fullback post for Michigan.
Displaying a wealth of power and drive, the sophomore made a first
down on his first play of the game.
Green Praises
Non -Partisan
Plan Of-AFL
Also Declares Government
Should Help Employes
By Wage-Hour Action
CINCINNATI. Oct. 7.-(R)-Presi-
dent William Green tonight extolled
the powers of the American Federa-
tion of Labor in the halls of Con-
gress, and said -its traditional non-
partisan policy "has made as feared
and respected by both parties; no j
matter which is in power."
Green asserted in a speech 'pre-!
pared for the Allied Council of Fed-
eral Employes dinner that one rea-
son the AFL had been "so' steadily
successful" in obtaining labor legis-
laion was because it had refused "to
be tied on as the tail of the kite of
any political party."
"Our voice is listened to in the
halls of Congress," he said. "We
have demonstrated our political pow-
er. We have adhered strictly to the
policy of supporting our friends and
defeating our enemies."
Green, inferentially criticizing his
CIO rival, John L. Lewis, said, "We
have not invaded the quarters of
Congressional leaders and attempted
to dictate to the members of Con-
gress," he declared.
Bantd Will Play
At Penn Gamne
After "Arrival, Will Parade
To Hotel For Dinner,
As Alumni Club's Guest
Plans have been completed for
sending the Band to Philadelphia for
the Pennsylvania- football game Nov.
17, Herbert G. Watkins, assistant sec..-
retary of the University, announced
The band will probably leave with
the team two days before the game.
Arriving in Philadelphia Friday morn-
ing, it will parade from the station
to the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel.
Saturday night, the band will be
guests of the University of Michi-
gan Club of Philadelphia at a dinner
at the Bellevue-Stratford. . Watkins
made this plan known after a talk
yesterday with E.°R. Hurst,-president
of the Philadelphia alumni group,
Prisoner Lists
Are Exchanged'
Captives Of Four Nations
ReceivingRed Cross Aid1
GENEVA, Oct. 7.-(P)-The Inter-
national Red Cross Committee report-
ed today the first exchange of lists of.
prisoners between Germany and the
British-French allies.
Lists of French and British prison-
ers of war held in Germany were re-
ceived first by the committee and
sent immediately to the allied govern-
ments. Similar lists from France and
Britain were forwarded to Germany.
in the exchange. The number of
prisoners involved was not announced.
The committee also announced that
there were 24,000 Polish prisoners in
Rumania, 45,000 in Hungary, 16,000
in Lithuania and 2,000 in Latvia. Aid
is being sent them through the Red
Cross organizations of the four coun-
Protestant Students
Attend Rally Today
All Protestant students are invited
to attend an open meeting of the
Inter-Guild Council at 8 p.m. today
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Speaking on "The Church and the
Social Crisis," the guest of the eve-
ning will be Prof. Edwin E. Aubry,
Forcing their ,way through the
open front door of the Publications
Building at zero hour' last night, a
band of husky (voiced) freshmen de-
manded to see The Daily editor.
Their mission was one of note.
They had written a class song, to be
sung to the tune of "I've Been Work-'
ing on the' Railroad," provided the
tune be twisted enough to fit the
The invaders promised to retreat
from the building without a vocal
demonstration provided their anthem
appeared in print. They kept their
promise. The Daily keeps its. Here
it is:
Once there was a happy sophomore
Now he's very .blue
For we're the overpowering, fresh-
To Hell with '42
There'll never be another sopho-
We'll put an end to them all
When we get through with them
on Friday
They'll be lucky if. they can crawl.
Mass Trainng
State Cames Back
In the second half, a combination
of the heat, the fighting Spartans, a
natural let-down and two lapses en-
abled the visitors to scare twice. But
then it was too late.
The Wolverines wasted little time
in living up to pre-season expecta-
tions.. Eight minutes after State had
kicked off, Michigan had its first
Les Bruckner kicked off to Tom
Harmon on the goal-line and the
Michigan halfback was downed on
the 16 On a spinner Bob Westfal-
cracked off the short side for 11 yards
and a first down. The Wolverine
attack stalled and Paul Kromer
punted to Duane Crosthwaite on the
State: 35.
Two line attempts picked up but
two yards and Ed Pearce kicked to
the 27 to Kromler who returned to
the 35.
