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October 08, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-08

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Gifts Accepted
For UnIversity
Are Announced
Grant For Science Study
piven By Parke-I)avis
Company Of Detroit
The Board of Regents at their
regular O'ctober session this morning
accepted the following gifts to the
From the Parke-Davis Co. of De-
troit, "For cooperative scientific study
at. the tJniversity of Michigan Hos-
pital under the leadership of Dr. John
M. Sheldon of the allergy clinic of
the Dept. of Internal VIedicine," $3,-
From two anonymous donors, for
the Helen Newberry dormitory resi-
dice scholarship fund, $400.
SFrom the Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo,
ren~ewal of their fellowships in. cii-
cal research in 1939-40, $4,800; also a
grant for the study of barbiturates,
Alumni Grant Scholarship
From the University of Michign
Club of Ann Arbor, scholarships, $220.
From the American Council of
Learned Societies, Summer Session
fellowships in Oriental Languages,
-300; summer scholarships, $350.
From the Monsanto Chemical Co.,
St. Louis, Mo., and Charles Pfizer and
qo., Inc , New York, renewal of phe-
nolphthalein research, 1939-40, $700.
From the 1886 Literary and En-
gineeing Class,' loan fund, $200.
S'rom he 1889 Literary and En-
gineermg Class, loan fund, $170.
From various Dentistry alumni,
loan fund, '$47.-
Prom the 1940 Junior Hop Com-
Inittee, for the Student Goodwill Aid
Funds, $341.49.
From LaVerne Noyes Foundation,
scholarships, $884.05.'
From Mr. W. R. Coe, New York
City, books and manuscripts for the
Clemnents Library, $500.
From Mr. Louis Weil, Port Huron,
for a Journalism library fund, $25.
From the American Wildlife Insti-
tute,''for the Fisheries 'Management
Ftmd, two grants, $225 and $100.
From Bauer and Black; Chicago,
Adhesive Tape Irritation Research
Fund, $750.
" Grant To Hopwood Room
From Mrs Bernice K. Isaacson, De-
troit, for the Hopwood Room Fund,
$.10. -
From the McGregor Fund, for
astronomical publications, $250.
From' the Americian Council on
Education, to permit Prof. Willard
C. Olson to participate in a research
program on child development, $2,-
From the Rockefeller Foundation,
for the Institute of Latin-American
Studies, $6,400.
From Mr. M. R. Bissell, Jr, GrandI
Rapids, renewal of the 'Anna Bissell1
Pellowship in Thoracic Surgery, 1939-
4G, $1,80O.
From the late Prof. A. O. Lee, by be-
quest, to establish the Elizabeth Sar-,
tent Lee Medical History Prize, $1,-...
From Mr. Fred M. Zeder, Detroit,
to'putrchase an original antique map
Of Detrot for the Clements Library,
From the Committee on Latin-
American Studies, for the Institute
of Latin-American Studies, $420 1
From' the Classof 1924E, loan fund,

NYA Completes Construction
Of Seven State Seaplane Bases
; . . . .. . ~ ... . ft "; i
4.L'X'r.c. .%w. ' " y"a 447rF '' ' kf+:; Sx'.
The completion of seven seaplane case, after approval by the Civil Aero-
bases by the Michigan National Youth Inautics Authority ,the community
Administration puts this state, along provided the funmds necessary for
wi'th New York, at the head of the' materials to construct the floats.
nation'in' this field, according to Orin Michigan is one of the 30 states
W. Kaye, state NYA administrator, in "which landing bases are being
Seventeen other bases' are either ap - built. Because of its many lakes
-roe--r i te pocssof 'on
proed r n te pocss f cn-and extensive shore lines and its
struction. leadership in the resort industry,
Completed seaplane bases, are at Michigan has been in the front in
Beulah, Houghton Lake,' Topinabee this' development.
at Mullet Lake, St. Ignace, Bear Lake, Among the 'locations where sea-
Escanaba and Lake Gogebic. In each 1n ,igfngt hc v'r.
plan laningfloas ar beng sc-n


scholarships, $260; for the Emergency
Aid Fund for Women, $116.
From the W. K. Kellogg Founda
Lion, salary of a lecturer to partici-
pate in the Michigan Communitys
Health Project, $4,000; continuation
f ythe study of the anemias of preg-
.iancy, 1939-40, $5,000; final contri-
bution to the new Dental building,
From Mr. Lawrence D. Buhl, De-
troit, Buhl Classical Fellowships,
1939-40, $1,200.
From the Lilly Endowment, Inc., In-
dianapolis, Indiana, fellowship, 1939-
40, $750.
From the University of Michigan
Club of Pittsburgh, scholarship fund,
Add To AAUW Scholarship
From the Ann Arbor Branch,
A.A.U.W., scholarship, 1939-40, $500.
rom the George Davis Bivin Foun-
dation, Inc., Milford, Ind., fellowship
in Child Development, 1939-40, $300.
From the University of Michigan
Women's Club of Philadelphia, Pa.,
for the Alumnae Council Fellow-
ship, 1939-40, $250.
Mr. James Inglis, Ann Arbor, for
the James Inglis Aid Fund, $200. -
From Professor Emeritus William
H. Butts, purchase of books in the
history of mathematics, $100.
From the Michigan Gas Associa-
tion, renewal of fellowship, 1939-40,
From the Universal Oil Products
Company, Chicago, Illinois, renewal
of' fellowships, 1939-40, $1,000.
From various Chemical and Metal-
lurgical Engineering alumni, a por-
trait of Prof. Alfred H. White and a
student loan fund of $1,060 as a mem-
orial to Professor White.
From the late William E. Finley,
'79, by bequest, scholarship fund in
Pharmacy, $1,000.
From various contributors, addi-
tions to the Frederick M. Gaige Re-
search Fund, $9450.
Balkans Decrease Arms
BUCHAREST, Oct. 7.-(/P)-The
Rumanian government announced to-
night that it had 'joined Yugoslavia
and Hungary in a simultaneous de-
crease of armed forces.
A' communique disclosed that the
three nations, at Yugoslavia's sug-
gestion, began demobilization Sept.

--.---o -*'.V.. 11 W aJ V Nfll aZ)~ .jPfl-
sored by communities and are in the
process of construction or will be in
the next few days are: Detroit, Boyne
City, Mackinac Island, H a r b o r
Springs, Lake Michigamme (Mar-
quette County), Indian Lake (School-
craft County), Chicagoan Lake
(Iron County),Marquette, Menomi-
nee, Kalamazoo (Austin Lake)
Cliarlevoix and Muskegon. Other
sites are being selected and in a few
months the State will be well pro-
vided with landing facilities for all
types of seaplanes
The fine response of Michigan
communities indicates that by next
spring there will be a chain of sea-
plane bases dotting the entire state,
Mr. Kaye stated. Their value to
the Michigan tourist business is one
of the selling points of these sea-
plane bases, since many airplane
owriers in the East will be attracted
to Michigan resort towns now that
adequate landing facilities are to be
provided, he added.
It is through projects like these
that the NYA of Michigan has assist-
ed ver 75,000 needy youths in the
state during the last four years.
Rabinowitz To Sneak
On 'Freud And Moses'
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of
the Hillel Foundation, will give a talk
:n "Sigmund Freud and Moses" to-
day immediately following the regu-
lar Sunday morning Reform Services
which begin at 11 a.m.
In the' future the services will fea-
ture the Hillel Choir which is now
being organized. All Foundation
members interested in singing are re-
quested to call William Simon, chair-
man of the Hillel Music Committee,
or the Foundation as soon as possible.

Library Gains
Documents Of
Detroit 1stor
Books And Letter Donated
To Clements Library
Show City'sfirst Years
To aid in tracing the history of
Detroit in documents, the William L.
Clements Library has acquired two
books and a letter which give ac-
counts of* certain periods in Detroit's
early years.
Donated to the library by Mr. Wil-
liam' Robertson Coe, the papers pre-
sent eye-witness accounts of the early
settlements. The first book, the jour-
nal of Captain Thomas Morris, tells
of a meeting with the Indian chief
The original manuscript of this is
owned by the library, but the printed
edition is also very rare. The letter,
written by Major General Anthony
Wayne, is the first official announce-
ment of the fact that the United
States now has possession of the city
of Detroit.
"A PAdestrious Tour, of Four Thou-
sand Miles, through the Western
States and Territories, during the
Winter and Spring of 1818," a book
written by an early traveler, con-
tains probably the first mention of
the University of Michigan in a pub-
lication outside the state. It includes
the observations of the writer, one
Estwick Evans, on the'city of Detroit
and the surrounding territory.
RIthven Dinner
To1Bp Oct. 27
Eight Sections Of Tables
Comprise Floor Plan
Eight separate sections of tables
comprise the floor plan of Yost Field
House for the Ruthven Anniversary
Dinner, to be given Oct. 27.
Each section will be a circle-seg-
ment radiating from the pageant
ramp in the center of the building.
Seating arrangements are designed
to place everyone close to either the
speakers' platform or the stage.
Earliest ticket purchasers have been
assigned choicest seats.
The eight sections have been as-
signed to the following groups: alum-
ni of the University; citizens of Ann
Arbor and of the State of Michigan;
students; faculty; University of
Michigan Club of Ann Arbor, spon-
sor of the dinner; University Press
Club of Michigan, holding its con-
vention here; Michigan Land Utili-
zation Conference; and Regents of
the University; direetors of the Alum-
ni Association and special guests.
Sweden Increases Defense
STOCKHOLM, Ot. 7.-(A)-The
Swedish government asked Parlia-
ment today for an extra appropria-
tion of 51,000,000 crowns (about $12,-
000,000 additional for its defense