Then it started. Westfall bolted
over left tackle and three Spartans
to the State 44 and a first down be-
fore he was stopped by Pearce. Kro-
mer took a reverse from the fullback
and passed to Harmon in the right
flat. The Touchdown Twin brought
the crowd to its feet as he raced
down the right sidelines to the three-
yard line where Bill Batchelor caught
him. It was a masterful bit of signal
calling by Forest Evashevski who
noticed State over-shifting to the
strong side on both these plays and
so he crossed them with weak-side
Union's Operas, Now Extint
Toured Nation's Largest Cities
Each year that the Union -an- mer Operas. For several years, 500
nounces its plans, those persons who students tried out each year for the
are interested in Michigan tradi- cast, chorus, committees and orches-
tions wish to know: Will the Mimes 'tras.
Operas be revived? The first five productions, "Michi-
The story of the Union Operas is genda," "Culture," "Koanzaland,"
so closely interwoven with the Union "Crimson Chest," and "Awakened
that is part of the history of the Rameses" played only to Ann Arbor
organization. To the Opera the audiences. The sixth, "Contrarie
Union is indebted for its very exis- Mary," was invited by the alumni to.
tence, since it was the profits from play in Chicago.
this activity which kept the Union This was the beginning of the an-
solvent during its formative years. nualkOpera trip. In 1923 "Cotton
'Michigenda. Was First Stockings" played in _.Ann- Arbor,
"Michigenda," ' he first Opera, was Toledo, Cleveland, Buffalo, New
staged at the Whitney Theatre in Y o r k, Philadelphia. Washington,
the spring of 1907. The Union, first Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Indianapolis,
housed in the old Judge Cooley home Chicago, Grand Rapids, Saginaw,
on State Street where the Union now Flint, Bay City and Detroit.
stands, started operations in the fall Opera olds Record
of the same year. From that time A believe-it-or-not item is that the
to 1929 the Opera was staged yearly Opera holds the record of income
with an all-male cast, except for the for an amateur production at the
year 1918, when women had parts in Mertopolitan Opera House in New
the production of "Let's Go." York.
Of U.S. Troops,
To Aid Defense
Army May Be Expanded
To Greatest Peacetime
Strength By New 'Order
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.--()--In a
new move to reinforce national de-
fenses, the war department today
ordered unprecedented mass train-
ing this winter for more than 70,000
troops-a procedure intended to' weld
new army divisions into a mobile
fighting force.
At the same time an intention to
ask Congress to expand the regular
'army by an additional 53,000 men
to its full peacetime strength of 280,-
000 was indicated by disclosure of
plans for additional divisions "when
and if" increases are authorized..
Approved by President Roosevelt,
the announcement for organization
of the fighting force came from Sec-
retary Woodring. It omitted refer-
ence to the European War or to earlier'
defense measures taken since Mr.
Roosevelt's proclamation of a limited
national emergency.
There was no hint whether the re-
quest for further army expansion
would await the regular session or
would be presented to the special
session of Congress after conclusion
of the neutrality debate
The extraordinary winter training
was described by Woodring as "es-
sential" in view of "the extremely lim-
ited numbers available for the de-
fense of the United States as an in-
itial protective force."
Chinese To Celebrate
Celebrating the founding of the
Chinese Republic, the day known to
Kromer Eludes State
Harmon tried hIs left end but
Charley Asher and Paul Griffeth
stopped him at the line. Kromer then
ran around his right end and away
from would-be tacklers for the score.
The Wolverines had come from their
own 35 on four plays. Harmon's
place kick hit the crossbars and
bounded through for the extra point.
The second touchdown was set up
four minutes later when Crosthwaite,
a sophomore' for whom Coach Char-
ley Bachman broke precedent in
starting, kicked out-of-bounds from
his own 16 to the 33.
Once more Michigan wasted no
time." After Harmon's pass to Kro-
mer fell incomplete, Westfall, in two
plunges, drove to a first down on the
Spartan 20. Kromer hurdled right
tackle for a yard and Harmon's pass
to Frutig fell incomplete. Then
Harmon took a reverse from Westfall
and exploded outside left tackle to
the 2-yard line as the quarter ended.
Evashevski's block of end Mike Kin-
ek set up the run.
Harmon Scores
On the first play of the second
period, Harmon went over left tackle
for a score, The Gary Ace tried the
same spot for the extra point but was
The third score came thalfway
through the period when Kromer
quick-kicked from hiswown 20 over
Pearce's head to the State 16 where
John Nicholson downed the ball.
After Joe Savilla had smeared a line
attempt Bill Kennedy took Don Ros-
si's pass for a first down on the 32
where Archie Kodros downed him.
Evie and Bill Smith stopped Paul
Derrickson for a yard gain and then
Kodros broke through to intercept
Wyman Davis' pass behind the line
and ran to the State 20. After the
(Continued on Page 6)