Presidential Candidate Tom Dewed
Is Michi an Typical Student'. Of '23

(Third of a series.)
Republican Party publicists will
find support for their campaign
to present" Presidential , ossibility
Thomas Edmund Dewey, '23, and
Hon.'37LL.M. as a "typical Ameri-
'cai" in the University's Alumni Cat-
alog Office.
For there are preserved the New
York County District Attorney's
"typical student" gades for his 'three
undergraduate years in the literary
college-nine A's, 12 B's }and eight
C's. .
The future racket-buster majored
in music and then entered combined
curr'iculum to study law. In' 1923 he
transferred to Columbia University
Law School and received his law 'de-
gree two years later.
In Ann Arbor, Dewey was a repor-
ter and telegraph'editor of The Daily
and sang inthe University Glee Club.
A baritone, he took part in the Union
Opera and was president of Pi Mu

Pro rSmaler'
Is Accepted
(Continued from Page 1)



of crime investigating in 1930 when
United States District Attorney
George Medalie appointed Dewey his
chief, ssitsdht. In tiis'_job, Dewey
prosecuted Waxey Gordon, a notori-
ous gangster.
His work came to the attention of
New York's governor Lehman who,
in 1935, at the request of a "runaway"
Grand' J r' a poihted' DeWey as a
special New York County District
'New York City has five counties,
each "with 'a district' attorney,"'but
New York County which covers Man-
hattan had' "always' been a happy-
hunting-ground for the underworld.
Dewey, in rapid order, smashed vice-
overlord 'Charles Luciano, sent other
gangsters into hiding and freed the
police from Tammany domination,
He was elected regular district'at-
torney in 1937 on Mayor.La Guardia's
Republican-Fusion-American Labor
ticket;'the first non-Tammany dis-
trict attorney to gain office since
1915. After a mistrial, Dewey con-
victed Tammany leader Jimmy Hines
on charges of helping "Dutch"
Schultz operate Harlem's lottery and
beer rackets
Last year, Dewey ran for governor
against Herbert Lehman 'but was de-
feated by the narrow margin of 67,-
000 votes. This show of power is
said to have started him on the
White House trail.

Alpha, honorary musical fraternity
Son of the editor of the Owosso"
'imes, and distant relative of the
Admiral who fought in Manila Bay,
Tom Dewey ranks today as one of
the strongest Republican hopefuls.
Although some policical observers say
the war has diminished his chances,
the 37 year old "progressive" Republi-
can has led all public opinion sur-
veys for many months.
He was initiated into the business

Prof. Jean Paul Slusser was select-
ed to succeed Prof.' Emil Lorch on
the executive committee of the Cob
lege of Architecture.
Prof. Ransom S. Hawley was desig-
nated acting chairman of the Depart-
ment of Mechanical Engineering dur-
ing the sabbatical leave of Prof'J. F.
Emswiler'during the first semester,
A new member of the sociology de-
partment will be Walter C. Reckless,
appointed yesterday to become a
member of the University faculty be-
ginning second semester. Professor
Reckless is a member of the Vander-
bilt University faculty at the present
Sabbatical leaves were granted to
Prof. Walter E. Lay of the mechani-
cal engineering department, and to
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, of the law de-
partment for the second semester.
The sabbatical leave of Prof. Mar-
garet E. Tracy, of the administration
department was cancelled.
The meeting was almost completely
devoted to a consideration of routine
business, acceptance of financial re-
ports, and appointment of officers.
The next regular meeting of the
Board of Regents will be held Sat-
urday, Nov: 11, at 10:30 a.m.
Kuhn Freed On Bail
NEW YORK, Oct. 7.-(P)-Fritz
Kuhn, national chieftain of the Ger-
man-American Bund, who has been
held in Tombs prison since Sept 29
in default of. $50,000 bail, furnished
the bail in cash today and was re-
leased. His trial or charges of grand





-Adults 35c All Day-

From anonymous donors, for the
Joint Committee on Health Educa-
tion, $250; for the Clara Ward Sea-
bury Clinic for the Study of Infantile
Paralysis, 1939-40, $8,000; for tuition

E_ ...




1:00 UNTIL'2:30 AND 6 UNTIL 7:30 P.M.
Fresh Fruit Coupe Fresh Gulf Shrimp Cocktail
Chicken Gumbo, Louisiana Iced Grape Juice
Consomme Celestine' Essence of Clam en Cup
Branch Celery Mixed Olives Sweet Pickles
Breaded Deep Sea Scallops, Shoe String Potatoes $1.25
Stuffed Michigan Turkey,' Dressing, Cranberry Jelly 1.25
Glaced Imported Polish Ham, Orange Honey Sauce 1.00
Roast Choice Sirloin of Beef, Fresh Mushroom Sauce 1.25
Grilled English Lamb Chop, Baked Stuffed Tomato 1.25
Union Special Steak Dinner..1.50
Tenderloin or Porterhouse with Frerich Fried Potatoes to order
Candied Yams Potatoes Louise French Fried Potatoes
Brussel Sprouts New Peas Corn Saute, Mexican
Lettuce Hearts, Roquefort Dressing Avocado and Grapefruit Salad
Fresh Blueberry Pie Red Raspberry Sundae
Angel Food Cake Almond Toffee Ice Cream
Baked 'Apple, Whipped Cream Chocolaee Parfait
Swiss Gruyere Cheese and Wafers


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